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Editorial – The Homoeopathic Method Of Examination

Presence of paralysis, gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Tuberculosis. Enlarged and diseased glands. Skin eruptions. Asthma. Heart disease. Diarrhoea. Pneumonia. Metastasis. (Heart, stomach) Swelling, redness. Coldness. Blackness. Puffiness Wrinkling of skin. Constrictions. Any deformity. Pleurodynia. Alternating with heart, or with heart, or with diarrhoea.


Local symptoms:-

1. Location of the disease: Large muscles of trunk, chest, back, neck; joints, small or large; Intercostals, deltoid, shoulders, wrists, ankles, fingers, finger joints. Periosteum of bones. Hips. Heels etc.

2. Character of the disease: ascends or descends, shifting from one joint to another (migratory) alternation of sides. With swelling or without swelling. Painful or not. Acute or chronic. Inflammatory. Affection of heart. Right side. Left side: Hot Cold.

3. Appearance: Red; swollen; pale puffy. Circumscribed redness of joints. Contraction. Deformity. Nodosities.

4. Pain, its character, aching, burning, tearing, shooting, jerking, stiffness, numbness. Boring. Stitching. Erratic-pains. Drawing pains. Throbbing pains. Pressing pain. Drawing pains. Feeling of coldness. Feeling of heat. Aggravation of pain. Amelioration of pain. Direction of pain. Pains come suddenly or gradually. Pains disappear gradually or suddenly.

5. Causation: gonorrhoea, vaccination, syphilis. Suppressions. Abuse of Mercury. Water. Damp wet weather. Hot summer. Bad weather. Stormy weather. Change of weather. Stormy weather. Grief of disappointed love. Sexual excesses. Cold dry air. Living near water or on damp ground. Lying on cold stone, working in clay or water. Suddenly checked diarrhoea. Effects of sudden chill from wet cold when one is hot. Drinking cold liquids when one is overheated. Ice. Ice cream. Spring. Summer. Cool days and nights. Hot days and cool nights etc.

6. Sensations: Burning. Coldness. Crawling Numbness. Coldness between shoulders. Heat between shoulders. Heat of palms and soles. Heat of vertex. Paralyzed feeling. etc.

7. Conditions: Presence of paralysis, gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Tuberculosis. Enlarged and diseased glands. Skin eruptions. Asthma. Heart disease. Diarrhoea. Pneumonia. Metastasis. (Heart, stomach) Swelling, redness. Coldness. Blackness. Puffiness Wrinkling of skin. Constrictions. Any deformity. Pleurodynia. Alternating with heart, or with heart, or with diarrhoea. Hepatic, haemorrhoidal or uterine disorders. Anaesthesia of affected part. Syphilitic and Mercurial dyscrasia. Scrofulosis. Hysteria.

Malaria or suppressed Malaria. Pleurisy, Pneumonia or constipation, etc.

8. Fever; its time. With thirst or without thirst, with sweat or without sweat, craving for cool open air or aversion to it. Vomiting, nausea etc.

9. Aggravation: According to time: day or night, morning, noon, afternoon, before midnight, midnight or after midnight. Effects of heat and cold. Open air, cold air, storms. Summer. Rains. Winter. Spring. Pressure. Touch Motion. Walking. Rest or lying. Lying on painful side or painless side. Sweat. Warmth of bed. Cold washing. Washing with hot water. Covering. Uncovering. Urinating. Stool. Emissions. Coition. Grief or disappointment. Ascending or descending. Right side. Left side. Full moon. News moon. Increasing or decreasing moon.

10. Ameliorations:-Heat. Warmth. Warmth of bed. Motion, slow or rapid. Pressure, gentle or hard. Day or night. Cold washing or washing with hot water. Cold air. Summer or winter or rains. Urination, stool. Emissions. Eating Lying on painful side or on painless side. Etc.

General symptoms:-

1. Head: Headache-vertigo-falling off of hair-itching- eruptions-dryness of hair, brittleness of hair-Matted hair-Sweat- burning or sensation of coldness etc. Aggravation and amelioration of head symptoms.

2. Eyes: Lachrymation, its character and time. Discharge, its colour, character, quantity. Itching burning, eczema of lids, eruptions on lids or about lids. Styes redness of eyes. Ulceration of eyes etc. Aggravation and amelioration of eye symptoms.

3. Nose: its discharges; character and colour of discharges: Red, cold, hot, black, desquamation. eruption, bleeding etc. Nostrils closed in day or in night.

4. Ears: Discharges (colour, quantity, smell, bland, acrid, bloody, sticky, stringy, profuse, scanty) Pain, Itching. Redness. Hot or cold. Eruptions.

5. Face: Red, hot, burning, desquamation, eruptions, cold, cracked, pale, black or blackish, blackish about the eyes or about the mouth, trembling of muscles. Lips, pale, red, cracked, black, peeling off, hot, cold bleeding etc. Sweat on upper lip. Cobweb feeling.

6. Mouth: dry; moist; salivation; fetid smell; sticky; tongue, red, black, cracked, white, pale, ulcerated, smooth, condylomata, stiff, swollen; tongue trembles when produced or catches at the teeth. Marks of teeth. Teeth yellow, decayed, painful gums, fistula in gums. Taste of mouth, sour, bitter, sweet, soapy etc.

7. Throat, tonsils enlarged, ulcerated, painful. Pain in throat, felt when eating or drinking or relieved when eating or drinking or when swallowing liquids or solids. Redness of throat. Sensation of hair in throat or on tongue. Feeling of a lump in throat. Discharges stringy, sticky, bloody, salty sweetish, bitter, green, white, yellow, black.

8. Chest- pains, sweet, eruptions, discolourations etc, cannot lie on left side or right side or on back or on abdomen. Cannot ascend or descend. Cannot cough, it is so painful, must hold chest with hands.

9. Back: Pain, stiffness, sweat, eruptions, discolourations, warts etc.

10. Legs: Pain, stiffness, deformed, sweat, eruptions, discolourations, hot cold, etc.

11. Hands: Pain, hot, cold, sweat eruptions, swelling, etc. Palms hot or cold, dry, cracked, hard, thick, warts, eruptions, etc. Nails, thick, brittle, yellow, black, white spots, etc.

12. Stool: Hard; knoty; difficult; easy; with mucus; large; soft; smell; relieves or aggravates. Diarrhoea, character of stool; after eating, at night, at noon, in the morning, etc. Piles, bleeding, painful etc.

13. Urine; quantity; smell; character; sediment; relieves or increases troubles.

14. Stomach; appetite, thirst, aversions cravings. wind, pain, nausea, vomiting etc.

15. Sexual life, weak or strong, or desire suppressed, eruptions on genitals or sweat on genitals, etc.

16. Sweat, its locations, time, character, quantity it relieves; it aggravates, etc.

17. Mind and disposition, angry, cheerful, sad fear of death, despair, etc.

18. Family history:_Tubercular diseases, syphilis, gonorrhoea, cancer, eczema, etc.

N C Das
N C Das