Paralysis – 6

Coldness of the right foot, while the left is hot. Everything she sits or lies upon is too hard for her. Feels better in open air. He feels urged to go into the open air. He is averse to often air. Very much inclined to take cold. Weariness of lower limbs especially when ascending. Perspiration smells like onions, Sweet with smell of blood. Fever every afternoon. Dreams of coitus and yet no pollution. Screaming in sleep. Painless paralysis. Persons intellectually keen but physically weak. Upper part of body emaciated, lower part semi-dropsical.

Numbness of mouth and tongue. Mouth and throat dry. Ptyalism, with salty taste. Water tastes sweet in morning. Very sweet taste. Sour taste in mouth. Bitter taste in mouth. Tongue dry, black cracked. Desire for sweet things. Aversion to coffee and smoking, and to boiled, warm to food. Food tastes sour. Heartburn. Full distended abdomen with cold feet. Continuous rumbling, fermentation in abdomen. Immediately after a light meal the abdomen is bloated, full, distended. Has a great appetite but a small quantity of food fills him up and he feels bloated.

After meals, throbbing through the whole body; irresistible drowsiness, hot hands; much eructation alternating with yawning. Sour eructations after every meal. and in the evening (4 to 8 p.m.). Heartburn (4-8 p.m.) Nausea every morning while fasting. Nausea in the room but better in open air. Waterbrash every other day. Wine renews cramp in stomach. Constipation, stool only every other day. The first part of stool is knotty the second soft, after stool feeling as if more remained to pass. Hard stool with ineffectual desire to evacuate.

Feeling of fullness in the rectum continues after a copious stool. Very pale colored stool. Foamy urine. Red sand in urine. Urine white and turbid. After coition lassitude all the day following. Impotence, penis small, cold, relaxed. Feeble erections. Falls asleep during an embrace. Discharge of prostatic juice without an erection. Dryness of vagina and burning in vagina during coition. Disposition to miscarriage. Dry cough day and night. Morning cough with great expectoration. Cough with gray salty tasting expectoration. Cough worse from 4 to 8 p.m. Palpitation of heart after eating. Burning as of red-hot coals between the scapulae relieved by hard fanning.

The skin of the hands is dry. Burning in the palms of the hands. Weakness of the arms when at work. Cold sweaty- feet. Cramp in toes. The whole body feels bruised. Twitches through the body. Great emaciation, great internal debility. Stiffness of all joints. Constant throbbing in the back. Chilliness in back, sacrum. Cold hands continually. Hot hands continually. Perspiring palms. Great dryness of the skin of the hands. Warts on hands. Cramp in calf at night. Burning of soles at night. Cold feet constantly. Cold sweaty feet, one foot hot, the other cold.

Coldness of the right foot, while the left is hot. Everything she sits or lies upon is too hard for her. Feels better in open air. He feels urged to go into the open air. He is averse to often air. Very much inclined to take cold. Weariness of lower limbs especially when ascending. Perspiration smells like onions, Sweet with smell of blood. Fever every afternoon. Dreams of coitus and yet no pollution. Screaming in sleep. Painless paralysis. Persons intellectually keen but physically weak. Upper part of body emaciated, lower part semi-dropsical. Predisposition to hepatic affections. Anything running from right to left. Waking at night feeling hungry.


TYPE: Post-diphtheritic. Infantile. Lead. Paraplegia. Hysterical, and spastic. Partial. (Ars.)

LOCATION: Muscles of the eyeball. Optic nerve. Face. Left side of face. Lower jaw. Tongue. Bladder. Upper limbs. Upper arm. Hand. Lower limbs. Foot. Single muscles.

CAUSES: Spasms. Convulsions. Apoplexy. Getting wet. Onanism. Sexual excesses. Intermittent fevers. Typhus fevers. Poisoning by Arsenic Habitual drunkenness. Diphtheria. Anger. Exertion Mental emotion, with shocks.

CHARACTER: With coldness of parts. Painless with jerking of parts. With emaciation of parts. Tense, feeling of parts. With twitching of parts. Sticking pains in paralyzed parts.

AGGRAVATION: Morning. Waking at 4 a.m. Mental exertion, after eating or overheating. Touch. Noise. Anger. Spices. Narcotics. Dry weather. In cold air. After midnight. In open air. Before breakfast. Suppressed catarrh. From drinking. In drunkards. After intoxication.

Lying on the back. Brandy. Coffee. Cold food. Cold water. Urine. Involuntary pollutions. Pressure of clothes. After stool. Before urinating. While walking in the open air. In clear fine weather. In the wind. When yawning. On waking in the night. Motion. Slight touch. Tobacco. Sedentary habits. Loss of sleep. By cold. By getting wet. Music.

AMELIORATION: After a stool. In wet weather. Warm room and warm covering (Headache). Open air (flatulence and Asthma). Rest. Lying down. Hard pressure. Rubbing. Lying on side. From loosening garments. Warmth. Hot things. Damp weather. After discharging wind. While lying in bed. From a nap. In the evening.

LOCAL SYMPTOMS: Incomplete paralysis of the face, arms, legs, with vertigo. Paralysis especially in drunkards. Paralysis after apoplexy; after mental over exertion. Paralysis from cerebral softening. Paralysis from sexual excesses. Paralysis, parts cold, numb, emaciated. Paralysis from exhaustion of the spinal cord. Spinal anaemia. Incomplete paralysis, power of motion not entirely gone. Paralysis of arms with violent jerks. Coldness of the paralyzed parts.

Paralysis of the bladder (old men) Paralysis from exposure (colch). Paralysis with shocks in arms. Paralysis of feet; of legs. Paralysis of legs after over exertion, getting wet or sexual excesses. Paralysis of lower extremities. Sensation of paralysis of the legs with the sensation of a painful stripe down on the inside of the thigh; Numbness and paralysis of the legs. Paralysis of the arm, with violent jerks in it, as if the blood would start out of the veins. Partial paralysis from over exertion or getting soaked (Rhus tox). Paralysis of extremities of the face; one arm; one hand; single muscles. The sticking pains in paralyzed parts are important.

ATTENDING SYMPTOMS: Very irritable; sensitive to all impressions. Even the least ailment affects her greatly. Disposed to reproach others. Sullen, fault finding. Fiery excited temperament. Anxiety and restlessness in the evening. The time passes too slowly.

Great laziness and aversion to occupy oneself. Gives surly answers. Does not wish to be touched. No inclination to do or say anything. Wants to be alone. Malicious, unsteady wavering condition of the mind. Vertigo in morning and after dinner. Vertigo with vanishing of sight and loss of hearing. Vertigo with momentary loss of consciousness. Burning in forehead in morning on waking and after eating. Fetid perspiration on one half of the head and face.

N C Das
N C Das