Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

Gymnocladus Can, – Coated a bluish white; water in the mouth almost to vomiting.

Hamamelis V. – White, with flat taste; feels as if burnt; blisters on the sides.

Hedeonia puleg, – Covered with a very thin white coat.

Helleborus nig. – Dry, white (a. m.); dry and red (typhus); slightly protruded and oscillating; trembling; numb; insensible; swollen; full of vesicles; pimple on tip.

Hydrastis Can. – White, or with a yellow stripe; seems large, shows marks of the teeth; cancerous affec- tions of the tongue.

Hyoscyamus nig. – White, red or brown; dry, cracked hard, looks like burnt leather; clean; parched; protruded with difficulty, can hardly draw it in; speech embarrassed (paralysis).

Hypericum. – White or yellow; foul yellow coating.

Hydrocyanic acid. – White, afterwards stiff and foul; lame and stiff, often protruded; cold feeling in the tongue; burning at tip.

Ignatia, – When talking or chewing bites tongue; ante- rior half of tongue feels numb when talking, it feels burnt and sore when eating.

Illicium anis, – Full of aphthae; edges folded like little bags. lodium. – Dry; brown and dry; thickly coated.

Iodide of Arsenic. – White tongue, with edges and tip of a florid, red hue.

Ipecacuanha, – Clean; yellow or white; grown pale; dry, smarting sensation in edge.

Iris vers, – Greasy feeling over tongue and gums on rising in the morning.

Juglans cin, – Tip of the tongue is sore, with dryness of the fauces.

Kalibichr, – Broad, or with scalloped edges; thick yellow, edges red and full of small, painful ulcers; thick yellow fur towards base (gastric catarrhs); dry^ smooth y red, cracked (dysentery); syphilitic ulcers, deep, stinging; sensation of a hair on back part, not relieved by eating or drinking.

Kali brom, – White, red, dry, enlarged; red, later dry and brown, red and tender; disordered action, difiicult speech.

Kali cart, – ^White, swollen, covered with vesicles; tip burns as if raw.

Kali tnur. – Co2iixig grayish-white y dryish or shiny; swol- len.

Kali phos, – Coated brownish, like mustard; excessively dry in the morning, feeling as if it will cleave to the roof of the mouth; inflammation of the tongue when excessive dryness occurs or ex- haustion sets in.

Kali sulph. – Coating yellow and slimy, sometimes with whitish edge; insipid, pappy taste; lips, tongue, and gums white; taste lost.

Kobaltum, – White; cracks across the middle.

Lachesis, – White, swollen; enlarged papillae; dry, red, cracked at tip; red tip and brown center; mapped, dry, black, stiff; heavy, cannot open mouth wide; embarrassed speech; trembles when protruded or catches behind the teeth.

Laurocerasus. – White and dry; rough and dry; cold, numb, as if burnt; left side stiff and swollen, with loss of speech.

Leptandra. – Coated yellow along the center, with pain in the submaxillary glands.

Lobelia card. – Raw, sore, very red, especially at its tip, and a painful blister on that part.

Lycopodium. – Red and dry; becomes black and cracked; heavy, trembling, stiff”, with indistinct speech and dryness (a. m.); painful and swollen in places; it is darted out, and oscillates to and fro; distended, giving patient a silly expression; tuber- cles; vesicles on tip, feeling scalded and raw; numb; convulsions.

Magnesia mur. – White (a. m.), yellow, flabby, large tip; tip and edges clean; violent pricking, often followed by burning (during a cold); rhagades, with violent burning pain.

Magnesia phos. – Generally clean, with pain in the stom- ach; coated white, with diarrhoea; bright-red, with rawness in mouth; left side sore, smarting like canker-sore, making eating painful, as if scalded.

Manganum acet. – Nodosities; warts; burning vesicles on the left side.

Menispermum Can. – Slight coating, of milky appearance; coated yellowish- white, with much thirst, and hurried respiration; raw, as if burned; burning; coated yellow, A. m. thicker posteriorly, with raised papillae; dry and parched; much swollen,

Mercurius, – Red and dry; red, with dark spots and burn- ing; dry, hard, coated black; thickly coated, dirty yellow (with foul breath); swollen, flabby, takes imprint of teeth; inflamed, indurated or sup- purating, with pricking pains; moist, either with violent thirst, or covered with mucus; hard swelling; ulcerated edges; hollow ulcers, with swelling; painful, as if chapped, or feels as if burnt; ranula.

Mercurius cor, – White, swollen and stiff; dry and red; papillae elevated, strawberry-like; whitish and contracted; swollen, with ptyalism.

Mercurius jod, flav, – Thick ^yellow at the base; bright yellow at the back part; tips and edges red, dry, and sticky; dry, and deeply chapped at the cen- ter; deeply coated; whitish, ash-colored, vel- vety; deep yellow or brown; scattered ulcers along the margin, with red edges and an ashy- gray center; edge shows the prints of the teeth.

Mezereum, – Thick white coating, with large, red, ele- vated papillae; fissured at the center.

Mitchella, – Pricking and burning sensation in the tongue.

Muriatic add. – Heavy as lead, hinders talking; rattles like a piece of leather; lame; sore; bluish; con- tains deep ulcers, with black bases and vesicles; wasting away.

Myrica cer, – Tongue furred, with bad taste and nausea, thickly coated, dirty white or yellowish; thick yellowish, dark, dry, and crusty coating, render- ing the tongue almost immovable (in low states, with or without jaundice).

My gale, – Tongue dry and parched; or dry and brown.

Natrum ars, – Furred, yellow, deep red, corrugated; an- terior part fissured; large, moist, fissured,, flabby.

Natrum mur. – Dry, mapped, coated white, heavy (in children slow in learning to talk); one side numb and stiff; burning tip; sensation of a hair on tongue; feels dry, but is not; vesicles and ulcers, smarting and burning when touched by food.

Natrum phos. – Moist ^ creamy or golden yellow coating at the back part of tongue; blisters and sensation of hairs on tip of tongue.

Natrum sulph, – Dirty, brownish-green cOating, or gray- ish-green; taste bitter; slimy tongue; burning blisters on the tip; red tongue.

Niccolum, – Stiff; hinders talking.

Nitric acid, – White, dry (a. m.); white, with sore spots; coated green (with ptyalism); dry fissured; sen- sitive, even mild food causes smarting; deep, irregular ulcers on the edge (syphilis); ulcera- tion, with tough, ropy mucus.

Nux moschata. – Dry at night, or on awaking; dry, feels as if gone to sleep, or leather-covered; (no thirst); white, or yellowish, dotted with red papillae; paralyzed; child, though old enough, cannot talk, as if it were difficult to move the tongue.

Nux vomica. – White or yellow thick coating; black and dark red, cracked on edges; heavy, with difficult speech; first half of tongue clean, sometimes red and shining; posteriorly, covered with deep fur; dry tongue; brownish; black and cracked, with bright red edges.

Oleander. – Rough, dirty white, with elevated papillae; white, with dryness of mouth.

Oleum caj. – Tongue feels as if it would fill the mouth.

Oleum jec, ass. – Tongue coated yellow; soreness of the tongue.

Opium, – ^Trembling, coated dirty yellow, unctuous; black; white; paralysis; ulcers.

Oxalic acid. – Red, dry, swollen, sensitive burning; swollen with a thick white coating; white, with nausea, thirst and loss of taste.

Paris quad. – Dry; white and rough, as if covered with millet-seed; no thirst; great dryness on awak- ing; tongue feels too large.

Petroleum. – White-coated; dotted with yellow spots; raw; coated white in center, with a dark streak along the edges.

Phosphorus. – Dry, coated white with stinging tip; coated yellowish; coated only in the middle; dry, im- movable, parched, cracked, covered with black crust, glossy; furred; swollen at the root; aph- thous patches; a number of small, red, bleeding tips on the anterior surface.

Phosphoric acid. – Grayish- white coating; red streak in the middle; pale (in typhus); covered with tough, clammy mucus; burning; swollen, with pain when talking; smarts only at night; bites the side involuntarily; also at night; feeling of dryness, without thirst.

Penthorum. – Prickling, burning sensation on the tongue, as if scalded; increased flow of saliva; bloody sputa.

Phytolacca dec. – Tongue feels rough, white-coated blisters on both sides, and very red tip; great pain in root of tongue when swallowing; yellow and dry; thickly coated at the base; tip fiery red, or hot, rough, tender and smarting; burnt feeling on back part; small mercurial ulcers; thick; protruding.

Piper meth, – Sensation as if tongue was covered with fur or velvet; abundant salivation.

Plantago. – ^Tongue slightly coated whitish.

Platina, – Creeping sensation, as if it were scalded.

Plumbum, – Dry, brown, cracked, painful; yellow or green coating; inflamed, swollen; heavy; paralyzed; hurts as if bitten; aphthae, dirty-looking ulcers, and purple blotches on the tip; folded to the left; quivering.

Podophyllum. – White fur, foul taste; chronic inflamma- tion of tongue; cracked, swollen and bleeding; full and broad, with a pasty coat in center; red; rough, with uniformly erect papillae; dull, bluish color; white, moist, shows imprints of teeth; dry, yellow; dry on awaking.

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