Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Vital force nearly exhausted, cold surface, especially from knees down to feet, lies motionless, as if dead; breath cold; pulse intermittent, thready, cold sweat on limbs. Blueness, coldness and ecchymoses; wants to be constantly fanned; gasps. Fan me, Fan me; haemorrhage of dark decomposed, unclotted blood, blood oozing from gums, nostrils, indescribable paleness, not only of the hippocratic face, but also of the skin of the whole body.



1. Wants more air and to be fanned all the time.

2. Great foulness of all the secretions.

3. Last stages of abdominal and putrid typhus.

4. Face pale, sunken, hippocratic, cold (Ars. A. Colch.) eyes sunken, dull without lustre, and insensible to light.

5. Tongue dry, dark, tremulous, or moist and sticky.

6. Colliquative diarrhoea, brownish, grayish or bloody, of a cadaverous smell and involuntary.

7. Extremities cold and covered with cold perspiration.

8. Vital force nearly exhausted, cold surface, especially from knees down to feet, lies motionless, as if dead; breath cold; pulse intermittent, thready, cold sweat on limbs. Blueness, coldness and ecchymoses; wants to be constantly fanned; gasps. Fan me, Fan me; haemorrhage of dark decomposed, unclotted blood, blood oozing from gums, nostrils, indescribable paleness, not only of the hippocratic face, but also of the skin of the whole body.

“Complete collapse.”.

9. “Collapse; body blue, icy cold. Patient almost lifeless, but the head is hot; coldness, breath cool, pulse imperceptible, oppressed and quickened respiration, must have air, must be fanned hard, must have all the windows open. This is a typical state of Carb-veg.”.

Collapse: with hippocratic countenance; cadaverous stools; stagnant circulation; coldness of surface; breath absolutely cold, and still the patient wants to be fanned, though apparently dying; veins full of blood; frequent, scarcely perceptible pulse; loss of vision and heaving; sweat warm when it breaks out and slight warmth of surface (Verat. A. sweat cold in collapse).

Mind: Stupor, collapse.

Anxious, as if oppressed, with heat in the face.


Restless, anxious (4-6 P.M.).

Sensitiveness and irritability.

Stupor from which the patient can only be roused for a moment, with loss of vision and moaning.

Want to be fanned and must have windows open.

Head: Head feels heavy as lead.

Throbbing in head, during inspiration.

Head sensitive to pressure; to touch.

Eyes: Dull without lustre, pupils without reaction against light.

Eyes dull and sunken.

Burning in eyes.

Haemorrhages from eyes.

Eyes pain when moving them.

Ear: Heat and redness in the evening.

Ringing, buzzing.

The hearing is gone. Deafness.

Ears too dry.

Left ear hot and red every evening.

Nose: Haemorrhage; face pale before and after every attack.

Face: Face is pale, sunken, hippocratic, cold. Upper lip quiver.

Face and lips partially cyanosed. Face cold.

Greenish colour of the face.

Great paleness of the face. Lips brown, blackish, cracked.

Cold sweat on face.

Cheeks red and covered with cold sweat.

Mouth: Haemorrhages.

Tongue: Dry; heavy with difficult speech; white; coated with yellow-brown mucus; lead-coloured; blue, sticky; moist.

Dry, parched, fissured.

Tip of tongue raw and dry.

Tongue turns black.

Tongue moist and sticky.

Parched, cracked, heavy, scarcely movable, bluish or pale.

Mouth and breath cold.

Mouth hot, saliva bloody.

Haemorrhage from nose and mouth.

Stomach: Longing for coffee, acids, sweet and salt things.

Aversion to meat and fat things: to milk, which causes flatulence.

Burning in stomach.

Tense full feeling, flatulence.

Abdomen distended better from passing wind upwards or downwards.

Meteorism with loud rumbling, fetid or odorless flatus.

Cannot bear tight clothing.

Stool: Colliquative diarrhoea, brownish, grayish, or bloody, of a cadaverous smell.

Involuntary stools.

Flatus hot, moist, offensive.

Bloody fetid stools.

Acrid, corrosive moisture from rectum.

Chest: Hearts action fails rapidly.

Congestion of lungs sets in with threatening pulmonary paralysis.

Breath cold and loud rattling breathing from the start.

Desire to be fanned, must have air (Ars. A. Bapt).

Burning in chest.

The cough has ceased, loud rattling breathing with blueness of face, lips and tongue.

Pulse: Extremely weak, frequent, small, scarcely perceptible. Intermittent.

Thread-like pulse.

Limbs: Bed sores, ecchymoses.

Internal burning with icy coldness of feet, and legs upto knees. Drunkards who complain of itching of skin day and night. Decubitus.

Face and extremities grow cold and become covered with cold- perspiration.

Great debility and weakness as soon as he makes the least exertion.

Numbness and burning pains.

Icy cold hands.

The tips of the fingers are covered with cold sweat.

Putrid sweat; cold or sour sweat.

The great debility is worse at noon.

Sleep: Legs drawn up during sleep.

Sleepless from uneasiness of the body.

Aggravation: From butter, pork; fat food; Abuse of quinine. In warm damp weather. Morning before midnight.

Amelioration: From eructations; being fanned.

Compare: Ars-a., Calc-c., Lach., Lyc., Nux-v., Phos., Ph-ac., Verat-s.

Typhoid, the vital forces seem exhausted; the patient is almost pulseless; feet and legs below knees are cold; dark, brown, watery, horribly offensive stool.”.

“Typhoid, giving out of vital forces, lies pulseless and cold; feet and legs, esp. below the knees are cold; discharges horribly offensive and colliquative. Great prostration, desire for air; wants to be fanned all the time; cold extremities, which are covered with cold sweat; sunken hippocratic face, cyanosis, ecchymoses, bed sores.”.

“Vital forces nearly exhausted, body cold, skin bluish, breath cool, thready intermittent pulse, cold sweat on limbs.

“Ailments from putrid meat, fish or rancid fats, from salt or meats.”.

Collapse comes on gradually (rapid collapse Verat-A. Camphor)”.

“Lies cold and almost pulseless; the pulse feels much like a slight ripple beneath the examining finger; there is no decided pulsation. The feet and legs below the knees are cold, or there may be coldness of the knees and feet, the parts between them not being cold. A watery stool is not so characteristic of Carb-veg. the discharges being either absent or if present, dark brown and horribly offensive.”.



1. When raised, the head falls back, mouth opens wide.

2. Nausea; aversion to food, and loathing when merely looking at it and still more when smelling at it, the smell of both nauseates and that of fish, eggs or fat meat almost makes him faint. Nausea with constant flow of saliva. Nausea in an erect position. Vomiting with trembling, worse motion.

3. Marked tympanitis.

4. Abdomen hot with cold extremities.

5. Involuntary stools.

6. Involuntary urination.

7. Does not consider his condition dangerous and feels nearly well.

8. No anxiety or fear.

9. Cold sweat on forehead, cold breath.

10. Loss of speech and cold breath.

11. Restlessness and cramps in legs.

12. Nostrils dry and black.

13. Tongue heavy, stiff, protruded with difficulty.

14. Stools offensive with fragments of white mucus mostly preceded by colic.

15. Effects of night watching and hard study.

16. Dryness of skin particularly when accompanied by dark and scanty urine.

17. Burning or icy coldness in stomach and abdomen.

Mind: Cloudiness of intellect but still answers questions correctly, does not consider his condition dangerous and feels nearly well.

No anxiety or fear.

Dissatisfied with everything.

Bright light, strong smell, contact, bad manners disturb his temper at once.

Absence of mind.


Great desire for rest.

Perception entirely lost, unconscious.

If the patient be raised up the head falls constantly backwards, and the mouth opens to the widest extent. Can hardly speak or walk.

Cadaverous aspect and extreme prostration; emaciation; lying on back.

Comatose; eyes half open.

Delirium with cephalalgia; unless questioned he says nothing of his condition, which does not seem to him dangerous.

He is unconscious, carphologia.

Head: Head falls constantly backward and the mouth opens to the widest extent if the patient is raised up.

Forehead covered with cold sweat.

Headache better warmth.

Eyes: Eyes half open. Eyes hollow, staring, sunken; pupils much dilated and little sensitive to light; immovable and but slightly dilated; left pupil contracted while the right is dilated.

Ears: Dryness, feel stopped up.

Nose: Smell acute.

The odor of meat broth causes nausea and that of fresh eggs nearly fainting.

Nosebleed in the evening.

Nostrils dry and black.

Tingling in the nose.

Face: Sunken and hippocratic; risus sardonicus.

Lips, teeth, and tongue covered with a thick brown coating.

Lips cracked.

Face covered with perspiration.

Eyes half open.

Forehead covered with cold sweat.

Piteous, sad features, as if he were ill.

Very great paleness of the face.

Cheeks red and hot, afternoon.

Cadaverous looking face.

Pale: yellow-spotted.

Cheeks red and hot.

Cracked lips.

Mouth: Tongue covered with a thick brown coating.

Tongue protruded with difficulty.

Tongue bright-red.

Tongue heavy, stiff, and numb.

Loss of speech and cold breath.

Mouth opens to the widest extent when patient is raised.

Tongue insensible.

Profuse flow of saliva with dryness of throat.

Tongue bright-red.

Stomach: Inextinguishable thirst.

Epigastrium and stomach extremely sensitive to pressure.

Abdomen distended, tense, and hard; surface of abdomen hotter than the rest of the body.

Tympanitis with pain in back.

Nausea and vomiting with considerable retching, the thought or smell of food or even the mere mention of food, makes the patient gag; sickness, nausea with horrible aversion to eat. Abdomen hot with cold extremities.

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