Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

Tremor. – Trembling t. of tongue. Belladonna

Tremulous. – Tongue dry, red; brown, cracked and t., Hyoscyamus

Triangular red tip on tongue, Rhus tox.

Tubercles. – T. on tongue, Lycopodium

Tumor. – Cancerous t. on the tongue, Galium, Hydras., Semper.

Twitching. – Absinth, Alco., Gloninum, Sec, Sulphur, Vip.

Typhoid. – Tongue red, smooth and glossy, as if deprived of papillae, as in t. fever, in stomatitis and entero-colitis, Terebintha

– speech lisping, stammering; or as if tongue were too heavy as in t., Veratrum alb.

Typhus. – Tongue smooth as if varnished, in scarlatina, t. and gastritis, Arsenicum

Ulcers on tongue. Agaricus, Aloe, Arsenicum, Benz. ac, Bovista,Caps., Carb. an., China, Cic, Cinnab., Digitalis, drosera, Graphites, Kali bichromicum, Kali hyd., Kali jod., lachesis, lyc, Mercurius i. fl., Murex ac, Natr. mur., Nitr. ac, Nux vomica, Opi., Phytolacca, plb., Psorinum, Silicea, veratrum alb.

– tongue deeply and widely fissured in all directions, with a large, deep, phagadenic-looking u. in center, Fluor, ac.

– whitish, painful u., vesicle on under surface of tongue. Graphites

– u. on right side of tongue, large and irregular, but very deep, Acid Muriaticum

– u. on right border of tongue, eating into it and discharging pus; carcinoma, Silicea

– deep u. on edge of tongue. Kali bichromicum ‘

– tongue thick, bluish and covered with grayish- white membrane (false membrane), or containing deep u. with black bases; vesicles with burning, Acid Muriaticum

– mouth dry, tongue heavy and paralyzed, u. on tongue; patient cannot move it at all, even if conscious, Acid Muriaticum

– vesicles and u. in mouth and on tongue; smarting and burning when touched by food, Natr. mur.

– aphthae, dirty-looking u. and purple blotches in mouth and on tip of tongue, Plb.

– painful u. and vesicles on tongue, Nitr. ac., Thuja.

– yellow u. on tongue, Aloe.

– tongue and inside of lips full of flat, sensitive, spreading u., with a lardaceous center, Caps.

– swelling of tongue; u. on edges of tongue, Cicuta vir.

– blisters and u. on tongue, and on its margins, with burning pain when touched, Nitr. ac.

– deep, irregular-shaped u. on edge of tongue (in syphilis), Nitr. ac.

– small u., like those produced by mercury, on tongue, Phytolacca

– mouth, tongue and gums full of flat, yellow u., with elevated gray edges; or red swollen bases. Helleborus

– tongue coated thick yellow, edges red and full of small painful u., Kali bichromicum

– u. on and under tongue, Lycopodium

– aphthae or u. in mouth or on tongue (apply dry powder of first centessimal trituration), Merc,

– grapsh u. on inner surface of lips, cheeks, gums, tongue and palate, Merc,

– tongue very much swollen, painful and covered with foul u., with constant oozing of blood as from a spongy tissue, making swallowing very difficult, Merc,

– u. on tongue, blue, Arsenicum, Aurum met.

– u. on frenum. Agaricus, Naja.

– biting u., Natr. mur.

– u. with black base, Acid Muriaticum

– burning u., Causticum, China, Cic, Merc, Nitr. ac, natr. mur., Phosphorus ac

– dirty-looking u., Plb.

– fetid u., Nux vomica, Plb.

– flat, u., Natr. carb. Natr. mur.

– itching u.. Chin,

– lardaceous base, Hepar sulph.

– mercurial u., lod., Nitr. ac.

– painful u., Arsenicum, Kalibi., Murex ac, Natr. mur., nitr. ac.

– u. painful to touch, Cic, Natr. carb.

– u. painful to touch of food and liquids, Natr. mur.

– u. small, yellow, Zinc,

– u. sore, smarting, Bovista

– u. stinging, stitches, Nitr. ac.

– syphilitic u., Mercurius, Nitr. ac.

– white u., Cicuta

– yellow u., Aloe, Zinc,

– symmetrical u. on tongue, size of four-penny piece, one on each side. Kali chl.

– spreading u. on tongue; deep cracks, spongy on surface, Benz. ac.

– u. in center, large, deep, phagadenic, cracks and deep fissures in all directions, Fluor, ac.

– u. on fraenum. Agaricus, Bovista, Carb. veg., Causticum, graphites, Kalibi., Kali carb.. Lyc, Natr. carb., nitr. ac., Nux mos., Phosphorus, lod.

– u. on edge, superficial, large as a pea, Arsenicum

– u. on r. margin, raw, deep, irregular, Acid Muriaticum

– u. on tip, right side, Cinnab.

– u. on tip, Apis, Am. caust., Am. mur., Kali hyd., lyc, China, Ind.

Ulcerated. – Tongue red and swollen, u.; black with red edges; swollen, coated white; moist, with intense thirst; swollen, flabby; showing impress of teeth on margin; difficult to move; difficult speech; stammering, Mercurius

– tongue swollen, dry, cracked, sore, u. or covered with vesicles, Apis.

– tongue yellow along center; first white, with reddish papillae, followed by yellow-brown coating in center; edges dark-red and shining; dry,

– brown down center (Plb.); cracked sore, u.,Baptisia (Apis, Arsenicum, Rhus tox. ).

– u. gums and tongue, with sore throat, Psorinum

– ulcerated tongue, Apis, Argentum nit., Aurum m., Baptisia,Benz. ac, Cantharis, Merc, sol., Nitr. ac.

Ulceration. – U. of tongue; much fissured, very sensitive, Nitr. ac.

– u. of tongue, with tough ropy mucus, Nitr. ac.

– acute inflammation and aphthous u. of mouth, tongue and fauces, with burning stinging pains. Arum tri.

– extensive u. of tongue, with deeply chapped fungoid surfaces, Benz. ac, aphthae; follicular

– u. of mouth and tongue, Kali chlor.

– ulceration, Arum d., Benz. ac. China, Kali bichromicum, merc, Murex ac, Natr. mur.. Nit. mur. ac, opi., Plb.. Psorinum

Uncontrollable. – Tongue u., cannot form words rightly, Aesc hip.

Unctuous. – Tongue u.. Opi.

Uneven. – Tongue u., Natr. ars.

Under. – Severe fine stitches from behind forward in u. part of tongue, when moving it. Aloe.

– sensation of small growths u. tongue, which pain as if sore, Ambr.

– vesicles on middle, tip, or u. tongue. Baryta carb.

– burning on u. surface of tongue, Bromium

– whitish, painful ulcers, vesicles on u. surface of tongue. Graph,

– ulcers on and u. tongue, Lycopodium

– glandular swelling u. tongue, Nux mos.. Staphysagria, Tabac

– lumps u. tongue, Ambr.

– swelling u. tongue, Natr. mur.

– painfulness u. tongue, Selenium

Varnished. – Tongue looks as though it were v., Cinnab.

– tongue smooth as if v., in scarlatina, typhus and gastritis, Arsenicum

Velvet.- Sensation as if tongue were covered with fur or v.; abundant salivation. Piper meth.

Velvety. – Tongue v., Colchicum, Mercurius i. fl., Nux mos., Piper meth.

Vermilion. – Sulph. (and cracked).

Vesicle. – Whitish, painful v. on under surface of tongue, Graph,

– feeling at tip of tongue as if a v. was on it, with burning pain when touched. Belladonna

Vesicles. – Painful v. in mouth and on tongue, Arsenicum

V. on middle, tip, or under tongue, Barayta carbonica

– burning v. on lower side of tip of tongue, Graphites, Merc, Nitr. ac.

V. in mouth or on tongue. Helleborus

– painful V. on tip of tongue, Causticum

– smarting v. under tongue, Rhododendron

– blisters; v. on tongue, Rhus tox.

– mouth and tongue full of v., Sporig.

– painful ulcers and v. on tongue, Thuja (Nitr. ac).

– small white v. on tongue resembling miliary rash, Thuja.

– burning v. on tongue. Aeon.

V. on tip of tongue, with burning pain, Am. mur., (Arsenicum, Merc cor.).

– tongue swollen, dry, cracked, sore, ulcerated or covered with v., Apis.

– mouth and tongue covered with painful, burning V., Kali carb., Lyc

– burning v. on gums and on inside of cheeks, tongue, lips and palate; they bleed from least contact, Magn. c

– burning v. on left side of tongue, Mang.

– tongue thick, bluish, and covered with grayish- white membrane (false membrane); or containing deep ulcers with black bases; v. with burning, Murex ac

V. and ulcers in mouth and on tongue, smarting and burning when touched by food, Natr. mur.

V. on tongue, bum much, Nitr. ac.

V. on under side of tongue, with a scalded feeling, Rhus ven.

V. on left side, Apis.

V. on base, in clusters. Apis.

V. biting, Natr. mur., Rhododendron

V. cutting, Magn. sulph.

– gangrenous blood v., Secale

– inflamed v., Baryta carb.

– painful v., Berberis, Kali carb., Nux vomica

V. scalded and raw, Lycopodium

V. sore, smarting, Argentum nit., Sulphur, Natr. mur., Rhododendron

V. stinging, stitches. Apis, Chamomilla, Helleborus, Spongia

V. which soon becomes ulcers, Clem.

– whitish V., Berberis

V. on tongue, Am. caust., Am. carb., Am. mur.,Antim crud., Apis, Argentum met., Arsenicum, Baryta carb.,Baptisia, Belladonna, Berberis, Borax, Bromium, Bryonia, Calc- ars., Calcarea c, Cantharis, Caps., Carb. an.. Castor,Causticum, Chamomilla, Chenop., Elect., Graphites, Hamamelis, helleborus, Hipp, man.. Kali carb., Kali jod., Lachesis, lyc, Mang. acet., Magn. c, Magn. mur., merl., Mez., Murex ac, Natr. mur., Natr. sulph., nitr. ac., nux vomica, CEnan. croc., phell., Phytolacca, phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Rhus ven., Sabad., Sepia, squill., Spig, Spongia, Staphysagria, Stramonium, Thuja, vip., Zinc, Zing.

V. on tip, Cyclamen, Ind., Kali jod., Lyc, Natr. mur., Nitrum.

V. on sides and tip, Carb. an., Causticum, Lyc, Sepia, Thuja.

– burning v. on tongue, Ambr., Am. mur., Apis,Argentum nit., Bryonia, Caps., Carb. an., Cyclamen, Kali- carb., Kali jod., Magn. c, Mang., Merc, Mez., natr. mur., Natr. sulph., Nitrum, Phell., Spigelia, spongia

Vinegar. – Sensation of vinegar on tongue, Chelidonium

Viscous. – Tough, v. expectoration hangs on lips and tongue, Phosphorus

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