Asthma, rattling, suffocation with fainting; worse ascending; cannot lie in a horizontal position: Cactus g.

Asthma, catarrhal, mucus not readily raised, but giving relief when it comes up: Caladium.

Asthma, alternating with itching burning rash: Calad.

Asthma, all symptoms better after sweat: Calad.

Asthma awakens soon after midnight: Calcarea-ars.

Asthma or cough with hectic fever: Calc-s.

Asthma, in going up a hill, rattling in chest, nausea, constriction of throat, dryness of nose. Burning in urethra: Canth.

Asthma, unable to lie down, gasping for breath continually, wants hands held: Carbolic-acid.

Asthma, breathing difficult, only better by breathing deeply in open air: Carboneum-s.

Asthma, spasmodic, when sitting on lying down, speaking, walking, oppressiveness of clothes on the chest: Caust.

Asthma, regularly every day 10 to 12 Oclock; worse after coitus; after sleep; better by eating: Cedron.

Asthma, stertorous breathing, flapping cheeks, peculiar rattle as of a ball rolling loose in trachea: Chenopodi Anthe.

Asthma, beginning in morning and lasting till noon, better sitting bent forward at open window, worse every other position: Chin- ars.

Asthma, with swelling of abdomen better after making water, worse toward midnight, with swelling of throat: Chin-sulph.

Asthma, sensation of warmth in respiratory organs: Chlorum (whitman recommends chlorine water as an efficient palliative in a fit of asthma 10 drops, 20 drops in little water, Clarke P. 506).

Asthma, feeling as if sternum were compressing the lungs: Cina.

Asthma, with disappearance of pain in face respiration becomes oppressed: Coccinella.

Asthma, relieved by bending forwards: tingling in chest: Colch.

Asthma, fits of asthma at night; better in open air: Colocynth.

Asthma, oppression of chest with desire to draw a long breath, better by yawning: Crocus.

Asthma, respiration short after a stool; worse going up stairs: Croton-tig.

Asthma, feeling of suffocation with fetid breath, must sit up in bed at night; viscid urine: viscid Saliva: Derris Pinnata.

Asthma with feeling of load on chest: constriction of chest; coldness in chest after drinking; worse going upstairs: Elaps.

Asthma, palpitation; disposition to syncope; Electricitas.

Asthma, with accumulation of mucus, better when the mucus is got rid of: Yearba santa (Eriodictyon).

Asthma is debilitated, anaemic subjects, with terrible dyspnoea, the heart sympathising strongly: moist asthma with white, thick, frothy mucus: Eucalyptus.

Asthma, humid, with prostration and restlessness. Euphorbia Pilulifera.

Asthma, 3 A.M., worse lying, better bending backwards: Fluoric acid.

Asthma, breath short, laborious; as if air passages were closed: Oscillation of wings of nose: Gadus Morrhua.

Asthma, oppression of the chest alternating with headache: Glonoinum.

Asthma with dilated heart, awakened by asthmatic attacks, the room seeming too small: Grindelia.

Asthma millari, respiratory symptoms better from putting hand to throat: Guarea.

Asthma and oedema of lungs: Hydrastis.

Asthma, oppression of the chest; sometimes painful; feeling of suffocation with severe pains in chest: Hydro-ac.

Asthma, oppression of breathing, alternating with convulsions; weight on chest. Shortness of breath when walking and cough as soon as one stands still: Ignatia.

Asthma, old asthmatics; feeling of emptiness after coughing, white expectoration: Illicium.

Asthma, can scarcely breathe, accompanied by bloating in epigastric region: Lac. Vacc. Def.

Asthma, straitened respiration, lower chest feels too narrow, arouses from sleep, must sit up, weight on chest, better by yawning and stretching; must double up the body when seated, better on throwing back the shoulders: Lactuca.

Asthma as if lungs were incapable of being sufficiently dilated or as if they were paralyzed: Lauro cerasus.

Asthma when going upstairs: Painful: Ledum.

Asthma, attacks coming on in rainy weather: Lemna Minor.

Asthma from nasal obstruction: Lemna Minor.

Asthma after drinking water: Limulus.

Asthma, bronchial; livid, struggles for breath, as if dying: Linum Usit.

Asthma, dry suffocation, when walking in open air: Magnetis Polus Arc.

Asthma, suffocation, when walking fast, when lying on left side, after a meal, with desire for stretching: Magnolia Grand.

Asthma, chronic, whistling breathing better expectoration: Mancinella.

Asthma, cough better lying down: Manganum.

Asthma, afternoon 5 P.M. cough better lying on Stomach; lump in larynx; breath hot. Cough from sweet things: Medorr.

Asthma, difficult breathing, worse lying down better sitting up: Naja 30.

Asthma, cough with blue or purple face: during cough holds head for pain: Naphthalinum.

Asthma, humid, quick, laboured breathing, cannot lie flat or on left side, constriction of chest especially right side, attacks preceded by sneezing and excessive coryza, burning in throat or chest, expectoration of tough, stringy and frothy mucus. Cough after 6 P.M. Symptoms worse at night; suffocation: Pecten (1 m.c.m.).

Asthma in morning, chest and throat sore: Phosphorus Muriaticus.

Asthma, dry, sits bent forward, worse lifting arms: Populus candi.

Asthma with livid face: Quebracho (1x): (Aspidospermia).

Asthma, breathing laboured, wheezing, had to sit up in bed to get breath: Sambucus can.

Asthma, tightness of chest, strong desire for fresh air: Sang. Nit.

Asthma, worse after supper: Sanicula.

Asthma, pitnitous: Sinapis Nig.

Asthma, fear of trains and close places: Succinum.

Asthma, breathing oppressed, cannot keep lying down; surface of body sensitive to touch. One cheek red, other pale: Zizia.

N C Das
N C Das