Stool: Watery,frequent, involuntary, offensive, with fragments of whitish mucus, discharges mostly preceded by colic.

Black offensive stools (Ars. A.) with severe pain.

Urine: Suppressed; copious; involuntary.

Breathing: Respiration irregular or intermittent.

Audible and accelerated.

Pulse: Small, quick, hardly perceptible.

Small, contracted.

Small, frequent.

Quick, thready.


Limbs: Great weakness and sensibility of surface; weakness as if after exertion.

Sudden sinking of forces, can hardly speak or walk.

Extreme prostration.


Lying on the back.

Hand and feet cold.

Trunk hot, extremities cold.

Skin dry.


Suppressed cutaneous transpiration.


Perception entirely lost.

Feet oedematous.

Sleep: Comatose state.

Starting jerking in sleep.

Lying on the back.

Sleeplessness without entire consciousness.

“The position of colch in typhoid fever is between Ars. and cinchona. First we see that the patients intellect is beclouded. But although his mind is befogged he still answers your questions correctly showing you that he is not in complete stupor, unless questioned concerning it he says nothing about his condition. Which does not seem dangerous to him. There is not that fearfulness, that dread of death which characterizes some other drugs indicated in typhoid fevers.

The pupils are widely dilated and very imperfectly sensitive to light. There is cold sweat on forehead (Verat. A.) when the patient attempts to raise the head from the pillow, it falls back again, and the mouth opens wide. The face has a cadaverous appearance. The features are sharp and pointed, the nose looks as though it had been pinched or tightly squeezed, and the nostrils are dry and even black. The tongue is heavy and stiff and is protruded with difficulty. In extreme cases it is bluish, particularly at the base.

There is almost complete loss of speech and the breath is cold. There are often nausea and vomiting, the latter being attended with considerable retching. These symptoms are associated with restlessness and cramps in the legs. The body is hot, while the extremities are cold. Tympanitis exceedingly marked, stools are watery and frequent, and involuntary. (Ars., A. China., Verat.A.).

Aggravation: Mental emotion or exhaustion. Effects of hard study; odor of cooking food. Motion, Sundown to sunrise. Night.

Amelioration: Stooping, open air, repose.

Compare: Arn., Bell., Bry., Chin., Nux-v., Op., Puls., Rhus. t., Verat. A.

Dose: 30th. 200th.



1. The patient cannot urinate without having the bowels moved at the same time; great prostration.

2. Slips down towards the foot of the bed, and must be lifted up every little while.

3. Cannot bear the sight or thought of meat, it is so distasteful.

4. Parched shrunken tongue.

5. Involuntary stools and urine.

6. Pulse intermits at every third beat.

7. Unconsciousness. Deep stupid sleep.

8. Muttering delirium, loud moaning.

9. Putrid conditions, offensiveness.

10. Muscular prostration, marked.

11. Mucous membranes dry, bleeding, cracked, ulcerated. Dry mouth and throat.

12. Sordes on teeth.

13. Lower jaw hangs down.

14. Tongue and sphincter ani paralyzed.

15. Anus sore, sensitive.

16. Has to press during urination so that anus protrudes.

17. Wants to lie down.

18. Bluish parts; tongue, ulcers, etc.

19. Bloody mucous membranes.

20. Vertigo on lying on right side.

21. Heaviness of occiput.

22. Brain feels bruised.

23. Dark or glowing red face with cold hands.

24. During heat aversion to covers.

25. Burning of palms and soles.

26. Anxiety with cold perspiration of the face.

27. Surely mood, very peevish.

28. Burning sensation in forehead.

29. Pupils dilated or contracted. Shuns light.

30. Very sensitive to noise.

31. All food tastes sweet.

32. Weakness of thighs.

33. Twitching in all limbs; restlessness; weakness of lower limbs; restless at night.

34. Sleeplessness after midnight; frequent awaking at night; always wakes at 4 A.M. and cannot again fall asleep; dreams about lice.

Mind: Unconsciousness.

Moaning, muttering.

Persistent loud moaning.

Sad, taciturn, loud moaning.

Irritable. Peevish, fretful.

Introverted and quiet, suffers in silence.

Restlessness, frequently changing position.

“There has been some restlessness but nothing like Arsenic or Rhus tox.”.

“Constant sliding down in bed, with groaning and moaning in sleep, and muttering and unconsciousness while awake.”.

“Continuous delirium, hindering sleep and rest; the patient is all the time occupied with things past and present; he forgets time, place and all he has said.”.

Vivid hallucinations.

Slight feeling of weakness and weariness.

“Continued delirium keeping the patient from rest and sleep, he is constantly occupied with changing pictures of the past and present, and thus forgets everything around him.”.

“The patient lies in a stupid, often unconscious condition and yet he is restless, rarely quiet.”.

“Low typhoid states, great muscular debility but with more or less restlessness.”

Muttering delirium.

Picking at flocks.

Picking at bed clothes.

Head: Distant talking causes headache.

Headache worse rising up in bed; from moving eyes; better by moving the body.

Heaviness in the back part of the head with obscure sight, aggravated by the effort to see.

Feeling as if brain were loose.

Vertigo: worse lying on right side or back.

Vertigo: with tottering gait.

Vertigo: worse moving the eyes.

Heat on top of head.

Headache as if the brain were bruised.

Eyes: Eyes shun the light. The eyes glisten; the pupils are contracted; turning up the whites of eyes.

The eyes full of lustre.

Ears: Sensitive to noise.

Complains of hearing sounds, such as falling of rain or music, which do not exist.

Hardness of hearing, deafness.

Acuteness of hearing with sensibility to noise.

Buzzing, whistling in ear.

Nose: Continuous bleeding from nose.

Sore nostrils obstruction of nose.

Dryness of nose. Dark putrid blood from nose.

Face: Circumscribed redness of face.

Whole face red. Heat; glowing red cheeks.

Sudden red face with coma.

Lower jaw hangs down.

Burning lips.

Bloated lower lip; feels heavy, burns.

Pimples around the lips.

Mouth: Gums swollen, bleeding, ulcerating.

Sordes on teeth.

Fetid breath.

Aphthous mouth. Aphthae putrid.

Small, bluish, deep ulcers in mouth.

Tongue: Great dryness of mouth and tongue, tongue heavy paralyzed, cannot move it: the patient cannot move it at will, even if conscious.

Nose, lips and tongue are dry.

The tongue is not or only slightly coated.

“The tongue is so dry that it rattles in the mouth.”

Dryness of mouth, paralysis of tongue.

Heaviness of the tongue when speaking, as if it were made of lead, which prevents him from talking.

Deep seated ulcers with black base, vesicles or pustules on tongue.

The tongue becomes sore and bluish.

The tongue dwindles (atrophy of tongue).

Tongue sore, bluish; contains deep ulcers with black bases and vesicles.

Tongue heavy as lead, hinders talking; feels lame, sore.

Tongue, pale, swollen, dry, leathery, paralyzed.

Hard lumps on tongue.

Tongue, heavy, stiff, shrunken or burnt looking.

Inability to protrude tongue which is very dry.

Mouth and tongue coated white.

Tongue dry, heavy, stiff and paralyzed.

Ulceration of mouth and tongue.

Red tongue.

Blueness of tongue.

Margin of lips dry, sore and cracked.

Teeth become loose.

Lips denuded.

Dryness of throat.

Everything tastes sweet.

Taste acrid, putrid with ptyalism.

Foul breath.

Mouth as if glued up with insipid mucus; much saliva.

Stomach: Excessive hunger and thirst.

Aversion to meat.

Empty sensation in stomach.

Rumbling and feeling of emptiness in abdomen.

Can not bear sight or thought of meat.

Very light affection of the intestinal canal.

Stool: Involuntary micturition and defecation.

Watery dark offensive diarrhoea.

Infrequent typhoid stools or none at all.

Involuntary discharge of thin watery stools while urinating.

Tendency to involuntary evacuations while urinating.

Prolapsus ani while urinating.

Involuntary stools and urine.

Bleeding from anus.

Diarrhoea is watery and often escapes while urinating.

Discharges from the bowels none or but seldom.

Urine: Urine clear or acid reaction.

Profuse discharge of watery urine.

Involuntary discharge of urine.

Cannot urinate without having bowels move at same time.

Slow emission of urine.

Frequent and scanty.

Frequent and profuse.

Slow, must wait a long time before urine will pass; has to press so that anus protrudes.

Urine red; milk-like.

Involuntary stools when passing urine.

Pulse: Intermits every third beat.

Weak and slow.

Beat of heart and pulse very frequent irritable, without energy (first stage of typhoid).

Limbs: Constant sliding down in bed.

Lower jaw hangs down.

Legs flexed, feet drawn up.

Skin hot and dry.

Muscular power not very much decreased or diminished (first stage).

Slight feeling of weakness and weariness.

Excessive prostration from muscular paresis (second and third stage).

Paralysis of tongue, of the sphincters, of the bladder and rectum.

Pressing pain in back. Pressing, drawing, tired feeling in small of back.

Burning in spine.

Heaviness of arms.

Numbness and coldness of fingers at night. Lower limbs dusky.

Putrid ulcers on legs with burning margins.

N C Das
N C Das