Materia Medica

OSSEOUS SYSTEM-The well-known action of Phosphorous in causing necrosis of bone is utilized by homoeopathists in cases where active necrosis exists from other causes, in Rickets and in bony tumours. The combination of Phosphorous with Calcarea-Calcarea Phosphorica-is especially useful where in the growth of children is defective and where teeth are slow in coming through.

SKIN-Diseases of the skin in the neighbourhood of the lower jaw; fistulous Ulcers, with fever; Chilblains, from which a foetid watery secretion exudes, in tubercular females.

72.-Phytolacca Decandra-Poke weed.

Poke -weed is another of the America remedies. The roots, leaves, and berries are the parts used in medicine.

LEADING USES-Affections of the throat; Abscess, Fistula, and irritability of mammary gland; chronic Rheumatism. There is a remarkable similarity between the effects of Phytolacca and Kali Hydroiodicum, Mercurius and Mezereum.

HEAD, NOSE, ETC.-Dull, heavy Headache in the forehead, vertex and occiput, with yawning; syphilitic headache; acute Coryza; Ozaena and syphilitic Ulceration of the nose.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM-Hoarseness and Aphonia, with great dryness and sense as of a lump in the throat; cough day and night, with feeling as of an ulcerated spot in the windpipe above the breast-bone incipient catarrhal affections of the throat. In these, and diphtheritic affections, we have repeatedly found it of the greatest value administered as a wash or gargle-twenty- five drops of the tincture to a quarter of a pint of water. Diphtheria, and diphtheritic inflammation of the throat, commencing with roughness or rawness of the throat, choking sensation from swelling of the soft palate and tonsils, and fiery redness of the velum palati. Phytolacca is also very well indicated in sore throat, characterized by an eruption of white spots on the tonsils (Follicular Tonsillitis). This is frequently mistaken for diphtheria. For sore throat accompanying epidemic influenza, and for influenza itself, even the characteristic toothache, phytolacca is often specific.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM-Mercurial ptyalism and pains in the teeth; Toothache, with inflammation of the gums and mouth; difficult Dentition; darkish red inflammation of the the fauces, swelling of the tonsils, with superficial Ulcers, and thick white mucus; Scarlatina, with glandular enlargements, ulcerated throat, hoarseness, etc.

Vomiting, coming on very slowly, preceded by nausea, prostration, yawning, etc.; soreness and pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy; Constipation in the aged, or in feeble persons with weak, intermittent heart’s action, and relaxed muscle; frame; Ulceration of the rectum; Fissure and Prolapsus of the Anus, etc.

URINARY SYSTEM-Urine diminished, afterwards increased, and becoming albuminous; Albuminuria, as in Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria, etc.

GENERATIVE SYSTEM-Loss of sexual desire, relaxation of the genitals, and Impotence; obstinate Gonorrhoea and Gleet; secondary and tertiary Syphilis; nightly pains in the tibia, with Nodes. Metrorrhagia; excoriated or cracked nipples Inflammation swelling, hardness or morbid sensitiveness of the breasts; (*Poke-weed is in constant use in the dairies of America, to disperse “caking” or inflammatory enlargements of the udders, and to regular abnormalities in the milk of cows; and it has been most successfully used in the case of women, even after suppuration of the gland has set in and sinuses have formed.) Mammary abscess and fistulous opening of the breast; morbid sensitiveness and tenderness for the breasts during menstruation or sucking. In Mammary Abscess, cracked nipples, etc., it should be used as a lotion, as well as administered internally.

SKIN, ETC. (internal and external use)-Boils, for which a professional correspondent states it to be specific chronic ulcers and eruptions; Tinea Capitis; Whitlow, Felon, and chronic syphilitic cutaneous disease.

RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS-Chronic Rheumatism, with heavy aching and coldness in the affected limb, the pain being worse in warmth and in damp weather, with co-existing glandular enlargements; joints swollen; tender, red, and shining, with extreme pain on movement, worse at night; rheumatism of the hip-joint; Stiff- neck; Lumbago; and rheumatic and neuralgic affections of the lower extremities.

73.-Plantago-Plantago major.

This is common Plantain.

LEADING USES-Plantain is a popular remedy for toothache in Switzerland, and homoeopaths have proved that its reputation is not without good foundation. Given internally in the first centesimal potency it has cured many cases to toothache and earache. As a local application the teta tincture is of value in all kinds of neuralgia when painted on the painful part or along the course of the painful nerve.

74.-Platina, Platinum oxide

After being purified, we make trituration of the substance.

LEADING USES-Nervous affections, with depression, apprehensiveness, especially in women, associated with pelvic disease. Its most characteristic mental symptom is a self- centered condition that leads to contempt of the claims of others.

NERVOUS SYSTEM-Depression of spirits and Melancholy even to the fear of death, with anguish about the heart; Neuralgia with numbness; Hysteria; sleeplessness from nervous excitement; religious Melancholy. It is especially suited to dark- complexioned females of spare habit, liable to Neuralgic Headaches, and profuse or premature menstruation or watery Leucorrhoea. Digestive System-Flatulence and Constipation. Generative System-Chronic congestion of the ovaries; induration nd Prolapsus of the womb; Condylomata; Metrorrhagia, with sensation as of something alive in the abdomen (of. Crocus).


We use the metal itself-P. Metallicum; the Carbonate-P. Carbonicum; or the Acetate-P. Aceticum; their action being similar.

LEADING USES-Chronic dull Headache, with depressed spirits, weeping mood, tendency to Paralysis, and Constipation; blue margins on the gums, with sponginess and shrinking as in some cases of Phthisis; wasting of the body similar to that caused by leading poisoning, with Palsy, Epilepsy, Neuralgia, or Anaesthesia; Hyperaesthesia with Paralysis: Melancholy; obstinate Constipation, the faeces bring dry, shaped like balls, with spasmodic constriction of the sphincter ani; Colic, relieved by pressure on the abdomen. with Constipation, like Lead-colic; Granular degeneration of the Kidney.

Lead colic (*See Section 164) or Painter’s colic is best treated by Opi., Alumina, or Platina, according to the symptoms.

76.-Podophyllum Peltatum-May Apple-Mandrake.

This plant, of the genus Mandragora, has been supposed it be the same as that of which we read in the Scriptures as the mandrake. Its fruit, which is found and yellow, like a small orange, is very fragrant and luscious, and is eaten in the East by women desirous of offspring. Among the Cherokee Indians the root is used to expel worms; and all Indian tribes are found of the fruit. The tuberous root is the official portion.

LEADING USES-This drug may also be regarded as a polycrest, for it orange of action is very extensive.

It very powerfully irritates the Mucous tissues and their associated glands, especially those of the digestive tract; it is therefore homoeopathic to Enteritis, Gastritis, and occasionally to Bronchitis and Urethritis. In connection with the glandular system it is a close analogue of Mercury, Iodine, Iris, etc. “When taken up into the circulation, it is capable to causing irritation, inflammation, and even suppression of almost any glandular organ or structure” (Hale).

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-Slow, or scarcely perceptible pulse: chilliness, followed by fever and disturbed sleep. It is well adapted to a depressed state of the heart and arteries, and to a low tone of the vital energies of the whole system. Here it is similar to Veratrum.

FEVERS-In Typhus and Enteric fevers it is often indicated the drowsiness by day and the restlessness by night which attend “bilious attacks:’ and often precede various fevers, point to Podophyllum. In intermittents it is not of much value; through for febrile symptoms which end to recur in the morning, and are therefore remittent in their character, it may be found useful.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM-The action on the mouth is specific and noteworthy. In toxic doses it produces Salivation; hence it is homoeopathic to that condition even when it has been produced by the action of Mercury. It has also been known to cure nursing Sore-mouth, Canker in the mouth, etc. The liver Dr. Hale believes it to be a direct stimulant of the liver, and homoeopathic to acute irritation, contusion, and inflammation of that organ, bilious Diarrhoea and hepatic pains.

Podophyllum is indicated in the diarrhoea which is accompanied by complete jaundice, and that which alternates with Constipation also where the stools, through natural are too frequent. Colitis, Dysentery, especially with Prolapsus Ani, choleric Diarrhoea, Haemorrhoids, and other inflammatory diseases of the intestinal tact, require this remedy.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."