Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

– biting s. on tongue, with soreness, burning and stinging in back part of throat. Am. s. as if tongue is swollen; burning, prickling, tingling. Aeon.

– s. of dryness and rawness in middle of tongue, Aeon.

– s. of cold air passing over tongue. Aeon.

– s. as if tongue were too long, – Aethusa

– s. small growths under tongue, which pain as if sore, Ambr.

– dry s. on tongue, Bromium, Phosphorus ac.

– s. as if tongue were scalded (see scalded). crawling s. on tongue, Platina

– s. as if tongue had been burned, Podophyllum

– s. of dryness on tip of tongue, Rhus tox.

– s. of hair lying on forepart of tongue, Silicea

– s. of hair lying on back part of tongue, Kal bi., natr. mur.

– s. of hair lying on tip of tongue, Natr. phos.

– s. as if a hair were on tip of tongue and extended into trachea, where it caused a crawling, so that he was frequently obliged to cough and hack, Silicea

– burning s. in tongue and fauces, Tabac.

– biting s. on tongue, Arnica, Asarum europaeum, Oleand., Teucrium

– s. on tongue as if burnt, Cimex, Coloc, Daph., hyoscyamus, Laur., Merc, Platina, Prun. s.. Pulsatilla, psorinum, Sabad., Sanguinaria, Sepia

– s. in middle of tongue as if burnt, Hyoscyamus, Platina, psorinum, Pulsatilla, Sebad., Sepia

– s. on tip of tongue as if burnt, Lactu., Mercurius sol.

– s. of coldness in tongue. Aeon., Belladonna, Carb. veg.,Cistus., Hydrocyan. ac., Kalichl., Laur., Ver, alb.

– cramp-like s. on tongue. Borax,

– s. like a cuticle on tongue, Rhus tox.

– s. of enlargement of tongue, Paris, Petroleum

– s. of adhering to palate, Causticum, Kali phos.

– s. of dryness of tongue. Aeon., Apis, Belladonna, Natr. m., Argentum nit. (but is moist),

– s. of heat of tongue, Aeon., Apis., Arsenicum, Crot. tig.. Lyc, Merc, cor., Oxal. ac, Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, sulph., Tarax.

– s. of rawness, Gloninum

– s. of roughness, Aeon., Alumina, Ptelea, Thuja,

– s. of smarting, Ipecac.

– s. of a skin on tongue, Rhus tox.

– s. as if tied up, Crotal hor.

Sensibility. – Loss of s. of tongue. Aeon f., Arsenicum, Colchicum, Helleborus, Mercurius sol., Merl., Rhe., Sulphur ac

– s. of the tongue. Belladonna, Elect,

– s. on moving the tongue, Berberis

– s. on touching the tongue. Belladonna, Berberis

– s. under the tongue, Selenium

– blistered s. of the tongue, Galv.

Sensitive. – Tongue s., red, dry, burning, swollen, with white coating, Oxal. ac

– tongue feels numb, s. to touch, Pothos.

– tongue covered with a white coating, which peels off in patches, leaving dark red, tender, very s. spots, Tarax.

– tongue s. even to soft food, which causes smarting, Nitr. ac.

– sensitive tongue, Carb. veg., Graphites, Mercurius cor., Nitr. ac, Acid oxalicum Petrol., Phytolacca, Tarax (spots).

Sensitivneess of tongue. Am. caust., Carb. veg., Graphites, Kali iod., Merc, cor., Nitr. ac, Oxal. ac, Petrol., Tarax., Ziz. (to cold and warm drinks); Merc iod. rub. (to hot tea).

Shaggy. – Tongue coated gray, shaggy, thick, in morning, Chelid.

Sharp. – Concave edge of teeth s. and hurt tongue, Aloe.

– s. sensation on tongue. Cad. m.

Shaken. – S. to and fro, Hyoscyamus

Shining. – Tongue coated white, with prominent red papillae, followed by yellow-brown coating in center, edges red and s., Baptisia

– first half of tongue clean or comparatively clean, sometimes it is red and s., but posterior half is coated with deep fur, Nux vomica

– anterior half of tongue red, smooth and s., Lachesis

– shining, Apis, Arsenicum, Baptisia, Kali bichromicum, Lachesis, Nat. mur., Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Sulphur ac, Terebintha

Shocks. – Aloe.

Sickly-looking. – Cannabis indica

Shooting. – Hard, raised spot, size of lentil, on right anterior border of tongue, s. pain in it when moving tongur, Sulphur

– s. in the tongue. Aeon., Ang., China, Clem., Galv., Merc, Nitr. ac, Phosphorus ac, Prun., Sabad., Staphysagria

Side. – Patch on s of tongue, large and irregular, but very deep, Acid Muriaticum

– burning vesicles on left s. of tongue, Mang.

– bites s. of tongue involuntarily; also at night, Phosphorus ac.

– triangular red tip of tongue, white on one s., Rhus tox.

– smarting blister on right s. of tongue, Sulphur

– stitches in right s. of tongue, Spigelia

– tongue sore on s. near back molar teeth, making talking diflBcult, Dioscorea

– tongue sore, stitches on left s. Sang,

– stitches in end, left s., Chelid.

– tongue feels rough, white-coated blisters on both s. and very red tip, Phytolacca

– tongue dry and stiff in the morning, worse on the s., Dioscorea

– tongue, feeling of dryness of, begins on right s., spreading over the whole tongue. Sang,

– tongue covered with whitish fur in the middle, and reddened at tip and sides, Thasp.

– tongue yellow at the sides (edges), and a red streak in the middle, Verbascum Vir.

– tongue feels as if burnt on the sides, Dioscorea

– blisters on the sides of the tongue. Hamamelis

– tongue coated heavily brown and sore on sides, Dioscorea

– tongue coated white center and base, sides very red, Rhus ven.

– tongue coated white, sides blistered, Caladium (Ant. cr., Bryonia, Merc, Nuxvom., Pulsatilla, Sulphur).

– soreness of tongue, either on tip, sides or dorsum, can scarcely talk or eat, Calcarea carb.

– tongue posteriorly pale, dirty-yellow, rather thick; this coating extending forward along sides of tongue, Mercurius cor.

– tongue coated white on both sides, red in middle (not a stripe), Causticum

– swelling of tongue; ulcers on sides of tongue, Cicuta V.

– sides of tongue sore as if burnt, Dioscorea, Iris,

– tongue coated white at sides, red in middle, Cham,

– tongue feels rough, white-coated blisters on both sides and very red tip, Phytolacca (Arsenicum, Rhustox.).

– sides aching when talking, China,

– sides biting, Drosera (right side), Ipecac.

– sides bitten when talking or chewing, Ignatia

– sides bleached, Cantharis

– sides blue line, Plb.

– sides burning. Aeon., Agaricus, August., Apis, Berberis, Camph., Carbo animalis, Colchicum, Cyclamen, Gloninum, Nat. sulph., Platina.

– sides coldness, Aloes (left side),

– sides cutting, Kalm. (right side, < biting), Mag. sulph. (left side),

– sides dark, Opi.

– sides denuded, like islands, Ranunculus sc.

– sides dryness, Cocc, Dioscorea, Sang,

– sides furred, Arsenicum (red down middle),

– sides gray patches, Mercurius.

– sides indurated, Arsenicum, Chelidonium, Mercurius, Plb.

– sides inflamed, Ptelea (right side),

– sides lacerated, Nux mos.

– sides numb and stiff, Nat. mur. (one side),

– sides painful, Aranea, Arum tr.. Baryta, carb., Calcarea carb., Causticum, Coloc., Rhododendron (in a spot),

– sides pallor, China, Sulphur

– swollen, red, s. with raised papillae, irritable-looking. Arum tr.

– tongue raw, s., very red, especially at tip, and a painful blister on that part, Lobel. card.

– tongue coated heavily, brown, and s. on sides, Dioscorea

– tongue s., red, papillae elevated (in scarlatina), Arum. tr.

– tongue yellow along center; first white with reddish papillae, followed by yellow-brown coating in center, edges dark red and slimy; dry, brown down center (Plb.); cracked, s., ulcerated, Baptisia(Apis, Arsenicum, Rhus tox.)

– sensation of small growths under tongue which pain as if s., Ambr.

– tongue swollen, dry, cracked, s., ulcerated or covered with vesicles, Apis.

– s., smarting ulcers on tongue, Bovis.

– tongue white, with s. spots, Nitr. ac.

– s. spots in mouth, on tongue, and inside of cheeks, Aloe.

– s. burning blisters on tongue, Argentum m.

– margins of tongue feel s. and as if scalded. Pulsatilla

– s. sensation on tongue with red tip, Rhus tox.

– cannot protrude tongue, with s. throat, Sabin.

– tongue feels as if burned or as if s., Sanguinaria

– tongue s., pains like a boil, Sanguinaria

– tongue painful, as if s., Sepia

– nurses’ s. mouth, extending from mouth to anus; tongue s., red and glossy, burning like fire, Terebintha

– smarting, burning pain in tip of tongue; cracked and s., Baryta carb.

– tip of tongue s., burning (Calcarea carb., Carb. an., Coloc., Kali carb. ); little blisters on it, Calcarea phos.

– tongue s. as if raw on surface, Cist.

– sides of tongue s. as if burnt, Dioscorea, Iris.

– mouth very s., parched and dry, mucous membrane cracked and bleeding; tongue swollen and covered with blisters on each side, Lachesis

– wiiitish s. places on margin of tongue, very painful to touch, Cina.

– s. mouth, gums and tongue, with fetid ptyalism, Digitalis

– tip of tongue very painful and feels s., Hepar s.

– tongue swollen and s.; tip of tongue painfully s. to touch, Thuja.

– tongue is darted out and oscillates to and fro in s. throat. Lycopodium

Soreness. – Agaricus, Aloe, Alumina, Apis, Arsenicum, Art. ab., Belladonna, Brach., Calcarea carb., Cantharis, Carb. veg.,Causticum, Cicuta v., Crot. h.. Cuprum ars.. Digitalis, Eupi., fluor, an., Gelsemium, Kali carb., Lact. ac., Lobelia c., lyc, Merc, cor., Mez., Mnr. ac, Natrum mur.. Nit. ac, Nuxvom., GBnanth., Oxal. ac, Phosphorus, Phosphorus ac, Physo., Sabad., Sepia, Silicea, Sin. n., Stry., Thuja, Zinc;

– morning, Dioscorea; 3:30 a.m., Dioscorea;

– evening, Dioscorea;

– during breakfrst. Lyc;

– during convulsions, Oenanth.;

– when eating. Am. brom., Osm.;

– when rubbed against mouth, Baptisia;

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