Pains increase and decrease gradually, require frequent change of position.

All symptoms worse a night.

Headache neuralgic in character causing sleeplessness and delirium at night.

Falling off of hair.

Linear pains from temple across of from eyes backward.

Cause sleeplessness and delirium at night.

Pains in bones of head.

Top of head feels as if coming off.

Stupefying headache.

Headache Linear, from or near one eye backward; lateral; frontal, from temple to temple, deep into brain from vertex; as from pressure on vertex; in either temple; extending into or from one eye; better by warmth.

In bones of head worse heat of sun, after sun-stroke.

Sick headache, pains intolerable, arteries of head full and pulsating, violently.

Lancinating pain in occiput, invariably worse at night.

Burning sensation in vertex as from severe cold.

Pain from eyes through to occiput with sensation of weight in occiput drawing head back or as if it were pulled back; eyes ache and smart.

Constant linear headache commencing at both angles of forehead and extending in parallel lines backward.

A precursor of epileptic attack.

Heavy crushing, cutting pain across base of cerebellum.

Headache through temples, then vertically like an inverted T.

Constant headache.

Headache, sleeplessness and general nervous erethism.

syphilitic headache for many months, piercing, pressing excruciating over right eye, extending deep into brain.

Loss of hair.

Warmth ameliorates headache.

Location; Cerebellum, Brain. Occiput. Forehead. Over eyes. Temples.

Character of pain: Intense burning, pressing, band-like sharp pain, tensive, aching.

Extension: Extends down whole length of spine, extends over brain to neck.

Aggravation: Jarring of cars; exhaustion; hard work; leaning head forward; on waking; sun-light; evening; meditation; when wind blows on head; coughing; light; reading; using mind; during menses; riding on cars.

Attending Symptoms; Swelling of cords of neck.

Continual rubbing of head on pillow.

Continuous and violent vomiting.

Aching in sacrum and down back of legs to feet.



Symptoms: Intense burning pain in head worse in cerebellum; extends down spine.

Head feels heavy and is drawn backward.

Sensation of tightness and contraction; extends down whole length of spine.

Headache and diarrhoea from jarring of cars.

Burning pain in brain worse occiput.

Headache from jarring of cars.

Exhaustion or hard work.

Weight and pressure in vertex.

Frontal headache with nausea, feeling of tight band across forehead; worse leaning head forward; as if skin were drawn tight; with fluent coryza; with pressure back of eyes as if they would be forced out.

Extending over brain to neck.

Brain seems weary; slightest sound annoys and fatigues her.


Wakes with headache over eyes and in temples.

Worse from sun-light.

Pain in centre of brain; in evening sharp pain through temples.

Pains commence and cease suddenly.

Brain exceedingly tender.

Pain in left parietal bone when the wind blows on it.

Pain circling through head and around crown.

Terrible pain all through head in every direction with continuous and violent vomiting, followed by aching in sacrum and down back of legs to feet.

Constant headache when coughing.

Light seems to hurt it.

Intense cerebral suffering causing continual rubbing of head i pillow, rolling from side to side.

Tensive pain in head as if she would go crazy; could not read or use mind.

Aching in base of brain with swelling of cords of neck.


Type: Syphilitic. Sycotic. Nervous. Chronic.

Location: Vertex. Temples. Right temple. One side of head. Right of head. Left side of head. Occiput. Forehead. Over eyes.

Character of pain: Boring, bursting, drawing, dull, nail-like, pressing, shooting, sore, bruised, stitching, stunning, stupefying, tearing, stabbing, lancination.

Causes: Syphilis or sycosis.

Extension: Back, face, occiput.

Aggravation: Sexual excesses; overheating; tea; night; afternoon; 3 to 4 p.m. soon after midnight; 9 p.m. to 4 or 5 a.m. Morning; stooping; after too profound a sleep; overlifting; morning on waking; 3 a.m.; at rest; mastication; wrapping up head; pressure of hat; at night when lying down and when touched; morning in bed; after midnight; ascending steps; closing eyes; after dinner; fasting; fat food; from becoming heated; jar; looking upward; before menses; after menses; motion; raging head; riding in a carriage; false stepping heavily; pressing at stool; summer; smoking tobacco; walking in open air; chronic coryza.

Amelioration: Open air; bending head backward; after eating; looking upward; after perspiration; pressing at stool; touch; walking in open air; warmth; wrapping up head.

Attending Symptoms: Hair falls out or grows slowly and splits.



Restlessness, must get out of bed after the attack; paralytic weakness of face.

Redness of face.


Dislike to conversation.

Internal shivering.

Eyelids heavy as lead.

Wants to have head and face wrapped up warm.

Scalp very painful to touch and the parts on which he lies.

cannot bear that on head.

Symptoms: Headache as if a nail had been driven into parietal bone; or as if a convex button were pressed on the part; worse from sexual excesses, overheating; tea, chronic or sycotic or syphilitic origin.

Pain as if pierced by a nail.

Neuralgia from tea; left sided headache.

Headache of sycotic origin; hair falling out or grows slowly and splits.

Headache on left side as if a convex button were pressed upon part.

Pain in vertex as if a nail were driven in, better by motion in open air, by looking upward, and by bending head backward; worse from tea, sexual excesses, overheating.

Painfulness of the part of the head on which he lies, worse at night, with sleeplessness from severity of pain.

Clavus hystericus with sensation as if a nail were driven into vertex or into one or the other of the frontal eminence; worse, afternoon, 3 to 4 a.m. better motion, after sweat.

Intense stabbing neuralgic pains nearly unbearable even producing unconsciousness, pains begin about the face about malar bones and eyes and go back towards head.


Hemicrania of sycotic origin mostly worse soon after midnight.

Intermittent from 9 p.m. to 4 or 4 a.m., commencing slightly on crown of head, gradually expanding over whole head and increasing to an excruciating height with restlessness, must get out of bed.

After the attack paralytic weakness of legs.

Headache in morning as after stooping or after too profound the head backwards.

Headache worse from sexual excesses, overheating, overlifting, better exercising in open air.

Dull, stupefying headache.

Headache worse by stooping, better by bending head backward.

Heaviness of head, especially in morning on waking in occiput with ill-humour and dislike to conversation.

Headaches as if forehead would split with internal shivering, by walking in open air.

Pressive headache with shocks in forehead and temples.

Compressive headache especially in temples; pain as if a tight hoop encircled forehead on walking.

Headache as if a tight hoop encircled forehead; until noon; eyelids heavy as lead.

Pain in head as if a nail were driven into vertex; after noon and 3 a.m.; worse when at rest, better after perspiration.

Headache as if a nail driven in right parietal bone and and left frontal eminence.

Neuralgia going from before backward.

Excessively painful tenderness of left side of head and also of hair, at night when lying down and when touched.

Pressive drawing in temporal muscles especially during mastication.


type: Rheumatic. Syphilitic. Catarrhal.

Location: Brain. Forehead. Right side of forehead. Left side of forehead. Over eyes. Occiput. One side of head. Right side of head. Left side of head. Temples. Left temple Vertex.

Character of pain: Boring burning, bursting, crushing cutting, drawing, dull, jerking, pressing, sore, bruised, stitching, tearing, pulsation, throbbing, beating, band-like.

Cause: Suppressed coryza.

Extension: Ear, eyes, neck, teeth, throat, root of nose.

Aggravation: Morning; morning in bed; morning on rising; noon; evening; night; draft of air; open air; loss of animal fluids; going to bed; beer; coffee; from becoming cold; from taking cold; from concussion; while constipated; coughing; during dentition; after eating; exertion of body; from becoming heated by fire or stove; mechanical injuries; jar; lying; before menses; mental exertion; motion; noise; perspiration; suppressed perspiration; reading; sexual excesses; onanism; shaking head; sitting; after sleep; spirituous liquors; stooping; talking; talking of others; touch, walking; walking in open air; washing head; cloudy weather; cold weather; damp cold weather; wrapping up head; by warmth of bed; contact; hot things; cold things; suppressed coryza, drinking.

Amelioration: Leaning against something; lying; lying on side; pressure; riding in a carriage; sitting; sitting up erect; warm room.

Symptoms: Feeling of fullness as if skull would split, as if the head were tied up with a bandage.

Head feels as if constantly getting larger, worse at night.

Violent headache which forces compression of head between the hands.

N C Das
N C Das