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Asthma, loud wheezing respiration, coming on immediately on lying down at mid night, inspiration was very loud and more difficult than expiration, cough at 11 p.m. expectoration at the end of the attack, it is salty and feels warm in the mouth: Aralia Rac.

(From the Homoeopathic literature).

Asthma from active hyperaemia of the lungs and brain with red face and staring eyes. Aco.

Asthma after emotions. Aco.

Asthma after suppression of an acute rash: Aco.

Asthma with yellow or blood streaked sputa after the paroxysm: Aco.

Asthma worse by coughing especially in the morning. Alumina.

Asthma while attempting coition: Ambra.

Asthma accompanied by cardiac symptoms: Ambra.

Asthma with a feeling of a load or lump in left chest: Ambra.

Chronic asthma with disposition to hydrothorax. Ammonium-carb.

Asthma from hives: Apis.

Asthma worse in cold weather: Apis.

Asthma with great dyspnoea as if every breath would be the last: Apis.

Asthma with a desire to be fanned: Apis.

Asthma, throws the collar wide open, cannot bear anything to touch the neck. Apis (Lach).

Asthma, cannot lie down, must sit up: Aralia Rac.

Asthma with constant desire to clear the chest, so that he can breathe easily. ARalia Rac.

Asthma, old cases, with constant chilliness. Aranea Diad.

Nervous asthma worse in a crowded room: Argent Nit.

Asthma, craves the cold wind blowing in his face and lungs: Argent Nit.

Asthma, worse at night when windows are close: Argent Nit.

Asthma with face red, head hot, body cool. Arnica.

Asthma from fatty degeneration of the heart. Arnica.

Asthma with desire to move about. Arnica.

Asthma with emphysema and cardiac affections: Arsenic Alb.

Asthma after suppressed coryza: Ars. A.

Asthma worse about midnight, must incline chest forward, must spring out of bed: Ars. A.

Asthma from suppressed itch. Ars.A.

Asthma from emotions: Ars. A.

Asthma Temporarily relieved by eructations: Asafoetida.

Asthma of scrofulous and hysterical people: Asafoetida.

Humid asthma worse after eating and smoking a little; Asclepias Tub.

Morning asthma with bluish red face (cyanotic face): Aurum.

Asthma after mercury, worse in wet weather and warm air: Aurum.

Asthma with frequent yawning: Bapt.

Asthma of scrofulous children with enlargement of tonsils and cervical glands: Baryta carb.

Asthma followed by frequent and copious urination. Baryta carb.

Asthma with circumscribed redness of cheeks and immovable pupils. Baryta-carb.

Asthma worse touching larynx or turning neck: Bell.

Asthma with unconsciousness with involuntary urination and defaecation: Bell.

Asthma worse in afternoon with sensation of dust in lungs; Bell.

Asthma better bending the head back: Bell.

Asthma with rheumatic complaints. Benzoic acid.

Asthma of sailors as soon as they go ashore: Brom.

Asthma near the seashore: Brom.

Asthma better in recumbent position: Bryonia,.

Asthma with constriction of chest, better after expectoration: Cactus Grant.

Asthma with cold sweat on face: Cactus Grand.

Asthma with frequent eructation and expectoration relieves: Caladium.

Morning asthma with sensation of dust in throat and lungs and frequent need to breathe deeply: Calc-c.

Asthma with involuntary sighing: Calc-Phos.

Asthma with desire to be fanned: Cannabis Ind.

Catarrhal asthma breath during cough, expectoration relieves: Capsicum.

Asthma, Suffocative, with blue and cold skin and great anguish about heart: Carb-veg.

Asthma better eructations and Constant walking. Carb-veg.

Asthma, desires to be fanned. Carb-veg.

Asthma of old or debilitated people: Carbo, Veg.

Nervous asthma of miners: Carduus-m.

Asthma with empty eructations: Carduus-m.

Asthma from anger: Chamo.

Asthma better bending head back: Cham.

Asthma at night with constriction of chest and diaphragmatic region: Chelid.

Asthma looks as if dying during attack, worse night: China.

Asthma, with inability to breathe with the head low: China.

Asthma, worse lying, must rise and open window, fresh air relieves: Cistus can.

Asthma, fears death during attack: Coffea.

Asthma, cheeks, lips and eyelids purple: Colch.

Asthma from mental emotions, after vexations. Cuprum.

Asthma in hysteric persons especially after fright. Cuprum.

Asthma, face gets blue: Cuprum.

Cardiac asthma, quiet horizontal position brings relief. Digitalis.

Asthma during wet weather: Dulc.

Asthma after disappearance of tetters in face and with faceache: Dulc.

Asthma better walking slowly about and talking: Ferrum.

Asthma relieved by uncovering the chest: Ferr.

Asthma after itch: Ferr.

Asthma, worse midnight, jumps out of bed, quickly eats whatever is on hand, eating relieves: Graph.

Asthma better spring and summer. Hecla lava.

Asthma with involuntary urination: Hydroc. acid.

Asthma from a fall: Hypericum.

Asthma before storms: Hyper.

Asthma with every change of weather from clear to damp: Hyper.

Asthma with rigidity of body and bluish redness of face, cold extremities and cold perspiration. Ipec.

Asthma with expectoration of stringy mucus. Kali-bich.

Asthma in winter or in summer when chilly. Kali-bich.

Asthma with tightness of chest when breathing: Kali-brom.

Asthma anxious and peevish during attack: Kali-Carb.

Asthma with pale face: Kali-c. (Ipec).

Asthma with feeling as if there were no air in chest: Kali-c.

Asthma, must lean forward with head on table: Kali-c.

Asthma with expectoration of white mucus, emaciation and sunken eyes. Kali-mur.

Asthma after most moderate use of food. Kali phos (Kali Mur).

Asthma with sallow features, sunken eyes, emaciation: Kali phos.

Asthma worse when lying with head high: Lachesis.

Asthma with black urine: Lach.

Asthma worse from sleep: Lach.

Asthma worse pressure on neck and chest: Lach.

Asthma relieved by expectoration: Lach.

Asthma with nausea and profuse salivation: Lobelia Infl.

Asthma preceded by prickling all over, even to fingers and toes: Lobelia Infla.

Asthma worse from eating especially warm food: Lobelia Infla.

Asthma with marked flatulence: Lyco.

Asthma, worse ascending: Lyco.

Asthma with stiffness of limbs and troublesome flatulence: Mag. Phos.

Asthma, cannot lie on a feather bed: Manganum.

Asthma of drunkards: Mephitis P.

Asthma of consumptives when Dross fails: Mephitis P.

Asthma of inhalation of coal dust: Natr. ars.

Asthma of children and young subjects: Natr, Sulph.

Asthma in damp or rainy weather, from living in basements or cellars, worse 4-5 A.M.: Nat-Sulph.

Asthma, inherited, on a sycotic basis: Natr. Sulph.

Asthma from gastric disturbances: Nux-vom.

Asthma, abdomen distended with flatus, belching relieves: Nux- vom.

Asthma relieved by turning to the other side, by raising the trunk or in recumbent position: Nux-v.

Asthma with fear of suffocation: Phosphorus.

Asthma from inhalation of dust: Pothos foetida.

Asthma relieved after stool: Pothos foetida.

Asthma with hydrothorax: Psor.

Asthma better when lying down: Psor.

Asthma, want of breath in open air: Psor.

Asthma especially in children after suppression of a rash: Puls.

Asthma in hysteria or with suppressed menses: Puls.

Asthma of consumptives, worse 2 A.M.: Rumex.

Asthma with lachrymation and throwing about of arms: Sambucus.

Asthma from odors: Sanguinaria.

Asthma, cheeks and hands livid: Sanguinaria.

Asthma, severe nausea and constant vomiting: Sarsa.

Asthma from emphysema: Sarsa.

Asthma with large quantities of stringy mucus: Sulph (Kali-bich).

Asthma with constant disposition to expectorate: Syphilinum.

Asthma from goitre: Spongia.

Asthma where cough is better by eating and drinking: Spongia.

Asthma with anguish and desire to detach the clothes: Stannum.

Asthma with splitting headache: Sticta.

Asthma of consumptives: Sticta.

Asthma during a thunderstorm: Syphilinum.

Asthma of children: Ant-t.

Asthma Senile: Ant-t.

Asthma, sycotic, with red face, worse nights: Thuja.

Asthma after checked gonorrhoea: Thuja.

Asthma after removal of fissures or condylomata: Thuja.

Asthma in damp cold weather with early morning aggravation” Verat-A.

Asthma with coldness of upper part of body: Verat-A.

Asthma with coldness of nose, ears, and lower extremities; Verat-


Asthma relieved by throwing head back and from motion: Verat-A.

Asthma with facial neuralgia: same hour morning and evening lachrymation: Verbascum.

Asthma with emaciation and fever: Yerba Santa.

Asthma worse when expectoration stops and better when it recommences: Zinc. Met.

Asthma from accumulation of flatus: Zinc. Met.

Asthma where cough increases after eating, particularly sweet things: Zinc. Met.

Asthma of gastric origin: Zingiber.

Asthma caused by suppressed eruptions: Ipec., Puls., Verat., Ars- A., Sulph., Carbo-veg.

Asthma, dry, of aged, worse exhaling: Ambra-gr.

Asthma from using the arms: Ammon Mur.

Asthma, must stand still to get breath: Amm Mur.

Asthma better after raising phlegm: Ant-t.

Asthma, violent at 3 A.M.: Ant-t.

Asthma, wants everything away from the face: Ant-t.

Asthma with vomiting of food and great dyspnoea: Ant-t.

Asthma, sudden attacks: Ant-t.

Asthma, does not desire cold air: Ant-t.

Asthma, caused by sour food: Ant-t.

Asthma on getting warm in bed: Ant-t.

Asthma at 3 A.M. Ant-t.

Asthma at night. Ant-t.

Asthma, violent asthmatic attacks force him to rise and walk slowly about: Argent-nit.

Asthma from fatty heart: Arnica.

Asthma with inclination to move about, looks as if dying: Arnica.

Asthma, emphysema: fatty heart: Ars-A.

Asthma with feeling of dust in the lungs: Bell.

Asthma in hot damp weather, at night: Bell.

Asthma worse from bodily exertion: Camphora.

N C Das
N C Das