Hpathy Needs Your Help!

Editorial Belated Better Than Repudiated

This is an age of Self assertion and if the Homoeopathic Medical profession do not move to have their Diplomas recognised by the Government it is themselves they have to thank for. It is however, heartening to know that the unregistered medical practitioners are moving the Govt. for their recognition and we commend this move to the Homoeo. Practitioners.

Bose N C Passes Away

Besides, with a view to educating the general public as well as those in the profession, he spared no pains to lend his hand in the different medical journals, outstanding of which, is his article entitled “Veshaj-tatwa” in “Homoeopathic Darshak.” Right through his life, he had proved himself to be a true medical man. Looking to the other side of his literary genius, we find in him a poet and a dramatist as well.

A Study Of Ignatia

Indeed, there is little real difference between the coarser effects of large doses of these two drugs, for both acts strongly upon the cerebro spinal axis, and hence allopaths regard Ignatia as identical in action with Nux Vomica. The superficial use of chemistry in the basis of prescribing for the sick has led the old school to the error, and here its shows the superiority of Homoeopathy over the other science.

Paralysis – 2

Paralysis from cold especially after Aconite. Paralysis with contractures or spasms. Paralysis which are traceable to exposure to cold, especially to dry cold winds (Aconite) and when the paralysis become chronic and refuses to yield to Aconite. Paralysis of lips. Paralysis from apoplexy. Weakness almost like paralysis of the right arm, with sensation of stiffness, especially when writing.

Relata Refero – 2

The procedure of the Committee of Enquiry be, in general, on the lines of the procedure of the court. Persons directly or indirectly concerned with the teaching in the medical colleges and the holding of examinations be allowed to be called in as witnesses before the Committee of Enquiry. Cross-examinations of the said witnesses by counsels before the Committee of Enquiry be permitted.

The Use Of Repertory

Success with the repertory depends upon the ability of the physician “to take the case” properly and make correct deductions therefrom. The repertory should not be looked upon as necessarily a time saver at first, but rather as an aid to accuracy, the economy of time coming in the later management of the case, as a result of the complete primary study, and ultimately in its more rapid cure.