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Homoeopathic prescribing all through pregnancy keeps the patient feeling better, prevents the various complications common to pregnancy, and makes delivery easier.I claim that babies born to mothers who have had Homoeopathic treatment during pregnancy are healthier and have a better start in life.

1. True healers are born and not necessarily turned out by the medical schools. Health through Homoeopathy, Feb. 1950.

2. The most important symptoms are the mentals, which show more clearly than any other kind the patients individuality, upon which we seek to prescribe. The patients loves and hates, strange ideas, attitude towards life or towards other persons, etc, etc– if any of these have recently changed, they form the most useful basis for prescription.

Health through Homoeopathy,

Feb. 1950.

3. It will be realised that Homoeopathy treats with the single remedy, and does not mix drugs in a prescription.

Health through Homoeopathy,

Feb. 1950.

4. Another sphere in which Homoeopathy can serve the state is in the treatment of backward (even mentally defective) children, who can often be improved beyond all expectations.

Health Through Homoeopathy,

Feb. 1950.

5. Pulsatilla patient is a changeable patient with changeable symptoms.

6. The silica patient often has a fear of failure — this affects men and women alike — they are afraid they will fail in their job. Health through Homoeopathy,

Feb. 1950. 7. The Psorinum patient is full of fears, always despairing that he is not going to get well. He is extremely sensitive to cold, and is likewise always hungry and feels better from eating.

C. C. Boericke, M.D.

8. Undue weakness after acute disease may indicate Psorinum.

C. C. Boericke, M.D.

9. This great remedy (Arsenic Alb) is prescribed on the merits of its five grand characteristics, i.e., restlessness, burning, prostration, midnight aggravation, relief from heat. An unquenchable thirst is another characteristic of Arsenic.

C. C. Boericke.

10. Sudden inflammations that rapidly take on a malignant look calls for Arsenicum.

C. C. Boericke.

11. I claim that babies born to mothers who have had Homoeopathic treatment during pregnancy are healthier and have a better start in life.

A. D. Smith, M.D.

12. Homoeopathic prescribing all through pregnancy keeps the patient feeling better, prevents the various complications common to pregnancy, and makes delivery easier.

A. D. Smith, M.D.

13. For asphyxia of new born infants we use: Ant. tart. Op. Chin and Aco.


14. At every menstrual effort the breasts enlarge, become sore and painful: Conium. (Lilienthal).

15. Violent itching of old tettery eruptions at the time when the menses should appear: Carb. veg.


16. The greater the emaciation the greater the hunger: Cina.


17. After sleep cross and pushes every one away angrily (child patients): Lycopod.


18. Child pulls at penis: Mercurius.


19. Weakly children who inherited syphilis: Nitric acid.


20. Whole body wasted, while the head is exceedingly large: Silicea.


21. Locomotor ataxia after getting wet: Colchicum.


22. Feeling as of a cold wind blowing between the shoulders: Causticum.


23. Eye affections of tea drinkers: Thuja.


24. Scrofulous exostosis on upper and lower limbs, in consequence of suppressed itch: Dulcamara.


25. Cough from uncovering any part of the body: Hep-s.


26. Rheumatism after getting the feet wet: Nux-mosch.


27. Cold perspiration on forehead when coughing: Verat. Alb.


28. Aged people suffer in cold weather from bronchial affections: Ammoniacum.


29. Bronchial catarrh of the aged, with copious muco-purulent expectoration: Tereb.


30. In all burns as long as pain is present or when vesicles turn black: Arsenic.


31. Gall-stones, cannot bear anything tight around abdomen: Nux vom.


32. Inability to bear any bandage over the sore: Lachesis.

N C Das
N C Das