Hot Calendula compress applied to painful abscess, boils, carbuncles, whitlows, and to all painful swellings and suppurations will subdue pains and discomforts and aid the healing process. In all cases of carbuncles I advise Calendula compress (Calendula plants are boiled in water which becomes greenish in colour) and Calendula dressing along with the indicated remedy. Ulcers with foul discharges invite the use of Calendula.

Calendula or marigold plants not only adorn our gardens and premises or captivate our minds with the charming beauty and colour of their flowers but also render eminent services to those around whom they grow. Natures creations are never intended for the joy of our senses alone but they are impregnated with invisible powers for the mitigation of human sufferings.

Calendula grows abundantly almost in every house or garden and it is undoubtedly a most reliable friend of its cultivator. It showers its blessings on every one, rich or poor. It serves the human race in innumerable ways.

About two years ago I immersed my hands in a strong solution of phenyl for a little while and when the hands were taken out of the phenyl water I experienced a terrible burning in my hands. I tried various means to get relief from the burning but all measures failed.

Then the marigold plants growing in the premises attracted my attention and I plucked stalks and leaves of the plants and rubbed them hard on the affected parts with instantaneous relief. The fresh juice of the marigold plant is so powerful that the burning ceased only with a singly rubbing.

A few days later our cook got his hand severely scalded with very hot and boiling oil and he was very much troubled with a distressing burning pain. With my advice he at once applied the fresh juice of the marigold plants and told me that the burning ceased immediately.

It was not followed by blister formation or ulceration as is usual in all such cases of scalding. Afterwards on all such occasions it was tried with complete success. I have found to my full satisfaction that the application of fresh juice of marigold to all cases of burns and scalds is vastly superior to the application or internal use of cantharis, our principal remedy for burns and scalds.

“Calendula is to be thought of when the injury causes a torn or ragged wound, possibly with loss of substance. Calendula removes the inflammatory condition of the part, and so permits of healthy granulation.” Farrington.

Lacerated wounds and suppurating wounds indicate its use. It is suitable to all cases of injury where the skin is broken. Calendula is of service even in gun-shot wounds preventing suppuration and pyaemia. According to Dr. Clarke hot Calendula lotions are generally preferable to cold. Clarke advises Calendula fomentations to forming abscesses, in pneumonia and in other kinds of internal and external inflammations.

Hot Calendula compress applied to painful abscess, boils, carbuncles, whitlows, and to all painful swellings and suppurations will subdue pains and discomforts and aid the healing process. In all cases of carbuncles I advise Calendula compress (Calendula plants are boiled in water which becomes greenish in colour) and Calendula dressing along with the indicated remedy. Ulcers with foul discharges invite the use of Calendula.

In obstetric practice the application of a sponge saturated with a solution of Calendula after delivery is advised by Clarke.

Marigold plant is a very familiar remedy in all cuts. Soon after the reception of an injury the fresh juice of marigold plant is applied and it is never followed by inflammation and ulceration. It is a well tried remedy here.

“Calendula is almost specific for clean, surgical cuts or lacerated wounds, to prevent excessive suppuration.” Allen.

“External wounds with or without loss of substance.” Allen.

“Traumatic affections.” Allen.

“Old, neglected, offensive wounds.”.

“Wounds threatening gangrene.”.

“Ulcers painful and with excessive secretion of pus.

“Haemostatic after tooth extraction.”.

“Pain is excessive and out of all proportion to injury” (Hyper) Boericke.

“After eye operations.” Boericke.

“Aqueous Calendula for all wounds, the greatest healing agent.” Boericke.

“Profuse and exhausting suppuration in traumatic abscesses.”.

In all cases of suppurative inflammations and ulcerations and in all fresh wounds the application of Calendula is advisable. The fresh marigold plants, (when available) should be washed carefully and boiled in water and when this boiling water acquires a greenish discoloration, it is to be used for Calendula compress or fomentation to inflamed surfaces.

In all open wounds, boils and carbuncles I apply Calendula tincture full strength after Calendula compress. Where the fresh plants are not available Calendula tincture should be mixed in hot water (an ounce to the pint)for hot Calendula compress.

Similar remedies: Arn., Bells., P. Hyper. Led. Symph. Sul-ac., Calc-s. (burns and scalds when suppuration takes place). Staph., Rhus-tox.

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N C Das