Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

Spices. – Sensation of s., Silicea

Spongy. – Camph., Stramonium, Benz. ac.

– tongue very much swollen, painful, and covered with foul ulcers, with constant oozing of blood, as from a s. tissue; these ulcers make swallowing very difficult, Mercurius

Spot. – Hard raised spot, size of a lentil, on right anterior border of tongue, shooting pain in it when moving tongue, Sulphur

Spots. – Tongue covered with a white coating which peels off in patches, leaving dark-red, tender and very sensitive spots, Tarax.

– red s. on tongue, Raph.

– white s. on the tongue amongst the red, Tarax.

– s. on tongue burn like fire, Arsenicum

– sore s. in mouth, on tongue, and on inside of cheeks, Aloe.

– tongue white with sore s., Nitr. ac.

– dark s. on tongue, Mercurius viv.

– dark blue s. on tongue, Argentum nit.

– pale red s. on tongue, Raph.

– clean, red, s., with white coat. Hip. man. *

– sore s. on white tongue, Nat. mur.

– red s. on left margin, Apis.

– spots, Cuprum ars. (denuded). Petrol, (yellowish). Ranunculus sc. (raw), Acid Sulphuricum (aphthous), Plb. (on tip, purple, inflamed).

Square. – Almost square, Vip.

Stammering. – Speech lisping, s., as if tongue were too heavy (as in typhoid), Veratrum alb.

Sticks. – Tongue so dry it s. to mouth (palate), Bryonia, Nux mos.

– s. to cheeks, Mercurius p. r.

– s. to roof of mouth, morning, Alco., Apocynum can.,Conium, Dioscorea, Mercurius p. r.

– s. to palate, Bryonia, Conium; morning on waking, Lycopodium, Nitr. ac.

– s. to throat, Belladonna

Sticky. – Berberis, Nux mos., Sepia, Sin. nig.

– tongue s., moist, blue, Carbo veg.

– mouth, lips, tongue dry and s., Mercurius i. fl.

– tongue coated with a s. white fur, Asclep. Syr.

– tongue coated yellow, and mouth sticky. Hydras.

Stiff. – Tongue swollen, s., dry, moved with difficulty, Stramonium

– tongue swollen, numb, s., with pimples on it, Calcarea phos.

– tongue heavy, s. and numb, Colchicum

– tongue very dry, trembles and feels s.. Hell,

– tongue heavy, s. and insensible, Cina, Colchicum

– s., painful, dry tongue. Conium

– tongue coated with thick white mucus, or dry and red papillae, elevated, strawberry-like, coated

– white, swollen and s., Mercurius cor.

– s. and numb on one side, Natr. mur.

– s., swollen, painful, dry. Conium

– s., swollen, on left side, Laur.

– s., like a board, black, Arsenicum

– tongue dry and s. in the morning, worse on the sides, Dioscorea

– tongue s., Aloe, Berberis, Borax, Calcarea phos., Colchicum,Conium, Crotal. hor., Dulc, Euphr., Fluor, ac, helleborus, Hydrocyan. ac., Lachesis, lyaur., Lycopodium, Mercurius cor., Nat. mur., Niccol., Secale.

Stiffness of the tongue with difficulty to speak, Niccol., Sepia

– s. of the tongue, with difficulty to speak; dryness, especially in the morning, Lycopodium

– s. of the tongue, with difficulty to speak; left side; swelling. Laur.

– apparent swelling of tongue, with sensation of s., vibrating, quivering, etc., Chlorum hydr.

– stiffness. Aloe, Am. br., Arsenicum s. f., Berberis, Borax, Bi-sulph. of Carbon., Carboveg., China, Colchicum,Conium, Cuprum sul., Dule., Euphrasia, Helleborus. Hyoscyamus, Hydroc. ac, Lachesis, Laur., Lyc, Merc, cor., Natr. carb., Nat. mur., Niccol., Nitr. ac, Nux mos, Sec, Sepia, Stramonium; morning. Am. br., Dioscorea; on waking, Cqcc. cacti.; 3 a. m., Natr. mur., after unconsciousness. Gelsemium

Stinging. – Blisters on and beneath tongue, with s. pain, Cham,

– ulcers on tongue, with s. stitches, Nitr. ac.

– biting sensation on tongue, with soreness, burning and s. in back part of throat, Arnica

– rawness, burning and painful s. blisters along edge of tongue, Apis.

– s. on fore part of tongue. Ledum

– burning, s. blisters on tongue and buccal cavity, Kali chl.

Stinging. – Aconite, Aug., Apis, Berberis, Bromium, China,Clem., Eup. pur., Gloninum, Kalm., Nitr. ac, phosphorus, Spongia, Elaps., Kali bichromicum, Kali chl., Phosphorus ac, Prun., Sabad., Staph,

– s. in tip, Phosphorus, Bromium, Aug., Cyel., Ignatia, Merc, Merc sulph., Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Phosphorus ac, Ranunculus bulbosus, Sabad., Sabin., Staphysagria

Intense prickling, stinging pain, felt all over the tongue, mouth, lips and fauces, as if from thousands of needles. Arum. tr.

Strings. – Tongue covered with white clammy fur, which can be pulled ofif in s., Belladonna

Stitches. – Ulcers on tongue, with stinging s., Nitr. ac.

– s. in right side of tongue, Spigelia

– fine s. in tongue; is full of cracks, Spigelia

– fine penetrating s. in point of tongue. Aeon.

– severe, fine s. from behind forward, in under part of tongue when moving it, Aloe.

– burning s. on tongue, China, Apis, Merc, sol., oleand., Rhus tox.

– fine s. on tongue, Cyclamen

– tongue sore, s. on left side. Sanguinaria

– s. in end, left side, Chelid.

Stinging s., Aeon., Aloe, Aug., Arum, met.,Aurum, Baptisia, Berberis, Bromium, Calcarea c, Carbo veg.,Chamomilla, China, Clem., Cyclamen, Chr. ox., Elaps., fluor, ac, Gloninum, Helleborus, Jatropa, Kalmia, Kali- chl.. Kali bichromicum, Lachesis, Laur., Ledum, Sepia, lyob.c, Magnesia muriatica, Mez., Murx., Nitr. ac, Oleand., nitr. d. s., Ptelea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus ac, Prun. s., sabad., Sarsaparilla, Staphysagria. Tabacum, Thea, Veratrum alb., vesp.;

– morning, Cedr.; evening, Brach.; 5:30 p. M., Cedr.;

– burning, Apis, Oleand., Rhus tox.;

– as from pimento, Elaps.;

– subcutaneous, Aeon.;

– as from tobacco, Agaricus m.

Stomach. – Violent burning in mouth and tongue extending to s., Arsenicum, Mez.

Stomatitis. – Tongue red, smooth and glossy, as if deprived of papillae, as in typhoid fever, in s. and entro-colitis, Terebintha

Strawberry-like. – Tongue coated with thick white mucus, or dry and red papillae elevated s.; coated white, swollen and stiff, Merc, cor., rhus tox.

Strawberry tongue. – Belladonna, Merc, cor., Sapo., Aeon.,Ant. tart., Apis, Rhus tox.

Streak. – Tongue pale, with yellowish s. on base, Merc cy.

– tongue yellow at the sides (edges), and a red streak in the middle, Verbascum vir.

– tongue red at tip or dry, with a brown s. down middle; edges moist. Apis,

– red s. down middle of tongue, Argentum nit.

– sides of tongue furred, red in middle and red at tip, Arsenicum (Phytolacca, Rhus tox.).

– tongue dry and red, as if burned, with brown s., or stripe down center; edges clean and red, Baptisia

– dark-brown s. in center of tongue, Caladium

– red s. in middle of tongue, widens in front, Phosphorus ac.

– tongue coated white in center with a dark s. or stripe along edges, Petroleum

Streaks. – Tongue covered with a white pasty coating;

– red in s.; very red, dry in middle, Tart. emet.

Streaked, down the middle, Argentum nit. (red), Am. (brown), Phosphorus ac. (red), Veratrum alb. (red).

Stripe. – Tongue coated white in center, with a dark streak or s. along edges, Petroleum

– tongue dry and red, as if burned, with brown s. down center; edges clean and red, Baptisia

Stripes. – Two white s. on tongue. Belladonna

Stuck. – Dryness of mouth after midnight, as if tongue s. to palate, without thirst, though with much accumtdation of saliva in fauces, Nux vomica

Stuttering. – Feeble s., indistinct speech, as if tongue were paralyzed. Gelsemium, Hyoscyamus, Secale, Stramonium

– s. on account of heaviness of tongue, Natr. carb.

Sunken. – Bryonia, Mercurius cor.

Suppurating. – Inflammation, swelling, induration, s. of tongue, Lachesis, Mercurius (Cantharis).

Suppuration of tongue. – Cantharis, Mercurius

Surfaces. – Deeply-chapped fungoid s., Benz. ac.

– small, red, bleeding tips, anterior s., Phosphorus

– upper s., Arsenicum (white). Cuprum ars. (denuded in spots), Merc, (dirty-yellow coat),

– under s.. Aloe (stitches extending forward on motion), Calcarea carb. (pain on motion), Graph,(painful ulcers), Rhus ven. (vesicles). Thuja (cutting). Zinc (biting).

Swallowing. – Pain beneath tongue when s., Caladium

– tongue and palate dark-red, complains of dryness of throat and difl&cult s., Bell,

– tongue much swollen, painful, and covered with foul ulcers, with constant oozing of blood, as from a spongy tissue; these ulcers make s. very difficult, Merc,

– great pain at root of tongue when s., Phytolacca

Sweetish. – S., sour or metallic or s. taste in mouth, Cocc. c.

Swelled.- Tongue heavy, swelled, bleeding, Guaraea.

Swelling of the tongue. – Aeon., JBsc. h., Anac, Apis,Argentum nit., Arsenicum, Atro., Belladonna, Benzn., Cad. m.,Caladium, Calc, Cantharis, Card, b.. China, Cic,Cimic, Cocc. c. Conium, Crotal. hor.. Digitalis, Dulc, drosera, Elaps., Electricity, Ferrum, Ferrum phos., Frag, v.. Gam., Gloninum, Guaran., Helleborus, Hyoscyamus, Itn., Juni., Kali bichromicum, Kali carb., Kali iod., Lachesis, laur., Sepia, Lyc, Mane, Merc, cor., Merc cy., Merc, sol., Mez., Millif., Nat. mur., Nitr. ac, Oenanth. c, Oxal. ac, Paul, p., Phosphorus ac, Phosphorus, Polyg., Plb., Ruta, Secale, Silicea, stratn., Sulphur, Tabacum, Tep., Thuja, Veratrum alb., vesp., Vip.

– s. under the tongue, Nat. mur.

– s. tongue one-sided, Calcarea, Silicea

– s. tongue painful to touch, Conium, Phosphorus ac, Thuja,

– s. tongue painful when talking, Phosphorus ac.

– s. glands under tongue, Nux mos.. Staphysagria, Tabacum,Acet. ac, Ambr., Ignatia

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