Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

– tongue swollen, stiff and dry, moved with d., Stramonium

– d. of moving the tongue, Anac, Belladonna, Calcarea carb., Conium, Lycopodium

Diphtheria. – Tongue distended, giving patient silly expression in angina or d., Lycopodium

Dirty. – D. looking ulcers on tongue, Plb.

– tongue coated yellow (Chelid.), white, d., China,

– tongue posteriorly pale, d. yellow, rather thick; this coating extending forward along sides of tongue, Mercurius cor.

– base of tongue covered with a thick, d. yellow

– coating; especially on rising in morning, Merc, i. fl.

– tongue so much swollen that its movements are difficult and very painful; it is very red, with a d. yellow coating on upper surface; shows marks of teeth and has large gray patches on edges, Merc,

– aphthae, d. looking ulcers and purple blotches in mouth and on tip of tongue, Plb.

– dirty yellow coating, Comocl., Merc, sol., Opi.

– tongue d., Bryonia, China, Lyc, Oleander, Sulphur, natr. sulph.

Disagreeable. – Sharp, pungent, d. taste in mouth, especially at tip of tongue and back of throat, Lobel. card.

Disgust. – Tongue coated, with nausea and d. for food, Antimonium iod.

Disordered. – Difficult speech, action of tongue d. (Gelsemium); stammering. Kali brom.

Distended. – Tongue distended, giving patient silly expression in an angina or diphtheria, Lycopodium

Distortion. – D. of mouth and tongue when talking, Causticum

Dorsum. – Soreness of d., Calcarea carb.

– soreness of tongue, either on tip, sides or d.; can

– scarcely talk or eat, Calcarea carb.

– tongue red, dry, involving edges as well as d., Kali brom.

Dots. – Tongue whitish, with fine red d., point red, Stramonium

Dotted. – Tongue and mouth inflamed, red, raw, painful; with whitish points; foetid breath; stomatitis, Acid Muriaticum

– d., Petrol., (with yellow spots).

Doughy. – d. and pale, Arsenicum

Downy. – Nat. ars.

Draw. – Tongue protruded with difficulty, can hardly d. it in, Hyoscyamus

Drawing. – D. and jerking in tongue, Castoreum.

– extending to throat, 5 p. m., Castoreum.

Drawn.- D., Arsenicum, (together), Plb. (to the left), Tarent. (backwards).

Drink. – Burning pain at tip of tongue (Calcarea ph.,, Coloc.), as from soreness; worse from warm

– food or d., Caladium

– calls for d., Nat. carb.

Drinking. – Tongue not coated, but very dry, which provokes d., Rhus tox.

Drunk. – Tongue and glottis partially paralyzed; speech thick as if d.; from congestion of base of brain, Gelsemium

Dry. – Aeon., Agaricus, Ailanth., Aloe., Alumina, (on waking). Apis, Argentum nit., Arnica, Arsenicum, Atrop., Baptisia, (early). Belladonna, Borax (p. m.), Bryonia, Calcarea carb.(at night, and mornings on awaking), Calcarea ph., Carbo. ac, Carbo. veg., Causticum, Cedron, Cham,(with thirst). Chin, sulph., Cistus, Coffea,Crocus, Cuprum (and rough), Dioscorea, Dulc, fluor, ac, (whitish”). Hell, (red), Hyoscyamus, lod..Ipecac., Kali bichromicum, Kali brom. (and red, or brown – and dry late), Kali mur., Kali phos., Kalmia, Lachesis (black and stiff), Laur., Lobel. infl., Lyc, Menisp., Merc, (red), Mercurius i. fl., (deeply chapped center), Murex ac, Myrica (crusty), Nat.- carb., Nat. mur.. Acid nitricum (a. m., also fissured), Nux mos. (at night or on awakening), Nux- vom., Oleander (white), Paris, (no thirst), Phosphorus Phyto. (yellow), Plb. (brown), Podophyllum (on awaking), Psorinum, Ptelea. (brown-yellow). Pulsatilla, Rhus tox. (not coated, or red and cracked), Rumex (as if burned), Secale (yellowish- white), Sepia (rough), Spongia, Stramonium, Sulphur (a. m., brown), Sulphur ac, Sulphur iod., Tanac, Veratrum alb., Viburn., Zinc, (coated at the root).

– d. tip feels scalded, Psorinum

– d., tongue coated white, with dry mouth, Lobel. infl.

– d., parched and cracked; Ailanth..

– d., with red tip and edges, Atrop.

– d., parched and cracked, in typhus, Baptisia

– d., feels, on rubbing it against roof of mouth, Baptisia

– d. and chippy, Carbolicum acidum

– d.; tongue and mouth very d., Cedron.

– d. and stiflf in the morning, worse on the sides, Dioscorea

– d. and parched, Menisp.

– d. and brownish-yellow or light brown, Ptelea.

– d., very, tongue and mouth upon awakening, Tarax.

– d. and hard, furred at the root, red at the point, Sulphur iod.

– tongue yellowish-brown, d. in center, or d. and swollen, Stramonium

– tongue covered with a white pasty coating, red in

– streaks; very red, d. in middle, Tart. em.

– tongue cold; d., blackish; cracked; red and swollen, Veratrum alb.

– tongue d., broad and white; center brown; leaves impress of teeth, Vib. op.

– tongue swollen, stiff, d., moved with difficulty, Stramonium

Cold, d., livid tongue in cholera, Secale.

– tongue red, d., cracked, Rhus tox.

– tongue brown and d. in center, Phosphorus

– d. sensation on tongue, Phosphorus ac.

– tongue remarkably d., with violent thirst, Argentum nit.

– d., red, glazed tongue, in chronic gastritis, Plb.

– mouth and tongue d. on awaking, Podophyllum

– tongue d. and white, Phosphorus, Plb.

– tip of tongue feels burnt, d. and painful, Psorinum

– tongue brown, yellow, d., Ptelea.

– tongue not coated, but very d., which provoked drinking, Rhus tox.

– tongue d., rough, or feels cold, or burnt, Laur.

– mouth d., tongue heavy and paralyzed; ulcers on tongue; patient cannot move it at all, even if conscious, Acid Muriaticum

– d. tongue and heavy, rendering speech difficult, Natr. carb.

– tongue red, d., involving edges as well as dorsum, Kali brom.

– tongue d., red, black, stiff, cracked, I^ach., Rhus tox.

– mouth very sore, parched, d.; mucous membrane cracked and bleeding; tongue swollen and covered with blisters on each side of cheek, Lachesis

– stiff, painful, d. tongue. Conium

– mouth and tongue both dry, with much thirst, Arsenicum, Bryonia, Cocc. c.

– tongue d. in morning on awaking, Clem,

– mouth and tongue hot and dry, Cimicif.

– tongue d., parched, fissured, Carbo. veg.

– d. sensation on tongue, Bromium

– tongue so d. it sticks to mouth (palate), Nux vomica

– tongue sensitive, d., red, burning, swollen, with thick white coating. Acid oxalicum

– tongue swollen, d. and black, Phosphorus

– tongue d. and covered with white mucus, Phosphorus

– mouth, lips, tongue, d. and sticky, Mercurius i. fl.

– tongue coated with thick white mucus, or d. and red; papillae elevated, strawberry-like; coated white, swollen and stiff, Mercurius cor.

– black or cracked tongue. Lycopodium (Arsenicum, Lachesis, Phosphorus, Rhustox.).

– d., rough tongue, with much thirst and ptyalism, Dulcamara

– tongue vivid red at tip and edges, coated yellow in center; whitish and d., Fluor, ac.

– tongue very d., numb, swollen. Hell,

– tongue very d., trembles and feels stiff. Hell,

– tongue d., red, brown, cracked and tremulous, Hyoscyamus

– tongue smooth, red and cracked; d. and red, coated thick, whitish-yellow; ulcerated. Kali bichromicum

– tongue smooth, d.; red, cracked in dysentery. Kali bichromicum

– nose, lips, mouth and tongue d., no relief from water, Phosphorus

– tongue hot. d., red, cracked; white center and red edges, Bell,

– tongue and palate dark red and d., Bell,

– tongue d. and red. as if burned; with brown streak or stripe down center; edges clean and red, Baptisia

– tongue yellow along center; first white with reddish papillae, followed by yellow-brown coating in center, edges d. and shining; d., brown down center (Plb.)i cracked, sore, ulcerated, Baptisia (Apis, Arsenicum, Rhus tox.).

– mouth and tongue very d. in fevers, Baptisia (Aeon., Arsenicum, Bryonia).

– tongue d. brown or black, with a low, typhoid condition, Arsenicum

– tongue swollen, cracked, sore, ulcerated or covered with vesicles. Apis.

– tongue red at tip, or d., with brown streak down middle; edges moist. Apis.

– tongue d., hard as a chip and black like teeth, Argentum nit.

– tongue d. or coated yellow, Arnica

– d., almost black in typhus, Arnica

– tongue d., parched and cracked, Ailanth.

– tip of tongue d., Argentum nit., Carbo veg.

– tongue and lips d., with burning, Hyoscyamus

– d. tongue, mouth and throat when sleeping, during menses, Nux mos.

– d. tongue and throat, without thirst. Palladium.

– tongue d., hard and glossy, Phosphorus

– tongue d., also front of mouth, Nux vomica

– d. tongue, mouth and throat, yet no thirst, Magn mur., Nux mos.

– d., as if burnt, no thirst. Pulsatilla

– tongue d. at the back. Hepar

– tongue d. at the edges, Cocc.

– a d., white tongue, without thirst, Bryonia, Pulsatilla

– d., white, without thirst and paralyzed, Nux mos.

– d., white, and feeling as if burnt or scalded, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Lep.

– d. and red, Argentum nitricum, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Morphium.

– d., red and cracked at the tip, Kali bichromicum, Lachesis, Rhus tox., Sulphur

Dryness of tongue, Aeon., Aloe., Apis, Apocynum can., Argentum m., Argentum nit., Arnica, Arsenicum, Atrop., Baptisia, Baryta carb., Baryta m.. Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea carb., Carb. an., Carb. veg., Causticum, Chamomilla, Chenop., Chin, sulph., Chelid., Cimic, Cist., Cocc. c, Conium, Cuprum, daph., Gelsemium, Helleborus, Hipp, m., Hyoscyamus, lod., Kali bichromicum, Kalm., Kreosotum, Lachesis, Laur., Lyc, Merc, Merc, cor., Merc, sol., Natr. mur., Nitr. ac, Nux vomica, Nux mos.. Ox. ac, Paris, Phosphorus, Phosphorus ac, Plb., Podophyllum, Psorinum, Ptelea., Rhus tox., Rumex, Secale, Sepia, Solan., Spongia, sulph., Sulphur ac, Tabac, Veratrum alb.

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