Paralysis – 2

Paralysis from cold especially after Aconite. Paralysis with contractures or spasms. Paralysis which are traceable to exposure to cold, especially to dry cold winds (Aconite) and when the paralysis become chronic and refuses to yield to Aconite. Paralysis of lips. Paralysis from apoplexy. Weakness almost like paralysis of the right arm, with sensation of stiffness, especially when writing.

TYPE; Rheumatic. Hemiplegia. Post-diphtheritic. Infantile. Chronic.

LOCATION: Upper lids. Muscles of eyeball. External recti. Optic nerve. Face. Right side of face. One side of face. Throat. Bladder. Larynx. Limbs. Right side. Left side. Upper limbs. Right upper limbs. Shoulder. Forearm. Hand. Fingers. Flexor muscles. Single parts. Tongue.


PARTURITION TYPHOID: Apoplexy. Exertion. River bath in summer. Suppressed eruptions. After getting wet. After diphtheria (upper limbs). From cold (face).

CONVULSIONS: Riding in the wind (face). Cold wind.

Character: Appearing gradually. With coldness of parts. Right sided. One sided. Rheumatic. With stiffness. Painless. Perspiration of paralyzed limb. Trembling of paralyzed part. Painful. with contractures or spasms.

AGGRAVATION: At new moon. At night. Early morning. Washing. Bathing. Open air. After wetting. Every change of weather. In clear fine weather. From cold. Cold air. Cold and dry weather. During perspiration.

AMELIORATION: In damp wet weather. Warm air. Warmth. LOCAL SYMPTOMS: Paralysis with sensibility intact. Paralysis appearing gradually. Paralysis of single parts. Paralysis generally of right side. Paralysis from exposure to cold wind, a draft. Paralysis of the right side of the face. Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold. Paralysis of tongue with indistinct speech. Paralysis showing itself both in voluntary and involuntary muscles. Paralysis of single nerves or single parts. Lead paralysis. Paralysis of the face from cold (Aco). One sided paralysis. Paralysis of either or both lower and upper extremities.

Paralysis of throat after diphtheria. Paralysis of upper eyelids. Paralysis of tongue with stammering. Paralysis of the organs of speech, paralysis of the tongue, awkward at talking, awkward at chewing, bites the tongue and cheeks when chewing. Paralysis resulting from rheumatism. Rheumatic paralysis of right deltoid, especially with inability to raise the hand to the head or to fix the hair.

Paralysis from cold especially after Aconite. Paralysis with contractures or spasms. Paralysis which are traceable to exposure to cold, especially to dry cold winds (Aconite) and when the paralysis become chronic and refuses to yield to Aconite. Paralysis of lips. Paralysis from apoplexy. Weakness almost like paralysis of the right arm, with sensation of stiffness, especially when writing. Paralysis of the forearms, he could hardly raise them owing to their heaviness and sensation of rigidity, speechlessness from paralysis of the tongue.

ATTENDING SYMPTOMS: Melancholy mood. Anxiety about bodily ailments. Always anxious. Want of courage. Timid at night, Peevishness. Irritable. Indolent. Angry at trifles. Obstinate. Indisposed to work. Memory weak. Mispronounces words. Very suspicious and mistrustful. Absent minded. Vertigo while looking upward or looking attentively at one point, better in open air. Lachrymation in open air. Falling out of the hairs about nostrils. Scaly nose. Face sickly yellow. Pimples and warts on nose.

Old warts on the eyebrows, on the upper eyelid. Mouth dry but no thirst. Constant inclination to swallow. Biles inside of cheeks while chewing. Taste of mouth fatty, putrid, bitter. Eats too hastily. Aversion to sweet things. Fresh meat causes nausea, smoked meat agrees. After dinner itching of the anus. After meals chilliness. redness of face. Ineffectual urging to stool, frequently, with many pains, anxiety and redness in the face. The stool is more readily discharged while standing. Hard, tough stool, covered with mucus and shines as if greased, small shaped. Varices on the anus impeding stool.

Fistula and large piles, severe throbbing in the perineum. Much mucus in the urine, it can be drawn out in threads. Increase of smegma about the glands. Large red spots on the penis. After coitus pain in the rectum. Blood from urethra during emission of semen in coition. Frequent pollution in old men. During the menses she is quite yellow in the face, very ill-humored and weary. Cough is relieved by a swallow of cold water. Hoarseness with pain in chest, morning and evening, cannot speak a word aloud.

Asthma chiefly when sitting of after lying down. Tightness of chest. Trembling of hands. Numbness of fingers. Cold feet. Cramp in calf early in bed. Cramp in feet. Formication in soles. Gouty pains in all the limbs. Whatever parts she touches, burns. Restless legs at night. Rheumatic tearing in limbs, better by warmth, especially heat of bed. A dirty white look of skin. Internal sensation of trembling. Weakness and trembling of limbs, morning on awaking. Sleepy during conversation. Moves arms and legs during sleep at night. Rheumatism worse from cold and better from warmth.


TYPE: Rheumatic Toxic. Hemiplegia. Agitans. One-sided. Infantile. Post-diphtheritic. Acute.

LOCATION: Upper lid. Muscles of eyeball. Optic nerve. Face. Tongue. Throat. Pharynx. Bladder. Diaphragm. Right side. Left side. Upper limbs. Hand. Lower limbs. Foot.

CAUSES: Exertion. Rheumatism. Sexual excesses. Intermittent fever suppressed; Perspiration suppressed. Typhoid. Getting wet. Exposure to wet. Cold Damp cold. Parturition. Convulsions.

CHARACTER: With coldness of parts. Painless. Mostly left- sided. With perspiration of parts. With stiffness of parts. With numbness of the parts. With tingling of the parts.

AGGRAVATION: Before a storm. Cold wet rainy weather. At night, especially after midnight. From getting wet while perspiring. During rest Lying on damp ground. From bathing. Autumn. From cold in general. From lifting. During perspiration. Winter. Sea bathing. Change of weather.

AMELIORATION: By warmth and hot applications. By rubbing. By continued motion. Warm dry weather. Wrapping up. Moving affected parts. In dry weather. In clear weather. From stretching out the limbs.

LOCAL SYMPTOMS: Paralysis from getting wet on lying on damp ground. Unwanted exercise causes paralysis. Painless paralysis of the limbs. Paralysis after ague, or Typhoid, from sexual excesses, after exertion, parturition, from suppression of perspiration or of Malaria.

Paralysis with numbness of affected parts. Rheumatic paralysis from exposure to wet, strains or excessive exertion, with painful stiffness, tingling and numbness. Paralysis of the muscles of the eyeballs from damp cold. “In various forms of paralysis Rhus Tox may be indicated, especially in rheumatic patients when the trouble has come on from overexertion or exposure to wet, as from lying on the damp ground (Sulphur).” Farrington.

Paralysis from cold (Aco, Sulph. Caust.) Paralysis of the limbs with loss of sensation. Infantile paralysis caused by cold damp ground. Paralysis of the arm with coldness and insensibility.

ATTENDING SYMPTOMS: Extreme restlessness with continued change of position. Fear that he will die; of being poisoned. Anxious. Absent minded. Weakness of memory. Anguish with fear of death and sighs.

Humid eruptions on scalp, eating off the hair, offensive smell and itching, worse at night. Scalp sensitive. Headache relieved by heat and when moving about. Red tip of nose. Dryness of nose. Face pale, sunken, with blue rings under the eyes and pointed nose. Dryness of the mouth with much the thirst. Bloody saliva. Putrid taste and offensive smell from mouth. Tongue dry, red and cracked, red triangular tip of tongue. Tongue dry and red at edges. Corners of mouth ulcerated. Food tastes bitter, especially the bread. Longing for oysters. Desire for milk. Pressure in stomach as from a stone.

Drowsy after eating. Dysentery, with tearing pains down thighs. During stool shortness of breath. Divided stream of urine. Urine hot. Pain and stiffness in small of back better motion or lying on something hard. Warts on hands. Great debility, weakness and soreness, especially when sitting and when at rest. The parts on which one lies go to sleep. Restlessness of the body, inclination to move the affected parts. Can lie on his back at night. Dreams of great exertion. Crawling in tips of fingers.

Great sensitiveness to the open air. Bad consequences from getting wet especially after being heated, from excessive bodily exercise; bruises and strains; from heavy falls; concussion of the body. After effects of syphilis. Irresistible desire to move or change the position every little while.

Diseases whether acute or chronic resulting from a sudden and a thorough drenching by a shower of rain. Inability at first to move the parts affected. Coldness in left tibia. Inclination to stretch. Effects of over-lifting. Stretching high up to reach things. Result of working in water (Calc. C.). Yellow vesicles. Cough with taste of blood. Results of too much summer bathing in lake or river.

HIVES: from getting wet, during rheumatism during chill and fever. Worse in cold air. Complaints from cold damp weather, from being exposed to cold damp air when perspiring; worse from cold and better from warmth. Restlessness throughout the limbs, aching pains, bruised feelings over the body; better from motion.


TYPE: Post-diphtheritic. Toxic. Infantile. Agitans. Rheumatic. Ascending.

N C Das
N C Das