Hpathy Needs Your Help!

Paralysis – 5

Rhagades on hands between fingers, joints of fingers, palms of hands. Hang-nails. Cramps in the legs at night, in soles of the feet at every step. Cold sweat on the feet. Cold feet and hands; cold soles of feet. Coldness of fingers. Peeling off of the fingers. Profuse sweat between the fingers. Coldness and cold feeling of the legs, in the evening. Very much disposed to catch cold. Always weary and fatigued. Disturbed sleep, catnaps, wakes up at night every half hour.

Discharge of prostatic juice, dripping in long threads from the urethra after micturition and stools. Quick discharge of semen during coition. The testicles hang down loosely. Hydrocele. Offensive sweat around the genitals. Filthy smelling genitals. Coldness in the throat during inspiration. Wants windows open at night. Pulse more rapid in the morning than in evening. Offensive perspiration in the armpit. Perspiration of the hands; in the palms of the hands. Hot sweaty hands. Cold trembling hands. The hands tremble when he writes.

Rhagades on hands between fingers, joints of fingers, palms of hands. Hang-nails. Cramps in the legs at night, in soles of the feet at every step. Cold sweat on the feet. Cold feet and hands; cold soles of feet. Coldness of fingers. Peeling off of the fingers. Profuse sweat between the fingers. Coldness and cold feeling of the legs, in the evening. Very much disposed to catch cold. Always weary and fatigued. Disturbed sleep, catnaps, wakes up at night every half hour.

Loud talking in sleep. Restless nights. Snoring in sleep. Sleeping with eyes half open. Screaming in sleep. Aversion to washing. At night he has to lay his lower limbs outside of the bed on account of tearing pains or on account of pains of a burning character. The burning pains are always relieved by cold applications or by putting the parts on something cold. Various sorts of eruptions which are aggravated by the warmth of bed. Burning eruptions.


TYPE: Infantile. Spinal Motor paralysis.

Locomotor ataxia. Partial (upper).

LOCATION: Optic nerve. OEsophagus Rectum. Upper limbs. Left upper limb. Upper arm. Hand Fingers. Lower limbs. Extensor muscles. Thigh (extensors).

CAUSES: From frequent wettings. From exhausting sweats. Loss of animal fluids. Sexual excesses. Habitual drunkenness.

CHARACTER: Painful. Painless. With coldness of parts (Palsy.)

AGGRAVATION: Cold air. Wet weather. Cold water. From washing. Morning. During full moon. Before falling asleep. On stooping down. From suppressed catarrh. After coition. In cold wet weather. After eating. From exertion of the mind. Fasting before breakfast. On ascending. From loss of fluids. When letting the limb hang down. Dry food. From milk. From wet poultices After sexual excesses.

On stretching the affected part. When writing. From lying on the side. From suppressed perspiration. From lifting. Stone cutters. By pressure of the clothes. From talking. Standing. 3 oclock a.m. (cramps in legs). Afternoon (diarrhoea). While sitting (pains). After midnight. At new moon. At sea-side. Eating smoked meat. When fasting. Light. Early morning.

AMELIORATION: After breakfast. In the dark. From drawing up the limbs. While lying on the back. After lying down. From loosening the garments. From raising the limbs. On rising. From rubbing. From scratching. In dry weather. Wiping or soothing with the hands. From being touched. Lying on the painful side. When in constipation.

LOCAL SYMPTOMS: “Spinal paralysis from frequent wettings, or the result of exhausting sweats, of loss of fluids, of sexual excesses causing weakness of back and threatening mortor paralysis, a locomotor ataxia.” Lilienthal.

N C Das
N C Das