Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

Control. – Cannot c the tongue, Aesc hip.

Convulsions of tongue. Aeon., Belladonna, Chamomilla, Gelsemium, Lyc, Ruta, Secale

Convulsive movements of tongue, Chamomilla, Lycopodium

Corrugated, Natr. ars., (deep red).

Corrosion, Carb. ac, Kali. bi.

Covered. – Tongue covered with a white fur, Asclep.

– tongue covered with tenacious yellowish-white mucus, Belladonna

– tongue and back of mouth in part excoriated, in part c. with small blisters, Cantharis

Swelling of tongue, which is covered with a whitish, thick, tenacious coatipg that is detached in patches, Mercurius

– tongue became covered with a grayish- white crust, Mercurius cor.

– base of tongue c. with a thick, dirty, yellow coating, especially on rising in morning, Mercurius i. fl.

– tongue thick, darkened, and almost whole mouth c. by a grayish-white membrane (false membrane), Acid Muriaticum

– tongue c. with white mucus, Nux mos.

– tongue dry, c. with white mucus, Phosphorus

– tongue dry, c. with a tenacious mucus; coated thick white or yellow; sensation in middle as if burned; insensible even when moist, Pulsatilla

– tongue c. with brown mucus, Rhus. tox.

– tongue c. with a white coating which peels off in

– patches, leaving dark, red, tender, very sensitive spots, Tarax.

– tongue c. with a white film, with a sensation of

– rawness in it; afterwards this film comes off in

– pieces, leaving dark red, tender and very sensitive spots, Tarax.

– tongue c. with a white, pasty coating, red in

– streaks; very red, dry in middle. Tart. em.

– tongue c. with tenacious mucus, as if with a membrane, Pulsatilla

– tongue covered with fur. Bell, (white and clammy, which can be pulled off in strings), Phosphorus (black crusts).

– tongue c. with mucus. Bell, (brown), Carbo. veg. (yellow-brown), Kali bichromicum (ropy), Merc, sol., Nitr.- ac. (tough, ropy, with ulcers), Phosphorus ac. (clammy, tough). Puls, (tenacious), Psorin,(whitish-yellow), Rhus. tox. (brown), Silicea(brownish).

– tongue c. with ulcers. Caps, (flat, sensitive, spreading), Kali bichromicum (small, painful), Natr. mur. (also vesicles).

– tongue c. with vesicles, Arsenicum (painful, burning), Apis* (stinging), Cantharis (at base). Helleborus, Natr. mur. (smarting and burning when touched by food), Spongia, Zincum met.

Cracked. – Ailanth., Apis, Arum., Baptisia, Baryta, Belladonna, Benz. ac, Bryonia, Calcarea fl., Chamomilla, China, Cic, Cur., Hyoscyamus, Kali bi, I^yc, Magn. mur., Nux-vom., Phosphorus, Phosphorus ac, Plb., Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Ranunculussc, Rhus tox., Sacch., Spigelia, Sulphur, Veratrum alb.

– edges, Nux vomica (rest black or red).

– middle, across the, Cobalt.

– tip, Lachesis

– tongue dry, parched and cracked, Ailanth.

– tongue dry, parched and cracked in typhus, Baptisia

– chronic inflammation of tongue; c, swollen and bleeding, Podophyllum

– tongue swollen, dry, c, sore, ulcerated, covered with vesicles. Apis

– tongue, painful and burning. Arum.

– tongue yellow along center, first white with reddish papillae; followed by yellow-brown coating in center, edges ‘dark red and shining; dry brown down center (Plb.); c, sore, ulcerated, Baptisia, (Apis, Arsenicum, Rhus tox).

– smarting, burning pain in tip of tongue, sore and c. Baryta carb.

– tongue rough, c, and often of a dark- brown color, Bryonia

– tongue dry, smooth, red, c. (in dysentery). Kali bichromicum

– tongue dry, red, brown, c, and tremulous, Hyoscyamus

– tongue dry, red, c, black stiff, Lachesis, Rhus tox.

– tongue coated yellow, burning with blisters, c, Spigelia

– tongue smooth, red and c, dry and red, coated

– thick whitish-yellow, ulcerated. Kali bichromicum

– mouth very sore, parched and dry, mucous membrane c. and bleeding, tongue swollen and covered

– with blisters on each side, Lachesis

– dry, black or c. tongue, Lj’^c. (Arsenicum, Lachesis, Phosphorus, Rhus tox. )

– tongue cold, dry, blackish, c, red and swollen, Veratrum alb.

– brown, parched, c. tongue, Sulphur

– tongue c. or coated yellow, with red tip and edges, Veratrum alb.

– and burning, Arum tr.. Belladonna, Bryonia, Ranunculus sc., Sulphur, Veratrum alb.

– black and dry, stiff as a board, Arsenicum

– on edges, black or dark red, Nux. vom.

– and dry (tip). Kali bichromicum, Lachesis, Rhus tox., Sulphur

Crack deep, through center with pale, red points, Raph. sat.

– or deep red line seaming tongue through center, from tip backward, Calcarea sulph.

– or furrow through center, thinly white, Bryonia

Cracks. – Fine stitches in tongue, is full of c, Spigelia

– burning of tip of tongue, as if full of c., Natr. carb.

– peels off. Ranunculus sc.

– deep and. spreading ulcers, spongy on surface, Benz. ac.

– across the middle with white coat, Cobalt.

– cracks, Alco., Arum tr., Arsenicum, Belladonna, Calcarea carb, Camph., Carbo. veg., Cuprum ac, Doryph., Kali bichromicum, Kali. iod., Merc, Merc, sol., Myris., Nat.ars., Plb., Phosphorus, Ranunculus sc., Rhus ven., Sac, Spigelia, morning, Sol. t. ae.; 8 p. m., Rhus ven.;

– during scarlet fever, Ailanth.

Cramp-like sensation on tongue, Borax, Lyc

Creeping on tongue, sensation, Platina.

Crawling. – Itching, c on tip of tongue, Dulcamara

– tingling, c on tongue. Aeon., Crot. cas.,, Natr.mur.. Secale

– sensation on tongue, Platina

Creamy coating on tongue, Natr. phos., Secale.

Crust. – Tongue became covered with a grayish-white c, Mercurius cor.

Crusty. – Thick, yellow, dark, dry and c. coating on

– tongue, rendering it almost immovable, Myrica.

– black, c, Phosphorus

Cut. – Tip of tongue burns as if c, Kali nit.

Cuticle. – Sensation like a c on tongue, Rhus tox.

Cutting pain in tongue, as if cut with a knife, Bovista

– on tongue, Bovista, Euon.

Damp. – Paralysis of tongue in d. cold weather, Dulcamara

Dark. – Thick, yellowish, d., dry and crusty coating on tongue, rendering it almost immovable, Myrica.

– tongue coated white in center with d. stripe along edges, Petroleum

– tongue and palate dark-red; she complains of dryness of throat and of difficult swallowing. Bell,

– tongue and palate d. red and dry. Bell,

– brown coating on the tongue, Doryph.

– dark-red swelling of tongue, Ferrum phos.

– brown streak in center of tongue, Caladium

– tongue rough and cracked, and often of a dark brown color, Bryonia

Darkened. – Tongue, thick, darkened and almost whole mouth covered by a greyish white membrane (false membrane), Acid Muriaticum

Darted. – Tongue is d. out and oscillates to and fro, in sore throat, Lycopodium

Darting. – Like electric shocks, Aranea d.

Deep. – Patches on r. side of tongue, large and irregular, but very deep, Acid Muriaticum

– irregular, chapped ulcers on edge of tongue in syphilis, Nitr. ac.

Deeply. – Tongue fissured d. on the edges, Fagop.

Deglutition. – Dryness of mouth, tongue, throat, which interferes with speech and d., Belladonna

Denuded. – Mapped tongue, patches d., Tarax, Cuprum ars. (in spots), Ranunc. sc. (on both sides, like islands, the rest thickly coated).

– on tip. Acid oxalicum, Acid Sulphuricum

Desire. – Whitish coat on tongue, withd. for cold drinks, Com us cir.

Desquamation. – Acid oxalicum Ranunculus sc., after eating, Aga. mus.

Difficult. – To move, Ant tart., Apis., Argentum nit. (from spasms), Baptisia (thick), Carbo. veg. (heavy), Colchicum, Conium (paralysis), Crot. hor. (feels tied up), Cyclamen (from blisters), Dulc, (paralysis), Gelsemium, Hyoscyamus (paralysis). Kali brom. (from disordered action), Lachesis (heavy and trembling), Laur. (swollen and stiff on left side). Lycopodium (stiff and dry A. M.), Acid Muriaticum (heavy), Myrica (from crusty deposits), Niccol, (stiff), Nux mos. (paralysis), Nux vomica (heavy), Phosphorus, (crusts), Secale (from spasms), Acid Sulphuricum (dry and inelastic), Veratrum alb. (heavy), Zinc (swollen on left Side).

– to protrude. Apis., Colchicum, Gelsemium, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Mercurius

– tongue heavy with d. speech, Carbo veg.

– tongue very much swollen, painful, and covered with foul ulcers, with constant oozing of blood as from a spongy tissue; these ulcers made swallowing very d., Mercurius viv.

– Paralysis of tongue, speech d., Nux mos.

– child though old enough cannot talk, as if it were d. to move tongue, Nux mos.

Heaviness of tongue with d. speech, Nux vomica

Paralysis of tongue and d. articulation, Gelsemium, Opi. (Causticum, Dulc, Hyoscyamus, Nux mos., Nux vomica)

– d. speech; action of tongue disordered (Gelsemium),

– stammering, Kali brom.

– d. speech, tongue heavy, cannot open mouth, Lachesis

– tongue red and swollen, ulcerated; black with red edges; swollen, coated white; moist with intense

– thirst; swollen, flabby; showing impress of teeth on margin; d. to move, d. speech; stammering, Mercurius

– dry tongue and heavy, rendering speech d., Natr. carb.

– tongue so much swollen that its movements are d. and painful; it is very red, with dirty, yellow

– coating on upper surface; shows marks of teeth and has large gray patches on edges, Mercurius d., even painful to move tongue, Tart. em.

Difficulty. – Tongue protruded with difiiculty, Colchicum, Atrop., Viscum alb.

– tongue protruded with difficulty, can hardly draw it in, Hyoscyamus

– heavaness of tongue, d. of moving it, Calcarea carb., Carb. veg., Lachesis, Lyc, Mercurius

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