Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

– tongue t., darkened and almost whole mouth covered by a grayish-white membrane (false membrane), Acid Muriaticum

– tongue t., protruding, can scarcely talk. Absinth.

– tongue feels swollen, t, makes talking difficult, Baptisia

– tongue t., coated yellow, Sabad.

– tongue hung dry from child’s mouth and was swollen t., Bell,

– tongue and glottis partially paralyzed; speech t.,

– as if drunk, from congestion of base of brain, Gels,

– tongue coated t. and brown (diphtheria). China ars.

– tongue coated gray, shaggy, thick in morning, Chelid.

– tongue coated whitish, thickly covered, brown in center, Ailanth.

– tongue coated yellow, thickest at base, Menisp.

– tongue coated t., dirty white, or yellowish, Myrica.

– tongue coated with a thick yellow fur, which cannot be scraped off, except the tip, which is red, Quin. sulph.

– tongue feels swollen, thick, with numbness, Baptisia

– tongue feels thick; cannot articulate distinctly, Atrop.

Thicker, – Seems t., Absinth., Aeon., Arsenicum, Atrop.,Belladonna, Benz. nit., Calcarea carb., Camph., Gelsemium, guarsea, Hyoscyamus, Iris ver., Itu, Merc, cor., mez., Murex ac, Nux mos., Opi., Paul, pin., Sulph ac, Vip.; morning, on waking, Lyc; 2A. M., Sol. t. se.; 7 A. M., Iris ver.

Thickening. – Sensation of tongue t., Nux vomica

Thin. – Tongue t., Stramonium

– tongue coated with a thin, yellowish fur, Cornus cir.

– tongue coated white, very thin, Hedeoma.

Thirst. – Great dryness of mouth, tongue and palate, with much t., Sulphur

– tongue remarkably dry, with violent t., Argentum nit.

– mouth and tongue dry, with much t., Cocc. c.(Arsenicum, Bryonia).

– dry, rough tongue, with much t. and ptyalism, Dulcamara

– red tongue, with much burning and great t., Mercurius

– tongue red and dry, with great t., Aeon.

– dryness of mouth after midnight, as if tongue stuck to palate, without t., though with accumulation of saliva in fauces, Nux vomica

– tongue coated yellowish- white, with much t. and hurried respiration, Menisp.

– dryness of tongue and mouth, with nausea and t., Apocynum can.

Thrusts. – T. tongue backward, Opi.; between teeth, Merc, cor., Nitr. ox., Opi., Stramonium

Tickling on tongue. Aeon.

Tingling. – T. itching on tongue; must scratch it, Alumina.

– burning t. and numbness of lips, mouth and tongue, Aeon.

– sensation as if tongue is swollen, burning, prickling t., Aeon.

– tingling in tongue. Aeon., Benz. nit., Carb. ac, eryth. coca, Mans., Natr. mur., Secale, Alumina, Zincum met.; morning. Sin. nig.; extends to ear. Aeon.

Tip. – Tongue; red streak in middle and red t., Arsenicum (Phytolacca, Rhustox.).

– soreness of tongue, either on t., sides or dorsum, can scarcely talk or eat, Calcarea carb.

– tongue vivid red at t. and edges, coated white in center, whitish and dry, Fluor, ac.

– tongue red at tip, or dry, with a brown streak down middle, edges moist. Apis.

– tongue inflamed and much swollen, papillae of deep-red color; t. and edges light-red, Belladonna

– vesicles on middle, t. or under tongue, Baryta carb;

– burning on tongue or t., which feels hard, Gum. gut.

– burning in t. of tongue, Baptisia, Coloc., Natr. mur.

– burning in t. of tongue, cracked, Fluor, ac, Lachesis

– burning in t. of tongue, dry, Argentum nit., Carbo veg., natr. mur.

– burning in t. of tongue, painful, Argentum nit., Phosphorus

– burning in t. of tongue, raw, Carbo veg.

– burning in t. of tongue, red, Argentum nit., Baptisia, fluor, ac, Gelsemium, Lachesis, Rhus tox.

– burning in t. of tongue, red triangle, Rhus tox.

– burning in t. of tongue, sore, – Aesculus h.

– burning in t. of tongue, taste on, sour, lod.

– burning in t. of tongue, taste on, sweet. Plat,

– burning in t., vesicles on, Baptisia, Belladonna, Causticum, Lycopodium

– tongue raw, sore, very red, especially at t., and a painful blister on that part. Lobelia card,

– tongue feels rough, white-coated blisters on both sides and very red t., Phytolacca

– tongue covered with whitish fur in the middle, and reddened at t. and sides, Thasp.

– t. of tongue sore when eating, Dioscorea

– t. of tongue sore with dryness of fauces, Jugl. dn.

– tongue dry, with red tip and edges, Atrop.

Tip of tongue. – T. as if scalded. Am. brom.

– vesicles on t., Kali iod., Natr. mur.

– t. burns as if cut, Kali nit.

– small blisters on t., Mercurius bij.

– burning on t. as if full of cracks, Natr. carb.

– blisters, with burning pain on t., Natr. sulph.

– soreness of t., Phosphorus

– t. feels burnt, dry and painful, Psorinum

– blisters on t., with burning pain. Am. mur.

– sharp, pungent, disagreeable taste in mouth, especially at t. and back of throat, Lobelia

– vesicles on t., with burning pain. Am. mur. (Arsenicum, mercurius cor.).

– smarting, burning of t., as from pepper, Agaricus

– stitches on t., Ang.

– t. red and painful, Argentum nit.

– papillae considerably raised at t., Arsenicum

– smarting, burning pain at t.. Baryta carb.

– sensation at t. as if a vesicle was on it, with burning pain when touched. Belladonna

– painful, white blisters on t., Berberis

– stinging in t., Bromium

– great dryness of mouth, lips and tongue (Aeon.,Arsenicum, Hyoscyamus, Kali nit., Nux mos.);

– t. moist, Bryonia, Mercurius

– several small blisters on t., Bryonia

– burning pain at t. (Calcarea phos., Carbo animalis, Coloc),

– as from soreness, worse from warm food or drink, Caladium

– burning on t., and rawness of mouth, Carbo animalis

– pimples on t., Helleborus, Natr. carb.

– t. very painful and feels sore, Hepar sulph.

– painful pimples on t.. Kali carb.

– burning and soreness on t., Kali carb.

– swelling of lower lip and t., with violent burning that wakes one at night, Natr. mur.

– sore sensation of tongue, with red t., Rhus tox.

– tongue coated white with red t. and borders, Sulphur, Rhus tox.

– painf ulness of t., Crot. tig., Hepar sulph.

– tongue cracked or coated yellow, with red t. and edges, Veratrum alb.

– aphthae, dirty-looking ulcers and purple blotches in mouth and on t., Plb.

– painful vesicles on t., Causticum

– burning as from pepper on t., followed by ptyalism, China.

Burning of t., Coloc.

– t. cold, Cuprum met.

– t. sore, Dioscorea

– t. red, with small burning blisters thereon, impeding speech and chewing, Cyclamen

– itching, crawling on t., Dulcamara

– burning blisters on lower side of t.. Graphites, Merc, Nitr. ac.

– sweet taste on t., Plat,

– t. white on one side, Rhus tox.

– sensation of dryness at t., Rhus tox., Valer.

– t. burns as if scalded, Sanguinaria

– t. feels as if scalded, Sepia (Coloc., Iris v., Podophyllum).

– t. painfully sore to touch. Thuja,

– sensation as if a hair were on t. and extended into trachea, where it caused a crawling so that he was frequently obliged to cough and hack, Silicea

– burning at t., Coloc., Cyclamen, Gum. gut.. Hydras., kali carb.. Kali jod., Merc,, Natr. carb., Natr. mur.. Rat., Sabad.

– sensation on t. as if burnt, lyactuca, Mercurius sol.

– t. cracked, Lachesis

– tongue cracked or coated yellow, with red t. and edges, Veratrum alb.

Torn. – Tongue torn during convulsions, Secale c.

Touch. – Pain in teeth increased by t., even of tongue, or chewing, by heat, motion and horizontal position, Mez.

– tongue feels numb, sensitive to t., Poth.

– tongue painful, especially to t., Belladonna

– small burning blisters on tongue painful to t., Caps,

– whitish sore places on margin of tongue very painful to t., Cina.

– painfulness of tongue to t., Belladonna, Berberis

Touch. – Ulcers on tongue painful to t., Cicuta vir., Natr. carb.

– tip of tongue painful to t., Crot. tig., Hepar sulph.

– tongue swollen and sore; tip painfully sore to t., Thuja,

– swelling of tongue painful to t., Conium, Phosphorus ac, Thuja.

Touched. – Tongue smarts when t., Berberis

– feeling at tip of tongue as if a vesicle were on it, with burning pain when t.. Bell,

– hardness in middle of tongue, burning when t., Baryta carb.

– vesicles and ulcers in mouth and on tongue, smarting and burning when t. by food, Natr. mur.

– blisters and ulcers on tongue, and on its margins, with burning pain when t., Nitr. ac.

Touching tooth with tongue causes pain as if nerve were torn out. Antim crud.

Tough, viscous expectoration hangs on lips and tongue, Phosphorus

Torpor in the tongue, Ambr., Arsenicum, Belladonna, Borax., Colchicum, Hyoscyamus, Lyc, Merc, Natr. mur., Nux mos., Poth., Pulsatilla, Rhab.

– t. in the tongue, semilateral, Natr. mur.

Trembles. – Tongue t. when being protruded (in low, nervous fevers), Arsenicum

– can hardly protrude tongue, it t. so. Gel.

– tongue t. when protruding it, or catches behind teeth, Lachesis

Trembling. – Tongue t., seems paralyzed. Absinth.

– t. and temporary stammering of tongue, Aeon.

– t. tremor of tongue, Belladonna

– constant t. of tongue, Mercurius

– involuntary trembling of voluntary muscles, hands, tongue, etc., Merc,

– t. of tongue when extending it, Lachesis

– heavy, trembling tongue, with falling of lower jaw in typhoid conditions, Lachesis

– t. of tongue with t. of every part moved. Secale

– t. of tongue. Absinth, Agaricus, Alco., Aloe, Arsenicum,Aurum met., Belladonna, Camph., Cantharis, Cuprum acet.,Cuprum ars., Der. pin.. Gelsemium, Helleborus, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, lyob.. Lyc, Merc, Mor., Oenanthec, Opi., Plb., secale c, Spigelia, Stramonium, Tabacum, Tarax., Vip., Yuc.

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