Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

Put. – Inability to p. tongue out, Apis.

Quivering, Plb., Chlorum hydr.

– apparent swelling of tongue with sensation of stiffness, vibrating, quivering, etc., Chlorum hydr.

Ragged. – Tongue r, Ery. a.

Ranula. – R. with ptyalism and sore gums, Mercurius sol.

– r. bluish, surrounded by varicose veins. Thuja,

– r., gelatinous, Ambr., Calc, Lac. can., Merc, Natr. mur., Sacch., Staphysagria, Thuja.

Rash. – Small white vesicles on tongue resembling miliary r.. Thuja.

Rattles. – R. like a piece of leather, Acid Muriaticum

Raw. – Tongue sore, as if r. on surface. Cist.

– internal mouth, tongue and palate are slimy and feel r. and sore, Nux vomica

– tongue r. and red, Lact. ac.

– tongue r., with pain on left side, Jac. car.

– inflamed tongue, red, r., painful, coated white; fetid breath. Gelsemium

– margin of tongue feels as if scalded; as if quite r.. Apis.

– tongue r., sore, very red, especially at tip, and a painful blister on that part, I^obel. card.

– tongue feels r., as if burned, Menisp.

– r. sensation, Alco., Ammonium carb., Ammonium caust., Apis, Arsenicum, Baryta c, Cantharis, Carb. veg., China, Cinnab., Cistus, Coloc, Conium, Cuprum, Gelsemium, Gloninum, Gratiola, Jac. car.. Kali bichromicum, Kali carb., Lact. ac, Lobel. c. Lyc, Menisp., Merc, sol., Naja, Nit. ac, Nux vomica, Murex ac, Petroleum, Phosphorus, Physo., Ranunculus sc. Sin. nig., Sul. ac, Tarax., Thuja, Vip., Zincum met. ac.

Rawness. – Sensation of dryness and r. in middle of tongue, Apis.

– r., burning and painful stinging blisters along edges of tongue. Apis.

– burning on tip of tongue and r. of mouth, Carb. an.

– tongue covered with a white film, with sensation of r. in it; afterwards this film comes off in pieces, leaving dark-red, tender and very sensitive spots, Tarax.

– r. and scraping on back part of tongue excite cough. Aeon. f.

Red. – Aloes, Ant. tart., Arsenicum, Apis, Belladonna, Bism.,Bryonia, Causticum, Chamomilla, Colchicum, Coloc, Crot. hor.,Cuprum, Cur., Elaps, Ferrum phos.. Gelsemium, Helleborus, hyoscyamus, Kali bich.. Kali brom., Lachesis, Lyc, merc, sol., Mez., Nat. ars., Nat. mur., Nat. sulph., Nuxvom., Oxal. ac, Phosphorus, Rhus tox., rhus ven., Sang:, Stramonium, Sulphur, Sulphur ac, terebintha, Veratrum alb., Thuja, Zinc,

– bluish-r., Cantharis, Acid Sulphuricum

– bright-r., Colchicum

– center r., Ant. tart, (dry), Cham, (sides white),

– dark-r., Nux vomica, Belladonna

– deepr., corrugated, anterior part fissured, Nat. ars.

– r. edges, Antim crud.. Ant. tart., Arsenicum, Baptisia

– r. margin, center white. Gels,

– r. middle, Arsenicum, Causticum

Pale-r., Stramonium (in constant motion),

– r. in spots, Oxal. ac, Tarax., Hipp, m., Raph.

– r. in streaks. Ant. tart,

– r. streak down the middle, Argentum nit., Phosphorus ac, verbascum Vir.

– r. and glistening, Gloninum, Kali bichromicum, Lachesis

– r., with raised papillae. Arum tr.. Belladonna, Tart. em.

– r., with dark spots, Mercurius v.

– r., with vesicles, Cantharis

– r., dry, smooth, cracked. Kali bichromicum

– r. and white in streaks. Ant. tart,

– r. streak down center, coated sides, Belladonna, Causticum, iris v., Sanicula, Verbascum Vir., Vip. r.

– r. streak down center, coated sides, red tip, Arsenicum

– r. streak down center, sides white, moist, Vip. r.

– r. streak down center in morn, Pallad.

– r. on sides, Belladonna, Rhus tox., Sulphur, Tart,

– r. on sides and sore, Pothos.

– r., anterior half, Lachesis

– tongue coated white, with prominent r. papillae, followed by yellow-brown coating in center, edges red and shining, Baptisia

– tongue coated white, center and base, sides very red, Rhus ven.

– tongue coated with a thick yellow fur, which cannot be scraped off, except the tip, which is red, Quin. sulph.

– tongue dry and hard, furred at the root, red at the point, Sulphur iod.

– r., raw, sore, especially at tip, and a painful blister on that part, Lobel. card,

– tongue r., rough with uniformly erect papillae, Podophyllum

– tongue very r. all the time, Fagop.

– tongue r., raw and painful, Gels,

– tongue feels rough, white-coated blisters on both sides and very r. tip, Phytolacca

– tongue swollen, red on its borders, Mercurius cy.

– tongue yellow at the sides (edges), and a red streak in the middle, Verbascum Vir.

– r., cracked, especially at the tip, Lachesis

– r., painful at the tip, Argentum nit.

– r. the margin, brown fur down the center, Plb.

– r. at the tip, Arsenicum, Phytolacca, Morph.

– r. tip in the shape of a triangle, Rhus tox.

– r. tip, undefined and red borders, Sulphur

– r. borders, Belladonna, Bryonia, Morph., Nux vomica, Sulphur

– r. streak in the middle of a yellowish-coated tongue, Verbascum Vir.

– r. and dry, with great thirst. Aeon,

– r. and dry. Aloe,

– sides furred; r. streaks in middle and r. tip, Arsenicum, Phytolacca, Rhus tox.

– edges of tongue r., takes imprint of teeth, Arsenicum

– sore, r., papillae elevated in scarlatina, Arum. tr.

– r., like a beet, with prominent papillae, Arum. tr.

– dry and r., as if burned, with brown streak down center; edges clean and r., Baptisia

– inflamed tongue, r., raw, painful, coated white; fetid breath, Gels,

– margin of tongue r., center white, Gels,

– tongue feels rough, white, coated; blisters on both sides and very r. tip, Phytolacca, Arsenicum. Rhus tox.

– ranula gelatinous, bluish r., Thuja,

– sublingual glands swollen and r., Cantharis

– tongue coated white on both sides, r. in middle (not stripe), Causticum

– tongue covered with a white, pasty coat, r. in streaks, very dry in middle, Tart. em.

– tongue r., smooth and glossy, as if deprived of papillae, as in typhoid fever, stomatitis and entero-colitis, Terebintha

– tongue cold, dry, blackish; cracked, r. and swollen, Veratrum alb.

– nurses’ sore mouth, extending from mouth to anus; tongue sore, r. and glossy, burning like fire, Terebintha

– tongue cracked, or coated yellow, with r. tip and edges, Veratrum alb.

– tongue yellow, with r. stripe in middle, Verbascum Vir.

– tongue coated thinly- white, with reddish papillae; r. edges, Tart. em.

– tongue r., like a beet, Nitr. ac.

– first half of tongue clean, or comparatively clean; sometimes it is r. and shining, but posterior half is coated with a deep fur, Nux vomica

– tongue sensitive, r., dry, burning, swollen, with thick white coating, Acid oxalicum

– tongue dry and r., Phosphorus

– r. streak in middle of tongue, widens in front, Phosphorus ac.

– margin of tongue r., brown fur down center, Plb., Baptisia, Phosphorus

– dry, r., glazed tongue, in chronic gastritis, Plb.

– margin of tongue r., Plb.

– tongue r., with uniformly erect papillae, Podophyllum

– tongue r., dry, cracked; covered with brown mucus, Rhus tox.

– sore sensation of tongue, with r. tip, Rhus tox.

– triangular r. tip of tongue, white on one side, Rhus tox.

– tongue r., feels as if in contact with something hot, Sang,

– tongue r., coated with a yellowish mucus, Stann.

– tongue whitish, with fine r. dots, point r., Stramonium

– tongue covered with a white coating, which peels off in patches, leaving dark r., tender, very sensitive spots, Tarax.

– white spots on tongue amongst r., Tarax.

– tongue thickly coated yellow, with r. margins,

– showing imprint of teeth, Chelid.

– tongue r. on edges, with large papillae, Cina.

– tongue bright r., heavy, stiff and numb; projected

– with difficulty, Colchicum

– tongue scarlet, r. or brown and swollen, Crotal. hor.

– tongue smooth, r. and cracked; dry and red; coated

– thick whitish-yellow; ulcerated. Kali bi

– tongue dry, smooth, red., cracked, in dysentery, Kali bichromicum

– tongue coated thick yellow, edges r. and full of small, painful ulcers, Kali bichromicum

– tip of tongue r., with small burning blisters thereon, impeding speech and chewing, Cyclamen

– tongue vivid, r. at tip and edges, coated yellow in center; whitish and dry, Fluor, ac.

– tip of tongue r. and painful; papillae erect, prominent, Argentum nitricum

– tongue r. at tip, or dry, with a brown streak down middle; edges moist. Apis,

– tongue r., dry, enlarged; white, involving edges as well as dorsum. Kali brom.

– tongue dry, r., black, stifiF, cracked, Lachesis, Rhus tox.

– anterior half of tongue r., smooth and shining, Lachesis

– tongue r. and swollen; ulcerated; black, with r. edges; coated white; moist, with intense thirst; swollen, flabby; showing impress of teeth on margin; difficult to move; difficult speech; stammering, Merc,

– mucous membrane of palate intensely r. and oedematously swollen, Merc,

– tongue r., with blackish coat, Merc, cor

– tongue coated bright yellow, tip and edges r., Mercurius i. fl.

– tongue coated white, with r. tip and borders, Sulphur, Rhus tox.

– tongue hot, dry, r., cracked; white center and r. edges. Bell,

– tongue inflamed and much swollen; papillae of deep r. color; tip and edges light r.. Bell,

– papillae on tongue are of a deep r. color, inflamed and much swollen, Bell,

– painful r. blisters on tongue, as if surface were eroded. Borax.

Reddened. – Tongue covered with whitish fur in the middle, and r. at tip and sides, Thasp.

– tongue coated thinly white, with r. papillae; red edges. Tart. em.

Reddish. – Tongue r.-blue color, Arsenicum

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