Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

– f. of dryness at tip of tongue, Valer.

Feels. – Tongue f. burnt; mouth f. scalded, Magn. mur.

– tongue f. rough, white-coated blisters on both sides and very red tip, Phytolacca (Arsenicum, Rhus tox.).

– tongue f. as if scalded; coated yellowish-gray, Phytolacca

– tip of tongue f. burnt, dry and painful, Psorinum

– tongue f. numb, but sensitive to touch, Poth.

– tongue f. rough, Ptelea trifoliata

– tongue f. too broad and too large, Pulsatilla, Plb., Zinc,

– tongue f. as if burnt, Iris, Acid Sulphuricum

– tongue f. as if had been scalded, Iris, Verbascum vir. (Coloc., Platina, Sanguinaria, Sulphur ac).

– tongue f. swollen, thick, makes talking difficult, Baptisia

– tongue f. as if burned, Rumex, Prunus spi.. Sanguinaria, Sepia (at the tip)-.

– tongue f. as if burned, or as if sore, Sang,

– tongue red, feels as if in contact with something hot. Sang,

– tip of tongue f. as if scalded. Iris, Sepia

– margin of tongue f. as if scalded, as if quite raw. Apis,

– inhaled air f. cold to tongue. Cist,

– tongue f. as if scalded, burnt, coated whitish, Cimex.

– numbness of tongue; f. so thick he can hardly speak; partial paralysis. Gelsemium (Causticum, Conium, Hyoscyamus).

– burning on tongue or tip, which feels hard. Gum.gut.

– tongue very dry; trembles and f. stiff. Hell,

– tongue dry, rough, or f. cold, numb, or burnt, Laur.

– tip of tongue very painful and f. sore. Hepar s c.

– f. as if adhering to palate, Causticum

– f. as if bitten, Plb.

– f. as if burnt, Alumina (sore), China, (as if, and raw), Gloninum, (numb), Ignatia, (and sore when eating), Laur., (numb), Mag. mur., Merc, sol., Phytolacca (back part). Puls, (middle even when moist), Rumex (dry).

– f. chapped, Mercurius sol.

– f. cold, Aeon., Bell, (forepart, also dry), Cistus, (when air is inhaled), Hydrastis ac.

– f. dry. Aeon, (middle). Apis, Argentum nit. (but is moist). Bell, (forepart, also cold), Natr. mur. (but is not) I Phosphorus ac.

– f. a hair on, Kalibi. (back part), Natr. mur., Silicea (forepart),

– f. too heavy, Veratrum alb.

– f. too large, -Aethusa, Paris, Puls,

– f. leather covered, Nux mos.

– f. too long, Aethusa

– f. numb, Gloninum (as if burnt), Laur. (as if burnt), Gels,

– f. paralyzed. Absinth., Cocc.

– f. raw, Gloninum (and swollen), Kali carb. (tip), Lycopodium (tip).

– f. rigid, Fluor, ac. (with restricted mobility),

– f. rough, Aeon., Alumina, Ptelea, Thuja,

– f. scalded, Aescul., Coloc. Hamamelis, Lycopodium (tip), Mercurius i. fl., Platina, Puls, (on edges), Psorinum (tip), Sang, (tip). Sepia, Verbascum vir.

– f. as if gone to sleep, Nux mos.

– f. smarting, Ipecac. (on edge),

– f. sore, Alum, (as if burnt), Arnica, Puls, (on edges), Sabad, (as is full of blisters), Sepia, Zinc,

– f. swollen. Aeon., Baptisia (and thick), Gloninum (and raw), Spigelia (back part, especially when chewing),

– f. thick, Baptisia (embarassing speech), Gels,

– f. tied up, Crot. hor. (cannot speak),

– feels as if burned, with numbness, Laur., Platina, Puls,

– f. heavy, with difficulty in speaking, Natr. mur., Nux vomica

– f. furred and pasty, Baptisia

Felt. – Tongue coated as with a thick yellow f., Kali bichromicum

Festering, Cantharis

Fetid. – F. breath, with yellowish-white coated tongue, Gels,

– breath f., with white tongue, Kali brom.

– inflamed tongue, red, raw, painful, coated white;

– f. breath. Gels,

– f. ulcers on tongue, Nux vomica, Plb.

Fever. – Tongue red, smooth and glossy, as if deprived of papillae, as in typhoid f. and in stomatitis and and entero-enteritis, Terebintha

Fevers. – Mouth and tongue very dry inf., Baptisia (Aeon., Arsenicum, Bryonia).

– black or brownish tongue in f., Secale

Filled. – Sensation as if filled mouth up, Caj.

Film. – Tongue covered with a white f., with a sensation of rawness in it; afterwards this f. comes off in pieces, leaving dark-red, tender and very sensitive spots, Tarax.

Filthy. – F. tongue, Bryonia, Hydroc. ac, lyc, Oleand.

Fire. – Nurses’ sore mouth, extending from mouth to

– anus; tongue sore, red and glossy, burning like f., Terebintha

– spots on tongue bum like f., Arsenicum

Firm. – F. on pressure. Ox, ac.

Fissured. – Tongue deeply and widely f. in all directions, with a large, deep phagedenic-looking ulcer in center, Fluor, ac.

– tongue dry, parched, f., Carbo veg.

– ulceration of tongue; much f., very sensitive, Nitr. ac.

– tongue f. deeply on the edges, Fagop.

– f.. Baryta carb. (on left border), Carb, veg., Fluor, ac. (deeply), Mez. (center), Nat. ars. (also anterior part only), Nitr. ac. (and dry).

Fissures. – F. deep in tongue, Raph.

Flabby. – Tongue red and swollen; ulcerated, black, with red edges; swollen, coated white; moist, with intense thirst; swollen, f., showing impress of teeth on margin; difficult to move; difficult speech; stammering, Mercurius

– tongue pale and f., Acid aceticum

– white, moist, f. tongue, Secale

– tongue large, pale, f., Sepia

– tongue large, f. and slimy looking; coated yellow, shiny, sticky fur, Hydrastis

– tongue f., indented, Mercurius

– f. tongue, Kreosotum, Chin, sulph., Magn. mur. (tip and edges), Merc, sol., Natr. ars., Calcarea sulph.

– tongue pale and f., Phosphorus ac.

– f., soft, with imprints of teeth, Merc, Hydrastis, Kal. hyd.. Kali bichromicum, Rhus tox., Stramonium, Kreosotum

Flat. – F. taste, with white, thickly-coated tongue, Ipecac.

– f. ulcers on tongue, Natr. carb., Natr. mur.

– f., salty, rough taste, tongue feeling scalded, Rhus ven.

– tongue coated yellow along the center, with f., bitter taste in the morning, Verbascum vir.

Folded. – lUicium (edges, like little bags), Plb. (to the left).

Flow. – Tongue very foul, but becomes clean at each menstrual f., returning when f. ceases, Sepia

Food. – Coated tongue, with nausea and disgust for food, Antimonium iod.

Forcing. – Spasm of tongue; projecting it from mouth, f. it between teeth and rendering speech indistinct, Secale

Foreign. – Sensation as if covered with foreign body, Cannabis indica, Gelsemium

Forepart. – Biting on f. from tobacco smoke, Ignatia

– burning on f., Coffea, Calcarea carb., Mez. (like pepper), Phosphorus, Psorinum

– f. clean, deeply furrowed posteriorly, Nux vomica

– feeling of coldness and dryness on f., Belladonna

– f. coated white, Ferrum, Mercurius cor.

– f. denuded, Mez.

– sensation of dryness on f., Belladonna, Caps., Como., Coffea, Rumex.

– f. fissured, Nat. ars.

– feeling of a hair on f., Silicea (Kali bichromicum, back part).

– f. hard, Mercurius sol.

– heat of f., Mezer., Rumex.

– f. numb, Ignatia (when talking), Mag. carb. (A. M. on waking).

– f. papillae elevated, Mez.

– f. red and shining, Nux vomica (deeply furred posteriorly).

– f. smarting, acid, Sepia

– f. sore. Staphysagria

– f. stiff, Berberis

– fine stitches on f., Ledum.

– f. feels thick, Berberis, I^ach.

Formication. – Aeon, (also extending to lips and lower part of palate), Merc, sol., Nat. mur., Platina, Puls, (evening), Secale, Veratrum alb.

Foul, Arsenicum, Can Ind., Cuprum, Hyperic, Hydroc. ac. (dark), Kali bichromicum, Merc, sol., Petrol., Plb.

– tongue very foul, but becomes clean at each menstrual flow, returning again when flow ceases, Sepia

– tongue thickly coated; f., Valer.

– f. taste, with map tongue in chronic dyspepsia, Thuja,

– f. taste in morning, with thickly-coated tongue, Baryta carb.

– tongue coated white, with f. taste, Nux vomica, Podophyllum, Puls,

– tongue and mouth covered with a f., slimy mucus, having a putrid taste, Arum drac.

Fraenum Linguae. – Ulcer on f., Naja.

Fringes. – White ulcerous f. on gums and tongue, Mercurius

Froth. – Tongue covered with froth, Plb.

Frothy saliva on tongue, Natr. mur.

Fuliginous, Vip.

Full.- Tongue f. and broad, with a pasty coat in center,

– and shows imprints of teeth, Pods,

– burning on tip of tongue, as if f. of cracks, Natr. carb.

Furrow through center, thinly, white, Bryonia

Furrowed deep in center, with pale-red points; pale; purplish, Raph. sat.

Fungoid. – Extensive ulceration of tongue, with deeply chapped f. surfaces, Benz. ac.

Fur. – Tongue coated with a thick yellow fur, which cannot be scraped off, except the tip, which is red, Quin. sulph.

– tongue moist and covered with a white fur; tip and edges livid, Ailanth.

– tongue covered with long white fur. Graph,

– tongue covered with a thin yellowish fur, Cornus dr.

– sensation as if tongue was covered with f. or velvet;

– abundant salivation, Piper meth.

– whitish f. on tongue, with desire for cold drinks, Cornus cir.

– whitish f. in middle, covered with, and reddened at tip and sides, Thaspium.

– tongue coated with white f., Eupat. perf., Ptelea, Asdep. Syr.

– tongue covered with white, clammy f., which can be pulled off in strings. Bell,

– margin of tongue red, brown f. down center, Plb. (Baptisia, Phosphorus).

– first half of tongue clean, or comparatively clean; sometimes it is red and shining, but posterior half is coated with a deep f., Nux vomica

– thickly-coated white tongue, with roughish f., Pulsatilla (Very different from milky white of Antim crud., or yellowish-brown of Kali bichromicum)

– tongue covered with a slimy f., Alu.

– tongue coated like f., Phosphorus

Furred. – Tongue dry and hard, f. at the root, red at the point, Sulphur iod.

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