Hpathy Needs Your Help!


It is an old trouble with him for the last 10 years. He used allopathic medicines for years but he used to get only temporary relief. Six years ago he was given Homoeopathic medicine with which he kept well for about a year. He considered me in the first week of January and I noted the following symptoms.

(1) Panchugopal, 14, presented the following symptoms of acute Rheumatism on 6-3-49.

(a) Swelling of joints of hands and legs, hot, painful, worse motion, worse night, pain causes weeping, gets no sleep on account of pain. Excruciating pain.

(b) Fever, towards evening and at night.

(c) Constipation, lack of desire for stool.

(d) Frequent urination.

(e) Worm symptoms.

(f) During day all his troubles are less.

(g) Profuse sweat especially at night.

(h) Sore-throat, deglutition painful.

(i) Mother had an attack of Rheumatism a few years back.

He was given before my arrival Aco. Bryo. Led. I examined him on the 11th day of the disease.

Bell 200 in frequent doses removed the fever and pain within 72 hours. He was kept on Bell 200 for two weeks. Then two doses of Bell 1000 one week apart removed all tracks of pain. He recovered completely.

(2) B. Ghose. 64, complained of severe itching all over body. It is an old trouble with him for the last 10 years. He used allopathic medicines for years but he used to get only temporary relief. Six years ago he was given Homoeopathic medicine with which he kept well for about a year. He considered me in the first week of January and I noted the following symptoms.

(1) Itching all over body, worse by warmth of bed at night. Eruptions are not well marked.

(2) Vertigo, with tendency to fall.

(3) Anxious expression of face.

(4) Mental restlessness present.

(5) Very weak and emaciated body.

(6) Constipation, hard, dark, stool.

He received Merc. Sol. 200 on 8.1.49. Improvement was very satisfactory but gradually the progress seemed to be very Slow. on 20.1.49. Merc. Sol. c.m. A remarkable change for the better, almost no itching.

On 24.2.49 trouble relapsed with former violence, and he received a dose of Sulph 200 which did nothing for him in one week. I put him to Ars. A. 200 on 15.3.49. He met me on 5.4.49. and informed me that he was quite free from the trouble. Uptil now he maintains the improvement.

(3) Mira, 20 months, was brought to my office with the following symptoms on 2.4.49.

(a) Five months ago, she had an attack of cholera. She was cured of the disease but her recovery was followed by a fever which has become obstinate and for the last four months she gets fever everyday.

(b) Lack of appetite.

(c) Flatulence.

(d) Profuse sweat on head, head very hot, sweat is marked esp. at night.

(e) Fever, starts frequently especially during fever. Throbbing of carotids.

(f) Constipated, stool hard, unsatisfactory, first part hard, rest soft or thin, sour.

(g) Tendency to eat earth.

(h) Pain around navel.

(i) Scanty offensive urine.

(j) Sour vomiting at times.

(k) Liver enlarged.

Allopathic medicine failed to help the child. I gave her Bell 30 on 2.4.49. After a week she was brought to me with amelioration of all symptoms. The same medicine was continued for another week. Then Bell 1000 was given. On 30.4.49 the baby was quite cheerful and free from fever which resisted four months of allopathic medication.

(4) Girl. 17, fever towards the evening with desire for open air but it causes chilliness. Taste of month is bitter. Drawing tearing pains in limbs, these pains are often very distressing, cough with yellow expectoration. Absence of thirst, lack of appetite, constipation, and slight headache are present.

Menstrual disorder, it is painful and always late. Leucorrhoea present. She is ill for 16 months. Quinine was given with unsatisfactory results. She received Pulsatilla 200 on 2.4.49. I am told that she is wonderfully well. Her fever stopped within 4 days and since then there is no fever.

N C Das
N C Das