Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

– sense of s., Berberis, Cimex, Mag. aus.

– sense of s. of palate, Argentum nit., Nux vomica, Puls,

– s. in middle, small, round, painless, Drosera

– s. on side of base, painless, Chin,

– s. of the papillae. Bell,

– semilateral s., Calcarea, Silicea

– s. of the velum palati. Belladonna, Coffea

– s. and redness of the tongue with difficulty to move it, Mercurius viv.

– s. of the tongue, softness of the margins; it showed imprint of the teeth in scallops, which look ulcerated, Mercurius sol.

– s. about root of tongue, externally and internally, Arsenicum

– heaviness and s. of tongue, Anacardium

– s. and inflammation of tongue, Crotal. hor.

– s. of tongue till there is no more room in mouth, with inflammation of it, Crotal. hor.

– s. of tongue, ptyalism excessive, Caladium

Painful s. at root of tongue, China.

– s. of tongue; white, painful, burning; ulcers on edges, sides of tongue; painful to touch, Cicuta vir.

– salivation, with pricking and s. of tongue, accompanied with copious secretion of viscid mucus, Hell,

– blueness, s. of tongue. Digitalis

– inflammation, s., induration, suppuration of tongue, Lachesis, Mercurius

– s. of tongue, which is covered with a whitish, thick, tenacious coat that is detached in patches, Mercurius

– s. of tongue, with pytalism, Mercurius cor.

– s. of tongue, lips and throat, Mercurius cor.

– glandular s. under tongue, Nux mos., Staphysagria, Tabac, Acet. ac, Ambr., Ignatia

– s. of lower lip and tip of tongue, with violent burning pain that wakes one at night, Natr. mur.

– speech diflScult from s. of tongue, Dulcamara

– s. of back part of tongue, with dryness and soreness of the lips, Cimic.

– apparent s. of tongue with sensation of stiffness, vibrating, quivering, etc., Chlorum hydr.

– fears of suffocating from s. of tongue, Chlorum hydr.

Swollen. – Aeon., Actea. r., Apis, Arsenicum, Arum, tr., Belladonna, Baptisia, Calcarea phos., Cantharis, Castor, Cicuta, Conium, Crotal. hor., Digitalis, Dulc, Helleborus, Hydras., Kali carb., Kali mur., Lachesis, Laur., Lyc, Menisp., merc, cy., Millif., Merc, cor., Merc, sulph., Acid oxalicum, Phosphorus, Phosphorus ac., Plb., Polyg., Podophyllum, Ptelea., stramonium, Thuja, Veratrum alb,

– s. at root, Arsenicum, Phosphorus

– s. at sides, Calcarea carb., Lachesis, Laur., Phosphorus, Sec, Silicea, Thuja, Zinc

– tongue much s., Menisp.

– feels s., a burning from its root to the pit of the stomach, Polyg.

– tongue s. and furred white, Ptelea.

– tongue s., red, sore with raised and irritable looking papillae,,

– tongue feels s., thick, with numbness, Baptisia

– tongue s., red on its borders, Mercurius cy.

– chronic inflammation of tongue, cracked, swollen and bleeding, Podophyllum

– left side s., hinders talk. Zincum met.

– s. with excessive saliva like white of egg, Caladium

– s., does not speak plain; talks incessantly, Dulcamara

– s., soft, flabby, Mercurius

– tongue yellowish-brown, dry in center, or dry and s., Stramonium

– tongue s. all over, hangs from mouth, Stramonium

– tongue swollen and sore; tip painfully sore to touch, Thuja.

– tongue cold; dry, blackish; cracked; red and s., Veratrum alb.

– tongue white and so much s. he could not protrude it, Mercurius cor.

– tongue and lips s., Mercurius cor.

– tongue sensitive, red, dry, burning s., with thick white coating, Acid oxalicum

– tongue s., dry and black, Phosphorus

– tongue s. and protruded, Oenanth. croc.

– tongue so much s. that its movements are difficult and very painful; it is very red, with dirty yellow coating on upper surface; shows marks of teeth, and has large gray patches on edges, Mercurius

– tongue very dry; numb, s., Helleborus

– impression of teeth are left in s. tongue. Kali iod.

– tongue scarlet red, or brown and s., Crotal. hor.

– tongue s. to nearly twice its normal size, Crotal. hor.

– mouth very sore, parched and dry, mucous membrane cracked and bleeding; tongue s. and covered with blisters on each side, Lachesis

– tongue coated with thick white mucus, or dry and red papillae, elevated, strawberry-like; coated white, s. and stiff, Mercurius cor.

– inarticulate speaking from a s. tongue, but talks incessantly, Dulcamara

– sublingual glands s. and red, Cantharis

– tongue s., numb, stiff, wtth pimples on it, Calcarea phos.

– tongue s., stiff and dry, moved with difficulty, Stramonium

Pain in back part of tongue, as if s., Spigelia

– tongue red, s., ulcerated; black, with red edges; s., coated white, moist, with intense thirst; s., flabby, showing impress of teeth on margin. difiicult to move, difficult speech; stammering; Merc,

– tongue s. and so soft on margin, it shows impress of teeth in scallops, Merc,

– tongue much s., painful and covered with foul ulcers, with constant oozing of blood, as from a spongy tissue; these ulcers make swallowing very difficult, Merc,

– papillae on tongue are of a deep red color, inflamed and much s., Bell,

– tongue hung dry from child’s mouth and was s. thick. Bell,

– tongue inflamed and much s.; papillae of deep red color; tip and edges light red, Bell,

– tongue feels s. thick, makes talking difficult, Baptisia

– tongue s., enlarged (in malaria), Arsenicum

– tongues., dry, cracked, sore ulcerated or covered with vesicles. Apis,

– tongue coated white, gums s.. Agar,

– glands under tongue and on lower jaw, s., sore to touch, Acid aceticum

Syphilis. – Deep irregular-shaped ulcers on edge of tongue (in s.), Nitr. ac.

Syphilitic ulcers on tongue, Mercurius, Nitr. ac.

Talk. – Tongue thick, protruding, can scarcely t.,Absinth,

– child, though old enough, cannot t., as if it were difficult to move tongue; Nux mos.

– spasms of muscles of throat and tongue, cannot t., Argentum nit.

Talking. – Tongue feels swollen thick, makes t. difficult, Baptisia

– tongue painful when t., Fluor, ac.

– biting tongue when chewing or t., Causticum, Ignatia, Petroleum

Distortion of mouth and tongue whent., Causticum

Swelling of tongue, painful when t., Phosphorus- ac.

Talks. – Inarticulate speaking from a swollen tongue, but t. incessantly, Dulcamara

Tallow. – Tongue seemed covered with t., Til. Europ.

Taste. – Tongue coated yellow along center or base, with bitter t. in mouth, Collin,

– flat t., with white, thickly coated tongue, Ipecac.

– foul t., with map tongue, in chronic dyspepsia, Thuja,

– loss of t., with burnt feeling on tongue. Sang,

– tongue coated white, yellowish, or slimy in morning, with slimy, unpleasant t., Seneg.

– sweet t. on tip of tongue, Plat,

– tongue coated white, with foul t., Nux vomica, Podophyllum, puls,

– tongue covered with tough, yellow coating; t. putrid; of blood, Asclep. tub.

– loss of taste, with complete immobility of tongue, which is hard as leather, Aurum met.

– foul t. in mouth every morning, with thickly coated tongue, Baryta carb.

– sharp pungent, disagreeable t. in mouth, especially at tip of tongue and back of throat. Lobelia

– metallic t. at root of tongue, Cocc.

– t. sweetish, sour, or metallic on back part of tongue, Bism.

– salty, sour, or sweet t. on the tip of tongue, lod.

– burning, pungent pain on tongue, as from peppermint, with peculiar onion or garlic t., Bi-sulph. of Carbon,

– burnt feeling, with loss of taste and smell, Sang,

– tongue coated yellow along center on base with bitter t. in mouth, Collinsonia, Baptisia

– tongue coated yellowish white, with bitter t., Aesculus hip.

– tongue coated, pasty t. in morning, Ailanth.

– tongue coated yellow, tough, and putrid t., Asclep. tub.

– tongue coated yellowish on the root, with a nasty, sickish, bitter t. of mouth, Cedron.

– tongue coated white, with flat t., Hamamelis

– tongue coated white, with slimy, fatty t. in mouth, Sang,

– tongue coated yellow along the center, with flat, bitter t. in the morning, Verbascum vir.

– tongue and mouth covered with a foul, slimy mucus, having a putrid t.. Arum drac.

– tongue feeling scalded, salty, flat, rough t., Rhus ven.

– great soreness of tongue, but clean; t. natural, Viscum alb.

Tearing pain in tongue, Guaraea, Lachesis, Pulsatilla

Tea. – Sensation as after t., Verbascum vir.

Teeth. – Tongue takes impression of the t., Chelid., Merc, Podophyllum, Rhus tox.

Tenacious. – Saliva thickened, t., clings to tongue like glue, Belladonna

– tongue covered with t. yellowish-white mucus.Belladonna

Tension. – Acid oxalicum Pulsatilla, Rat., Vesp.

Tender. – Tongue covered with a film, with a sensation of rawness in it; afterwards this film comes off in pieces, leaving dark-red, t., very sensitive spots, Tarax.

– tongue covered with a white coating, which peels off in patches, leaving dark-red, t., very sensitive spots, Tarax.

– tongue always more or less t., feeling of rigidity in it, with restricted mobility, Fluor ac.

Thick. – Numbness of tongue, feels so t. can hardly speak; partial paralysis. Gelsemium (Causticum, Conium, hyoscyamus).

– tongue brown, croup-like exudation in mouth and fauces, lod.

– tongue coated t. yellow, edges red and full of small painful ulcers. Kali bichromicum

– base of tongue covered with a t. dirty yellow coating, especially on rising in the morning, Mercurius j. fl.

– tongue t., bluish and covered with grayish- white membrane (false membrane), or containing deep ulcers with black bases; vesicles, with burning, Acid Muriaticum

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