Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

Incisive pains in the tongue, Bovista

Incisor. – Toothache in one lower i., worse by contact with tongue and air, Anacardium

Indian Meal. – Sensation as covered with I. m., Nitr. ac.

Indented. – Tongue flabby, i., Mercurius

– teeth, tongue i. with marks, Merc,

– tongue i. by teeth, Arsenicum, Atro., Chelid., Get., glo., Hydras., Merc, Mercurius i. fl. (on edges), rhodo., Rhus tox.. Sum., Vibum.

Indistinct. – Feeble, stuttering, i. speech, as if tongue were paralyzed. Secale (Gelsemium Hyoscyamus, Stramonium)

– spasms of tongue, projecting it from mouth, forcing it between teeth, rendering speech i., Secale.

Indurated. – Glossitis when tongue becomes i., Carbo veg.

– indurated, Carb. an., Carbo. veg., Mercurius

Induration, inflammation, swelling, suppuration of tongue, lyach. Mercurius

I. of tongue; Calcarea fl., Silicea

Inelastic and dry, embarrassing speech, Acid Sulphuricum

Inflamed. – I. tongue, red, raw, painful, coated white; fetid breath. Gels,

– papillae on tongue of a deep red color, i., and much swollen. Bell,

– i. tongue, Apis,

– i. sore spots in mouth, on tongue and on inside of cheeks, Aloe,

– tongue i. and much swollen, papillae of deep red color, tip and edges light red, Bell,

– i., thick, small pimples on edges. Curare,

– i. through middle, red, raw, painful, can hardly put it out it trembles so. Gels,

– tongue i., but not swollen, Ptelea.

– inflamed tongue, Aeon., Aloes, Arnica, Belladonna, Bryonia,Cantharis, Crotal. hor., Gelsemium, Lachesis, Merc, Mercurius cor., Mez., Nuxvom., Oxal. ac, Ptelea, Plb., ranunculus sc.

Inflammation. – I., swelling, induration, suppuration of tongue, Lachesis, Merc,

– i. of tongue and mouth, Acid oxalicum

– i. and suppuration of tongue, Cantharis

– i. and swelling externally and internally about root of tongue, Arsenicum

– acute i. and aphthae; ulceration of mouth, tongue and fauces, with burning stinging pains. Arum,

– swelling and i. of tongue, Crotal. hor.

– swelling of tongue till there is no more room in mouth, with i. of it, Crotal. hor.

– i. in middle of tongue. Gels,

– i. of glands of tongue, Kalm.

– i. of the papillae. Bell,

– i. with dryness, Kali phos.

– i. with suppuration, Calcarea sulph.

– i. with swelling. Kali mur.

– chronic i. of tongue; cracked, swollen and bleeding, Podophyllum

Inflammation of tongue. Aeon., Aug., Apis, Am.,Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bromium, Cantharis, Crotal. hor., Ferrum phos., Lachesis, Merc, dul., Merc, cor., Merc, sol., mez., Nux vomica, Oxal. ac, Plb., Ranunculus sc.

Injured by teeth, Nux vomica; during convulsions, Tanac

Inner. – Mouth slimy, blisters on i. surface of cheeks and tongue, Calcarea carb.

Insensible. – Tongue numb, i.. Rheum,

– tongue i., even when moist. Puls,

– tongue heavy, stiff and i., Colchicum, Conium

– tongue i., Helleborus, Rheum.

Inside. – Inflamed sore spots in mouth, on tongue and i, of cheek. Aloe.

– burning vesicles on gums and i. cheeks, tongue, lips and palate; they bleed from least contact, Magn. carb.

Insular. – Deep i. patches on tongue, Aralia, Kali carb., Mancin., Gins.

Interferes. – Dryness of mouth, tongue, throat, which i. with speech and deglutition, Belladonna

Involuntary. – I. trembling of voluntary muscles; hands, tongue, etc., Mercurius

Irregular. – Deep, i. shaped ulcers on edge of tongue in syphilis, Nitr. ac.

– patch on right side of tongue, large andi., but very deep, Acid Muriaticum

Island. – Tongue coated white with i. patch on it, Chamomilla

Itching. – Intolerable prickling itching of the tongue, obliging her to rub it incessantly against the palate, Cedron.

– i. on tip of tongue, Dulc, Alum,

– i. ulcers on tongue, China,

– i. crawling on tip of tongue, Dulcamara

– tingling i. on tongue, must scratch it, Alum,

– i. and tingling of. Alumina, Sulphur, Aeon,

– i. on tongue. Aeon., Alumina, Castor (5 p. m.),Cedron. (5 p. m.), Crot. cas., Lepi., Mez., phosphorus ac, Rhus ven. (8 p. M.), Sulphur

Jaw. – Pain about root of tongue impedes speech and moving j., Acid aceticum

– glands under tongue and on lower j. swollen; sore to touch, Acid aceticum

– tongue and jaws become lame if cold air or water chills him, Dulcamara

Jerking. – Drawing and j. in tongue, Causticum

– jerking towards throat, also drawing. Castor.

Knife. – Cutting pain in tongue, as if cut with k., Bovista

Knotty, Carbo animalis

Lame. – Tongue and jaws become l., as if cold air or water chills him, Dulcamara

– tongue lame and stiff, Euphr., Hydrastis ac.

Lancinations. – Arum, mur., Guaraea.

Large. – Tongue seems large and marked by the teeth, Hydras,

– tongue l., flabby and slimy, sticky fur, Hydras,

– patch on right side of tongue l. and irregular, but very deep, Acid Muriaticum

– tongue feels too broad, too l., Puls,

– tongue seems too l., moist, fissured and flabby, Nat. ars.

– too l., seems. Aeon., Arsenicum, Colchicum, Crot. tig., Cuprum, dign., Get., Gloninum, Hydras., Kali bichromicum, Kali iod., Lact. ac, Merc, cor., Natr. ars., Oxal. ac, Paris, Phosphorus, Plb., Pulsatilla, Sepia

Lay. – Feeling as if tongue lay deeper in mouth than usual, Belladonna

Lead. – Tongue heavy as l., hinders speech, Acid Muriaticum

– color of l., Arsenicum, Carb. veg., Dir., Secale.

Leather. – Tongue dry, feeils as if gone to sleep, or l. covered, Nux mos.

– loss of taste with complete immovability of tongue, which is hard as l., Aurum

– like burnt l., Hyoscyamus

Leathery. – Aeon., Hyoscyamus, Nux mos., Chloro.

Lifeless. – Tongue feels lifeless. Belladonna

Light. – Tongue seems light, Dir., Kali cy.

Lip. – Tongue coated bright yellow, l. and edges red, Merc i. fl.

Lips. – Dryness on tongue and l., Arsenicum, Chamomilla, Lachesis, Lyc, Phosphorus

Tough, viscous expectoration hangs on l. and tongue, Phosphorus

– tongue and l. dry, Phytolacca

– dryness of l., mouth and tongue, Sepia (Nux mos.)

– burning vesicles on gums and on inside of cheeks, tongue, l. and palate, they bleed from least contact, Magn. carb.

– grayish ulcers on inner surface of cheeks, l., gums, tongue and palate, Mercurius

– l. and tongue whitish and contracted, Mercurius cor.

– dryness of mouth, tongue, l. and fauces, Hyoscyamus

– great dryness of mouth, l. and tongue, Aeon., Arsenicum, Hyoscyamus, Kali nit., Nux mos., tip of tongue moist, Bryonia, Merc,

– sensation of great dryness of mouth and l.; wants to moisten l. constantly wifh tongue, Lact. ac.

Lisping. – Speech difficult, l., Nux vomica

– speech l., Natr. carb., Nitr. ac, Nux vomica, Veratrum alb.

Livid. – Cold, dry, l. tongue in cholera, Secale

– tongue l., Ailanth. (tip and edges), Acid oxalicum

– tongue moist and covered with a white fur, tip and edges l., Ailanth.

Lividity of tongue, Merc, Oxal. ac, Vip.

Loaded. – Tongue l. with thick coating, lod.

l. white. Alumina, Amb., Ant., Am., Belladonna, Bism.,Bryonia, Calc, Cimic, Croc, Cuprum, Cyc, Digitalis, ignatia, Ipec, Merc, Nitr., Nux mos., Nux vomica, Oleander, Petroleum, Prun., Pulsatilla, Ranunculus sc, Sabina, Silicea, Sen., Sepia, Sulphur, Tarax, Viol. trie. Hypericum, Nux jug., Kalm., Podophyllum

l. yellowish. Alumina, Belladonna, Bryonia, Chamomilla, China,Chin, sulph., Cocc, Coloc, Ipec, Nux vomica, plb., Pulsatilla, Sabad., Veratrum alb.. Verb., Hypericum

l. grayish, Amb.

l. in the evening, Bism.

1, in the morning, Ranunculus sc, Selenium, Tart., Verb.

l. semilateral, Daph., Lobel.

l. with a blackish coating. China, Merc, Phosphorus

l. blush-red, Raph.

l. brownish. Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Phosphorus, Sabina, Silicea, sulph., Verb.

l. dirty, Anthrac, Bryonia, Hydras., Lyc, Oleand.

l. grayish, Amb., Cuprum acet.. Pulsatilla, Tart.

l. greenish, Calc, Causticum, Plb.

l. of mucus. Belladonna, Chin, sulph., Cuprum, Dulc, lachesis, Lact., Merc, Nux mos., Phosphorus ac. Pulsatilla, sulph., Verb., Viol. tri.

l. tongue, Bare carb.. Baryta mur., Bryonia, Cim., lod., kali bichromicum, Lyc, Natr. mur.

l. thick, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Lactu., Lobel., Merc, Nux vomica. Pulsatilla, Sabad., Secale, Sulphur.

Lobulated, Kali iod.

Lolling, Sil; evening, Causticum

Long. – Sensation as if tongue were too long, Aethusa

Loss. – L. of taste, with burnt feeling on tongue, Sanguinaria

Paralysis of tongue; l. of speech, Baryta c (Causticum, gelsemium )

l. of speech from constriction of tongue and throat,Crotal, hor.

Lunnips on tongue, Mang.

l. under tongue, Ambr.

l. bleeding and burning when touched, Magn. carb.

Malaria. – Tongue swollen in m., Arsenicum

Map. – White coated, or m. tongue, Natr. mur.

– foul taste, with mapped tongue, in chronic dyspepsia, Thuja,

– m. tongue, Natr. mur., Tarax.

– m. looks like ringworm on side, Natr. mur.

Mapped tongue; patches denuded, Tarax.

– m., Lachesis, Natr mur., Tarax, Ranun bulb.

Margin of tongue feels as if scalded, and as if quite raw, Apis,

– whitish sore place on m. of tongue very painful to touch, Cina.

– m. of tongue red; center white, Gels,

– tongue red and swollen; ulcerated; black with red edges; showing impress of teeth on m., Merc,

– tongue swollen and so soft on m. that it shows imprint of teeth in scallops, Merc,

– blisters and ulcers on tongue, and on its m., with burning pain when touched, Nitr. ac.

– middle of tongue red, brown fur down center, Plb.(Baptisia, Phosphorus).

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