Materia Medica

ORGANS OF LOCOMOTION. – Stiff-neck, wry-neck, crick-in-the-back, and Lumbago, of rheumatic origin; the Lumbago is worse when the patient is standing or sitting still, and in cold and stormy weather, but better when lying down; stitches in the side; Sciatica; articular Rheumatism of the lower extremities, with heat and swelling, Muscular cramps and pains from Rheumatism.

SKIN. – Urticaria and other irritations of the skin, especially when associated with pelvic disease.

34. – Cina Anthelmintica – Worm-Seed.

This plant is hardy perennial shrub of Asia Minor. We make a tincture or trituration from the seed.

LEADING USES. – Intestinal worms, and worm-symptoms.

NERVOUS SYSTEM. – Grinding of the teeth; starting, restless sleep; twitching of the eyelids; twitching in various parts of the body; Convulsions; Epileptic Spasms.

EYES, NOSE, ETC. – Dilated pupils, with dimness of sight; some amaurotic conditions, with illusions of colour; picking and itching of the nose.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. – Pale face; semi-circles under the eyes; frequent feverishness.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM – Whooping-cough associated with worms; spasmodic cough, sometimes inducing vomiting.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM – Voracious or variable appetite; pinching pains in the abdomen; itching of the anus; Diarrhoea; Emaciation; large abdomen; pain below the stomach, worse on first waking in the morning and before meals, and relieved by eating.

URINARY SYSTEM – Wetting the bed; white thick urine.

Since worms in the intestinal canal usually give rise to one or more of the foregoing symptoms, it is clear that Cina is homoeopathic to helminthiasis with similar symptoms; hence it is found curative in nearly all affections arising from, or coincident with, the existence of worms; it does not simply expel them, but corrects the condition on which the development of the parasites depends. Whenever the above symptoms occur, whether worms are detected or not, Cina is indicated. Nevertheless, although the alkaloid of Cina, Santonin, is of definite value as a direct parasiticide, Cina in the potencies is often disappointing and more help will frequently be obtained from Spigelia or Teucrium.

35. – Cocculus Indicus – Indian Berries.

Although poisonous, this drug is used in considerable quantities for imparting an intoxicating property to malt liquors: by two writers “On Brewing” (Childe and Maurice), it is openly recommended. It is also used to poison fish and game. We make a brownish straw-coloured tincture from the seeds.

LEADING USES. – Disease of the nervous system involving chiefly the motor system.

NERVOUS SYMPTOMS. – Hemiplegia, with painful stiffness and creaking of the joints; paralytic rigidity of the lower extremities; Paralysis following Diphtheria; confused heavy sensation in the head, with giddiness, especially after eating or drinking.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. – Giddiness, with hot flushed face, Sick- headache (not gastric), like that occurring in sensitive persons from riding in a carriage, etc.; Spasms in the abdomen, of a nervous origin, especially after eating; Sea-sickness.

GENERATIVE SYSTEM. – Menstrual Colic, with dull, headache, giddiness, and sickness; disordered digestion flatulent colic during pregnancy or menstruation, with nervous symptoms; mucous and purulent Leucorrhoea, with great soreness, and flatulent distension of the bowels.

ANTIDOTE. – Camphor, in a strong form, frequently administered, antidotes the effects of a large medicinal doses.

36. – Coffea Cruda-Raw Coffee

We make a tincture from the berries of the Coffee-shrub indigenous to the elevated regions of Arabia Felix.

LEADING USES. – “Excitation of all the organic functions; increased irritability of the organs of sense – sight more acute, hearing more sensitive, taste finer, and sensorium more vivid; mobility of the muscles is increased, sexual desire is more excited, and even the nervous activity of the digestive and secretive organs is increased; hence a morbid sensation of excessive hunger, increased desire and facility of the alvine evacuations and of the emissions of urine” (see Stapf). In the sleeplessness, restlessness, and nervous disorders of children and females, it is a sovereign remedy, second only to Chamomilla.

NERVOUS SYSTEM. – Increased susceptibility to pain; sleeplessness, either from simple nervous wakefulness, or from agitation of mind or body, extreme anxiety, or mental labour; the wakefulness of children and old people is especially under its control. In the 3rd to 6th dilution, it is often most effectual in producing calm sleep.

HEAD. – Headache and Hemicrania commencing in the morning, the excessive sensitiveness, chilliness, nausea, and feeling as if a nail were driven into the parietal bone; Neuralgia of the right side of the head and face.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. – Nervous Palpitation, with irregular, intermittent pulse; oppression of the chest, as during an attack of Asthma.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. – Toothache, with great restlessness, flushed face relieved by cold water, and sometimes recurring every night; Pyrosis.

URINARY AND GENERATIVE SYSTEM. – Difficulty in passing urine; Strangury. Extreme sensitiveness and pain during menstruation and labour; irregular, spasmodic labour pains, with irritability; Hysteria, with alternate fits of liveliness and depression; flushes of heat, etc.

A spoonful or two of a strong decoction of coffee will often immediately relieve an acute Indigestion from overeating, especially when the stomach remains inactive and the food causes a painful sense of distension or cramp.

Coffee is also useful as an antidote to over-doses of Opium, Aconite, Belladonna, and many other vegetable poisons; for this purpose it may be given in frequently repeated doses of a strong infusion. Strong Coffee helps to keep awake persons poisoned with Opium.

As a beverage, Coffee should not be used more than once a day. In some, it occasions Palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, mental excitement, and Indigestion and by such should not be taken as a beverage at all.

37. – Colchicum Autumnale – Meadow Saffron.

LEADING USES. – Gout and gouty affections, characterized by paroxysms of acute tearing or lacerating pains, with irritated pulse; the rose-colour of the skin of the affected part becomes white on pressure; Nodosites; inflammatory irritation of the stomach, bowels, heart, or urinary organs of gouty persons; Asthma, Palpitation, and tearing pains in the heart, cutting pains in the bowels, etc., alternating with paroxysms of Gout; swelling, pain, heat, redness, and lameness in the extremities; neuralgic pains – tearing or lacerating – in the chest, abdomen, bowels, or anus, in persons having an arthritic diathesis; there may also be general debility, Dropsy, heat and dryness, or perspiration.

Colchicum, in drop-doses of the strong tincture, is one of the best remedies for preventing an immediately-threatened, or arresting a recently-developed attack of Gout. When there is circulatory excitement Aconite is often indicated at the beginning.

38. – Collinsonia Canadensis – Stone-root.

This plant is indigenous to the Northern American states, and is one of the “New American Remedies.”

LEADING USES. – Affections of the rectum. – Constipation and Piles-from congestion. It is also of service in some Rheumatic and cardiac affections. The Indians use it for the healing of sores and wounds; it is also used domestically in America as a poultice and wash, much as we use Arnica.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. – Blind or bleeding Piles and Constipation; Indigestion from loss of tone in the stomach with flatulence, Colic, and Spasms in the bowels; throbbing headache with fulness in the head, and many other disorders from constipation or Haemorrhoids; much straining and dull pain at stool; heat and itching of the anus; “haemorrhoidal Dysentery;” Diarrhoea of children, and Cholera Infantum, with Colic, Spasms, flatulence, and mucous, papescent, or watery discharges.

GENERATIVE SYSTEM (Female). – Dysmenorrhoea, Menorrhagia, prolapsus Uteri, and Leucorrhoea, when associated with haemorrhoidal troubles; Pruritus Vulvae, Constipation, or Piles, from Pelvic congestion, or during pregnancy. With the various affections there is considerable concurrent exhaustion; and most of the uterine troubles for which Collinsonia is curative are dependent upon diseases of the rectum or bowels.

39. – Colocynthis – Bitter Cucumber

This plant is a native of Turkey, Egypt, etc. It has been used in medicine from a remote period, and is supposed to be the wild gourd of Scripture. The pulpy or medullary matter surrounding the seeds yields the medicinal product, from which we make a straw coloured tincture, or a trituration.

LEADING USES. – Colic with Diarrhoea; Neuralgia. Pain in its most essential indication.

NERVOUS SYSTEM. – Neuralgic Hemicrania, with sensation as if the head were in a vice, and pressive or burning, cutting pain in the eye-ball; violent stitches in the forehead and eyes, from within outwards: Facial Neuralgia, chiefly on the left side, with Headache and Toothache – the pains being tearing, stitching aggravated by warmth and motion, and occurring periodically. Sciatica – the pain being lancinating, and darting down the leg from the hip to the foot, worse when raising the limb, but better with continued exercise; and especially when Diarrhoea and colicky pain also exist.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."