
Every perceptibly progressive and strikingly increasing amelioration in a transient (acute) or persistent (chronic) disease, is a condition which, as long as it lasts, completely precludes every repetition of the administration of any medicine whatsoever, because all the good the medicine taken continues to effect is now hastening towards its completion. Every new dose of any medicine whatsoever, even of the one last administered, that has hitherto shown itself to be salutary, would in this case disturb the work of amelioration; Organon.

Headache Repertory

Aco, Am-c, Am-m, Arn, Ars, Bell, Bism, Bry, Caps, Cocc, Dros, Hep, Hyos, Ign, Kali-s, Lac-c, Laur, Merc, Nat-a, Nat-c, Nat-m, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Sil, Spig, Stann, Sulph. Agar; Aloe; Ant-c; Arn; Arg-m; Aur; Calc; Cal-p; Carb-v; Caust; Ced; Chel; Chin; Coloc; Cycl; Dulc; Gels; Glon; Graph; Ip; Iris; Lach; Lyco; Mag-c; Mag-m; Med; Meny; Meli; Naja; Nux-m; Phyt; Plat; Plumb; Psor; Rhus-t; Sarsa; Sel; Sep; Syph; Tarent; Ther; Thuja; Valer; Etc.


Great thirst or no thirst, upper lip drawn up. Thick, white, pasty coat on tongue. Tongue very red or red in streaks, tongue dry down the middle. Bitter taste. Tongue white with red edges. Craving for apples, fruits, acids, cold drinks, and other cool and refreshing things. Aversion to milk. Intense thirst but drinks often and little at a time. Great relief from Continuous anxious nausea with great effort to vomit and perspiration on forehead.

Editorial – Mental Causes Of Diseases

Asthma is of frequent occurrences following suppressions of skin eruptions. Many chronic diseases arise from suppression of grief and are not easily amenable to treatment. Grief melts into tears and eases the burden of the mind and thus saves lives. But when this does not occur mind is overwhelmed with grief and death or disease of pernicious character makes its appearance.

Editorial – Wonders Of Homoeopathy

Here is one symptom of Secale that is of inestimable value: “great coldness (objective) of the surface yet the patient can not bear to be covered.” This is oftenest found in cholera and cholera infantum, but it is also found in senile gangrene. The feet and toes may be objectively as cold as an iron wedge, but the patient is distressed beyond endurance by having them covered.

Theridion Curassavicum

Least noise. Shrill sounds. Motion (vertigo and nausea). Exertion. Walking. Stooping. Rising. Morning. Evening. Night. Sun. Right side. Left side. Climaxis. Puberty. Talking. Riding in a carriage. On closing eyes (nausea, vomiting). Others walking over the floor (head). While lying. Touch. Pressure. On ship – board. Ascending. Descending. After washing clothes. Cold. Coition. After stool. Sea – travelling.


Hot hands after midnight, while in bed: Magnetis Polus Australis. H. C. Allen. Lightness of the whole body: Mag. Pol. Aust. H.C. Allen. We consider it a deep long acting remedy, to be repeated not oftener than once a fortnight: Malandrinum. Allen. Where the skin has an unnatural color between the pustules, and smallpox takes on the confluent form, it is always serious and often dangerous. When the eye-ball becomes congested and red, it enables the physician to prognose danger.


Fever: Worm fever. Remittent fever, from worms. Infantile remittents. Violent fever, frequent pulse, dry, hot skin. Restless sleep. Tongue deep red. Grinding of teeth. Hands cold. Extremities cold. Great restlessness. Milky urine. Bloated abdomen hard or soft; abdomen very sensitive; diarrhoea with abdominal pains. Constipation.


Vital force nearly exhausted, cold surface, especially from knees down to feet, lies motionless, as if dead; breath cold; pulse intermittent, thready, cold sweat on limbs. Blueness, coldness and ecchymoses; wants to be constantly fanned; gasps. Fan me, Fan me; haemorrhage of dark decomposed, unclotted blood, blood oozing from gums, nostrils, indescribable paleness, not only of the hippocratic face, but also of the skin of the whole body.


GLEANINGS. The routine prescription of Calcium tablets during pregnancy is sometimes a cause of imperfect lactation. Many people are of opinion that drinking freely of milk will stimulate the lacteal glands. The effects is frequently the exact opposite.


Aggravation: Morning on waking. Evening 7 p.m. night. About midnight. Bending head backward. Fasting, if hunger is not appeased at once. Mental exertion. When the desire for food is not immediately satisfied. 1 a.m. to 10 a.m. Amelioration: After eating. Description: Violent headache when the desire for food is not immediately satisfied, better after eating. Severe pain in vertex as if the brain were shaking, with nausea, which prevents her from keeping the head quiet. Lancinating pains first in one side, then in the other occipital headache after mental exertion.


Great prostration and soreness as if bruised in whatever position the patient lies; the parts rested upon feel sore and bruised. Stupor; falls asleep while being spoken to or in the midst of his answer; face flushed, dusky, dark red, with stupid, besotted, drunken expression. Tongue coated with a well defined streak down the middle, at first white, but very soon turns brown, with red edges.


Apis Mel should be administered in cases in which the dropsy is characterised by great soreness of the muscles of the abdomen; stinging, burning pains in different parts of the body; the urine is scanty and of a very dark colour; great difficulty in breathing particularly when lying down, even leaning backwards causes a suffocative feeling.


Stupefying headache in occiput worse on stooping from nape of neck to vertex, changing to burning pain on rising to erect posture. Relieved only by lying quiet with closed eyes. Pressing headache from outward inwardly with stupefaction and heaviness of head, worse from moving the head, from exertion, better in the open air, and from diverting the mind.


Hot Calendula compress applied to painful abscess, boils, carbuncles, whitlows, and to all painful swellings and suppurations will subdue pains and discomforts and aid the healing process. In all cases of carbuncles I advise Calendula compress (Calendula plants are boiled in water which becomes greenish in colour) and Calendula dressing along with the indicated remedy. Ulcers with foul discharges invite the use of Calendula.


Strong tetanic convulsions. Head drawn backwards. Eyes fixed. Eyelids open and shut alternately. Eyelids closed with convulsive motion of eyeballs. Double vision when sight returns. Blue face, white lips. Reddish froth covered mouth and nose. Jaws tightly closed, it is impossible to open mouth, face distorted. Convulsion after swallowing. LImbs rigid and convulsed. Kali Cyanatum.


Feels as if top of head were opening and shutting and as if cerebellum were being lifted. Shocks through brain. Uraemic headache. Throbbing and weight at occiput. Headache with flatulence; involuntary shaking of head. Migraine, headache preceded by unusual excitement with loquacity, dull heavy throbbing pain, through the head with a sensation like a heavy blow on back of head and neck; better by passing flatus, up or downward; by coffee.


Delirium in which the patient may jump out of bed, throw off the bed clothes, or take off the clothes and go naked. Patients with fever will often throw the bed clothes entirely off, not because they are too warm, but they will not remain covered. Amativeness. Memory weak or lost. Unconscious delirium with closed eyes; when spoken to, the answer is properly given, but immediately unconsciousness and delirium return.


Laughing: Arg-m. Arg-n. Chin. Phos. Stann. Lying: Apis. Caust. Con. Hyosc. Kreos. Puls. Rumex. Sang. Ambr. Am-m. Ant-t. Aral. Arg-n. Arn. Ars-a. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc-c. Calc-s. Caps. Carb-a. Carb-v. Cham. Coc-c. Colch. Dros. Dul. Ipec. Kali-c. Kali-p. Kali-s. Lach. Laur. Lyc. Mag-p. Med. Meph. Merc. Nat-m. Phos. Psor. Rhus-t. Ruta. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc. On back: Am-m. Ars-a. Nat-m. Nat-s. Nux-s. Phos. Sep. Spong.


Homoeopathic prescribing all through pregnancy keeps the patient feeling better, prevents the various complications common to pregnancy, and makes delivery easier.I claim that babies born to mothers who have had Homoeopathic treatment during pregnancy are healthier and have a better start in life.


Headache with vertigo, blindness which does not diminish as the headache increases and sensation as if falling to the left when looking up or backward when stooping. Nightly headache of a tearing or grinding nature with noises in the head. Tightness and stitches from the lower part of the forehead to vertex. Constant succession of shocks and jerks in head during rest or motion. Sensation in the integument of the head as if it were too tight. Involuntary nodding of the head when writing.


Indeed I think that the test of a genuine homoeopath might not unfairly be said to lie in his capacity to read through a schema with both profit and enjoyment — because of the possibilities it reveals of dealing with cases occurring every day in practice. Again and again in the course of my work I have come across symptoms in the schemas of remedies reminding me of cases in the past which I might have cured had I but known the remedies then.


A Homoeopath in the real sense of the term never uses allopathic injections along with his homoeopathic drugs. He believes in Homoeopathy and practises Homoeopathy with an unhesitating mind. He works with a determined will to cure his patients with Homoeopathic remedies. Such practitioners of pure Homoeopathy never constitute a danger to society. On the other hand, they are great benefactors of human society.


Typhoid, in the early stage; if there be chilliness on slightest movement; dryness of the front of the mouth and tip of the tongue; intolerance of the impressions on the external senses, all of which seem much exaggerated; great; sensitiveness to the open air; thirst with aversion to water; strong desire to lie down (Bry.), and considerable relief on doing so.


Anxious mental condition: Ant-t. Ars-a. Spong. Fears she will die of suffocation: Ars-a. Phos. Spong. Cannot go upstairs: Kali-p. Presence of nausea: Ant-t. Ipec. Kali-c. Lob. Uncovers chest: Ferr. Afraid to move or speak: Dig. In old people after Ant-t. Aur-m. Wants cold air: Carb-v. Cannot lie on back: Hyper. Has to stand by open window leaning forward: Cann-s. Feels better in summer: Carb-v. Feels worse in summer: Syph.


Habitual abortion, or sterility, when caused by uterine irritability and weakness, is a condition for which the Aletris is almost a specific, if it is prescribed properly. It should be given during the few weeks before the expected miscarriage (three of four doses daily, and continued until the dreadful period has passed by several weeks, and its use resorted to afterwards, upon the slightest appearance of threatening symptoms.


Pain in forehead and temples increasing gradually at noon, of malarial origin with vertigo and pulsation; worse left side; inability to remain standing. Whirling in head like a mill-wheel. Intermittent headache, violent, throbbing headache vertigo, heat in face, closes eyelids involuntarily from sheer oppression. Ringing in ears with deafness. Intermittent headache day after day, week after week, the brain in one continued ache. Headache especially in the evening or else on walking in the sun shine, with lassitude, yawning drowsiness and moroseness.


Owing to the rapidity with which Sulphur, Silicea and Hep. have always effected the cure of panaritium in my hands, I have never found it necessary to try other remedies. If the uterus has become prolapsed in consequence of hard labor, the prolapse most generally yields to Nux vom. or Sep.Platina has a form of constipation similar to Alumina, i.e., the stools adhere to the anus like soft clay.


Headache in occiput and nape with pain as if they were opening and shutting, is unable to lie on back of head, has to turn to the side; worse mental effort, eating drinking, sleeping, taking, riding in cold air; better indoors, by rest, by turning head back, putting hands to the back of the head. Menstrual headache or during pregnancy.


This anonymous manuscript was found among some old material that had been submitted to the Recorder. Addition rubrics will be welcomed. aching, aggr. before – Med. during – Nat. c., Phos. aggr. during – Nat. p. cutting, before – Sil. drawing, during – Rhod. and tearing, violent, in cranial bones and periosteum, during – Rhod. stabbing, before – Sil. tearing, during – Rhod.


The scrotum was distended like a bladder with bluish discolouration. Prepuce also was swollen. Urine almost suppressed, urine scanty, hot, high coloured. Albumen and casts in urine. Leg, hands, face and abdomen were swollen. Diarrhoea, stools watery, 10 or 12 stools a day, often involuntary, offensive : Hot palms. Sulphur in the 200th and 100th potency helped the patient and removed the swelling. The diarrhoea ceased and urine became free.


Inability to utter a sound led her to hide her face with eyes full of tears. I was called in at about 5-30 a.m. On examination I found her pulse to be slightly rapid, otherwise her heart, lungs, respiration were perfectly normal. On my enquiring what happened she tried her level best to say something but being unable to utter any sound embraced her mother-in-law by the neck and began to shed tears.


Dullness and fullness of the head with bruised sensation especially in forehead and temples. Feeling as if the head enlarged during stool. With vertigo and weakness. Severe pain in forehead soon after rising worse from stooping. When stepping. Sensation as if the brain moved up and down. Pain in forehead with sense of fullness in stomach as if filled with air. Fullness of head, feels too large.


Homoeopathy requires the wholehearted support of the Homoeopathic chemists or it can not exist. Faithful physicians and honest chemists with their endeavours can save Homoeopathy from its impending ruin. The chemists are not eager to perform their duty of saving Homoeopathy. On the other hand they are making the Homoeopathic profession distasteful to the people. They do not care to supply genuine medicine to the profession. They prepare Homoeopathic injections and patient medicines and publish books on Homoeopathic injections.


Pupils dilated. Hardness of hearing. Hunger without desire to eat. Blackness of outer parts. Blueness of the whole skin or cyanosis. Blue-black swelling here and there over the body. Hot sweat. Bed feels hot. Drowsiness; deep and heavy sleep with stertorous respiration; with open eyes. Stools of hard round, black balls., Bluish appearance of the face. Face very red, bloated, distorted. Painlessness, complains of nothing, asks for nothing. Ailments accompanied by sopor.


Asthma, loud wheezing respiration, coming on immediately on lying down at mid night, inspiration was very loud and more difficult than expiration, cough at 11 p.m. expectoration at the end of the attack, it is salty and feels warm in the mouth: Aralia Rac.

Editorial – The Homoeopathic Method Of Examination

Presence of paralysis, gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Tuberculosis. Enlarged and diseased glands. Skin eruptions. Asthma. Heart disease. Diarrhoea. Pneumonia. Metastasis. (Heart, stomach) Swelling, redness. Coldness. Blackness. Puffiness Wrinkling of skin. Constrictions. Any deformity. Pleurodynia. Alternating with heart, or with heart, or with diarrhoea.

Paralysis – 7

Violent trembling, twitching of the whole body. Cold feet at night. Weak, trembling feet. Formication in calves. Cracks between fingers. Dry, cracked skin of hands. Lameness and deadness of the hands. Cough from sweets. Great falling off of the hair of the genital organs. Violent and long lasting erections. Can pass urine while in a sitting posture. Constipation with hard dry stools, also insufficient stools. Taste of blood in mouth.


I treated him with Calcarea Carb, Cina, and Merc. sol. with relief but a dose of Sulph 1000 won the laurel for Homoeopathy. Inspite of such brilliant cures our brothers in the old school fail to find truth in Homoeopathy.


Pulsating throbbing headache; throbbing headache worse from music, brainfag from mental overwork and constant strain of eyes, sudden shooting pains in head especially vertex, worse walking fast, when lying down, better open air, crampy pain on whole left side of head.


Besides this lack of precedent the very operation of Injection is painful and therefore distasteful to our patients. Injection is usually dreaded by the patients especially by the children who cry at the very sight of the doctor. This dread-inspiring act should be wholly discarded, especially by the followers of Hahnemann, It is not only a painful and dreadful operation but it also constitutes a danger to life. There are many sensitive patients who faint or die before the needle is withdrawn. Besides its money-making capacity it has nothing to recommend it to the profession.


It is proved useful in tubercular meningitis, with moaning, sleep with half open eyes and an afternoon aggravation, and for chronic hydrocephalus with screaming out in sleep but without general Apis symptoms : Lyco. It is a very valuable remedy in hysteria that is worse as evening comes on and up to midnight: Valeriana


Among these are many of the most prominent members of the royal families of England and other countries, and among the great men of the past who were treated homoeopathically were statesmen such as Disraeli, Bright, Bismarck. There are scores of homoeopathic hospitals throughout the world. The London Homoeopathic Hospital has more than two hundred beds.


Forehead feels as if compressed on going into a warm room. Tiresome pressing headache first in crown, then in forehead, heaviness and fullness worse on movement. Hemicrania with violent pain over left eye with nausea and vomiting; especially from sleeping in rays of sun; commencing in morning, increasing till noon and disappears when sun declines.


Swelling, induration and redness all were less to a marked degree. These are the instances of seasons, imparting symptoms to the already existing disease whatever their nature may be. The latter then call for interpolation of the seasonal remedies provided symptoms agree. Among the common seasonal remedies the follow are noteworthy.


The material organism, without the vital force, is capable of no sensation, no function, no self preservation; it derives all sensation and performs all the functions of life solely by means of the immaterial being (the vital force) which animates the material organism in health and in disease.


Dimness before the eyes, ringing in ears, sense of relaxation in stomach, better eating, drinking, worse coffee, or the pain is half-sided, in one of the frontal protuberances or close to the side of the glabella near the supra-orbital ridge or in one of the temples, sometimes extending down into the bones of face. The pain is of a pressive, screwing throbbing nature, and is always preceded by general indisposition.


In old incurable cases when we give a remedy that fits the whole condition, the result is one of three things: first, aggravation of the symptoms with advance of the disease; second, no action, and third Euthanasia. Unless the inner nature of the remedy corresponds with the inner nature of the disease the remedy will not cure the disease but simply remove the symptoms which it: covers; that is, suppress them.


It is an old trouble with him for the last 10 years. He used allopathic medicines for years but he used to get only temporary relief. Six years ago he was given Homoeopathic medicine with which he kept well for about a year. He considered me in the first week of January and I noted the following symptoms.


Headache especially in forehead. Headache in forehead with sense of pressure, fullness, vertigo, drowsiness, nausea, eyes red, and glistening, head feels large, aggravated by stooping, noise, heat, motion, looking at shining and glistening object; photophobia. Tension and pressure in left vertex and in forehead. Tensive pressure in left temple and forehead. Throbbing headache in forehead. Throbbing in head, in forehead, in temples, in vertex, in occiput, worse when moving, better when sitting still, lying and from pressure.


Macular cases often develop into a tubercular or nodular type. The disease is hereditary or it may be communicated by contact of a sore or abrasion of the skin with leprous discharge. It is caused by Bacillus leprae. A thickening of the lobes of the ears and of the skin of the forehead is often the first manifestation of the disease. Bed bugs are often accused of transmitting the disease.


After a long course of treatment with Homoeopathic medicines he was made able to do his work but extreme weakness, knee-trouble, boil-like eruptions, painful piles and bad throat refused to yield to that treatment. He sought my help in october 1948. I put him to Ars. A. Radium Brom. and Pyrogen with unsatisfactory results. In January 1949 he received Sulph C.M. which has cured him completely.


Let me therefore emphatically impress upon your mind, that whenever you have good reason to believe, from the history of the case, that the disorder (cholera) originated with the digestive organs, you are wasting your time with camphor. I have used it in many cases of painful and persistent chordee during gonorrhoea, ten or fifteen grains taken at bed time not only causes sleep but actually prevents the painful erections.


EDITORIAL. The present epidemic of Infantile paralysis has given an opportunity to Indian Homoeopaths to prove the curative value of our drugs in the treatment of a disease for which allopaths offer o hope. The results obtained from the use of Homoeopathic drugs should be sent to our office for publication in the Herald.

Editorial – Homoeopathic Method Of Examination

Observation by sense of smell. As soon as you enter the room you will probably be unable to stay there long because of an offensive smell about the patient or in the room. Now you understand that he is an offensive patient and his discharges are fetid. This is a strong indication.

Homoeopathy – What It is?

Apart from the homoeopathic treatment, surely there is a psychological factor here! What patient will not have more confidence in a Physician who knows all his idiosyncrasies, and who takes them all into account – to the patient all the little details are big things. Homoeopathy is essentially an individual treatment – the drug must fit the patient – the individual – not necessarily the disease.

Editorial – Distinctive Features Of Homoeopathy

Homoeopathy wants to grow side by side with her sister allopathy and never desires to overthrow or overtop her. The case system in medicine should be forgotten and then the two sister medicines will work together and bestow upon mankind a wealth of health and happiness. Therefore neglect or suppression of homoeopathy is quite unwarrantable and unthinkable. Such powerful drugs have every claim to receive governmental recognition and support.


Headache every morning on awaking or after dinner of else on every change of weather. Pulsating, beating headache with heat on head, especially on vertex, or on right side or over eyes preceding a cold in head with stiffness in neck. Unilateral headache, creeping, gradually toward left side, until it makes a complete journey around head. Unilateral temporal pain with palpitation.


Allopathic literature is now admitting that quinine only suppresses the attacks. The malarial Parasites in peripheral blood are only a phase of the malarial cycle. The parent germs are somewhere in the liver and as yet no medicine has been discovered against it. I have told these results to my allopathic friends, but these people only “fold their eyes and plug their ears” and say it was mere coincidence.

Editorial – Homoeopathic Teaching

Critics of Homoeopathy must make a deep study of our literature and receive the real fundamentals of homoeopathic philosophy and Materia Medica or else their criticism will only tend to mislead public opinion and cause inconvenience and harm to innocent people. Before pronouncing it good or bad one must possess a thorough knowledge of it. This is true of any criticism. Criticism is an analysis of experience. Most of the critics of Homoeopathy have absolutely no knowledge of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Organon.

Paralysis – 5

Rhagades on hands between fingers, joints of fingers, palms of hands. Hang-nails. Cramps in the legs at night, in soles of the feet at every step. Cold sweat on the feet. Cold feet and hands; cold soles of feet. Coldness of fingers. Peeling off of the fingers. Profuse sweat between the fingers. Coldness and cold feeling of the legs, in the evening. Very much disposed to catch cold. Always weary and fatigued. Disturbed sleep, catnaps, wakes up at night every half hour.

Small Pox

In all my cases I have observed marked improvement within 24 hours and sometimes within 12 hours. If I notice improvement only in fever I never change remedy. Fall of temperature is the surest sign of improvement. After giving the medicine closely watch your patient whether any of the symptoms is showing any decrease. It is a very remarkable thing to know or recognise signs of amelioration in whatever quarter it may be.

Wonders Of Homoeopathy

The temperature was less but the patient was not conscious. She was rolling her head on the pillow. She was also muttering. Her look was very unnatural. Pneumonia was present. I wanted Dr. Bose to give me only 24 hours for the action of my medicine. I promised to leave the patient under his treatment if I could not show further favourable changes in her condition. He agreed with a look of unwillingness on his face.

Bose N C Passes Away

Besides, with a view to educating the general public as well as those in the profession, he spared no pains to lend his hand in the different medical journals, outstanding of which, is his article entitled “Veshaj-tatwa” in “Homoeopathic Darshak.” Right through his life, he had proved himself to be a true medical man. Looking to the other side of his literary genius, we find in him a poet and a dramatist as well.

Paralysis – 1

This little volume is presented in two parts: The first part is a Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Paralysis, and the second contains a short but useful Repertory. The book begins with a brief description of paralysis for ready reference. It is my firm belief that this book will be of undoubted value in the treatment of paralysis from which so many people suffer in a state of utter helplessness. A physician must try his utmost to bring quickest possible relief to the unfortunate sufferers by his careful and infallible selections and I hope the present work will help him much in this direction.

Paralysis – 2

Paralysis from cold especially after Aconite. Paralysis with contractures or spasms. Paralysis which are traceable to exposure to cold, especially to dry cold winds (Aconite) and when the paralysis become chronic and refuses to yield to Aconite. Paralysis of lips. Paralysis from apoplexy. Weakness almost like paralysis of the right arm, with sensation of stiffness, especially when writing.

Paralysis – 6

Coldness of the right foot, while the left is hot. Everything she sits or lies upon is too hard for her. Feels better in open air. He feels urged to go into the open air. He is averse to often air. Very much inclined to take cold. Weariness of lower limbs especially when ascending. Perspiration smells like onions, Sweet with smell of blood. Fever every afternoon. Dreams of coitus and yet no pollution. Screaming in sleep. Painless paralysis. Persons intellectually keen but physically weak. Upper part of body emaciated, lower part semi-dropsical.

Paralysis – 3

Vertigo with white stars before the eyes. Vertigo, everything turns around with him, worse stooping, better after breakfast. Vertigo on opening the eyes. Dimsightedness which obliges her to wipe her eyes constantly, to see better, eyelids thickened, dry, burning, granular lids. Sensation of coldness in the eyes and eyeballs. The eyelashes fall out. Lachrymation. Much dry eye-gum in morning on awaking. One ear hot and red in evening.

Paralysis – 4

The hands perspire profusely. Itching of palms. Great dryness of the finger tips, in the afternoon. Rough yellow finger-nails, brittle and corrugated. Heaviness of the legs. Knee feels bandaged too tightly. Coldness of legs upto knees in the warm room. Calves feel too short when walking Cramp in right calf. Coldness of feet. Burning of feet and soles. Profuse sweat on the soles of the feet and between the toes.

Thuja Occidentalis

The skin looks unhealthy everywhere about the body, and there is a copious sweat on first going to sleep, like Arsenic. If you had only the waxiness such as Arsenic and Thuja produce with the sweat on first going to sleep, you might prescribe Arsenic. Arsenic is often the acute and Thuja the chronic. Arsenic is a chronic remedy in the psoric and syphilitic miasms.

Editorial – Practice Of Homoeopathic System

The power of these drugs is beyond the comprehension of the non-believers. To a believer they simply unfold the atomic force of matter. Homoeopathic potencies are Atom Bombs in medicine designed for the annihilation of disease force. The theory of atom was put into action first by Hahnemann and he engaged this boundless power not for the destruction of human life but for healing the sick.

Homoeopathy – Law of Similars

Homoeopathy has its limitations, it is true, but this system is par-excellence in relieving illness. The Physician being broad- minded, will use any adjuvental measures that will aid in restoring health to his patients. The upset in the world structure as of today makes it doubly difficult to educate the people to anything so diametrically different from the so-called allopathic system as the law of similars.


Such a comprehensive questionnaire bears an eloquent testimony to the whole-hearted earnestness of the Punjab Government in dealing with public demand for a State Medical Faculty of Homoeopathy, and it would not be otherwise than pertinent for the homoeopathic Medical practitioners in Bengal to ask if the Advisory committee her touched all the points envisaged in the Punjab questionnaire.