Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Dimness before the eyes, ringing in ears, sense of relaxation in stomach, better eating, drinking, worse coffee, or the pain is half-sided, in one of the frontal protuberances or close to the side of the glabella near the supra-orbital ridge or in one of the temples, sometimes extending down into the bones of face. The pain is of a pressive, screwing throbbing nature, and is always preceded by general indisposition.


Aggravation: Morning; morning on waking; afternoon; evening; night; night on waking; after midnight; loss of animal fluids; ascending steps; binding up the hair; after breakfast; during eating; after eating; excitement of emotions; fright; grief; jar; light; lying; lying on painful side; mental exertion; motion; moving head; music; noise; external pressure; reading; in school girls; sexual excess; shaking head; after sleep; stepping heavily, staining eyes; while talking; touch; turning head; walking; warm room; changes of weather; cold weather; meditation; rest; on side lain on.

Amelioration: Open air; bending head backward; lying; wrapping up head; motion.

Attending Symptoms: Anaemic condition.

Individuals of originally strong constitutions, which have been weakened by loss of animal fluids, by excesses, violent acute diseases, discharges, or a long succession of violent emotions, inability to think, hairs turn gray early, especially after grief or sorrow.

Blurring of vision.



Symptoms: Headache usually from behind forward.

Constant headache which compels to lie down, worse to an insupportable degree by the slightest commotion, or by noise.

Cramp-like and hard pressure in head worse by pressing on head, turning head, meditation; going upstairs, midnight, in the part which presses the pillow.

Tearing headache, lancination in temples or above eyes, stitches over on eyes; jerks, shocks, blows and hammering in head.

Drawing pains in bones of occiput.

Pains as if temples were crushed together, worse shaking, noise, crushing headache, pressure on top.

Dull headache after coition, from eye strain.

Headache of school children.

Pain with blurring of vision.

Pains disappear during vacation and return when studied are resumed.

Headache from occiput forward; better lying down, worse from least shaking or noise especially music.

Pain in head worse on side lain on.

Occipital headache and pain in nape of neck from neurasthenia.

Headache of school children and young ladies, diarrhoea.

Dreadful pain on top of head as though the brain were crushed, after long continued grief; for youths who grow very fast and slender.

Headache, crushing weight on vertex, from long lasting grief, or exhausted nerves; in occiput and nape usually from behind; worse motion, noise, music, better lying.

Headache of school girls from eye-strain or overuse of eyes; of students who are growing too fast.

Type: Chronic. Periodical. Paroxysmal.

Location: Brain. Occiput. Vertex. Forehead. Right side of forehead. Left side of forehead. Over eyes. Over left eyes. One side of heat. Temples. In a small spot.

Character of pain: Bursting, throbbing, boring, drawing, shooting, hammering, cramp-like, intermittent, pressive, blinding, pulsating.

Causes: Suppressed menses; suppressed skin eruptions.

Aggravation: Morning; morning in bed; morning on rising; morning on waking evening; after midnight; cold air; ascending steps; coughing jar; lying on side; mental exertion; motion; every other day; every seven days; every fourteen days; after sleep; stepping heavily; pressing at stool; suppressed eruptions; talking; changes of weather; exposure to cold wind.

Amelioration: Wrapping up head; perspiration; motion; mental exertion; epistaxis; after eating; during eating; cold application; bending head; washing; breakfast.

Attending Symptoms: Hungry during attack.


Nose bleed.

Dim vision or blindness.

Black spots or rings before eyes.

Red hot cheeks and nose.

Great anxiety.

Formication in head.



Coldness and dryness of mouth and lips.

Symptoms: Awakens at night with pain as from blow on head.

Chronic headache, hungry during attack with vertigo.

Hammering pains, brain feels too large, worse change of weather.

Dull pressive pain in occiput.

Headache; chronic, at every change of weather; awakened from sleep with pain; hungry during headache; better while eating, by washing, by nosebleed.

Headache, preceded by dim vision or blindness or black spots or rings.

Is always hungry during headaches.

Headaches from repelled eruptions, the pain is preceded by spectres, by dimness of sight, and spots before eyes.

Congestion of blood to the head with red hot cheeks and nose, with great anxiety, every afternoon, after dinner (during pregnancy).

Fullness in vertex as if brain would burst, with formication in head and flickering before eyes, afterwards very deep sleep.

Pains as if brain had not enough room in forehead when rising in the morning; better after washing, eating.

Peculiar pain in occiput, as if a piece of wood were lying on back of head, from right to left.

PAin like hammers striking the head from within outward; worse mental work.

Headache and eruption increase in changeable weather.

Headache in evening with eructation.

With thirst, coldness and dryness of mouth and lips, intermittent, spasmodically contracting as if a hammer were beating in head; as if everything would protrude though forehead towards evening.

Fullness during mental labour; congestion of brain; better, nosebleed.

Pain in sinciput worse in temples, steady mental exertion; better motion, especially in open air, worse morning, evening; better washing, breakfast.

Always hungry during headache.

Headache worse changes of weather.

Headache from suppressed menses, better by nose bleed.

Headache better by eating.

Discharge of pus from the ear, with headache.

Morning headache with pressing in the forehead, with stupefaction, vertigo and soreness of the eyes.

At night (1 A.M.).

Sensation as if one received a heavy blow on the forehead, awakens him.


Type: Neuralgic. Chronic. Tubercular. Periodical.

Location: Forehead. Temples. Brain. Vertex. Neck. Occiput.

Character of pain: Burning, piercing, band-like sharp, cutting.

Causes: Study; eye strain.

Extension: Neck to forehead, right eye to occiput.

Aggravation: Reading; straining eyes, in school girls; study; slightest mental exertion; when using eyes in close work; 10 to 3 p.m. every afternoon; morning; every seven days; every 14 days.

Attending Symptoms; Obscuration of sight.


Bleeding of nose.

Swollen lids.

In the morning.

Tubercular history.

When well selected remedies fail to ameliorate.

Cold feet.

Symptoms: Deep brain headache and intense neuralgias.

Intense pain as if an iron band around head.

Headache; chronic, tubercular, pain intense, sharp, cutting, from above right eye to occiput; as if an iron hoop around head.

When the best selected remedies only palliates.

School girls headaches worse by study or even slight mental exertion; when using eyes in close work and glass fails to ameliorate; with a tubercular history.

Frontal headache, worse 10 to 3 P.M.

Headache deep in forehead, deep in temples, on vertex with sensation of heat; from neck to forehead, in morning, passing away in afternoon.

Sensation of heaviness in vertex.

Headache with obscuration of sight.

Headache with vertigo.

Piercing headache.

Piercing pain in forehead from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M.

Headache in evening, in afternoon.

Frontal headache in morning.

Headache with rushing in ears.

Headache in morning with bleeding of nose.

Headache from neck to forehead, burning, piercing.

Headache with swollen lids in the morning.


Type: Syphilitic. Neuralgic. Migraine. Chronic. Periodical.

Location: Over right eye. Across base of cerebellum. Through temples. Both angles of forehead. Eyes, Occiput. Bones of head. Whole head. Vertex. Deep in brain. Temples. Nerves of scalp.

Character of pain: Lancinating, stupefying, pressive, pulsating, throbbing, bursting, crushing, cutting, piercing, excruciating.

Cause: Syphilis.

Extension: Deep into brain, backwards, occiput, temple, down spine, neck.

Aggravation; Night; exposure to sun; syphilis; excitement; 4 P.M. 10 to 11 P.M ; heat of sun; after sunstroke; exertion; protruding the tongue; light; effort of speaking, or being spoken to; excitement of emotion.

Amelioration; Warmth; day; sitting at stool; walking; wrapping up head; profuse urination; rapid and constant motion.

Attending Symptoms: Before headache choking on stooping as though throat closing.

After headache neck and between shoulders stiff.

Subjective trembling, hungry.

Much urine is passed as the headache is relieved.

Nervous chills.


General nervous erethism.

Red face.

Enlarged veins of face.



Falling off of hair.

Innumerable small enlarged cervical glands.

Losing continuity of thought and memory.

Makes repeated mistakes in figures.

Frequent retching or trying to vomit.

Menses regular but very scanty.

Soreness of eye-ball.

Cold sweat of back, arms and feet.

Progressive emaciation, deep wrinkles forming on forehead.

Skin dingy, feet dirty all the time and was constantly washing hands.

Very restless during headache; walking about rapidly and constantly.

Throbbing carotids.

violent heart action.

Wildly delirious.

Much empty retching, with loud eructations and finally bilious vomiting.

Tubercles all over head.

Hair dry, tangles “stand out.”.

Symptoms” Severe headaches, lancinating, pains in occiput, worse at night causing sleeplessness and ceasing with coming light of morning, worse after excitement.

N C Das
N C Das