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Delirium in which the patient may jump out of bed, throw off the bed clothes, or take off the clothes and go naked. Patients with fever will often throw the bed clothes entirely off, not because they are too warm, but they will not remain covered. Amativeness. Memory weak or lost. Unconscious delirium with closed eyes; when spoken to, the answer is properly given, but immediately unconsciousness and delirium return.



(1) Redness and heat of parts.

(2) Pains cause redness of ace and eyes.

(3) Violent delirium bites, spits, strikes, tears things; tries to escape.

(4) Throbbing of carotids.

(5) Skin dry, hot, burning, imparts a burning sensation to examining hands.

(6) Face hot with extremities cold.

(7) Sensitive to light and noise.

(8) Averse to uncovering during heat.

(9) Head icy cold or burning hot.

(10) Sweat on covered parts only.

(11) Constant moaning.

(12) Head hot, limbs cold.

(13) Sleeplessness with drowsiness. Sleepy but cannot sleep.

(14) Starting when closing the eyes or during sleep.

(15) Grinding of teeth during sleep.

(16) Wildly delirious, ferocious, noisy, cries out.

(17) Restless and talks fast.

(18) Rolls head, pulls her hair.

(19) Prominent sparkling eyes, dilated pupils. Photophobia.

(20) Dry hot mouth and throat.

(21) Hot sweat.

(22) Craves lemonade.

(23) Lying down aggravates.

(24) Afternoon aggravations.

Mind: Delirium, with frightful figures and images before the eyes.

Furious delirium with violent pain in the forehead.

The patient suddenly springs from the bed, or attempts to.

He is timid and fearful and suspicious and desires to run away.

Reluctant to answer question or to speak.

Increased sensibility of all the senses, is quarrelsome, and strikes, bites and spits on his attendants.

The patient sings, laughs and talks loud in his delirium.

He is completely insensible as if in a dream, he neither sees nor hears.

Illusion of the senses and imagination.

He has visions of duty or terror.

The delirium is violent with staring of the eyes; it is also loquacious or perhaps muttering.

He talks of dogs, wolves, cattle, soldiers, battles, and of going home.

Disinclination to talk or very fast talking.

Rage, madness, disposition to bite, to spit, to strike and to tear things.

Fantastic illusions (when closing the eyes). Stupefaction, pupils enlarged; Nervous anxiety, restlessness, desire to escape.

Imagines he sees ghosts, hideous faces and various insects; black animals, dogs, wolves.

Fear of imaginary things, wants to run away from them.

Merry delirium.

Moaning, it seems to relieve.

Absent-minded, forgetful.

Desire to escape or hide herself.

Talkative, then mute.

Picking at bed clothes (Rhus t.) as if looking for something lost, with confused muttering.

Instead of eating, bit the wooden spoon in two, gnawed the plate, and growled and barked like a dog.

At one time merry, again would spit and bite at those around; thinks himself suddenly rich.

Starts in a fright at the approach of others.

Anxious and confused, fears she is about to die.

Head: Distended and pulsating arteries.

Heat and pulsation in head.

Headache from 4 P.M.

Headache; worse by moving the eyes, when lying down; when leaning the head forward; from slightest noise and motion.

Better when bending the head backward; from external pressure.

Throbbing in brain.

Cold sensation in the brain at the middle of the forehead.

Soreness of the head.

Sensation of heaviness in head.

Forehead most sensitive.

Shuts the eyes with headache.

Vertigo with anxiety.

The eyes are prominent, red, staring, sparkling, brilliant, distorted, the pupils are contracted or greatly dilated and immovable, or eyes may be dull and without expression.

Photophobia. Eyes dry, feel stiff.

Heat and burning in eyes.

Eyeballs red and prominent.

Heaviness of lids.

Trembling of eyelids.

Ears: Deafness, as if a skin were drawn over the ears.

Nose: Red tip with burning.

Dryness of nose with frontal headache.

Face: Red and hot; pale and cold.

Mottled red, swollen and hot.

Burning heat of face with body warm and feet cold.

Swelling of upper lip.

Lips, especially the upper one crack in the middle; dry and parched.

Flushed face and red eyes.

Dry and cracked lips; or dark red and dry.

Mouth: Tongue red on its edges and borders, white in its middle.

Haemorrhage from mouth and nose.

Distortion of the mouth.

Dryness of the mouth and throat.

Tongue red, hot dry and cracked.

Trembling of the tongue.

Heaviness of the tongue.

Difficult stammering speech as if drunk.

Lock-jaw, mouth half-open.

Dryness of the mouth without thirst.

Teeth feel “on edges.”.

Taste: Putrid when eating or drinking.





Bread tastes sour.

Feeling of coldness and dryness in forepart of tongue.

Saliva: Thick, tenacious, white, clings to tongue like glue.

Dryness of mouth with thirst.

Mouth feels hot.

Slimy mouth in morning.

Throat: Dry, raw, sore, constant desire to swallow.

Stomach: Desire for lemons.

Ineffectual effort to vomit about midnight.

Abdomen distended, hot, tender.

Urine: Blood red; dark; yellow; gold colour; pale.

Bright yellow.

Pulse: Accelerated, full, hard, tense; occasionally soft and small; slow, full.

Limbs: Throbbing in the carotid and temporal arteries.

Pain in neck when bending head backwards.

Backaches as if broken.

Heaviness of upper limbs.

Bruised pain in upper arm.

Pain in thighs and legs as if beaten.

Tremulous heaviness of the legs.

Disinclination and aversion to work or motion.

Restlessness; he was obliged constantly to move the body to and fro, especially the hands and feet.

Constantly changes his position.

Trembling in all the limbs.

Weakness and tottering gait.

Great restlessness with sudden startings.

Muscles of face, jaw and limbs agitated by convulsive twitchings.

Clenched teeth.

Stiffness of whole body.

Trembling with sense of weariness in the limbs in the early stage.

Heaviness and weariness in the limbs; great debility, and general weakness with sleeplessness in the afternoon.

Red spots on chest, abdomen, face and neck.

Sleep: Sleeps much yet not refreshed.

Sleepy yet cannot sleep.

Starts as if in a fright during sleep and on awaking.

During sleep singing, talking loud, moaning.

Great drowsiness.

Profound comatose sleep with snoring.

Sleeplessness with strong desire to sleep.

Sighing and jerks in sleep.

Frightful visions on closing the eyes to sleep.

Anxious and frightful dreams.

Generalities: Skin imparts a burning sensation to examining hand.

Skin sensitive to touch.

Young full-blooded patients.

Pulse and heat run high.

Threatened convulsions.

Heat, averse to uncovering.

Heat of forehead, with cold cheeks.

Heat of head with redness of face and delirium.

Coldness of the limbs with heat of the head.

Starting of the head.

During fever, thirst, drowsy, starting, delirium.

Sleeplessness with drowsiness.

Much twitching and jerkings of the muscles.

“Typhoid, congestion with great drowsiness and inability to go to sleep, frequent starting during sleep; fits lies quiet but often moans; trembling, twitching of lips, head and limbs; pulse very small, thready, and irregular, with strong throbbing pulse in head; throat dry and pains when drinking; violent delirium with attempt to run away; to strike, bite, or spit at attendants; sparkling staring eyes with throbbing of carotids and temporal arteries; tongue has red margin and white center; bronchial irritation with dry cough.”.

“Covering parts sweat.”.

Aggravation: Touch. Motion. Noise. Draft of air. Looking at bright shining objects; After 3 P.M. Night. After midnight. While drinking. Uncovering head. Summer sun. Lying down. Least jar of bed or chair. Afternoon. After hair cut. During sleep.

Amelioration: Rest. Warm room. Standing. Sitting. erect.

Compare: Bry. Gels. Hyosc. Op. Stram.

Dose: 30th, 200th.



(1) Twitching, every muscle in the body twitches. Twitching of the muscles.

(2) Delirium without consciousness, does not know any body and has no wants. Furious delirium or low muttering delirium with picking at bed clothes.

(3) Dropping of lower jaw, sliding down in bed.

(4) Involuntary stool and urine; suppression or retention of urine.

(5) Patient weak and trembling.

(6) Fear of being poisoned.

(7) Tongue dry, red.

(8) Sordes on teeth.

(9) Attempts to bite, strike those about him.

(10) Desire to uncover, remain naked.

(11) Aversion to light and company.

(12) Lying quiet in bed, he suddenly sits up and stares around as if looking for some one whom he expected to see in the room; lies down again and goes off into a sleep.

(13) Nervous, whining, crying, twitching, uncovers sexual organs.

(14) Sees persons who are not and have not been present.

(15) Illusions of sight, double sight.

(16) Constant staring at surrounding objects, self-forget fullness.

(17) Want of sensation.

(18) Skin often pale with delirium; body hot.

(19) Roseola on abdomen, chest.

(20) Heat, no desire to drink or violent thirst.

Mind: Entire loss of consciousness, and of the functions of the organs of senses; does not recognize relatives or friends. Stupor, unconsciousness, does not reply to questions, does not recognize any one.

Answers properly but immediately stupor returns.

Makes irrelevant answers.

Inability to think; thoughts cannot be directed or controlled.

Stupid of illusions of the imaginations and senses.

Sees persons who are not and have not been present.

Thinks he is in the wrong place.

Delirium continued while awake; delirious without apparent heat; the face is pale and limbs are cold, though the temperature is high.

Delirium, talks of business; complaints of imaginary wrongs.

Averse to light and company.

N C Das
N C Das