Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

Hard raised spot size of a lentil on right anteriorb. of tongue, shooting pain in it when moving tongue, Sulphur

Borders. – Tongue coated white with red tip and b., Sulphur, Rhus tox.

Boring on Tongue. – Clem., Conium (at night).

Brain. – Tongue and glottis partially paralyzed, speech thick as if drunk, from congestion of base of b..Gelsemium

Breath. – Cold tongue and b. with mottled skin, Colchicum

Inflammed tongue, red, raw, painful, coated white, fetid b.. Gels,

– fetid, with white tongue. Kali brom.

Bright-Red, with rawness, Magn. phos.

Broad, red with indented edges, Kali bichromicum, Merc, viv., Podophyllum, Rhus.

Tongue feels too b., too large, Paris, Pulsatilla, Plb., Zinc,

– full and broad with a pasty coat in center and shows imprint of teeth, Podophyllum

– and white, center brown, Viburn.

Brown. – Coating in center, edges red and shining, Baptisia

– coating in the morning, Sumbul. Ailanth. (in the middle), Arnica (dry and a streak down the middle), Arsenicum Baptisia, (down center and dry), Belladonna, (mucus), Cuprum, Dios, (and sore on tip).Eup. purp. (along the center). Gels, (thick), Hyoscyamus (dry, and cracked, hard), lod. (and dry), Lachesis (center, tip red), Plb. (dry and cracked), Rhus tox. (mucus), Secale., Silicea (mucus), Spongia. (dry), Sulphur (dry),

– dark, Bryonia (rough, cracked),

– light, Actea rac. (more in the middle),

– brownish, Nux vomica, Kali phos., Natr. Sulph.

– brownish-yellow, Cina. Ptelea (dry), Rumex.

– brownish-red, Rumex.

– brownish coating. Belladonna, Cocculus indicus c, Hyoscyamus, Phosphorus, Sabina, Silicea, Sulph, Veratrum alb.

– brownish coating thick, lips and teeth covered, Colchicum

– brownish coating thick, yellow, Kali bichromicum

– brown patch, with long papillae on dorsum, Kali bichromicum

– brown streak in center. Am., Baptisia, Eup. purp., Hyoscyamus

– brown streak in center, with thick white coat, Ailanth.

– brown streak in center, white edges, lod.

Brown. – Tongue red at tip, or dry with a b. streak

– down middle, edges moist. Apis.

– tongue dry, b. or black, with a low typhoid condition, Arsenicum

– yellow along center, first white with reddish papillae, followed by yellow b. coating.

– coated in center, edges dark-red and shining; dry,

– b. down centre, (Plb.).

– cracked, sore, ulcerated, Baptisia (Apis, Arsenicum, rhus tox.).

– tongue b. in morning, Baptisia

– streak down center, edges clean and red, Baptisia

– tongue coated with yellow b. mucus, Carb. veg.

Tongue coated thick and b., diphtheria. China ars.

– dry, b., coated tongue, Cocculus indicus c.

Tongue scarlet-red, b or swollen, Crot. hor.

– tongue red, dry and rough, or coated white, yellow or b., Cuprum

– heavy b. coating on tongue mornings, Dioscorea

– tongue dry, red, b., cracked and tremulous, Hyoscyamus

– tongue b. and dry in middle, Phosphorus

– tongue dry and b. centre, Phosphorus

– margin of tongue red, b. fur down center, Plb. (Baptisia, Phosphorus).

– tongue b., yellow, dry, Ptelea.

– tongue covered with b. mucus, Rhus tox.

– tongue coated yellow, yellowish b. or reddish b. Rumex.

– tongue brown, dry, Spongia

– tongue b., dry in center, or dry and swollen, Stramonium

– b., parched, cracked tongue, Sulphur

– Root of tongue b. without bad taste, in morning, Verb.

– tongue dry, broad and white; centre b., leaves im-

– press of teeth, Vib. op.

– black or brownish tongue in furs, Secale

Bruised sensation, Secale

Burn. – Spots on tongue burn like fire, Arsenicum

– vesicles on tongue burn much, Nitr. ac.

– mouth and tongue b. as if scalded, Mag. mur.

– tongue smarts as if burned. Am. brom.

– tongue dry and red as if burned, with a brown

– streak down center; edges clean and red, Baptisia

– sensation as if tongue had been burned, Podophyllum

– sensation in middle of tongue as if had been

– burned. Pulsatilla

– tongue feels as if burned, Rumex.

– tongue feels as if burned or as if sore. Sanguinaria

– burning, tingling and numbness of lips, mouth and tongue. Aeon.

– sensation as if tongue is swollen; burning, prickling, tingling, Aeon.

– burning vesicles on tongue. Aeon.

– burning like pepper on lips and tongue. Aeon.

– smarting, b. of tip of tongue as from pepper. Agaricus

– vesicles on tip of tongue with burning pain. Am.mur. (Arsenicum, Mercurius cor.).

– blister on tip of tongue, with burning pain. Am. mur.

– rawness, burning and painful stinging blisters along edges of tongue. Apis.

– sore, burning blisters on tongue, Argentum met.

– biting sensation on tongue with soj^eness, burning and stinging in back part of throat, Arnica

– violent burning on tongue, Arsenicum

Burning in mouth, pharynx, and oesophagus, Arsenicum, (Aeon., Cantharis, Caps.).

– pain in tongue as if covered with b., painful vesicles, Arsenicum

– cracked tongue, painful and burning, Arum tr.

– burning sensation across tongue, Asarum europaeum

– smarting, b. pain in tip of tongue, cracked and sore. Baryta carb.

– acute inflammation and aphthous ulceration of

– mouth, tongue and fauces with b., stinging pains. Arum tr.

– hardness on middle of tongue, b. when touched. Baryta carb.

– feeling at tip of tongue as if a vesicle was on it, with b. pain when touched, Bell,

– burning on under surface of tongue, Bromium

– small b. blisters on tongue painful to touch. Caps,

– burning pain at tip of tongue (Calcarea ph., Carb. an., Coloc. ), as from soreness, worse from warm food or drink, Caladium

– burning on tip of tongue and rawness of mouth, Carbo animalis

– burning on tip of tongue as from pepper, Teucrium (followed by ptyalism, China.)

– burning stitches on tongue, China,

– burning on tip of tongue with ptyalism, China,

– burning on tip of tongue, Coloc., Cyclamen, Gum. gut., Hydrastis, Kali carb., Kali jod., Merc, Natr. carb., Natr. mur.. Rat., Sabad.

– tip of tongue red with small b. blisters thereon, impeding speech and chewing, Cyclamen

– burning blister, vesicles on lower side of tip of tongue, Graphites, Merc, viv., Nitr. ac.

– burning on tongue or tip which feels hard. Gum. gut.

– burning pimples on tongue, Kali mur.

– burning pain on surface of tongue, Sulphur

– burning and soreness on tip of tongue. Kali carb.

– blisters stinging, b. on tongue and buccal cavity, Kali chl.

– burning vesicles on gums and on inside of cheeks, tongue, lips and palate, they bleed from least contact, Magn. carb.

– rhagades in tongue with violent b., Magn. carb.

– burning vesicles on left side of tongue, Mang.

– red tongue with much b. and great thirst, Mercurius viv.

– mouth and tongue b. and parched, Mercurius cor.

– numerous blisters on tongue which have a b. pain. Lycopodium

– blisters with b. pain on tip of tongue, Natr. sulph.

– blisters and ulcers on tongue and its margins, with b. pain when touched, Nitr. ac.

– violent b. in tongue and mouth extending to stomach, Arsenicum, Mez.

– burning on tip of tongue as if full of cracks, Natr. sulph.

– vesicles and ulcers in mouth and on tongue, smarting and b. when touched by food, Natr. mur.

– tongue sensitive, red, dry, b., swollen, with thick white coating. Acid oxalicum

– tongue coated yellow, b., with blisters, cracked, Spigelia

– burning sensation in tongue and fauces, Tabac.

– Nurses’ sore mouth, extending from mouth to anus, tongue sore, red and glossy, b. like fire, Terebintha

– burning on anterior half of tongue, Gum. gut.

– swelling of lower lip and tip of tongue, with violent b. that wakes one at night, Natr. mur.

– burning vesicles on tongue, Natr. mur., Rhododendron

– tip of tongue burns as if scalded, Sang,

– tongue burns like fire, Magn. mur.

– blisters in mouth pain as if burnt, Ambr.

– tongue feels as if burnt, coated whitish, Cimex.

– tongue rough, dry or feels cold, numb or burnt, Laur.

– tongue feels burnt, mouth feels scalded, Magn. mur.

– burnt feeling on back of tongue, Phytolacca

– tip of tongue feels burnt, dry and painful, Psorinum

– loss of taste, with burnt feeling on tongue. Sang,

– tongue feels burnt. Iris, Acid Sulphuricum, Hamamelis, Rumex., Therid.

– sensation in middle of tongue as if burnt, Hyos, Platina, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Sabad., Sepia

– sensation on tip of tongue as if burnt, Lactuca., Mercurius sol.

– burning, pungent pain on tongue, as from pepper-

– mint, with peculiar onion or garlic taste, Bisulph. of carb.

– burnt, tongue feels as if, on the sides. Dioscorea

– burning, sensation of, on tongue, Menisp.

– burning, prickling sensation of the tongue, Ptelea.

– burnt feeling with loss of taste and smell, Sang,

– burning on tongue. Aeon., Apis., Arsenicum, Arum. Asarum europaeum, Baryta carb., Belladonna, Bisulph. of carb., Bovista Calcarea carb., Carb. veg., Causticum, Cimex, Cocculus indicus c. Coloc., Colchicum, Daph., Dioscorea, Gum. gut., Hyoscyamus, Hipp, m., Ind., lod., Ignatia, Jac. car.. Kali chl., Kali carb., Lachesis, Magn. mur., Merc, Merc cor., Menisp., Natr. sulph., Ol. an.. Acid oxalicum, PhelL, Phosphorus, Phosphorus ac. Platina, Podophyllum, Plumb., Pulsatilla, Prun. s., Ptelea., Ranunculus sc. Rat., Rhododendron, Sanguinaria, Sabad., Senega., Sepia, Sulphur, Spigelia, Ver alb.

– burning at tip in evening, Cyclamen

– burning at tip and front half, which feels hard, Gambogia

– burning sensation across, Asarum. Eup.

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