Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

– tongue swollen and f. white, Ptelea.

– f. tongue, Arsenicum, Baryta carb., Belladonna, Cantharis (thickly, but red edges). Chin, sulph., Digitalis, Eup. purp., Ferrum phos., Graphites, Iodium, Kalibi., Lyc, Nat. ars., Nat. carb., Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Podophyllum, Ptelea, Sulphur

– f. on sides, Arsenicum (red down the middle).

Fuzziness, Wies.

Fuzzy. – ^ongue coated, as if f.. Baryta carb.

Gangrene of tongue, Arsenicum, Sec, Kali carb., Merc, cor., Mercurius dulc.

Garlic. – Burning, pungent pain on tongue, as from peppermint, with peculiar onion or garlic taste, Bisulph. of Carb.

Gastritis. – Dry, red, glazed tongue (in chronic g.), Plb.

Glands under tongue and on lower jaw swollen; sore to touch, Acid aceticum

– pain from submaxillary g. into tongue, Acid Sulphuricum

– inflammation of g. of tongue, Kalm.

Glandular swelling under tongue, Nux mos.. Staphysagria, Tabac.

Glazed. – Dry, red, g. tongue (in chronic gastritis), Plb.

– g. tongue, Secale, Phosphorus, Alco., Atrop., Sum.

Glistening. – Red, g. tongue, Gloninum, Klali bi., Lachesis

Glossitis. – G. when tongue becomes indurated, Carbo veg.

– g., Ferrum phos.

– g., suppuration in, Calcarea sulph.

– g., swelling in. Kali mur.

Glossy. – Tongue red, smooth and g., as if deprived of papillae, as in typhoid fever, and in stomatitis and entero-colitis, Terebintha

Glossy. – Nurse’s sore mouth, extending from mouth to anus; tongue sore, red and g., burning like fire, Terebintha

– g.. Apis, Nux vomica (anterior half), Phosphorus, Terebintha, Lachesis, Kali bichromicum

Glue. – Saliva thickened, tenacious, white; clings to tongue like g.. Belladonna

Gluey matter on tongue, Phosphorus ac.

Golden -yellow coating on tongue, Natr. phos.

Grater. – Tongue coated white and rough like a g., Anacardium

Gray. – Tongue coated gray, shaggy, thick in morning, Chelid.

– tongue so much swollen that its movements are difficult and very painful; it is very red, with dirty-yellow coating on upper surface; shows marks of teeth, and has large g. patches on edges, Mercurius

– tongue feels as if scalded; coated yellowish g., Phytolacca

– tongue gray, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Chelid., Mercurius i. fl., Pulsatilla

– tongue gray-whitish. Hypericum, Phosphorus ac.

– tongue gray-yellowish, Argentum nit., Ferrum

Grayish. – G. ulcers on inner surface of lips, cheeks, gums, tongue and palate, Mercurius

– g. coated tongue, Ambr., Pulsatilla, Tart, em., Cuprum acet., Kali mur., Natr. sulph.

– g., yellow-coated tongue, Ambr., Gelsemium

Grayish-White. – Tongue thick, bluish and covered with g. membrane (false membrane); or containing deep ulcers with black bases; with burning vesicles, Acid Muriaticum

– tongue thick, darkened, and almost wholly covered, together with whole mouth, by a g. membrane (false membrane), Acid Muriaticum

– tongue covered with g. crust, Mercurius cor.

Greasy. – Tongue feels g., Iris, Tril., Yuc.

– g. feeling over tongue and gums on rising in the morning, Iris.

– g. feeling on tongue, Asa., Causticum, Iris, Mang., Val., Opium (unctuous).

Green. – Tongue coated yellow or g., Plb.

– tongue coated g. with ptyalism, Nitr. ac.

Greenish. – Tongue coated g., Nitr. ac, Plb., Cuprum ac.

– g. coating with sweetish saliva, Plb.

– g. coating at base, rest of tongue white, Cap.

– g. -yellow coat, thick, Calcarea caust.

– g. tongue, Natr. sulph.

Groivths. – Sensation of small g. under tongue, which pain as if sore, Ambr.

Gums. – Ulcerated g. and tongue, with sore throat, Psorinum

Sore mouth, g. and tongue, with fetid ptyalism, Digitalis

Hair. – Sensation of h. on back of tongue, Kali bichromicum (Nat. mur., Silicea).

– sensation of h. lying on forepart of tongue, Silicea

– sensation as if ah. were on tip of tongue and extended into trachea, where it caused a crawling,

– so that he was frequently obliged to cough and hack, Silicea

– sensation of a h. upon the tongue. Kali bichromicum, Natr. mur., Silicea, Allium sativum, Natr. phos.

– sensation of a h. on tongue morning and night, Allium sativum

– sensation of a h. on tip of tongue, Natr. phos.

Half. – Anterior h. of tongue clean, or comparatively clean; sometimes it is red and shining, but posterior h. is coated with a deep fur, Nux vomica

– burning on anterior h. of tongue. Gum. gut.

– anterior h. of tongue red, smooth and shining, Lachesis

Hangs. – Tongue swollen all over, h. from mouth, Stramonium

Hard. – Burning on tongue or tip, which feels h. Gum. gut.

– tongue dry, h. as a chip, and black like the teeth, Argentum nit.

– loss of taste, with complete immovability of tongue, which is h. as leather, Aurum

– hard tongue, Argentum nit., Aurum met.. Baryta carb., Cuprum, Gum. gut., Hyoscyamus (looks like burnt leather). Kali jod., Merc, sol., Acid Muriaticum

Hardness. – H. of middle tongue, burning when touched, Baryta carb.

Heat. – Pain in teeth increased by touch even of tongue,

– or by chewing; by motion; by h.; by horizontal position, Mez.

Aphthae on tongue, in mouth and inside of cheeks with great h. and dryness, Borax (Hydras., Helleborus, lod., Merc, Nitr. ac ), Aeon., Belladonna, Ammonium c., Apis, Arsenicum, Caps., Causticum, Carbo. veg., Cocc., Crot. tig., Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mane., Acid oxalicum, Pan., Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Stry., Sulphur, Sum., Tarax.

Heaviness. – Stuttering on account of h. tongue, Natr. carb.

– h. of tongue with difficult speech, Nux vomica

– h. and swelling of tongue, Anacardium

– h. of tongue, Anac, Belladonna, Colchicum, Carbo veg., Guaraea, Hyoscyamus, I^yc, Mac, Merl., Merc, Murex ac, Mor., Natr. carb., Natr. mur., Nux vomica,

Plb., Sec c, Stramonium; when talking, Nux vomica, Tep.

– h. of tongue, difficulty of moving it, Calc, Carbo veg.. Lachesis, Lyc, Mercurius

Heavy. – Tongue h., stiff and insensible, Colchicum, Conium

– tongue h., stiff and numb, Colchicum

– tongue h., cannot open mouth, Lachesis

– tongue h. as lead, hinders speech, Acid Muriaticum (Lachesis)

– mouth dry, tongue h. and paralyzed; ulcers on tongue; patient cannot move it at all, even if conscious, Acid Muriaticum

– tongue dry and h., rendering speech difficult, Natr. carb.

– tongue h. and clumsy, as if paralyzed, Natr. mur.

– speech lisping, stammering; or as if tongue was too h. (as in typhoid), Veratrum alb.

– tongue h. with difficult speech, Carbo veg.

– tongue h., swelled, bleeding, Guaraea.

– tongue coated h. white, Cuprum ars.

– tongue h., with stammering, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Anac, stramonium

– trembling tongue, with falling of lower jaw in typhoid conditions, Lycopodium

– heavy tongue, Anac, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Carbo veg.,Colchicum, Curare, Gelsemium, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Guaraea, lyc, Murex ac, Nat. mur., Nux vomica, Plb., secale, Stramonium, Veratrum alb.

Herpes on tongue from sea-bathing, Natr. mur.

Hinders. – Tongue heavy as lead, h. speech, Acid Muriaticum (Lachesis)

Holes in tongue. Kali bichromicum, Mercurius p. r.

Hot. – Mouth hot, with rawness and dryness of tip of tongue, Carbo veg.

– mouth and tongue h. and dry, Cimicif.

– tongue h., red, cracked; white center and red edges. Bell,

– tongue red, feels as if in contact with something hot, Sanguinaria

Horizontal. – Pain in teeth increased by touch, even of tongue, or by chewing; by motion and h. position, Mez.

Hung. – Tongue h. dry from child’s mouth and was swollen thick. Belladonna

Hurt. – Concave edge of teeth seem sharp an h. tongue. Aloe

– hurts as if bitten, Plb.

Immovable. – Thick, yellowish, dark and crusty coating on tongue rendering it almost i., Myrica.

– immovable, Aurum met., Carb. an., Myrica., Phosphorus (covered with black crusts).

Immobility. – Atro., Carb. veg., Cicuta v., Conium, Opi., Stramonium

Impeding. – Tip of tongue red, with small burning blisters thereon, i. speech and chewing, Cyclamen

Impedes. – Pain about root of tongue i. speech and moving jaw, Acid aceticum

Impress. – Tongue dry, broad and white; center brown; leaves i. of teeth, Vib. op.

– tongue red, swollen; ulcerated; black with red edges; swollen, coated white; moist with intense thirst; swollen, flabby, showing i. of teeth on on margin; difficult to move; difficult speech; stammering, Mercurius

Impression. – I. of teeth is left on swollen edges, Kali ijod.

Imprint of teeth on tongue. Kali hyd., Merc, Rhus tox., Podophyllum, Hydras., Stramonium, Chelid.

– edges of tongue red, takes i. of teeth, Arsenicum

– tongue thickly coated yellow, with red margins, showing i. of teeth, Chelid.

– tongue swollen and so soft on margin that it shows i. of teeth in scallops, Merc,

– tongue full and broad, with a pasty coating in center and shows i. of teeth, Podophyllum

– tongue shows i. teeth, Rhus tox.

Inability to put tongue out. Apis.

– i. to speak, uEsculus (uncontrolable tongue, cannot form words rightly). Agar, (due to tremulous propulsion), Argentum nit. (from spasm). Conium(paralysis), Crot. (feels tied up), Dulcamara(paralysis), Hyoscyamus (paralysis). Kali brom. (from disordered action), Lachesis (from trembUng), Nux mos. (paralysis), Secale (from spasm).

Inarticulate speaking from a swollen tongue, but talks incessantly, Dulcamara

Incessantly. – Inarticulate speaking from swollen tongue, but talks i., Dulcamara

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