Hpathy Needs Your Help!


In old incurable cases when we give a remedy that fits the whole condition, the result is one of three things: first, aggravation of the symptoms with advance of the disease; second, no action, and third Euthanasia. Unless the inner nature of the remedy corresponds with the inner nature of the disease the remedy will not cure the disease but simply remove the symptoms which it: covers; that is, suppress them.

1. With his law of similars and his minute doses, not only homoeopaths claim that Hahnemann anticipated the principle of vaccination but even a convinced allopath like Emil von Behring has stated that the use of vaccines is basically a homoeopathic method.

Dr. W. Schweisheimer (H.R. Sep. 48).

2. No individual has done more good to the medical profession than Samuel Hahnemann.

Dr. W. Osler (Dean of orthodox medicine).

3. It is safe to say that if all people throughout their lives had the benefit of constitutional treatment by the principles of medicine known as Homoeopathy, cancer would be an extreme rarity.

(H. R. Sep. 1948).

4. The most outstanding feature of syphilinum is the nightly aggravation. The patients are frequently worse from the onset of darkness until the appearance of day light, often with an aggravation of the aggravation in the middle of the night. Sleeplessness.

A.D. Sutherland, M.D.

(H.R. Sep. 1948).

5. As this drug (Picric Acid) is related to Glonoine we would expect it to be one in which the vasomotor system would play an important role, in that it would possibly be frequently indicated in cases of arterial hypertension (blood-pressure).

K. A. Mclaren, M.D.

6. Give true homoeopathy free scope in the treatment of humanity in the early formative periods of life and in a few generations T.B., cancer and insanity will disappear from the earth.

A. H. G. (Editorial, H. R. Oct. 48).

7. The antidotes to the bad effects of diphtheria antitoxins are Diphtherinum and Mercurius Cyan. These remedies are highly protective against the disease. They also have the power to remove the germs from the throats of so-called carriers.

(H.R. 47).

8. A sycotic is never cured unless a discharge is brought back.


9. A copious discharge protects many an individual from changes in organs.


10. Structural changes are not the basis for prescription, but the symptoms which existed before the structural changes appeared.


11. The greatest comfort on earth to man in incurable diseases is Homoeopathy.


12. In advanced Phthisis with pathological symptoms, if you prescribe for the old symptoms which should have prescribed for some years before, you will kill your patient.


13. In incurable cases where there are extensive structural changes, use short acting remedies and such anti-psorics as do not relate to the case as it was in the beginning. The remedy that fits the previous condition will tear the case down.


14. In old incurable cases when we give a remedy that fits the whole condition, the result is one of three things: first, aggravation of the symptoms with advance of the disease; second, no action, and third Euthanasia.


15. Unless the inner nature of the remedy corresponds with the inner nature of the disease the remedy will not cure the disease but simply remove the symptoms which it: covers; that is, suppress them.


16. Never prescribe for a chronic case when you are in a hurry; take time. Never give a dose of medicine until you have duly considered the whole case.


17. When a remedy has benefited a patient satisfactorily, never on your life, change your remedy, but repeat that remedy so long as you can benefit the patient. Do not regard the symptoms that have come up.


18. It is worse than useless to give a second dose until the effects of the first dose have ceased.


19. Never, under any circumstances, make use of local applications for an internal derangement. It is the highest order of medical profanity.


20. All prescriptions that change the image of a case cause suppression.


21. A physician advanced in years looks back upon many failures.


22. Deep furrows in forehead and face with flapping nostrils in pneumonia or bronchitis: Lycopodium.


23. Headache goes to the side not lain on: Calc-ars.


24. Old misers with wrinkled faces, when they get sick need Lycopodium:.


25. He desires to be rubbed and most symptoms are ameliorated by rubbing: Zinc. Phos.


26. It should become one of our most useful remedies in insanity: Zinc. Phos.


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