1. All acute diseases from a simple cold to measles, scarlet fever, pneumonia and all others, represent Natures effort to remove from the system some form of morbid matter dangerous to health and life. John Wilson, M. D.
2. But if acute diseases be arrested or suppressed before they have run their natural course, or before the vital force has got time to re-establish normal conditions then the purifying and healing efforts are stopped, the morbid matter which nature was trying to eliminate is thrown back into the system and the condition is changed into chronic disease. Suppression of acute diseases is the principal cause of chronic disease. Chronic disease is not possible, acute disease has been suppressed at sometime in the past.
John Wilson, M. D.
3. Constant rumbling in abdomen with a feeling as if he must have a stool, but no evacuation following.
Aloes: (C. C. Smith).
4. Cholera after exposure to heat of sun or fire, ushered in by haemorrhage from bowels; cholera associated with flatulence.
5. Painless diarrhoea, with tingling and numbness in the limbs: Secale.
6. Diarrhoea, and vomiting of turbid water, with cold perspiration on the forehead: Verat-A.
7. Vomiting renewed by the slightest motion and nausea attended by a great flow of Saliva cholera): Lachesis.
8. Retention of urine after measles: Camphora.
9. Pneumonia, must lie quietly upon the back; can not lie on the right side: Aco.
10. Chewing and swallowing during sleep: Bryonia.
11. Heat hot, hands and feet cool: Gelsem.
12. Calls for his parents who are present but does not know them: Stramon.
13. Vertigo with hot head: Puls.
14. Imagination of grandeur: Phosphor.
15. Insanity with senseless actions and inclination to treat his relations contemptuously and sarcastically; inclination to draw himself: Secale.
16. Constantly talking about one thing: Nux-vom.
17. Clapping of hands with hot and red face: Cicuta.
18. Head drawn to one side by swellings on the neck: Cistus canadensis.
19. Night sweats attending suppurations: Cistus canadensis.
20. In headaches depending on dyspepsia imperfect menstruation, known as “Sick-headache” the external application of a solution, not stronger than two or four grains to one ounce of water applied on compresses, will give prompt relief: Cyanide of Potassium.
21. Consequences of cold and wet, cold bath, or damp weather: Formica.
22. Inability to study, or to remember what is heard or read, even for a few minutes: Fagopyrum Esq.
23. In retention to the menses from a cold, or other incidental causes, and in recent cases, the Pulsatilla-Nuttalliana has proved curative in many instances.
24. All head-pains relieved by bandaging tightly: Picric-Acid.
25. Legs feel heavy and very weak. Legs heavy like lead. Great coldness of the feet; Picric acid.
26. I would suggest its use in Cerebro-spinal meningitis, when we have: Wry neck, vertigo, vomiting, tympanitis. with stupor or coma. It has usually been prescribed in the first three triturations of the pulp of the ripe nut: Aesculus Gl.
27. Habitual abortion, or sterility, when caused by uterine irritability and weakness, is a condition for which the Aletris is almost a specific, if it is prescribed properly. It should be given during the few weeks before the expected miscarriage (three of four doses daily, and continued until the dreadful period has passed by several weeks, and its use resorted to afterwards, upon the slightest appearance of threatening symptoms. Use 2x or 1x dil.
28. Asthma, it removes the dyspnoea immediately and prevents its return: Amyl Nitric.
29. The tincture in drop doses has been known to expel ascarides and other worms: Apocyanum Androsemifolium.
30. Brights disease cannot be cured by this medicine, and rarely by another but the dropsy may be kept in check so long as any considerable portion of the kidney is free from organic changes: Apocyanum cannabium.
31. Uterine haemorrhage has been cured by Apocyanum cann. Long continued haemorrhage has been cured by the Apocyanum cann in drop doses of the tincture. Haemoptysis was promptly checked by Apoc. 1k repeated every few minutes.