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Homoeopathic physicians do not give a small dose but a potentized remedy. A remedy in which the dynamic power of the substance has been unlocked by the process of trituration and attenuation. The Homoeopathic high potency stands out as one of the great scientific discoveries of the age and yet the scientific world does not recognize it nor even do they know of its existence.

1. The Homoeopathic remedy may not possess the dramatic cos- metic effects as the arsenicals do but the true curative action of the Homoeopathic remedies cannot be denied.

W.B.Griggs, M.D.

2. It has been my experience, in over fifty years, that the low and medium potencies of Kali. Iod. have been useless in the cure of tertiary syphilis. The real dramatic cures have come either from the crude drug or the high potency.

W.B.Griggs, M.D.

3. Homoeopathic prescribing is not easy. That is the reason that the practice of Homoeopathy is not popular with the majority of prescribers. Nothing is popular which is difficult. We chose to be Homoeopathic doctors, therefore, we chose to work hard to bring about the most effective way of alleviating human ills. Surely the good results we obtain far out weigh our efforts, and it justifies our choice of Homoeopathic practice as the only sound therapeutic procedure.

H.M. Engle, M.D.

4. The local application (Iodine) for glandular enlargement is foolish and dangerous.


5. Pulsatilla is undoubtedly the remedy oftenest indicated in orchitis from suppressed gonorrhoea but it after it has reduced the pain and restored the discharge it fails to reduce the swelling or induration, clematis will do the rest.


6. In haemorrhages from the anus, whether from piles or typhoid fever, if the blood is of the above described appearance (very dark and clotted), Hamamelis is excellent.


7. Homoeopathic physicians do not give a small dose but a potentized remedy. A remedy in which the dynamic power of the substance has been unlocked by the process of trituration and attenuation. The Homoeopathic high potency stands out as one of the great scientific discoveries of the age and yet the scientific world does not recognize it nor even do they know of its existence.

W.A. Mcfall. M.D.

8. The learning of materia medica by reading may be of the greatest service, and it is especially of use if Hahnemanns writings are read. He was the man who developed and discovered the art.

D. Macfarlan, B.S., M.D.

9. It would be a mistake to prescribe the highest potency of a remedy in extremis, when the power of reaction is low. A medium potency is much better.


10. Chronicity is one of the factors to be considered in the choice of a potency. The chronic case is almost always more difficult to treat than the acute, because the trouble is of longer standing and has usually caused structural changes in the body.

Often the condition is due in part to some inherited tendency which still further complicates the case. After the remedy has been selected it is very important to get the very suitable potency and here the mental state will often aid in the choice. If it is dull, a lower potency would seem more fitting than if it were keen. In general, it is probably better to begin with a medium dilution and go higher when repetition is indicated.

Grace Stevens, M.D.

11. Calad and Plantago cause aversion to tobacco. Boericke.

12. High blood pressure with flushed face, pulsating arteries, threatened apoplexy: Strontia.


13. Nausea after abdominal operations: Staphysagria.


14. A summer or hot weather remedy, patient is worse then: Picric Acid.


15. Calcarea Picrata is a good remedy to abort styes or to hasten their suppuration and it is of especial value in furuncles of the ear.


16. Equal parts of tincture of Capsicum and glycerine make an excellens liniment for external use in many cases of chronic rheumatism and neuralgia.

Clarke. 17. Phthisis, with goneness in stomach, emaciation, loss of appetite : Hydrast.


18. Hypericum externally or internally the nearest thing to a specific in bleeding piles.


19. Intermittent fever with typhoid symptoms : Ars. A,


20. Intermittent fever with cramps in calves : Mag. Phos.


21. Brown and white spots over body : Thuja.


22. Flying pain in all parts of body when coughing : Merc.


23. Pneumonia with delirium: Bell.


24. Cough better from tobacco smoke or cold air: Merc.


25. Palpitation in morning when hungry: Kali-c.


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