Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

– r., brick-dust coat on, Ananth.

– r. -brown coat on, Rumex.

Redness of the papillae of tongue, Ammonium caust.. Belladonna

– r. of the tip, Baptisia, Elect., Hipp., Lachesis, Mercurius i. fl., Phytolacca, Pothos., Rhus., Sulphur, Arsenicum, Fluor ac. Gelsemium, Argentum nit.. Belladonna, Hepar, Tart. em.

– r. of the velum palati. Belladonna, Chen.

– r. of the tip, painful, Argentum nit., Cyclamen

– r. of the edges. Belladonna, Mercurius i. fl., Nuk vom., sulph.

– r. of tip, triangular, Rhus tox.

– r. of tip, undefined, Sulphur

– sensation of soreness and r. on edges of tongue, Ant. cr.

– r. in morning, Fagop.

– r. in forenoon, Com.

– r. in afternoon, Fagop.

– r. in evening. Hamamelis, Sum.

– r. after eating, Pul. Nutt.

– bluish-r., Cantharis, Acid sulphuricum

– r. in spots, Oxal. ac, Tarax.

– r. of tongue. Aeon, c, Aga. camps.. Aloe., Ammonium carb.. Ant. tart., Apis, Arsenicum, Arum, tr.. Belladonna,Bryonia, Carbn. s., Cer. b., Chamomilla, Coloc., Crot. c., Elaps, Eupi., Fago., Gelsemium, Gins., Helleborus, hyoscyamus, Kalibi., Kali carb.. Kali n.. Kali ox., lact. ac, Lachesis, Lobel., Merc, Merc, cor., Mez., Mos., Nat. ars., Natrum mur., Nux vomica, oxal. ac, Paeo., Pallad., Phosphorus, Pothos, Pulsatilla Nutt, Ranunculus sc, Rhus tox., Rhus ven., Ruta, Sant., Sol. t. ae., Stramonium, Sulphur, Acid Sulphuricum, Tabacum, Thea, Veratrum, Vesp., Yuc, Zinc, m., Ziz.

Relaxed. – Apis, Camph., Carb. an., Chin, s., Cuprum ac., Hamamelis, Plb., Stramonium

Retarded.- Belladonna, Math,

Relaxation. – Acet. ac, Apis, Camph., Carb. an., Chin- s.. Cuprum ac. Get., Hamamelis, Plb., Sol. t. ae., Stramonium, Sum., Yuc.

Restricted. – Tongue always more or less tender, feeling of rigidity in it, with r. mobility, Fluor, ac.

Rhagades. – R. in tongue, with violent burning, Mag. mur.

Returning. – Tongue very foul, but becomes clean at each menstrual flow, r. again when flow ceases, Sepia

Rigidity. – Tongue always more or less tender, feeling of r. in it, with restricted mobility, Fluor, ac.

– r. of tongue, Berberis, Borax, Colchicum, Conium, Euphr., Helleborus, Hydrophob., Lachesis, Merc, Natr. mur.

Rigid tongue, Euphrasia, Lachesis

Rignworm. – Mapped tongue, looks like r. on both sides, Nat. mur.

Rpof. – Aphthous patches on r. of mouth and tongue, Phosphorus

– dryness of tongue and r. of mouth. Cist.

Rolled. – Tongue r. around in mouth, Nux mos., Stramonium

Room. – Swelling of tongue till there is no more r. in mouth, with inflammation of it, Crotal. hor.

Root. – Great pain at r. of tongue when swallowing, Phytolacca

– painful swelling at r. of tongue, China,

– metallic taste at r. of tongue. Cocc.

– swelling about r. of tongue externally and internally, Arsenicum

– r. of tongue and palate feel raw. Arum. tr.

– smarting as from pepper at r. of tongue, Teucrium

– prickling sensation in tongue with a feeling as if something was under root of tongue pressing upward, Ustil.

– r. of tongue brown, with bad taste in mouth, Verb.

– contracting sensation at root of tongue, Hydroc. ac.

– tongue feels swollen, a burning from its r. to the pit of the stomach, Polyg.

– choking sensation at r. of tongue, Chlorum hydr.

– dry and hard, furred at the r., red at the point, Sulphur iod.

– aching at r., worse towards evening, Sulphur

– r. brown, a. m., after rising, Paris.

– r. burning, Ammonium caust., Arum tr.

– constriction at r., Gelsemium

– cramp at r., Aeon., Belladonna

– r. feels drawn together, Hydroc. ac.

– dryness of r., Hydras.

– eruption on r., Crot. tig.

– lead-color of r., Secale.

– pain at r., Cocc. (from swelling), Colchicum (acute on moving), Phytolacca, Ptelea.

– prickling of r., Mez.

– pressure onr.. Hamamelis

– rawness of r., Arum tr., Benz. ac.

– scraping on r., Ammonium caust.

– sensation as if something had lodged on r., Phytolacca

– soreness of r., Benz. ac. Lycopodium

– r. yellow, Chin, sulph.

– r. swollen, Arsenicum, Cocc, Merc, cor., Phosphorus

– stitches at r., Arsenicum (as from a fish-bone, on swallowing and on turning head), Clemat. (dull, boring), Nitr. ac. (when not swallowing).

– coating on r., Arsenicum (yellow), Calcarea phos., China sulph. (yellow), Colchicum, Collin, (yellow), Ferrum phos. (yellow), Mercurius cor. (white, or yellowish-white), Mercurius cy. (a. m., metallic looking), Ptelea, Rhus tox. (yellowish- white).

Ropy. – Ulceration of tongue, with tough, r. mucus, Nitr. ac.

Rough. – Feels r., Aeon, (middle), Alumin., Ptelea, Thuja, Tanac.

– dry, r. tongue, with much thirst and ptyalism, Dulcamara

– dry, r., or feels cold, numb or burnt, Laur.

– feels r., white-coated blisters on both sides and very red tip, Phytolacca (Arsenicum Rhus tox.)

– red, dry and r., or coated white, yellow or brown, Cuprum

– tongue coated white and r. like a grater, Anacardium

– tongue r., cracked, and often of a dark-brown color, Bryonia

– tongue red, r., with uniformly erect papillae, Podophyllum

– r.. feels as if scraped, with heat in the throat. Sum.

– scalded feeling; salty, flat, rough taste, Rhus ven.

– rough. Aeon., Alumina, Anac, August., Argentum nit., Arsenicum, Bryonia, Collinsonia, Coloc, Cuprum, Dulc, Laur., Lyc, Merc sol., Natr. ars., Oleand., Opi., Oxal. ac, Paris, Phytolacca, Ptelea, Podophyllum, Sepia, Rhus tox., Rhus ven.. Sum., Stramonium, Sulphur, Tanac, Thuja.

Roughish. – Thickly coated white tongue, with r. fur. Pulsatilla

Roughness. – R. on tongue from erection of papillae, Croc, Oleand.

– r. on tongue. Alumina, Anac, Angu., Argentum nit.. Belladonna, Bryonia, Berberis, Caj., Carb. veg.. Case, Cer. b., Chelid., Cocc., Coloc., Cyclamen, Digitalis, Dulc, Hyoscyamus, Gratiola, Laur., Merc sol., Musa, Magn. s., Natr. ars., Oleand., Opi., Acid oxalicum Par., Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Physo., Ptelea, Sepia, Stil., Sulphur, Sum., Stramonium, Tanac, Thuja;

– morning, Alumina, Cocc., Lyco

– on waking, Sarsaparilla; 4 a. m., Iris v.;

– evening, Naja, Tarent.; 4 p. m., Physo.;

– in open air. Gins.;

– after smoking, Lycopodium;

– on waking, Cle.

Salt. – Sensation as after s., Nux mos.

Sand. – Sensation as if covered with s. in open air, Gins.

Saliva. – Dryness of mouth after midnight, as if tongue stuck to palate, without thirst, though with much accumulation of s. in fauces, Nux vomica

– s. thickened, tenacious, white, clings to tongue like glue, Belladonna

Salivation. – S., with pinching and swelling of tongue, accompanied with copious secretion of viscid mucus, Helleborus

Scabs. – S. on tongue, Plb., Secale c. (hard), Sul. ac, (grayish), Acid oxalicum (white).

Scalded. – S. sensation, Aesculus Allium c, Ammonium brom., Arsenicum, Bad., Baptisia, Caj., Coloc., Cuprum s., Erig., Graphites, Hamamelis, Hyoscyamus, Hydras., Iris, Lyc, Merc, d., Mercurius i. rub., Penth., Platina, Ptelea, Podophyllum, Physo., Pulsatilla, Rhus ven., Rumex, Sanguinaria, Sepia, Sin. n.. Still., Thea, Verbascum Vir.

– edges feel s., Pulsatilla, Sepia

– tip feels s., Lyc, Psorinum, Sanguinaria, Ammonium brom.. Iris, Sepia

– s. feeling on tongue (one hour after breakfast), Merc bin.

– tongue feels as if s., coated whitish, Cimex.

– tongue feels burnt, mouth as if s., Magn. m.

– margin of tongue feels as if s.; as if quite raw. Apis,

– mouth and tongue burn as if s., Sepia (Magn. m.)

– tongue feels as if scalded; coated yellowish-gray, Phytolacca

– tip of tongue burns as if scalded, Sanguinaria

– s. feeling, salty, flat, rough taste, Rhus ven.

– s. sensation on tongue, with soreness in region of the larynx, Still,

– feels as though tongue had been s., with a contracted sensation in the fauces, Aesculus hip.

– tip of tongue as if scalded, Ammonium brom.

– prickling, burning sensation on the tongue as if s. Increased flow of saliva, Penth.

– vesicles on under side of tongue, with a scalded feeling, Rhus ven.

Scalloped. – Tongue broad or with s. edges. Kali bichromicum

– s. on edges, Sulphur

Scallops. – Tongue swollen and so soft on margin it shows impress of teeth in s., Mercurius

Scarlatina. – Tongue smooth as if varnished, in s, typhus and gastritis, Arsenicum

Scarlet. – Tongue s. red, or brown and swollen, Crotal. hor.

Scraping. – Benz. ac, Causticum, Hydrocyan. ac, Merl., Mez., Teucrium, Thuja.

Scraped. – Tongue feels as if it had been s. or burnt, Baptisia

– tongue feels rough as if s., with heat in the throat, Sum.

– tongue coated with a thick yellow fur, which cannot be s. off, except the tip, which is red, Quin. sulph.

Scratch. – Tingling, itching on tongue; must scratch it, Alumina

Scratched tongue with finger nails, Stramonium

Sea-bathing. – Herpes on tongue from s., Natr. mur.

Sensation. – S. of hair on tongue, Kali bichromicum, Natr. mur., Silicea, Natr. phos. (tip).

– s. of great dryness of mouth and lips; wants to moisten lips constantly with tongue, Lact. ac. (Ammonium muriaticum)

– prickling s. in tongue, with a feeling as if something was under root of tongue pressing upward, Ustil.

– s. of tongue thickening, Nux vomica

– s. of soreness on tongue. Alumina, Ant. cr., Am., Baryta c, Calcarea carb., Causticum, Cist., Gloninum, Graphites, Ignatia, Ipec, Oxal. ac, Pothos., Sabad., Sanguinaria,

– s. of soreness on tip. Arum., Kali carb., Sepia

– sore sensation on tongue with red tip, Rhus tox.

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