Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

– d. of tongue and mouth, with nausea and thirst,

– d. of tongue and roof of mouth, Cis. Can. Apocynum can.

– great d. of tongue and mouth in fevers, Baptisia

– d., so that the tongue almost clave to the palate, Chelid.

– d. of tongue and mouth, Ptelea.

– feeling of d., begins on right side, spreading over whole tongue. Sanguinaria

– d. of back part of tongue and roof of mouth. Solan.

– intense d. of the tongue, mouth, fauces, soft palate, and the lips and throat, followed by a sensation of a viscid, sticky, acid secretion of a peculiar and very sickly, ofifensive odor, Atrop.

– d. of mouth, tongue, lips and fauces, Hyoscyamus

– d. of tongue, palate and whole mouth, without thirst, Phosphorus ac.

– d. of mouth and tongue, Kali nit.

– d. of mouth and tongue without thirst. Lycopodium

Dryness. – Great d. of mouth, tongue and palate, with thirst, Sulphur

– persistent d. of mouth, especially tongue, Natr. mur.

– great d. of mouth, lips and tongue (Aeon., Arsenicum, Hyoscyamus, Kali nit., Nux mos.), tip of tongue moist, Bryonia, Merc,

– mouth hot, with rawness, and d. of tip of tongue, Carb. veg.

– bitterness on palate,- with d. of tongue, Carb. veg.

– d. of tongue and roof of mouth, Cist,

– sensation of d. and rawness in middle of tongue. Aeon,

– d. and rawness in middle of tongue. Aeon.

– d. of mouth, tongue and throat. Apis,

– d. of mouth, tongue and throat, which interferes with speech and deglutition. Bell,

– feeling of coldness and d. of fore part of tongue. Bell,

– aphthae on tongue, in mouth, inside of cheeks, with great heat and d. of mouth. Borax, (Helleborus, Hydrastis, lod., Merc, Nitr. ac.)

– d. in mouth, tongue sticks to palate, Bry

– d. of mouth, tongue and lips, without thirst, Nux mos.

– d. of mouth after midnight, as if tongue stuck to palate, Nux vomica

– sensation of great d. of mouth and lips, wants to moisten lips constantly with tongue, Lact. ac.

– great complaints about d. of tongue, which is not very dry, Natr. mur.

– sensation of d. on tip of tongue, Rhus tox., Valer.

– d. of lips, mouth and tongue, Nux mos., Sepia

– feeling of dryness of tongue, Aeon, (in the middle), Apis, Bell, (in fore part, also coldness), Nat. mur. (but is not dry), Phosphorus ac.

– feeling of dryness without thirst, Bryonia, Nux mos., Paris, Puls,

– d. of tongue, red and cracked at tip, Kali bichromicum, Lachesis, Rhus, tox., Sulphur

– d. of tongue, moist and coated with mucus, Aeon., Belladonna, Kali carb.

– sensation of d. in the morning, Stront.

– feeling of d. when the tongue is moist, Aeon., Arsenicum Belladonna, Camph., Caps., China, Coffea, Nux mos., Phosphorus, Rheum, Rhus tox.. Stront., Acid Sulphuricum

Dull, bluish color of the tongue, Podophyllum

Dwindles. – Tongue d., Acid Muriaticum

Dyspepsia. – Foul taste with map tongue in chronic d., Tarax., Thuja.

Ecchymoses. – Phosphorus; spots like, Plb.

Edge. – Concave e. of teeth seems sharp and hurt tongue, Aloe,

– rawness, burning and painful stinging along e. of

– tongue. Apis.

Deep, irregular-shaped ulcers on e. of tongue in syphilis, Nitr. ac.

Edges. – Redness of edges of tongue. Belladonna, Mercurius i. fl., Nux vomica, Sulphur

– tongue coated thinly white, with reddened papillae red. Tart. em.

– tongue cracked or coated yellow, with red tip and e., Veratrum alb.

– tongue coated white in center with a dark streak along e., Petroleum

– e. of tongue feels sore, as if scalded. Puls,

– tongue red and swollen; ulcerated; black, with red e. swollen, coated white; moist, with intense thirst; swollen, flabby; showing impress of teeth on margin; difficult to move; difficult speech stammering, Mercurius

– tongue so much swollen that its movements are difficult and very painful, very red, with dirty yellow coating on upper surface; shows marks of teeth and has large gray patches on e., Mercurius

– tongue broad or with scalloped e. Kali bichromicum

– tongue coated thick yellow, e. red and full of small painful ulcers, Kali bichromicum

– gums painful to touch; swollen, spongy, receding from teeth; e. whitish, bleeding, Mercurius

– tongue coated bright-yellow; lips and e. red, Mercurius i. fl.

– tongue vivid red at tip and e., coated yellow in center; whitish and dry, Fluor, ac.

– tongue red on e., with large papillae, Cina.

– swelling of tongue; ulcers on e. of tongue, Cicuta v.

– tongue inflamed and much swollen, papillae of deep-red color, tip and e. light red. Bell,

– tongue hot, dry, red and cracked; white center and e., Bell,

– tongue yellow along center, finst white with reddish papillae, followed by brown-yellow coating in center, e. dark red and shining; dry, brown down center, (Plb.); cracked, sore, ulcerated, Baptisia (Apis, Arsenicum, Rhustox.).

– tongue dry and red, as if burnt; with brown streak down center, e. clean and red, Baptisia

– e. of tongue red, take imprint of teeth, Arsenicum

– e. of tongue furred, red streak in middle and red tip, Arsenicum (Phytolacca, Rhus tox.).

– sensation of soreness and redness on e. of tongue, Ant. cr.

– tongue red, dry, enlarged; white, involving e. as

– well as dorsum, Kali brom.

– brown coating in center, e. red and shining, Baptisia

– white coating, with prominent, red papillae, followed by yellow-brown coating in center; e. red and shining, Baptisia

– tongue dry, with red tip and e., Atrop.

– tongue white, with edges and tip of a florid, red hue, Arsenicum iod.

– tongue fissured deeply on the e., Fagop.

– tongue moist, and covered with a white fur, tip and e. livid, Ailanth.

– blisters on e. of tongue, Apis, Caps., Carb. an.

– clean e., Magn. mur., Nux vomica

– flabby e., Magn. mur.

– e. folded like little bags, Illicum.

– e. livid, Ailanth.

– e. red, Antim crud. (sore). Ant. tart., Arsenicum, Baptisia (shining), Bell, (light), Cantharis (rest furred), Chelid, (rest thick yellow), Fluor, ac. (also tip, center yellow), Gels, (center white). Kali bichromicum(and full of small painful ulcers, rest thick yellow), Nux vomica (bright, rest black and cracked), Sulphur (also tip, rest white), Veratrum alb. (also tip, rest white), Phosphorus

– e. as if scalded. Pulsatilla

– e. as if scalloped, Kali bichromicum

– e. sore. Antim crud.. Pulsatilla

– e. ulcerated, Cicuta, Merc, Nitr. ac, Silicea

– e. covered with froth, Natr. mur.

– e. white, Kali sulph.

– e. red, white in the middle. Belladonna

Elevated. – Tongue sore, red, papillae e. in scarlatina, Arum. tr.

– tongue coated with thick, white mucus, or dry and red; papillae e., strawberry-like, coated white,

– swollen and stiff, Mercurius cor.

Elevations. – Rede., Mercurius i. fl.

Enlarged. – Tongue enlarged in malaria, Arsenicum

– tongue red, dry, e., white, involving edges as well as dorsum. Kali brom.

– tongue e., dry and red. Kali bichromicum

– tongue feels enlarged, Aethusa, Paris, Petroleum, Pulsatilla

Elongation, Aeon.; morning. Sum.; evening, Sum.;

– when talking, Acid Muriaticum

Epilepsy. – Bites tonge in e.. Absinth,

Emaciation, Acid Muriaticum

Erect. – Tongue red, with uniformly e. papillae, Podophyllum

Erection. – Roughness on tongue from e. of papillae, Croc, Oleand.,

Erosion, Acid Sulphuricum

Evening. – Tongue coated white, e., Bism. (morning, Bryonia, Nux vomica, Sulphur ).

Excoriated. – Tongue and back of mouth in part e., in part covered with small blisters, Cantharis

– excoriated, Arsenicum, Cantharis, Oxal. ac, Nitr. ac, Sulphur ac, Tarax.

Exfoliated. – E. in spots, which are raw. Ranunculus sc

Excoriation of the tongue. Agaricus, Carb. veg., Digitalis, Kalm., Nitr. ac, Nux vomica, Sepia, Silicea

Expectoration. – Tough, viscous e. hangs on lips and

– tongue, Phosphorus

Exfoliation. – Am. caust., Gins., Kali bichromicum, Mancin., Nitr. ac, Natr. mur.. Ranunculus scl., Tarax.

– e., curled pieces of skin detached, leaving red spots. Am. caust.

Extending. – Trembling of tongue when e. it, Lachesis, Lact.

Excrescences painful. Staphysagria

False Membrane. – Tongue thick, bluish and covered with grayish- white membrane (f.), or containing deep ulcers with black bases; vesicles with burning, Acid Muriaticum

– tongue thick, darkened, and almost whole mouth covered by grayish- white membrane (f.), Acid Muriaticum

Fatty. – Tongue coated white, with slimy, fatty taste in mouth, Sanguinaria

Fauces. – Dryness of mouth, tongue, lips and f., Hyoscyamus

Fears. – Fears of suffocation from swelling of tongue, Chlorum hydr.

Feeble. – F., stuttering, indistinct speech, as if tongue were paralyzed. Secale (Gelsemium, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium).

Feel. – Internal mouth, tongue and palate are slimy and f. raw and sore, Nux vomica

– margins of tongue f. sore and as if scalded. Puls,

– mouth and tongue f. as though they had been scalded. Iris (^sc, Apis, Coloc, Platina, Pulsatilla, Sepia).

– root of tongue and palate f. raw. Arum. tr.

Feeling. – Sticky f. in mouth. Gelsemium, Puls,

– burnt f. on back of tongue, Phytolacca

– loss of taste with burnt f. on tongue, Sang,

– f. at tip of tongue as if a vesicle was on it, with burning pain when touched. Bell,

– f. of coldness and dryness of forepart of tongue, Bell,

– tongue always more or less f. of rigidity in it, with restricted mobility, Fluor, ac.

– pricking sensation in tongue, with a f as if something was under root of tongue pressing upward, Ustil.

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