Unconsciousness, he knows neither where he is nor what he does. Dullness, like a want of memory.

Great difficulty in speaking, to use right expressions.

Fixed ideas; when he has once grasped a thought it cleaves to him and will not vanish.

Great crowd of changing ideas.

Nocturnal delirium.

Violent delirium with loss of consciousness.

Terrible visions, with fear and desire to hide or run away.

Dullness of the head with heaviness.

Head: Dullness and heaviness of the head.

Confusion of the head with vertigo when moving.

Dullness of the head with bruised pain in the forehead.

Vertigo like drunkenness.

Vertigo, so that he cannot rightly comprehend an idea.

Heaviness of the head so that he has difficulty in raising it.

Heaviness of the head with intolerance of light.

Pain in the head as if the brain were torn, in the morning, on waking and after.

Soreness of temples worse warm room, better when in open air.

Headache as if it would burst.

Worse from moving the eyes.

Stinging pulsating in brain worse when stooping.

Headache as is a nail was driven in.

Fetid sweat of head, on one side with anxiety and stupor.

Confusion of head with bruised pains or hollow feeling in head.

Vertigo as if intoxicated; on stooping, better while sitting; in morning on rising.

Headache on one side as if brain would burst and the eyes fall out.

Headache from stooping.

Throbbing pressive headache relieved by pressure.

Pressive pain in forehead agg. on raising the eyes.

Eyes: Oversensitive to light.

Like a veil before eyes, better rubbing or wiping them.

Dryness of eyes and lids with sensation as if darkened by mucus which ought to be wiped away.

Child frequently rubs its eyes.

Lachrymation in open air.

Ears: Hard hearing. Red and hot.

Roaring, ringing.

Black cerumen.

Nose: Bleeding, blood coagulated.

Bland thick yellow discharge.

Green fetid discharge.

Face: Alternate redness and paleness of the face.

Pale or yellow with sunken eyes.

Bloated, purple.

Puffiness of cheeks and nose.

Sweat on one side.

Lower lip swelled and cracked in the middle.

Face red every evening.

Alternately red and pale.

Puffed, blue, red.

Flushes in the face.

Skin of the face painfully sensitive.

Mouth: Putrid smell from the mouth especially in the morning.

Dryness; ptyalism; saliva sweet.

Constant spitting of frothy cotton-like mucus.

Tongue: Coated yellow or white or covered with tough mucus.

Tongue feels dry and clammy; feels in the middle as if burnt.

Parched, dry, no thirst.

Feels too broad, too large.

Edges feel sore and scalded.

Cracked lips.

Dryness of mouth and throat.

Tongue as if burnt and insensible.

Tongue cracked with gray coating.

Tongue dry; covered with a tenacious mucus; as with a membrane.

Tenacious mucus in mouth in the morning.

Taste: Foul (morning); clammy; of putrid meat; bitter after eating. Bitter, fatty, saltish, sour, sweet.

Stomach: Vomiting of bile; of slimy matter.

Food tastes to salt.

Appetite for sour refreshing things.

Aversion to fat food, pork, meat, bread, milk.

Thirst rare; when thirsty drinks often but little at a time.

Thirstlessness with moist or a dry tongue.

Loud rumbling and gurgling in abdomen.

Throbbing in epigastrium and stomach.

Stool: Watery diarrhoea especially at night.

Unconscious stool at night in sleep. Changeable stools.

Urine: Red; dark red without sediment.

Brown; brownish red; very scanty; bloody; reddish; sediment red, brick-dust colour.

Burning during and after urination, watery, colourless.

Breathing: Dyspnoea: lying on back at night.

Cough: Dry, lying down, better sitting up.

Expectoration: Yellow, bitter; greasy; salty; white; green.

Limbs: Anxious tremulous sensation in limbs.

Weakness in limbs.

Drawing tearing pains in limbs, shifting rapidly from place to place, worse at night, from warmth, better from uncovering.

Pain in limbs in morning in bed.

On waking the parts on which he has lain are asleep, with crawling and tingling.

Coldness of hands and feet.

Burning in arm in evening or at night with sensation of dryness in fingers.

Burning heat in hands and arms.

Swelling of veins of forearms and hands.

Numbness of fingers, morning and night.

Pulling and tension in thighs and legs.

Muscles of thighs and legs pain as from bruise.

Pain in tibia as from a bruise.

Numbness of soles and toes.

Drawing pain in tibia.

Sensation of soreness in the soles of the feet.

Pulsations through the whole body.

Frequent anxious trembling of limbs.

Pains constantly change their location.

Strong desire for open air, making the patient better in every way; all better in open air.

Pain as if bruised in inner parts.

Sensation of hollowness, pulsations.

Sensation of extention in size, as if one part or every part were growing too large.

Sensation of a band around parts; of buzzing or humming in any part of the body.

Tension or tightness in outer parts of joints.

Jerking or darting pains.

Pain in back and small of back; stitches; like cold water poured down back.

Heaviness in arms.

Drawing, heaviness, weariness in legs.

Legs hot with burning pains.

Jerking, tearing, drawing in muscles, worse at night, from warmth, better from uncovering.

Violent trembling all over.

Tired, worn out feeling, as from fatigue, but not better resting.

Numbness of parts lain on.

Cold sweat on legs.

Lies with hands over head.

Chilly yet averse to heat.

Chilly with pains.

One hand cold.

Partial sweat.

Worse when lying on left side.

Better in open air in cold room.

Chilliness during stool.

Heat of one hand, coldness of the other.

Body hot, limbs cold.

Constant chilliness and bitterness of the mouth.

Sweat only on the left or only on the right side of the body; on right side of face.

Heat with red face, or one cheek red and the other pale.

Heat of right side; or of upper part of body.

Body hot, limbs cold.

Heat of face or of one hand with coldness of the other.

Dry heat of body in evening with distended veins and burning hands, that seek out cool places (Op.).

He is hot, wishes to be uncovered.

Moans and groans, licks the lips but does not drink.

External warmth is intolerable.

Flitting chilliness; in spots; now here now there.

Drowsy and sleepy all day.

Crack in center of lower lip.

Piles worse lying.

Sleep: Wide awake in evening; wakes unrefreshed.

Drowsiness in day time.

Restless sleep with tossing about.

Sleep full of frightful dreams.

Sleeps late in morning.

Starts, talks, weeps, cries out in sleep.

Talking, whining and screaming during sleep.

A wakes confused or tired.

Cant lie with head low.

Pulse: Accelerated, small and weak.

Frequent evenings, slower in mornings.

“Typhoid much chilliness, yet cannot bear to be in a close room; white tongue without thirst, bad taste in mouth; sour eructation; menses retard or suppressed; discouraged, gloomy, lachrymose.”.

“Gastric and abdominal symptoms; no appetite; no thirst; chills; heat mingled with chills; chilly when uncovered; restless, stupefying, dull sleep with constant tossing about; uncovers in bed, esp. in palms of hands, yet shivers from uncovering; delirium at night, fear and desire to run away, with sopor; foul- smelling mucus covers the mouth in morning; lips cracked; dark slimy-coated tongue; rumbling in bowels with frequent discharges of only mucus, sometimes mixed with blood.

Slimy diarrhoea of greenish mucus, esp. at night, during sleep; brownish-red urine, with brick-dust sediment, also with burning.”.

“At the early stage where external heat is intolerable, uncovering followed by chill; heat only of one side; heat of one side with coldness of the other; sweat of one side; great drowsiness; delirium; frightful visions; dry tongue, as if burnt, and yet no thirst; rumbling in bowels with diarrhoea; pulsating in epigastrium.”.

“T. in mild tearful persons; pulsating in stomach; taste as of putrid meat in mouth with nausea; symptoms changeable, feeling well one hour and miserable next; worse in a warm close room; craves fresh cold air; symptoms all worse in evening.”.

“This is appropriate to the stage of attack. Heaviness of the head with intolerance of light, later stages and severe forms: Fixed ideas, violent delirium; frightful visions; desire to escape; abdominal symptoms and diarrhoea.”.

“Pupils first contracted then dilated. Deafness as if the ears were stopped with rushing sound, like the wind, cracked lips; putrid smell from the mouth, morning and night; foul-smelling slime covers the mouth in the morning on waking with dryness of mouth and throat. Tongue as if burnt and insensible; cracked, gray coating.”.

Aggravation: In a warm close room. Evening. At twilight. On beginning to move. Lying on the left side. Lying on the painless side. Very rich, fat, indigestible food; warm applications. Heat. Loss of fluids. Lying with head low. Suppressed menstruation. Fruits. ice, warm food, surgical injuries, tobacco, during pregnancy.

Amelioration: In the open air; In a cold place, from cold air. Lying on right side. Lying with head high. On wetting the affected parts. Washing. After discharge of flatus.

Cold applications.

Compare: Ars., Bell., Bry., Ign., lyc., Nux-v., Phos., Rhus-t., Sulph.

Dose: 30th. 200th. 1000th.

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N C Das