Materia Medica

NERVOUS SYSTEM.- Hypochondriac depression of spirits; confusion of mind, Dementia, and absurd fancies; or furious Mania. It is probably only suited to mental diseases due to some functional irregularity elsewhere than in the brain, as in Mania, from menstrual derangement, Nymphomania, Puerperal mania, etc.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM.- Thready, intermittent and irregular pulse, with feeble action of the heart, occurring in weak persons disposed to fainting, with coldness and blueness of the extremities; Palpitation and Angina Pectoris, with similar symptoms, and great anguish.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM.- Spasmodic suffocative Cough with blueness of the face, and great retching; Whooping-cough; chronic Bronchitis in old persons, and spasmodic Asthma.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM.- Pain after food, and Water brash, with coldness of the face and extremities; excessive retching and vomiting, and involuntary watery Diarrhoea, with Cramps in the abdomen, or nocturnal Diarrhoea, with coldness, pinched appearance, etc.’ Autumnal Diarrhoea, the evacuations being expelled in forcible gushed, with vomiting, and great prostration. It is often valuable in Constipation when the motions are large and expelled with difficulty. Constipation of infants. Generally the lower potencies are preferable for Constipation.

93.- Veratrum Viride – Green (American ) Hellebore.

A plant indigenous to the United States, known by the common name of Indian Poke and Itch-weed. We prepare a tincture from the root.

LEADING USES.- Simple fever, without local inflammation, but accompanied by Vertigo, Headache, dimness of sight, nausea, weakness, and restlessness; Infantile Remittent fever, with drowsiness, throbbing of the temporal arteries, hard, quick pulse, Vomiting of mucus and bile, and Constipation; the invasive stage of Scarlatina, and other toxaemic fevers, with much involvement of the head, high fever, and the symptoms above mentioned; in these cases; the circulatory excitement and gastric irritation being beyond the scope of Aconite, Veratrum- Vir. is an excellent substitute, especially when the typhoid conditions calling for Baptisia are not threatened. Particularly in dealing with the onset of Pneumonia, the drug is often valuable. Some American experiments indicate that in small doses it can increase the specific bodily resistance to the Pneumococcus. It has great power over the muscles and nerves of motion, particularly in controlling spasm. It has also a considerable power in some cases of Chorea. In any points, the pathologenetic effects of Veratrum- Vir. resemble those Verbascum-Alb., and in others acon. It differs, however, from the latter in various ways, and especially in that Aconite seems to exert a special action on the sympathetic nervous system, while the power of Verbascum-Vir. is more shown over the vagus nerve centres.

FEBRILE CONDITIONS.- It is specially indicated in fevers complicated with cerebral excitement. “In all inflammatory conditions, where there are marked gastric symptoms.” Dr. Peterson writes, “I prefer Veratrum-Vir. to Aconite Thus in catarrhal fevers we often have nausea, and, perhaps, vomiting at the onset.” Rheumatism of the left side of the body-shoulder, back of the neck, arm, side, hip, knee, and leg-with fever, white-coated tongue, restlessness, and great pain, especially on movements; profuse perspiration and refreshing sleep frequently follow its use in these cases.

In Pneumonia, Dr. Hale considers it better than Aconite, but the Verat-Vir. should be discontinued immediately the pulse falls to its normal rate. Phosphorus follows it well.

HEAD.- In congestive Headache, Dr. Hale says it is “superior to any other known drug.” when the Congestion arises from plethora, Sunstroke, alcoholic stimulants, Teething, etc. The symptoms are- A sense of fulness and weight, throbbing, sometimes with stupefaction; increased sensitiveness to sound, with buzzing and roaring; double, partial, dim, or otherwise disordered vision; nausea and vomiting; tingling and numbness in the limbs; mental confusion; etc. In Convulsions during dentition, or in the puerperal condition, it acts most satisfactory.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM.- Intense Congestion and Inflammation of the lungs; Capillary Bronchitis; Asthma; with great dyspnoea, and cold sweat on the face; it gives great relief to an asthmatic paroxysm.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM.- Cardiac debility, with fainting and collapse therefrom; Palpitation with faintness, or dyspnoea.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM.- In general gastric affections it is superior to Verat-Alb., especially if there he much irritability of the stomach-vomiting-not purging-Pyrosis, etc., and also when the last-named symptoms occur during pregnancy; Haemorrhoids with neuralgic pains int he rectum and anus. Bright red streak down centre of the tongue.

GENITO-URINARY SYSTEM.- Menstrual Colic, Puerperal fever, Metritis, and Mania, hysterical Convulsions.

EXTREMITIES.- Prickling and partial loss of sensation complete loss of power; Paralysis of the legs; Cramps cramped fingers and toes, as in Cholera.

Skin.- In vesicular Erysipelas it is of great service, and may also be used externally-thirty drops of the strong tincture to half a pint of water-constantly applied to the inflamed surface; in this disease, the presence of arterial and cerebral excitement indicates this drug in preference to Rhus Tox. Its local use, in a diluted form, is reported to have dispersed local Inflammations, cured Scabies, Shingles, and chronic skin affections, and Dr. Dalzell informs us that a compress saturated with a lotion of the concentrated tincture-3j aq. distill. z3vj-is valuable in threatening Appendicitis; also that Inflamed Corns, Bunions, etc., are greatly benefited by being touched with the strong tincture.

94.- Zincum-Zincum met.

We use either the metal itself-Z. Metallicum, its sulphate-Z. Sulphuricum, or its oxide-Z. Oxydatum.

LEADING USES.- Chronic Headache; nervous depression, etc., with twitchings or tremblings of different parts of the body, and disinclination to activity, and other symptoms of an inactive brain. “In general terms, Zincum corresponds to a depressed, exhausted, and irritable condition of the nervous system, such as may arise for a variety of causes, principal among which are injuries, sexual excesses, mental exertion or trouble, insufficient food or exercise producing Anaemia, exhausting diseases and affections of the uterus and its appendages” (Dr. A.S. Beebe).

NERVOUS SYSTEM.- Melancholia, apathy, and weak excitability; Hysteria; incipient paralysis of the brain; Paralysis agitans; Cerebral symptoms with stupor in Scarlatina, or Acute meningitis; Infantile Convulsions, with a depressed fontanelle; Cholera; Epilepsy; Headache in chlorosis; aversion to labour, vacant expression, silly and even idiotic talking, defective memory, dimness of sight, and Weakness, heaviness, or jerking of the limbs; neuralgic pains; Somnambulism; disturbed dreamy sleep, with jerking of the muscles, etc. Head.- Chronic Headache, with violent, obstinate pain, and depression of spirits; Vertigo, especially in the occiput. Fever group.- Ague, with repeated rigors, malaise, nausea, and constriction of the chest, followed by a short hot stage, and profuse sweating. Respiratory System.- Dry, Spasmodic Cough, and Pneumonia, with violent stitches in the chest on taking an inspiration, and expectoration of blood- streaked, tenacious mucus; convulsive Asthma.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM.- Cardialgia, chronic vomiting of food, with little retching, flatulence, Acidity, and obstinate Constipation, with hard, Infantile Diarrhoea. Urinary System.- Profuse, light- coloured urine with light, flocculent sediment of Phosphates. Generative System.- Chronic Gleet; irritability of the organs, or primarily of the nerve centres, resulting in too rapid escape of semen during connection, or nocturnal emissions; eruptions following suppressed Gonorrhoea. Skin.- Obstinate Pimples with soreness; chronic and ulcerate Herpes. etc.


In the event of an overdose of the medicines prescribed int his work having been administered, two drops of the Tincture of Camphor, or a strong infusion of Coffee, will generally arrest any unpleasant consequences. Camphor, however, increases the action of Hydras. and Cimic.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."