Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

– caused by teeth. Lyc; on walking, Nat. carb.

– s. of tip., Hepar, Rhus rad., Sabad., Sepia

– s. and raw feeling at base. Arum. tr.

– scalded sensation on the tongue, with s. in the region of the larynx. Still.

– s. of tongue. Oleum jec ase.

– great s. of the tongue, but clean; taste natural, vise alb.

– swelling of back part of tongue, with dryness and soreness of the lips, Cimic

– sensation of s. on tongue, Alumina, Ant. cr., Arnica,Baryta carb., Calcarea carb., Causticum, Cist., Gloninum, graphites, Ipecac., Oxal. ac, Pothos., Sabad., Sanguinaria, thuja,

– sensation of s. of tip of tongue, Arum, tr., Kali carb., Sep, Pothos.

– sensation of s. in middle of tongue, Sambucus

– sensation of s. in fraenum. Kali carb.

– biting sensation on tongue with s., burning and stinging on back part of tongue, Arnica

– sensation of s. and redness on edges of tongue, Ant. cr.

– burning pain at tip of tongue (Calcarea phos., Carb. an., Coloc. ) as from s.; worse from warm food or drink, Caladium

– s. of tongue, either on tip, sides or dorsum, can scarcely talk or eat, Calcarea carb.

– burning and s. on tip of tongue, Kali carb.

Sour. – Taste sweetish, s. or metallic on back part of tongue, Bism.

Sourish- burning on right vside of tongue, Alumina

Spasm. – S. of tongue, projecting it from mouth, forcing it between teeth, rendering speech indistinct, Secale.

– spasm of tongue, Borax (like stiffness), Chamomilla, Leo., Ruta.

– s. of its muscles, Argentum nit.

Spasms. – S. of muscles of tongue and throat, cannot talk, Argentum nit.

Speak. – Numbness of tongue, feels so thick can hardly s.; partial paralysis, Gelsemium (Causticum, Conium, Hyoscyamus)

Speaking. – Inarticulate s. from a swollen tongue, but talks incessantly, Dulcamara

Speech. – Thickness of speech from paralysis of tongue,.Aesc gl.

– s. hurried, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Hepar, Lachesis, Mercurius

– pain about root of tongue impedes s. and moving Acid aceticum

– paralygis of tongue, loss of s., Baryta carb. (Causticum, Gelsemium),

– paralysis of tongue, speech difficult, Nux mos.

– dryness of mouth, throat, tongue, which interferes with s. and deglutition. Bell,

– tongue heavy as lead, hinders s., Lachesis, Acid Muriaticum

– heaviness of tongue, with difficult s., Nux vomica

– tip of tongue red, with small burning blisters thereon, impeding s. and chewing, Cyclamen

– difficult s.; action of tongue disordered (Gelsemium)

– stammering. Kali brom.

– difficult s.; tongue heavy; cannot open mouth, Lachesis

Sides. – Pimples, Apis, Argentum nitricum, Nitr. ac, Sulphur

– sides pressure, Nux mos.

– sides rawness, Apis, Acid Muriaticum

– sides red, Ant. cr.. Apis, Arsenicum, Baptisia, Cantharis, Chelid., Colchicum, Cuprum, Cuprum acet., Lact. ac, Merc, Merc, cor., Merc cy., Mercurius i. fl., Murex ac, Nitr. ac, Opi., Acid oxalicum, Phosphorus, Plb., Secale, stramonium, Sulphur ac, Verbascum Vir.

– sides scalding, Apis,

– sides soreness, Agaricus, Ant. cr., Carb. veg., Coloc, Lachesis

– sides stiff, Laur., Nat. mur., Secale

– sides stitches, Apis, Carb. veg., China, Cyclamen, gloninum, Merc, Nat. carb., Phosphorus ac. Sanguinaria, Sepia, spigelia

– sides swollen, Calcarea carbonica, Laur., Phosphorus, Sec, Silicea, thuja, Zinc,

– sides ulcers, Arsenicum, Cuprum acet., Bovista, Merc, merc, cy.. Thuja.

– sides vesicles, Am. carb., Antim tart., Apis, Carb. an.,Causticum, Hamamelis, Mang. acet., Merc, Merc, cy., phytolacca, Sepia, Sulphur

– sides white, Rhus tox.

Shrivelled. – Mur. ac, Acid Sulphuricum

Silly. – Tongue distended, giving patient s. expression in angina or diphtheria, Lycopodium

Size. – Tongue swollen to nearly twice its natural size, Crotal. hor.

– sensation as if the s. of the tongue were increased, Paris, Pulsatilla

Skin. – Cold tongue and breath, with mottled s., Colchicum

– s. peeling off tongue, Ranunculus sc., Tarax.

– sensation of s. on tongue, Rhus tox.

Sleep. – Tongue dry, feels as if it had gone to s., or leather-covered, Nux mos.

– biting tongue at night in s., Phosphorus ac.

Slimy. – S. coating on tongue with offensive breath, Pulsatilla Nutt.

– tongue coated white, with s. fatty taste in mouth, Sang,

– s., heavily-furred, white tongue, or yellow-brown, Tart. em.

– s., furred tongue, Berberis

– tongue coated with s. fur. Alum,

– tongue large, flabby and s. looking, coating yellow, s., sticky fur. Hydras,

– tongue coated white, yellowish, or s., in morning, with s., upleasant taste, Seneg.

– tongue s., Chelid., Petrol., Phosphorus ac, Psorinum

– internal mouth, tongue, palate s.; feel raw and sore, Nux vomica

– s. coated tongue, Belladonna, Chelid., Cuprum, Lactu., merc, Natr. mur., Nat. sulph., Nux mos., Petroleum, phosphorus ac, Pulsatilla, Verb., Viola tri.

Sloughing. – Carb. ac, Merc, cor., Mercurius d.

Small. – Acid sulphuricum

Small-pox. – Small circular patches like s. pustules in and upon mouth and tongue, Tart. em.

Smarts. – Tongue s. as if burned, Am. brom.

– tongue s. when touched, Berberis

Smarting. – Sore, s. ulcers on tongue, Bovista

– s. as from pepper at root of tongue, Teucrium

– s. blisters on right side of tongue, Sulphur

– s. of tongue from food, Nitr. ac.

– tongue sensitive even to soft food, which causes s., Nitr. ac.

– vesicles and ulcers in mouth and on tongue, s. and burning when touched by food, Nat. mur.

– s. in mouth and on tongue Ipecac.

– s. burning pain on tip of tongue, cracked and sore. Baryta, carb.

– s. burning of tip of tongue, as from pepper. Agar,

– s. at tip. Agaricus, Phytolacca, Ranunculus sc.

– s. at night, Phosphorus ac.

– s. as from pepper on left border, Angus,

– s. on edges, Ipecac.

– s. on rubbing against mouth, Baptisia

– s. in morning, Am. brom.

– s. from acids or salt. Petrol.

– smarting. Agaricus, Am. brom., Angus., Arnica, Asarum europaeum,Baptisia, Baryta c, Bovista, Calcarea carb., Gins., Ipec, magnesia muriatica, Merl., Natr. m., nitr. ac., 0l. an., Petroleum, phytolacca, Physo., Ptelea, Phosphorus ac. Ranunculus sc., rhus tox., Sulphur, Teucrium

Smell. – Tongue coated white, with offensive s. from mouth, Carls,

– fetid smell of the tongue, Daph.

Smooth. – Tongue red, s. and glossy, as if deprived of papillae, as in typhoid fever, in stomatitis, and entero-colitis, Terebintha

– s. tongue. Kali bichromicum, Lachesis

– tongue s. as if varnished, in scarlatina, typhus and gastritis, Arsenicum

– tongue red, s. and cracked, Kali bichromicum

– anterior half of tongue red, s. and shining, Lachesis

– smooth, Arsenicum, Baptisia, Crotal. hor., Crot. tig.. Kali bichromicum, Lachesis, Terebintha

Smoothness. – Alco., Crot. tig., Dign., Dir., Gam., kali bichromicum, Rob.

Sodden. – S. appearance, Acid Sulphuricum

Soft. – ^Tongue swollen and so s. on margin it shows impress of teeth in scallops, Mercurius

– tongue sensitive even to s. food, which causes smarting, Nitr. ac.

– soft, Apis, Benz., Kali carb., Merc, cor., Natr. ars., Rhustox., Stramonium

Sordes, brown and purple, Naja., Zincum met. m.

Sore tongue, Aesculus Agaricus, Alumina, Am. brom.. Apis, Arnica, Arum., Baptisia, Calcarea carb., Calcarea phos., Cantharis, Carb. an., Carb. veg., Causticum, Crotal., Digitalis, Dioscorea, Fluor, ac, Ignatia, Jug. cin., Lachesis, Lyc, Lobel. card., Merc, cor., Murex ac, Natrum mur., Nitr. ac, Nux vomica, Oxal. ac, Plios., Pulsatilla, Sabad., Sanguinaria, Sepia, Silicea, Solan, nig., Tarax., Terebintha, Thuja, Zincum met.

– feels sore, Ignatia (when eating), Sabad.

– tongue s. as if burnt. Alumina

– tongue s., as if full of blisters, Sabad.

– tongue s., pain, like a boil. Sanguinaria

– tip s., as if ulcerated, – Aesc

– tip s. and brown; A. m., Dioscorea

– s. on sides near back molar teeth, making talking difficult, Dioscorea

– s. on tip, when eating, Dies.

– s. as if burnt, reading or talking causes pain, Am. brom.

– tip of tongue s., with dryness of fauces, Jug. cin.

– s. stitches on left side, Sanguinaria

– s. as if burnt. Solan, nig.

Speech. – Dry tongue and heavy, rendering s. difficult, Natr. carb.

– s. lisping, stammering, as if tongue were too heavy (as in typhoid), Veratrum alb.

– feeble, stuttering, indistinct s., as if tongue were paralyzed. Gelsemium (Sec, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium).

– loss of s. from constriction of tongue and throat, Crotal. hor.

– tongue heavy, with difficult speech, Carbo veg.

– spasm of tongue, projecting it from mouth, forcing it between teeth, rendering s. indistinct. Secale

– s. difficult from swelling of tongue, Dulcamara

– s. embarrassed, Actea r. (inability to utter a word, though she makes the effort), Msc. (uncontrollable tongue, cannot form words rightly). Agar, (tremulous propulsion), Anacardium (from heaviness; speech firmer in the afternoon). Apis, (cannot protrude the tongue), Argentum nit. (cannot talk, from spasm), Baptisia (from thickness), Carbo veg.(from heaviness). Conium (from paralysis), Crotal. hor. (feels tied up), Cyclamen (from burning blisters on tip), Dulcamara (from paralysis), Gels, (from partial paralysis), Hyoscyamus (from paralysis). Kali brom.(from disordered action), Lachesis (from heaviness or trembling), Lauroc. (from swelling and stiffness of left side), Lycopodium (from stiffness and dryness A. M.), Acid Muriaticum (from heaviness), Niccol.(from stiffness), Nux mos. (from paralysis; child, though old enough, cannot talk, as if it were difficult to move the tongue), Nux vomica(from heaviness), Sec, (from spasm, or a sort of paralysis), Acid Sulphuricum (from dryness and inelasticity), Veratrum alb. (from heaviness; lisping). Zinc, (from left side swelling).

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