Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

Antimonium crud, – Coated thick and white; milky-white, as if white- washed; yellow; border red and sore.

Antimonium iod. – Coated tongue, with nausea and dis- gust for food.

Afitimonium tart. – Coated thick- white, pa^y, or very thinly white, with reddened papillae and red edges; red, in streaks; very red, and dry in the center.

Apis mel. – Red at the tip; swollen, dry, glossy; cracked, sore, ulcerated, or covered with vesicles; coated white; cannot be protruded, hinders talking; dryness, tenderness and fiery redness of whole cavity: stinging blisters at edges.

Argentum nit. – Coated white; tip red, [painful; papillae erect; day, hard as a chip, and black like the teeth; red streak down middle; cannot talk from spasm.

Arnica Mont. – Coated white; dry, with a brown streak down the middle; dry or coated yellow; sense of biting.

Arsenicum alb. – As if painted white; thickly furred, edges red; sides furred, with red streak down the middle and redness of tip; whitish; yellowish- white; brown; lead color; dry and morbidly red with raised papillae at tip; swollen at root; pale, doughy, takes imprint of teeth, violent burning; gangrene.

Arum drac, – ^Tongue and mouth coated with a foul, slimy mucus, having a putrid taste; bad taste in the mouth.

Arum triph, – Cracked; red, papillae prominent; burning; intense prickling, stinging pain, felt all over the tongue, mouth, lips and fauces, as if from thousands of needles; swollen, red, sore with raised and irritable looking papillae; mouth burns and is so sore that he refuses to drink, and cries when anything is offered; excessive salivation, and saliva acrid.

Aurum met. – Hard as leather, immovable, ulcerated.

Asclepias tub. – Yellow, tough coating on tongue, and putrid taste.

Atropine. – Loss of sensation in the buccal cavity; tongue dry, with red tip and edges; sticky and coated white; cannot move the tongue around in the mouth; difl&culty of protruding it; feels thick, cannot articulate distinctly; dry, parched and cracked (in typhus); paralytic symptoms.

Badiaga. – Mouth and tongue feels as if scalded.

Baptisia tinct. – Feels as if it had been scraped or burnt; coated yellow along the center, with flat, bitter taste; feels dry on rubbing it against the roof of the mouth; coated white, with red papillae protuberant, followed by yellow, brown coating in the center, edges red and shining; feels swollen, thick, with numbness; great dryness of mouth and tongue^ in fevers; cracked, sore, ulcerated.

Baryta card. – Hard on the center, burning when touched; burning sense of excoriation at tip; fissure on left border; vesicles on middle, tip and under; paralysis.

Belladonna, – Strawberry (deep red papillae); inflamed, swollen; tip and edges light red; dry furred; white center with red edges, or two white stripes, covered with a white clammy fur, which can be pulled off in strings; feeling of coldness and dryness of forepart; paral5^ic weakness.

Benzoic acid. – Ulcerated, with deeply chapped fungoid surfaces.

Bismuth, – Red; white (p. m.).

Bisulphide of carbon, – Sensation of coldness, first on the tongue, then in the mouth, which quickly rises to a stitching burning; burning, pungent pain on the tongue, as from peppermint, with peculiar onio^ or garlic taste.

Borax, – Dry (p. m.); spasm in the tongue, like stiffness, or as if the organ had gone to sleep; aphthae; cramp.

Braxhyglottis rep, – Pricking and numbness in the tongue, evening.

Bromide of amm, – Fauces, and tip of tongue for half its length, feel as if scalded; very sore, as if burnt; cannot talk or read without pain.

Bromide of potass,- [-White tongue, involving the edges as well as the dorsum; great languor, sleepiness and anorexia; pale and cold; red and dry (in cholera infantum).

Bryonia alb, – White, rough, cracked; dark brown color; dry; tip moist.

Bufo, – Stnttenng; black tongue; fetid odor from the mouth; dryness in the throat, impeding degluti- tion.

Calcarea fluor, – Cracked appearance of the tongue with or without pain; induration of the tongue hard- ening after inflammation.

Calcarea osir. – White; dry at night, and morning on awakening; burning pain at tip; soreness on tip, sides or dorsum.

Calcarea phos, – Swollen, numb, stiff, with pimples on it; sore, burning tip;

Calcarea sulph. – Tongue flabby, resembling a layer of dried clay; sour, soapy, acrid taste; yellow coat- ing at base; inflammation of the tongue when suppurating; clay-colored coating.

Cantharis. – Trembling; thickly furred, but red at the edges; swollen; excoriated and full of blisters at the base; white tip; supj)urating.

Capsicum, – Full of flat, sensitive, spreading ulcers, with a lardaceous center; pimples, with stinging pain when touched.

Car bo anim, – Dry; immovable; burning blisters on tip and edges; knotty indurations.

Car bo veg. – Dry, indurated, heavy with difiicult speech; white, lead colored; blue, sticky, moist; dry, parched, fissured; turns black; raw and dry tip.

Castoreum. – Drawing and jerking towards throat; swollen; burning in upper surface; blisters.

Causticum, – White on both sides, red in the middle; dis- tortion of the tongue and mouth when talking; burning pain in tip and edges; sensation as if the tongue were adhering to the palate; paralysis.

Cedron, – Intolerable prickling itching of the tongue, with a nasty, sickish, bitter taste of the mouth; coated yellow; very dry; difficulty of speech; great thirst all the time; she felt as if tongue was paralyzed, with pricking of the tongue (during catamenia).

Chamomilla, – White at the sides, red at the center; white, yellowish, red, cracked; coated white with islands on it; burning, dry, with thirst; spasms.

Chelidonium, – Covered with gray, shaggy, thick coat, in A. M., which can be partly rubbed off; pricking on the end of the tongue; stitch in end of tongue, left side; thick yellow coating with red margin, showing imprints of teeth.

Chinin, sulph, – Coated with a thick yellow fur, which cannot be scraped off, except the tip, which is red; flabby; white; dry.

Cicuta Vir – Swollen; white, painful, burning ulcers on the edges; painful to touch.

Cina – ^Whitish; brownish -yellow.

Cinchona – White; yellow; thick, dirty coating; black, or raw, as if burned; burning on tip followed by ptyalism.

Cisius Can, – Dryness of the tongue and roof of the mouth.

Coca, – Much furred tongue; no taste in A. m.; dryness of mouth on waking.

Chloral hydrate, – Apparent swelling of the tongue, with sensations of stiffness, vibrating, quivering, etc.; fears of suffocating from swelling of the tongue; choking sensation at the root of the tongue; black streak down the center.

Cocculus. – As if paralyzed; pains at base when protruded.

Colchicum. – Bright red, heavy; stiff and numb; projected with difficulty.

Collinsonia Can. – Coated yellow along the center or base, with hitter taste in the mouth.

Colocynthis, – White, yellow, rough; burning lip; scalded sensation.

Conium mac. – Swollen, painful stiff; speech difl5ctilt from paralysis.

Comus dr. – Coated with a thin, yellowish fur; white fur, with desire for cold drinks.

Crot.. – Yellow; red and sore; red and smooth; stiff and numb; swollen and protruded; tongue and surroundings feel tied up; cannot speak.

Cuprum met. – White; yellowish; brown; red; dry and rough; papillae enlarged.

Cyanuret of Mercury. – Tongue pale with yellowish streak on the base; swollen; red on its borders.

Cyclamen. – Yellowish- white; tip red, with small, burning blisters, impeding speech and chewing.

Digitalis. – White A. m; furred; swollen; sore; blue.

Dioscorea. – Dry and stiff in a. m., worse on the sides; coated heavily brown, sore on sides; tip sore when eating; feels as if burnt on the sides; bites the tongue.

Dulcamara. – Dry, rough, lame; paralyzed from cold; swollen, impeding speech and breathing.

Eryngium aquat. – Tongue and fauces very dry, with in- sipid taste, thick, tenacious; yellowish-colored mucus in the morning; smarting, burning pain; raw, smarting pain on left side.

Eupatorium perf. – White fur; yellow coating.

Eupatorium purp. – Furred, brown along the center; numb; prickling, stinging pain.

Euphrasia. – I^ame and stiff.

Fagopyrum escul.^Y&ry red; deeply fissured on the edges.

Ferrum met. – White.

Ferrum phos. – Furred, or clean and red, with headache^ inflammation, with dark-red swelling.

Fluoric a^d. – Whitish and dry; vivid red at tip and edges, yellow in the center; tender; feels rigid, with restricted mobility; painful when talking; deeply and widely fissured in all directions.

Galium apar, – Cancerous tumor on tongue; aphthae, with urinary disorders in children.

Gelsemium. – Yellowish-white; coated thick; brown; margin red, center white; partially paralyzed; can hardly put tongue out it trembles so; red, raw, painful, inflamed in the middle.

Glonoinum, – Milky- white, without coating; feels swol- len, raw; numb, as if burnt; pricking, stinging.

Gnaphalium, – Covered with long white fur.

Graphites. – White; burning vesicles on lower surface and tip; painful tubercles and vesicles on the back part; sensitive.

Guaraa trich, – Feels cold and dry; tearing pain; lanci- nations; paralysis; heavy, swelled, bleeding; greenish-yellow fur.

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