Repertory of Tongue Symptoms

Wakes. – Swelling of lower lip and tip of tongue, with violent burning that w. one at night, Natr. mur.

Wavy. – Tongue w. from nervous debility, Mercurius

Warm. – Burning pain at tip of tongue (Calcarea phos.,Carb. an., Coloc.) as from soreness; worse from- w. food or drink, Caladium

Warmth. – Slight but unpleasant w. during the day, secale

Warts. – Nodosites (w. ) on tongue, Mang.

Wasting away from tongue. – Acid Muriaticum

Weakness. – Paralytic weakness of tongue, Bell,

– weakness, Arsenicum, China, Gelsemium, Gloninum, Opi.

Weather. – Paralysis of tongue in damp, cold w., Dulcamara

Wet. – Lips dry and cracked, patient wants to w. them with tongue all time, Bryonia (Am. mur.)

White edges. – Kali sulph.

White. – Aeon.,Aesc, Agaricus, Ailanth., Alumina, Apocynum c. Antim crud.. Antim tart.. Apis, Argentum nit.. Am.,Arsenicum iod., Arsenicum, Asclep., Ambr., Alco., Am. mur., Anac, Atrop., Baryta carb.. Belladonna,Berberis, Bism., Bryonia, Baptisia, Bromium potas., Benz.- n., Calcarea carb., Calcarea phos., Carbo veg., Causticum,Cantharis, Chamomilla, Chelid., China, Cuprum ars.,Coloc., Cuprum, Can. sat., Caulo., Card, m.,Cimex, Cina, Cinnab., Colchicum, Croc., Crot. tig.,Cyclamen, Caps., Calcarea ars.. Corn, c, Creos.,Cocc, Digitalis, Dioscorea, Dulc, Der. pin., Elaps., eupat. per., Ferrum, Gelsemium, Gnaph., Graphites, gins., Gloninum, Hamamelis, Hedeoma, Helleborus, Hydras., hyoscyamus, Hypericum, Hydro, ac, Hipp, m., Ignatia, ipec, Iris v., Jug. r., Kali jod., Kalm., kobalt, Kali ar., Kali bichromicum, Kali sulph.. Kali- brom.. Kali mur., Kreosotum, Lachesis, Laur., Lyc, lact., Lobelia, Mang.,” Lobelia inf., Merl., Myris., magn. carb., Magn. mur., Merc, cor., Merc- sulph., Mez., Natr.. mur., Nitr. ac. Nux jug.Nux mos., Nux vomica, Natr. ars., Natr- n., Oleand., Opi., Acid oxalicum, Paris, Petrol.Phosphorus, Plant., Podophyllum, Psorinum, Ptelea, Pulsatilla, Plb.Polyp., Rhus tox., Rumex, Rap., Rhus ven., Sabad., Sabina, Sanguinaria, Secale, Sepia, StramoniumStaphysagria, Stilling., Sulphur, Sarsaparilla, Selenium, Sulph- ac. Sum., Tarax., Thasp., Thuja, Tabac.Tanac, Veratrum alb., Verbascum vir.. Viol, tri., Verb., Zincum met. mur.

– tongue milky-w., Antim crud., Am., Arsenicum, Bryonia, Gloninum, Nux vomica, Sepia,

– tongue as if w. -washed. Antim crud., Arsenicum

– w. in center, dark streak along sides, Petroleum

– w. at sides, middle red, Cham,

– w. or yellow in center, margin pale. China, Sulphur

– w. or yellow with margin red, Chelidonium, Gels,

– w. pale tongue. Aeon., Ambr., Anac, Aug.,Arsenicum, Berberis, Kreosotum, Oleand., Phosphorus

– w. with clean, red spots, Hipp. m.

– w. shining, silvery-white all over, Gloninum

– w. stripes, Bell,

– w. in middle, Bryonia, Phosphorus

– w. at root, Sepia

– w. in morning, Magn. m., Ranunculus sc, Selenium

– w. in evening, Bism.

– w. less after breakfast. Croc,

– tongue coated w.; thickly covered, brown in center, Ailanth.

– tongue coated with a w. fur, Asclep. Syr.

– tongue coated with a w. sticky fur, Atrop.

– tongue coated heavy w., Cuprum ars.

– tongue coated w. with prominent red papillae, followed by yellow-brown coating in center, edges red and shining, Baptisia

– tongue coated w. in middle, Carduus mar.

– tongue coated bluish-white, Gymnoc.

– tongue coated w., with flat taste, Hamamelis

– tongue coated w., very thin, Hedeoma.

– tongue coated w. with dry mouth, Lobelia inf.

– tongue coated thickly, dirty- w., or yellowish, Myrica.

– tongue coated w., slight. Plant,

– tongue coated w. or yellow, Polyp,

– tongue coated w., center or base, sides very red, Rhus ven.

– tongue coated w., with slimy, fatty taste in mouth. Sang,

– tongue covered with long white fur. Graph,

– tongue moist, and covered with a w. fur, tip and edges livid, Ailanth.

– tongue swollen and furred w., Ptelea.

– tongue w., with great languor, sleepiness and anorexia, Bromium potas.

– w. fur on tongue, with desire for cold drinks, Corn. cir.

– w. with edges and tip of a florid, red hue, Arsenicum iod.

– covered with a w. fur in the middle, and reddened at tip and sides, Thasp.

– tongue covered with a w. fur, Asclep. Syr.

– tongue coated w. on both sides, red in middle (not a stripe), Causticum

– tongue coated w. at sides, red in middle, Cham,

– tongue coated w. with islands on it, Cham,

– tongue coated yellow (Chelidonium), w., dirty, China.

– w. ulcers on tongue, Cicuta vir.

– tongue coated w., and dry on edges, Cocc.

– tongue coated w. early in morning, Magn. c.

– tongue coated w., with want of appetite in morning, Selenium

– tongue coated yellow (Chelidonium), w., dirty, China.

– w. ulcers on tongue, Cicuta vir.

– tongue coated w., and dry on edges, Cocc.

– tongue coated w., early in morning, Magn. carb.

– tongue coated w., with want of appetite in morning, Selenium

– tongue coated w., gums swollen, Agaricus

– tongue hot, dry, red. cracked; w. center and red edges, Belladonna

– tongue coated w., with offensive smell from mouth, Carls.

– tongue covered with w., clammy fur, which can be pulled off in strings. Belladonna

– tongue coated w. or yellow, Coloc.

– tongue w., papillae erect. Croc.

– tongue red, dry and rough or coated w., yellow or brown, Cuprum

– tongue coated with w. fur, Eupat. perf.

– tongue thickly coated yellowish w., Gelsemium

– inflamed tongue, red, raw, painful, coated w.; fetid breath. Gelsemium

– margin of tongue red, center white, Gelsemium

– tongue milk w., without coating, Gloninum

– flat taste, with w., thickly coated tongue, Ipecac.

– tongue yellow or w., Ipecac.

– tongue red, dry, enlarged; w. involving edges as well as dorsum, Kali brom.

– breath fetid, with w. tongue. Kali brom.

– tongue coated with w. mucus. Kali nit.

– tongue coated thick w., Lact. ac.

– tongue covered with w. mucus, Nux mos.

– tongue sensitive, red, dry, burning, swollen, with thick w. coating, Acid oxalicum

– tongue coated w. in center, with a dark stripe along the edges, Petrol,

– tongue dry and w., Phosphorus, Plb.

– tongue dry, covered with w. mucus, Phosphorus

– tongue chalky w., Phosphorus

– triangular red tip of tongue, w. on one side, Rhus tox.

– tongue coated thinly white, reddened papillae; red edges, Tart. em.

– tongue covered with a w. pasty coat; red in streaks, very red, dry in middle. Tart. em.

– slimy, heavily furred tongue, w. or yellow-brown, Tart. em.

– tongue dry, broad andw., center; brown; leaves imprint of teeth, Vib. op.

– bluish, w. coating on tongue, Gymnoc.

– tongue coated w., foul taste, Podophyllum, Nux vomica, Puls,

– tongue coated with w. fur, Ptelea.

– tongue coated thick, w. or yellow. Puls,

– thickly coated w. tongue, with roughish fur. Puls,

– thick white coating of tongue, Raph.

– tongue clean or coated w., Sec, (Antim crud., Bryonia, Nux vomica. Pulsatilla).

– w., moist, flabby tongue. Secale

– tongue coated w., yellowish or slimy in morning, with slimy, unpleasant taste, Seneg.

– tongue coated w., with red tip and borders, Sulphur, Rhus tox.

– tongue covered with a w. coating, which peels off in patches, leaving dark, red, tender, very sensitive spots, Tarax.

– w. spots on tongue amongst the red, Tarax.

– tongue covered w4th a w. film, with a sense of rawness in it; afterwards this film comes off in pieces, leaving dark red, tender and very sensitive spots, Tarax.

– tongue coated w. or thick yellow w., Aeon. (Antim crud., Bryonia, Merc, Nitr. ac, Nux vomica).

– tongue coated w. or yellow, Aesculus (Nux vomica).

– tongue coated w. and like a grater, Anacardium

– tongue coated thick w.. Antim crud., Bryonia, Merc, Nux vomica).

– tongue milky w., Ant crud.

– tongue w. (with diarrhoea), Apis (Antim crud.).

– tongue coated w. evenings, Bism. (mornings, Bryonia, nux vomica, Sulphur).

– tongue coated w, sides blistered, Caladium (Antim crud., Bryonia, Merc, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Sulphur).

– tongue red and swollen, ulcerated; black, with red edges; swollen, coated w., moist, with intense thirst; swollen, flabby; showing impress of teeth on margin; difiicult to move; difficult speech; stammering, Mercurius

– tongue coated with thick w. mucus or dry and red; papillae elevated strawberry-like; coated w.,- swollen and stiff, Merc cor.

– tongue Secame covered with a grayish w. crust, Merc cor.

– tongue w. and so much swollen that he could not protrude it, Merc cor.

– tongue thick, bluish, and covered with grayish w. membrane (false membrane), or containing deep ulcers; with black bases; vesicles with burning, Murex ac

– tongue thick, darkened, and almost whole mouth covered by a grayish w. membrane (false membrane), Acid Muriaticum

– w. coated or map tongue, Natr. mur.

– tongue w., with sore spots, Nitr. ac

– tongue coated thick w., Nux vomica

– tongue purple; black; w., Opi.

– w. coat with red tip, Sulphur, Hippo.

– w. coat with red tip and edges, Sulphur

– w. coat in spots. Am. mur.

– w. coat with sore spots, Nitr. ac.

– w. coat, papillae erect. Croc, Rhus tox.

– w. coat, brown streak through center, Am. mur.,Baptisia, Ailanth.

– w. coat in morning, Cinnab., Digitalis, Helleborus, Magn. mur.. Ranunculus sc., Selenium, Tart., Verb,

– w. coat in evening, Bism.

– w. coat, cracks across middle, Kobalt.

– w. coat, with many small red points, Hip. man.

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