Materia Medica

EXTERNAL USE-(See formulae following the “Clinical Directory”) Rhus is an efficacious remedy as an external application in Sprains, injuries to ligaments, tendons, etc., especially when the indications above pointed out are present.

The injuries generally arise from mis-steps, twists, efforts made in an unusual posture, etc. It bears the same relation to a strain, that Arnica does to a bruise. Extensive superficial Burns, the Stings of insects, old chillblains, and sometimes Warts, are relieved or cured by the use of Rhus, given internally and used externally. In skin disease, intolerable burning and itching are special indications for its use.

879.-Ruta Graveolens-Garden-rue

LEADING USES-Rheumatism, and Strains of the wrist and ankle; bruised pains in the bones, joints, and cartilages, worse during rest; laming pain in the tendo-achillis; Ganglion; Bunion. eyes.-Weakness of sight from over-exertion of the eyes, as in reading or sewing, Digestive System.-Aching, gnawing Gastralgia; Worms in children, with vomiting and colic. It has a marked action on the rectum and should be remembered in cases of in operable chance of that region. Generative Organs-Menorrhagia, with hysteric spasms and head symptoms.

EXTERNAL USE-As a lotion to bruises instead of Arnica, when the latter remedy produces Erysipelas in the patient, and when the Contusion is more of bone than of soft parts. It also assists in the uniting of fracture when that process goes on tardily.


We prepare a tincture, using rectitude spirit, from the fresh leaves and points of shoots of cultivated plants.

LEADING USES-In Menorrhagia we prescribe this drug with great confidence, when the discharge is bright red; also to check profuse Hemorrhage after parturition or miscarriage.

In those cases, the occurrence of bladder or rectal irritation is an additional indication for Sabina. Even in threatened miscarriage, in the third or fourth month, with heat and soreness, this remedy is often successful. The drug is also given in Leucorrhoea and for Dysuria.

Further, Sabina is sometimes prescribed for recent rheumatic or neuralgic pains, and Osteo-arthritis, and also for growths resulting from gonorrhoea.

Sabina and Crocus-The haemorrhages curable by these remedies differ in their colour and consistency; those of the former are bright red and fluid, but those of the latter are dark and clotted.

81.-Sanguinaria Candensis-Blood-root.

Sanguinaria belongs to the poppy tribe, and is thus related to Opium.

LEADING USES-It is one of the leading remedies in headaches, and also in affections of he respiratory organs.

NERVOUS SYSTEM-The type of headache is one which begins at the back of the head and comes forward and settles over the right eye. Another type is the periodical sick-headache, beginning in the morning, increasing during the day, and lasting till evening. the head feels as if it must burst, or as if the eyes would be forced out.

RESPIRATORY ORGANS-Fluent Coryza frequent sneezing, worse right side. Nasal polypi. Hay fever. Short, difficult breathing. Cough caused by tickling in throat-pit, or tickling in stomach. Sputum difficult to raise, thick, rust coloured. Pneumonic Influenza.

CHEST-Sanguinaria has relieved and even now and then appeared to cure cases of mammary tumour and mammary cancer, especially of the right side.

LOCOMOTORY SYSTEM-Sanguinaria relieves many rheumatic pains, especially of bright side, Pain in the right shoulder especially indicates it.

82.-Secale Cornutum-Ergot-Ergot of Rye-Spurred Rye

A tincture is prepared from the freshly -fathered ERgot collected before the rye is harvested.

LEADING USES-Secale is prescribed especially in Menstrual colic and Dysmenorrhoea, (*SECALE IN DYSMENORRHOEA-) with labour-like pains in the back, pressure on the bladder, etc,; preceding the discharge; Miscarriage; Spasmodic labour pains, and exhausting, unremitting after-pains. Caulophyllum influences the uterus in a manner similar to Secale.

The annexed case from the author’s note-book shows the conditions in which Scale may be prescribed with excellent results:- Mrs. E., age.47, consulted me for painful and profuse monthly period. She describes the pains as labour -like and agonizing, just as the menses are coming on; the discharge is pale at first, and comes away in little pieces, which cause real agony; afterwards it is dark and passes freely; but at present it is green and foetid. Often she has Leucorrhoea just before the monthly discharge, e and this seems to weaken her more than menstruation. She also has a painful swollen vein in the calf of the leg, which begin to enlarge a week before, and at the period as is as large as an egg, quite black, and excessively painful. Prescribed.

Secale, guttae xx. aq.3 iv.

A dessertspoonful of the mixture thrice daily.

In a few days she reported entire cessation of the pain under the use of the remedy; the painful swelling of the calf subsided, and her digestion, appetite, etc., correspondingly improved.

She continued under treatment for several months, but had no return of the painful symptoms.

Secale was the only remedy prescribed except Nux v., which as given for co-existing dyspeptic symptoms.)

Dr. E. M. Hale make the following statements respecting the action of the drug:-

“I. Secale has no curative caution with which are yet acquainted upon the virgin uterus, or upon the uterus undeveloped by normal or abnormal processes. But whenever the urine muscular fibre is normally or abnormally hypertrophied, then may Secale be indicated.

“2. The primary action of Secale on the health years is to induce a condition of congestion, and so irritate the muscular tissue and it nervous supply, as to cause that tissue to become abnormally developed.”

And the diseases simulated are, merely, “acute and recent irritations of the uterus occurring in previously healthy persons, but of a constitutionally lax and irritable temperament; Haemorrhage of bright red blood, generally clotted, flowing intermittently, with heavy, passage and remittent, or spasmodic, expulsive and intermittent pain. The pulse is hard and quick; there is Headache and fullness in the head. The uterus is always larger than natural, it tissues hypertrophied, but not relaxed or flabby.”

“3. The secondary action of Secale is a condition of passive Congestion, passive Haemorrhage, a cachectic or atonic condition, and a paralysis of the motor and sensory nerves of the uterus. It is indicated when Haemorrhage occur in feeble, cachectic women, made so from some dyscrasia of the system. There may be generally coldness while the patient feels warm, and does not wish to be covered the pulse indicates feverishness; the Haemorrhage is passive, dark-coloured, and continuous seldom clotted, sometimes offensive, and the slightest motion aggravates the flow. Cramps in the legs, jerking in the muscles, and the melancholic depression.”

83.- Sepia Succus-Inky Juice of the cuttle-fish

The Sepiae are mollusca of the seas. In the abdominal cavity is a sac containing a dark-brown juicy substance, with which the animal darkness the water to elude an enemy, or to capture prey. This liquid, dried, is inert when crude; but powerful properties are developed by trituration.

LEADING USES-Chronic functional disease of women.

Head-Periodic congestive Headache, with sticking, heavy pain, and sometimes nausea, and Vomiting; Hysteria; flushes of heat. Respiratory System.-Cough, with grayish white and salty expectoration; some catarrhal affections of he air-tubes. digestive System-Constipation, prolapsus and haemorrhoidal fullness, associated with uterine derangements. Generative System-Scanty Menstruation, Leucorrhoea, and Menorrhagia, from venous congestion; Amenorrhoea, a with gastric derangement, weariness, and palpitation. Retroversion, etc., of the uterus; subacute state of gonorrhoea in female;s Skin.-Itching pimples, producing a roughness and cracking of the skin, principally affecting the joints; perception under the arms and on the soles of the feet, having a peculiar smell in nervous women; Ringworm.

CHARACTERISTICS-Sepia is best adapted to anaemic and cachetic women of delicate organization, torpid functional action, who are liable to skin-affections, are sensitive to cold air, apt to be chilly, suffer from uterine derangement, mental depressions and physical exhaustion, are of mild disposition, and inclined to melancholy and tears, but rendered worse by attempts at consolidation and consequently apt to take a dislike to relatives and friends.

There is generally an aggravation of symptoms in the morning on getting up.

84.-Silicea-Siliceous Earth-Flint.

Silica is insoluble tin water, acid, and nearly all liquids hence it is of no service to the physician will trituration has developed its great latent curative virtues.

LEADING USES-Disorders, generally chronic and organic rather than function, affecting the cellular, mucous, lymphatic and osseous systems. In its influence over suppuration-promoting when necessary, and controlling when excessive-silica is probably second to not other remedy. Tests thinks it is especially suited to fat persons, of a lymphatic -sanguine temperament.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."