Feet cold and blue.

Burning of palms and soles.

Symptoms worse when perspiring.

Tearing pains in limbs during rest better from motion (Rhus. t.).

All joints feel as if bruised.

Excessive prostration.

Great debility, as soon as he sits down his eyes close (after typhoid).

Prostration and drowsiness all day; she wants to lie about.

Sleep: Delirious tossing, sliding down in bed. Sleeplessness before midnight.

Groaning, snoring, talking in sleep.

Frequent and early waking, caused by a coldness that is felt in bed.

Generalities: Aversion to open air; sensitive to cold, damp, stormy, windy weather. Wants to uncover. Cold sweat on the feet, evening in bed.

“Typhoid: stupid sleep, while awake unconscious; loud moaning; lower jaw dropped; tongue shrunken, dry, like leather; involuntary stools while passing urine; sliding down in bed; bleeding from anus; pulse intermits every third beat.”.

“Typhoid fever, lower jaw hangs down, atrophy of tongue, involuntary watery stools when passing urine, great debility, with sliding down in bed, loud moaning.”.

“Advanced typhus, patient stupid, unconscious, and extremely prostate; constant sliding down in bed (Apis. Zinc.), low muttering delirium; groaning in sleep. and picking at bed clothes. Inability to protrude tongue which is very dry. Depression of lower jaw, boring head into pillow, turning up whites of eyes, slavering. Involuntary stools and urine. Bleeding from anus.”.

“Low fevers with high temperature and great prostration. Patient becomes so weak she slides down in bed. Decomposition of fluids. Involuntary stools while passing urine.”.

“Atonic conditions, with extreme prostration and want of reaction; in typhoid states with great muscular debility but with more or less restlessness.”.

“Typhoid, fever is not very high, but muttering delirium, sordes on teeth, dry and burnt-looking tongue, aphthous and other ulcerations of the mouth offensive discharges or haemorrhages from any orifice of the body, bed sores, and great prostration with tendency to slide down in bed.”.

“The typhoid picture of Muriatic acid is a gloomy one. The patient lies in a stupid, often unconscious condition and yet he is restless, rarely quiet; the mouth is open, covered with aphthous patches, usually with a horrible foul discharge; the tongue is dark and dry; the discharges are involuntary, stools offensive, marked tendency to haemorrhage (Nit. ac. Chin.); the patient is constantly sliding down in bed; bed-sores come easily and are difficult to manage, with bad odor.”.

“Great debility following low fevers, as soon as he sits down his eyes close; lower jaw hangs down; slides down in bed.”.

“This remedy is found useful in cases of lower grade than in Phosphoric acid case. It comes nearer to Carbo-veg. than any other remedy.”.

“There is decomposition of fluids; the stools are involuntary while passing urine; stools dark, thin, or haemorrhage of dark liquid blood. Mouth full of dark bluish ulcers; unconscious. Moaning and sliding down in the bed from excessive weakness; lower jaw fallen, tongue dry, leathery and shrunken to a third of its natural size, and paralyzed; pulse weak and intermittent. It is hardly possible to draw a picture of a more desperate case of typhoid than this.”.

“Rectum prolapses easily, cannot urinate without it coming down, also when wind is passed or bowels move.”.

“Great weakness characterizes this remedy, great fetor of breath, and ulceration of the mucus membrane. Salivary glands tender and swollen, mouth very sore. It corresponds to the later stages where putridity is prominent and the weakness is expressed as being so marked that he slips down to the foot of the bed. The tongue is so dry that it rattles in the mouth. The diarrhoea is very watery and often escapes while urinating; the heart is feeble, irregular and intermits every third beat. Bed sores are prone to form; petechiae and oedema of ankles.”.

“Muriatic acid has many symptoms similar to Rhus. t.; but decomposition is much more evident under Rhus. t. and the acid rather follows than precedes Rhus.”.

“Trinks praises Mur. ac. in erethistic conditions too severe for Bryonia, too sthenic for Rhus, and not cerebral enough for Bell.”.

“Typhoid or typhus, deep stupid sleep; unconscious while awake; loud moaning or muttering; tongue coated at edges, shrunken, dry, leather-like, paralyzed; involuntary fetid stools while passing urine; sliding down in bed; pulse intermits every third beat. Haemorrhage of dark fluid blood; mouth full of bluish ulcers; great prostration.”.

“Low form of continued fever, extreme prostration (Ars.A., Ph. ac.)”.

“With Ars.A. there has been the anxious restlessness; with Phos. ac. there has been the mental prostration and then the muscular weakness; with Mur. ac. the muscular weakness comes first, and there has been history of restlessness and the mind has been stronger than could be expected with this muscular exhaustion with jaw hanging down and the patient sliding down in bed and soon the involuntary stool and urine, this remedy is forced upon our mind.”.

“Mur. ac. displays a sunken face, tongue smooth as deprived of papillae or brown, shrunken and hard. Sliding down in bed from muscular weakness.”.

“Mur. ac. has many symptoms common with Rhus tox. It (Mur.ac.) is to be preferred when the decomposition is still more evident; the prostration is great; the patient being so weak that he slides down toward the foot of the bed. The stool and urine escape involuntarily.”.

“Mur. ac. bears some resemblance to Bapt. in the great prostration, in the decomposition of fluids, and in the low form of delirium. But the general character of its symptoms is not sufficiently similar to those of the other remedy (Bapt) to make a distinction difficult. The Mur. ac. weakness is so great that the patient is unable to make a slight exertion required to maintain the head on the pillow, he therefore slides down to the foot of the bed.”.

“First stage of typhoid: considerable excitement; irritable and peevish, senses are all too acute; light hurts his eyes; distant noises cause buzzing and roaring in ears, or aggravate headache; both smell and taste abnormally acute; restless and changes position frequently; mind engaged in visions of past and present and of future; cheeks quite bright red; tongue and mouth dry; heart beat quick, irritable; slightly delirious; sleepy but unable to sleep; or he tosses about, dreamy, and restless all through night.”.

“Typhoid second stage: state of exhaustion; patient sad, absorbed in self, taciturn, introspective, sad and brooding; anxious about something real or imaginary; headache, feels as if the brain were being torn or bruised or heaviness in occiput; becomes unconscious, with muttering delirium, sighs and groans during sleep, the tongue grows more dry and become shrunken and narrow and pointed; tongue so dry that it rattles in the mouth.”.

“Typhoid, third stages: the tongue paralyzed, he can scarcely move it at all; the heart beats are regular and feeble; pulse intermits at every third beat; becomes weak, muscles refuse their office; diarrhoea, watery stools with prolapsus of rectum; stool is involuntary when straining to urinate; slides down in bed; vacant starting eyes, dropping of lower jaw, coldness of extremities.”.

Aggravation: By touch, cold washing; cold drink. Evening; Night, Rest; Lying on right side (vertigo) motion (vertigo); after sleep; after eating; Damp weather; before midnight.

Amelioration: Warmth; Cold wind and open air (headache); uncovering (during fever); Motion (tearing pains) drinking. Lying on left side.

Compare: Rhus t. Bryonia. Apis, Phos-ac., Nit-ac., Arsenic., Alb., Bapt., Bell., Gels.

Dose: 30th.,200th., 1000th. C.M.



1. Symptoms ever changing.

2. Thirstlessness.

3. Mild, gentle, yielding disposition.

4. Weeping mood, weeps when talking.

5. Patient seeks the open air, always feels better there, even through he is chilly. Uncovers during heat.

6. Discharges thick, bland, yellowish green.

7. Chilly; peevish.

8. Likes sympathy.

9. Pains with constant chilliness.

10. Heat aggravates, cold ameliorates.

11. Menses too late and scanty.

12. Expectoration bitter, yellow, green.

13. Great dryness of mouth in morning without thirst.

14. Wandering pains.

15. Diarrhoea, no two stools alike; at night.

16. Crack in the middle of lower lip.

17. Averse to fats, warm food and drink.

18. Bitter taste of mouth.

19. Sleeps with the arms over the head.

20. Perspiration on one side only.

21. Heat on one side.

22. Sweat, sour, musty, like musk.

23. Tingling in parts lain on.

24. Pulsation through the whole body.

Mind: Mild, gentle, tearful, yielding, timid.

Peevish, changeable; pale; chilly.

Bad effects from fright, mortification, or excessive joy.

Easily moved to tears or laughter.

Fears in evening to be alone, dark, ghosts.

Likes sympathy.

Easily discouraged.

Weeps easily.

Tremulous anxiety, as if death were near.

Anxiety at night, as from heat.


Many wandering thoughts.

Ill-humoured, fretful.

Gloomy, melancholy.

He falters and hesitates in his speech, and only answers with indignation.

N C Das
N C Das