Visions as if persecuted.

Insane passion for work.

Indistinct, muttering loquacity.

Silly, smiling, laughs at everything, silly expression.

Cried and laughed alternately, gesticulated lively.

Lascivious mania, uncovers body, especially sexual parts; sings amorous songs.

Cries out suddenly.

Whines, but knows not why.

Muttering, picking at bed clothes.

Plays with his fingers (not picking bed clothes).

Wants to go from one bed to another.

Restless, jumps out of bed, tries to turn away.

Does foolish things, behaves like one mad.

Abuses those about him.

Tries to injure those around him.

Convulsion after trying to swallow. Scolds. Raves.

Answers no questions.

Cannot bear to be talked to.

Anxious apprehension.

Fears, being left alone, poison, or being bitten; being poisoned or sold.

Makes no complains, has no wants.

Does not know whether or not to take what is offered.


Delirium in which the patient may jump out of bed, throw off the bed clothes, or take off the clothes and go naked. Patients with fever will often throw the bed clothes entirely off, not because they are too warm, but they will not remain covered. Amativeness. Memory weak or lost.

Unconscious delirium with closed eyes; when spoken to, the answer is properly given, but immediately unconsciousness and delirium return.

Sings amorous and obscene songs.

Uncovers his whole body.

Exposes genitals.

Riotous; laughing, singing, talking, babbling, quarreling.

Silly with comical acts.

Plays with fingers.

Fumbles the genitals; wants to escape.

Speaks each word louder.

First cant think, then can barely be aroused, then relaxation; with muttering, the lower jaw drops.

He slides down in bed.

Delirium with attempt to run away.

Deep stupor.


Mental depression with muttering.

Does not know his own family.

Muttering with picking at bed-clothes.

Delirium, with jerking of limbs, wild staring look or closed eyes.

Involuntary loud laughter, with silly actions and trembling.

Complete stupefaction.

Furious delirium which continues while awake.

Loss of speech and consciousness.

Great restlessness, jumping out of bed, and endeavouring to escape.

Delirium and restlessness; would not stay in bed (Bell).

Illusions and hallucinations.

Constant muttering, unintelligible.

Chattering, or talking (Stram) or moddling with the hands.

Scolds, swears, tries to injure others, strikes, bites, wants, to kill.

Foolish laughter, animated and hurried talk.

Ludicrous actions like monkeys.

Ridiculous action like a dancing clown.

Muttering to himself.

Hands in constant motion.

Now clutching the air, now pulling off bed clothes.

Dread of drinks.

Profound stupor, but when aroused answers correctly.

Converses with persons who are not and were not present.

Constant staring at surrounding objects.

Perceptive faculty almost suspended.

Apathetic state.

Furious delirium if Bell tails to relieve.

Coma vigil.

Waking without cries.

“Talks to himself, and once in a while utters a shrill scream.”.

“Picking his fingers, just as if he had something in his fingers when there is nothing there.”.

“He picks at the bed clothes, picking at his night shirt, picking anything he can get his fingers on. Picking in the air, grasping as if he were grasping at flies.”.

“Profound stupor, lies as one dead.”.

“Early in the case he can be roused, and he answers questions correctly and he seems to know what you have said to him; but the instant he finishes the last answer he appears to be sound asleep. Then you shake him and ask him another question, he answers that, and again he is sound asleep. The delirium that belongs to typhoid grows more and more profound, more and more passive, more and more muttering, until he passes into a complete unconsciousness from which he cannot be roused; in which state he will lie for days sometimes and weeks becoming more and more emaciated; lying there in profound stupor.”.

“Sometimes he talks to dead folks, recalls past events, with those that have departed; calls up a dead sister or wife, or husband and enters into conversation just as if the person were present.”.

“Refuses to take medicine because it is poisoned.”.

“Suspicious of every body.”.

“He sees all sorts of things, indescribable things in his hallucinations. He imagines all sorts of things concerning people, concerning himself and he gets suspicious.

“Sometimes the patient is in a state of hallucination, and the next minute in a state of illusion.”.

Head: Vertigo with drunkenness.

Stupor, the head is shaken to and fro.

Swashing sensation in head.

Heaviness, vacant feeling, confusion.

Brain feels as if loose.

Rolling the head.

Head sinks on one or other side.

Rolls head, confusion of brain.

Headache better walking.

Heat of the head and face, with general coldness of the body, without thirst. (Bry. Arnica).

Heat and tingling in head.

Violent pulsations in head; head shakes; relieved by stooping.

Dull pain at the base of the brain, in forehead and especially in the membranes of the brain.

Heaviness of the head with sense of empty confuse, and severe pain.

Stupefying pressure in the forehead, which passes into shootings or tearings (on the left side).

Pulsating headaches.

Eyes: Eyes sparkling and red, prominent and convulsed; distorted and staring; staring at surrounding objects; weak, dull, without lustre; squinting; pupils either much contracted or dilated. Eyes red, sparkling rolling about.

Double sight.

Obscuration of vision.

Distorted appearance of the eyes.

Pupils dilated and insensible to light.

Quivering of the lids.

Jerking of lids; of the muscles of the eye; eyeball is unsteady.

Objects look too large or red or double.

Eyes protrude.

Eyes open; distorted.

Red, brilliant, wild, rolling about.

Averse to light.

Spasmodic closure of eyelids, inability to keep them open.

Ears: Deafness.

Buzzing, singing, rushing in ears.

Nose: Nose-bleed, bright red with salivation,.

Sense of smell weak or lost.

Nostrils sooty, smoky.

Mouth: Tongue stiff, dark, red, cracked.

Tongue: Red, hard, dry and clean or coated brown.

Burning dryness of the tongue and lips which look like burnt leather.

Paralysis of tongue.

Tongue red.

Tongue tastes like sole leather because of dryness.

Tongue rattles in mouth, it is so dry.

Tongue cracked and bleeding (Second week).

Slowly puts out trembling tongue which is covered with blood, cracks, and is dry.

Twitching of the muscles of the face upon attempting to put out the tongue.

Tongue trembles (Lach) catches on to the teeth from its great dryness, and the jaw hangs down, relaxed, the mouth wide open.

The tongue is red, brown, dry, cracked, hard; looks like burnt leather; the tongue does not obey the will; difficult motion of tongue; it is stiff, protruded with great difficulty.

Biting the tongue in talking.

Tongue paralyzed, loss of speech.

The mouth is very dry, as dry as burnt leather.

Very great dryness of the mouth, throat and nose.

Mouth dry, cracked, red, will bleed in low forms of typhoid.

Teeth covered with black blood.

Lips cracked and bleeding.

Tongue cracked and bleeding.

Sordes on the teeth.

Jaw hangs down, mouth wide open.

The whole mouth is dry and offensive.

Jaw fixed, as it were locked.

Close the teeth tightly together.

Grinding the teeth (Bell.).

Talks with difficulty.

Difficult swallowing, food taken into the throat comes up into nose; fluids come out of the nose.

Mouth, sore with bruised feeling.

Foam at the mouth.

Saliva salty; bloody.

Parching dryness of fauces.

Sordes on teeth and in mouth.

Putrid taste.

Tongue: red, or brown, dry, cracked, hard; looks like burnt leather; clean, parched, white.

Tongue protruded with difficulty, can hardly draw it in.

Cadaverous smell from mouth, worse morning and evening.

Thirst, drinks but little at a time.

Dread of water.

Face: Face flushed, dark red, bloated; cold and pale; distorted; stupid expression; muscles twitch; bluish, mouth wide open.

Lockjaw. Lips dry.

Lips look like scorched leather.

Picking of face.

Stomach: Pit tender to touch.

Abdomen distended, sore to touch, Tympanitic.

Roseola on abdomen; Petechia.

Unquenchable thirst.

Inflammation of all the viscera of the abdomen in low typhoid state, with great distention.

Colic relieved by vomiting.

Stools: Involuntary stools from paralysis of the sphincter ani.

Watery painless diarrhoea.

Involuntary painless diarrhoea.

Involuntary and unnoticed stools in bed.

Bleeding from the bowels, ulceration of the Peyers glands; yellow, cornmeal mushy stool.

“Mushy stool that occurs in typhoid fever, pappy consistency.”.

Watery horribly offensive bloody fluid. Painless stools.

Stool and urine passed without his knowledge; watery bloody or mushy.

Urine: Suppressed secretion of urine.

Retention of urine.

Involuntary urination.

Paralysis of bladder.

Has no will to urinate.

Scanty: with red sandy sediment.

Turbid with muco-purulent deposit.

Cough: With bright red blood mixed with coagula; saltish mucus.

Worse lying, better sitting.

Tight feeling on chest.

Green sputum, weak pulse.

Haemoptysis, bright red blood.

Pneumonia, cerebral symptoms, delirium, sopor, dry cough or rattling in chest.

Carotids beat violently.

Roseola on chest, muscles of chest sore.

Limbs: Jerking of the limbs and tendons; debility and weariness of the whole body; uncommon sinking of strength.

N C Das
N C Das