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Hot hands after midnight, while in bed: Magnetis Polus Australis. H. C. Allen. Lightness of the whole body: Mag. Pol. Aust. H.C. Allen. We consider it a deep long acting remedy, to be repeated not oftener than once a fortnight: Malandrinum. Allen. Where the skin has an unnatural color between the pustules, and smallpox takes on the confluent form, it is always serious and often dangerous. When the eye-ball becomes congested and red, it enables the physician to prognose danger.

1. Hot hands after midnight, while in bed: Magnetis Polus Australis. H. C. Allen.

2. Lightness of the whole body: Mag. Pol. Aust. H.C. Allen.

3. We consider it a deep long acting remedy, to be repeated not oftener than once a fortnight: Malandrinum. Allen.

4. Where the skin has an unnatural color between the pustules, and smallpox takes on the confluent form, it is always serious and often dangerous. When the eye-ball becomes congested and red, it enables the physician to prognose danger. Allen.

5. Marked salivation: Malandrinum. Allen.

6. Black, foul-smelling diarrhoea: Malandrinum. Allen.

7. Black stool. White diarrhoea: Medorrhinum. Allen.

8. Cholera infantum with opisthotonos, vomiting and watery diarrhoea; profuse discharge of blood and pus: Medorrhinum. Allen.

9. Headache from repelled eruption: Psor. Allen.

10. Want of emission during coitus: Psor. Allen.

11. Complaints from abnormal sexual desire: Lyssin. Boericke.

12.Intolerable itching (skin) especially of soles: Hydrocotyle. Boericke.

13. Averse to ordinary diet, longs for great variety of indigestible articles: Ignatia. Boericke.

14. Asthma and chronic bronchitis: Lippia mexicana. Boericke.

15. Asthmatic symptoms in haemorrhoidal subject: Juncus efficus. Boericke.

16. Asthmatic attacks, cannot endure a close, warm room: Justicia A. B. Boericke.

17. Feeling of a hair on tongue: Kali-bich. Boericke.

18. Persistent hiccough: Kali-br. Sulph-ac. Boericke.

19. Nausea, better lying down: Kali-c. Boericke.

20. Cutting pain in chest, worse lying on right side: Kali-c. Boericke.

21. Fatty or rich food causes indigestion: Kali mur. Boericke.

22. Headaches are relieved by gentle motion: Kali Phos. Boericke.

23. Rightsided neuralgia (face) relieved by cold application: Kali-phos. Boericke.

24. By wrapping up the head, the headache is relieved: Mag. m. Chronic Diseases.

25. The breath from the lungs smells like rotten cheese: Mez. Ch. Dis.

26. Peeling off of the skin of the whole body: Mez. Ch. Dis.

27. Long-continued epistaxis: Ac. Mur. Ch. Dis.

28. All food tastes sweet: Ac. Mur. Ch. Dis.

29. Violent, whooping cough, and after it, audible rumbling down the chest: Ac. Mur. Ch. Dis.

30. Tumor on the occiput. An almost painless tumor on the occiput: Nat-c. Ch. Dis.

31. Sensation as of hair in the eye: Nat-c. Ch. Dis.

32. Aversion to meat and fatty food: Nat-c. Ch. Dis.

33. Colicky pain in the abdomen with retraction of the navel relieved by external warmth: Nat-c. Ch. Dis.

34. Stool spotted with blood: Nat-c. Ch. Dis.

35. After coitus, much tendency to perspiration: Nat-c. Ch. Dis.

36. Palpitation on going up-stairs: Nat-c. Ch. Dis.

37. Asthma in the forenoon: Nat-c. Ch. Dis.

38. Asthma with great sexual excitation: Nat-c. Ch. Dis.

39. Dry, cold hands: Nat-c. Ch. Dis.

40. Herpes in females with scanty menses: Graph. Lilienthal.

41. Herpes appearing in hot weather, at full moon, from washing: Bov. Lilienthal.

42. Ringworm with intolerable itching in bed and after washing: Clematis. Lilienthal.

43. Scratching in one place relieves the itching, which appears in another: Staph. Lilienthal.

44. Ringworms at any part of body: Tellurium. Lilienthal.

45. Eruptions better from gentle rubbing: Thuja. Lilienthal.

46. Hiccough after abdominal operations: Hyosc. Lilienthal.

47. Hiccough after abuse of quinine: Nat-m. Lilienthal.

48. Hiccough after cold fruit: Puls. Lilienthal.

49. Hiccough after hot drinks: Verat. Lilienthal.

50. Epilepsy from indigestion; aura starts in epigastrium and spreads upwards: Nux-vom. Lilienthal.

51. Dysentery, long intervals between two stools, from four to six hours: Arnica. Lilienthal.

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