Chronic asthma in old people, attacks once or twice a month: Carb-veg.

Asthma in morning, wants to move continually Coffea. C.

Asthma with spasm of chest and dyspnoea: Colch.

Asthma of cold people, worse morning and in wet weather: Conium.

Asthma with loose, rattling cough worse in wet weather; Dulc.

Asthma from heart troubles with terrible dyspnoea: Eucalyptus Gl.

Asthmatic attacks, suffocation increased by putting hand to throat: Guarea.

Asthma, frequent throwing of the head backward to relieve the breathing: Hepar. S.

Asthma 3 a.m. must lean forward with head on knees: Kali-C.

Asthma, can not lie with head low, wants to be fanned to keep from suffocating. Kali Nit.

Asthma, drinks a sip at a time for want of breath: Kali Nit.

Asthma, must get up and walk about, worse 10 P.M. Meph.

Asthmatic breathing better from tobacco smoke and in cold air but not in a draft. Merc.

Asthma, with profuse frothy or watery mucus. NAtr. mur.

Asthma, nervous, feels as if air had been exhausted feels as if about to die: Nux-V.

Asthma, short easy inspiration, long, slow, wheezing expiration, no thirst: Sep.

Asthmatic breathing from electrical Storms: Sil.

Asthmatic attacks from suppressed eruptions, especially chronic eruptions: Sulph.

Asthma only at night or after thunderstorms; Syph.

Asthma better lying on affected side: Thuja.

Asthmatic breathing: Trifolium P.

Asthma with milk white sputa: Zinc. Met.

Asthma when chest feels bruised; worse from heat: Apis.

Asthma, must rise and walk: Arg. Nit.

Asthma, agony, thinks of killing himself: Arg. Nit.

Asthma, drinking suffocates: Arg. Nit.

Asthma, cannot talk: Arg. Nit.

Asthma with sweat of whole body: Ars. A.

Asthma with burning pain in chest: Ars. A.

Asthma with feeling hot and cold in turns. Ars. A.

Asthma, great restlessness, anxiety, paroxysms from midnight till daybreak. Ars. A.

Asthma worse afternoon and evening: worse after sleep: Bell.

Asthma in hot damp weather, feeling of dust in lungs: Bell.

Asthma, must open window and breathe fresh air which relieves: Cist-Can.

Asthma, attacks come during sleep, always after mid-night: Carb-


Asthma, must sit up by a table: Carb. Veg.

Asthma, after fright: Cupr. M.

Asthma, attacks after mid-night, driving out of bed: Ferrum.

Asthma, with dry skin, dry stools and puffiness around the eyes: Kali-c.

Asthma worse in the dying: (Op.) Carb. Veg.

Asthma with constant chilliness: Puls.

Asthma worse in the evening. Puls.

Asthma with nausea and vomiting: Puls

Asthma with palpitation of heart: Puls.

Asthma with long, difficult and noisy expiration: Sepia.

Asthma always during thunderstorm: Sil.

Asthma, doors and windows must be opened: Sil.

Asthma, attacks increase and decrease gradually: Stannum.

Asthma, attacks on every eight days: Sulph.

Asthma, with sensation as if something were grown fast in the region of the left lower rib: Thuj.

Asthma of old people when other remedies failed: Pulmo vulpis.

Asthma with great weight and anxiety about the chest: Ipec.

Asthma with great oppression of the chest and a weak sensation in the chest, feeling of a lump, in epigastrium, nausea with salivation: Lobelia Infla.

Asthma, relieved by vomiting: Ipec.

Asthma when the expiration is especially difficult: Ipec.

Asthma, burning pain and soreness in the chest: Ars. A.

Asthma, 5 or 10 drops of the tincture (of Grindelia) every hour during the attack will greatly palliate: Grindelia.

Asthma accompanied by great debility: Ars. A.

Asthma with a constricted feeling at the lower part of the chest: Nux-V.

Asthma relieved by belching wind: Carb. Veg. Nux-vom.

Asthma, worse towards morning, with feeling as if there were no air in chest. Kali-c.

Asthma, moist, great deal of rattling in chest, looseness of bowels after each attack, sycotic taint, Nat-S.

Asthma, must sit up and hold the chest with the hands during the attack. Nat-S.

Asthma, dryness of throat, always worse in foggy weather: Hyper.

Asthma, with sensation that the patient can not get air enough: Ant-t.

Asthma, fine mucus rales throughout the chest, chest full of phlegm with inability to expectorate. Worse 3 a.m. Ant.t.

Asthma with dread of people, great desire to be alone: Ambra Grisea.

Asthma, patient is awakened from a sound sleep with a suffocating sensation of constriction in the wind-pipe, laborious breathing and gasping for breath: Ipec.

Asthma with paleness and coldness of the face; coldness of the feet; living but of face, rigidity of body: Ipec.

Asthma, great exhaustion and anguish, as if at the point of death, with cold perspiration: Ars. A.

Asthma, with inability to recline on the right side or left side, is constrained to lie on the back, worse talking or moving: Bryonia.

Asthma with inability to bear pressure from clothing around chest and waist: Nux-vom.

Asthma better when reclining on back or on changing from one posture to another: Nux-vom.

Asthma with livid hue of face: OP.

Asthma with inability to breathe unless the head and shoulders are propped up with pillow: China.

Asthma with wheezing in the chest during inspiration: China.

Asthma worse in recumbent posture: Sambucus.

Asthma in hysterical females: Puls., Moschus.

Asthma with loss of consciousness: Bell.

Asthma with a disposition to keep the mouth open to breath: Lobelia Infl.

Asthmatic affections resulting from the small pox: Ant-t.

Asthma when there is a feeling of constriction about the chest: Ipec.

Asthma when the patient feels as if the air were full of dust which prevents his breathing: Ipec.

Asthma, the face being pale, and the hands and feet cold: Ipec.

Asthma, the most violent attacks, especially in consequence of suppressed catarrh: Ars-A.

Asthma in persons with weak lungs: Ars-A.

Asthma in old people when walking: Ars-A.

Asthma arising from suppressed or tardy eruptions: Bry. Apis Mel.

Asthma when the patient sighs often or is cold: Bryonia.

Asthma attended by pain in bowels with inclination to evacuate: Bryonia.

Asthma if the neck feels as if it were compressed: Apis.

Asthma if the region about the short ribs reels as if crushed: Apis.

Asthma, if the warm room is unbearable on account of heat and headache: Apis.

Asthma when the patient is forced to sit stooping forward: Nux-v. Lach.

Asthma, when excited by mental exertion, drinking wine or by sedentary habits: Nux-vom.

Asthma when the warmth of the stove is agreeable and relieves: Nux-vom.

Asthma when aggravated by exercise, speaking, or blowing the nose: Arnica.

Asthma with shooting pains in chest: Arnica.

Asthma with inability to breathe unless when lying with the head very high: Cinchona, Sambucus.

Asthma in children with sweat of the throat: Sambucus.

Asthma in consequence of mental emotion: Coffea.

Asthma in timid lachrymose patients: Puls.

Asthma in passionate, fretful persons: Nux-v.

Asthma from mortification or suppressed vexation: Ignatia.

Asthma from violent vexation and anger or quarreling: Chamo. Staphysagria.

Asthma with frequent inclination to cough, without actual coughing: Chamo.

Asthma when the patient cannot perspire: Chamo.

Asthma when the breath seems to be impeded in the lower part of the chest: Puls.

Asthma with palpitation, drowsiness, heat in the chest: Puls.

Asthma when there is very violent laboring of the chest: Puls.

Asthma when there is very violent laboring of the whole chest: Rhus-tox.

Asthma with sensation as of dust in the lungs: Sulph. (Bell. Calc-c.).

Asthma particularly when partial relief is obtained by lying quiet: Verat.A.

Asthma when a cold sweat breaks out: Verat-A.

Asthma when face and limbs become cold: Verat-Alb.

Asthma “Calc-c 200 gave prompt relief at different times in an old man of 77. It is worth trying” Dr. Mill: Calc-c.

Asthma, coughs on laughing: Phos.

Asthma, difficult expiration, inspiration is easy: chlorine (used in the form of chlorine water, Dr. Mill.).

Asthma in children patient must hold chest when coughing: Nat-S.

Asthma paroxysms increase from evening till morning, with a good deal of mucus rattling in the throat: Ant-t. Chin.

Asthma complicated with chronic bronchial catarrh: Ipec. Sulph. Ant-t. Cupr. Puls. Ars-A. Carb-Veg.

Asthma in haemorrhoidal individuals: Nux-v. Sulph.

Asthma after suppression of ulcers or eruptions: Ars-A. Sulph. Bryo. Rhus-tox.

Asthma excited or aggravated by ascending an eminence: Cham. Bry. Ars-A. Staph.

Asthma excited by the least bodily exertion: Ars-a. Calc-c.

Asthma relieved by bending forward : Nux-vom. Lach. Ars-a.

Asthma with fear of death, predicts the day he will die: Aco.

Asthma especially when sleeping with inability to take a deep breath: Aco.

Asthma particularly when ascending an eminence: Ars-alb.

Asthma with anguish, restlessness and fear of death worse night when lying: Ars-alb.

Asthma, wants to be in a warm room: Ars-a.

Asthma of anaemic persons: Ars-a.

Asthma of plethoric persons: Bell.

Asthma, when drinks often but little at a time: Ars-a. (Apis, Chin.).

Asthma, cannot lie down for fear of suffocation: Ars-a.

Asthma in afternoon or evening, better bending head back or when holding breath: Bell.

Asthma with face and eyes, red, head hot: Bell.

Asthma in plethoric individuals and young people with sleepiness but cannot sleep: Belladonna.

N C Das
N C Das