Materia Medica

General System. Sweat about the head only, and general tenderness of the surface-symptoms of Rickets; Hahnemann mentions sweat about the head as an indication of the drug. Phthisis Pulmonalis and Chronic Bronchitis, with very profuse expectation, Hectic fever, etc. Digestive System-decay of the teeth, and Toothache from that source, the pain being increased by warm food, and by inhalation of cold air, and most violent at night. Glandular System-Cachetic conditions in which the glands not only enlarge, but go on to slow, torpid suppuration. Osseous System- Caries and exfoliation of bones Tabes Dorsalis. Cellular System- Enlargement and White-swelling of joints; Enchondroma; Ganglia; Housemaids knee (also Ruta) whitlow (probably the best remedy); Tuberculous Abscesses and Ulcers, spongy and readily bleeding, or torpid with callous edges, and secreting unhealthy pus. Skin.- Eruptions from a diseased condition of the sebaceous follicles, characterized by a secretion of yellowish lymph, forming incrustations; Impetigo; suppressed, or excessive, perspiration of feet, etc. The drug appears to cause a leucocytosis or increase in the number of white blood corpuscles, and may increase body resistance to disease in this way.

85.- Spigelia Anthelmia-Animal Worm-Grass- Pink-root.

This plant is a native of the West Indies and South America. We make a tincture of the dried herb.

LEADING USES.- Rheumatic affections of the heart; neuralgic Headache, involving the eyes and teeth; and some worm-affections.

Eyes.- Severe pain in and around the eyes, extending deep into the socket, with great sensitiveness to light; severe Photophobia from ciliary nervous irritation; Conjunctivitis and Iritis in children of a strumous diathesis. Face, Teeth, etc.-Darting, stabbing, or lacerating pains in the face, with similar pains in the heart. Toothache or Faceache with palpitation; similar pains down the arms; neuralgic Hemicrania, the pain being increased by motion, noise, and stooping; neuralgia of the trigemini in cold, damp weather. Circulatory System.- Heart disease, (*In a case of Heart Disease which occurred some time ago in our own practice, the patient being an old man who was intensely Rheumatic, Spigelia acted with marvellous rapidity and curative power, after recovery had been despaired of. The violent “thumping,” painful oppression, Dyspnoea, etc., declined most satisfactorily, and the patient, a Bath-chair man, was enabled to follow his usual outdoor occupation. either simple, or as a complication of acute articular Rheumatism; chronic rheumatic affections of the heart, with violent action of the heart, irregular pulse; Angina Pectoris. Digestive System.- Worm-affections, with Vertigo, forgetfulness, depressed spirits, Palpitation, pinching Colic, itching at the anus, Enuresis, and lassitude.

86.- Spongia Marina Tosta-Roasted Sponge.

This medicinal produce is obtained by roasting the best Turkey Sponge. Iodine is a considerable ingredient in the composition of Spongia; nevertheless, the two remedies may not be used indiscriminately; for the former has a much wider range of action.

LEADING USES.- Affections of the larynx, trachea, testes, and ovaries. Respiratory System.- Dryness of the larynx; with dry, hard, barking Cough, worse at night, and excited a by a tickling and burning sensation; Hoarseness, with dry Cough, and obstructed breathing; Laryngitis; laryngeal Phthisis; catarrhal Croup (in alternation with Aconite); painful, dry, hoarse, and Croup Cough, such as frequently precedes, or follows Croup; Bronchocele, and goitrous enlargements in children and young girls not requiring Iodium. Generative System.- Orchitis, the swelling being painful, and aching much, especially when unsupported; Menorrhagia in weakly women, etc.

87.- Staphisagria-Stave’s acre-Palmated Larkspur.

We make a tincture from the seed of this plant.

LEADING USES.- Nervous System.- Nervous Headache, with constrictive, boring, or pressive pains in the forehead, and acute stitches in the temples; Neuralgia of the face and forehead, on both sides; neuralgic pains of the shoulder-joints and arms. Eyes.- Smarting pain in the eyes, coming on in the evening; some ophthalmic conditions; Stye, to prevent recurrence.

Digestive System.- Toothache from decayed teeth stumps, aggravated by cold air, cold drinks, or eating the teeth rapidly decay, become black, exfoliate and the gums easily bleed; Genito- Urinary System.- Irritability and Catarrh of the bladder; Nocturnal Emissions with sexual excitement; drawing sensation in the spermatic cord, and aching pain in the testes from walking; Impotence.

Staphisagria is useful in cases of violent outbursts of temper; or where patients suffer ill-effects from restrained temper. It is also a powerful vulnerary as in cases after cutting operations.

88.- Stramonium – Thorn Apple.

A dark greenish-brown tincture is made from the fresh plant when in flower and fruit, or a yellowish one from the seeds.

LEADING USES.- Affections of the brain and nervous system. It resembles the action of Belladonna, but while the Congestion to the head is less, the Delirium is more ferocious.

Nervous System.- Dementia, especially of drunkards and epileptics; acute Mania, and Delirium tremens. It frequently removes the raving excitement, e induces sleep, from which the patients awake quite rational. In Epilepsy and Chorea it is one of the best vegetable medicines, but often requires, in chronic cases, to be supplemented by one of the mineral remedies.- Zincum met., Cuprum, etc. Chorea. Stammering and stuttering, local forms of Chorea, may, according to Teste, be greatly benefited by a prolonged use of Stramonium Respiratory System.- Spasmodic Asthma. For this affection Stramonium has been principally used in the form of smoke by old school practitioners. In this way it has a palliative action during the attacks. Generative System, Nymphomania; and Puerperal Mania.

89.- Sulphur – Sulphur – Brimstone.

Sulphur is a constituent element of various organic substances, as the albumen of eggs, etc.; it is found in some plants, but most abundantly in minerals and mineral waters. The substance is of a pale yellow colour, is insipid, inodorous, insoluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol, but more freely soluble in either. We make a trituration from the washed Flowers of Sulphur; also an alcoholic tincture which contains about one per cent. of the drug.

LEADING USES.- Disease of the skin and mucous membranes, especially when such diseases depend on chronic disorders of metabolism or profound poisons such as tubercle; febrile deceases such as Small-pox, Measles Scarlet fever, when the exanthem does not readily appear (*On this point Dr. Nankivell thus writes us:- “It is most valuable when the exanthem does not readily appear; I have noticed its brilliant effects in the incipient stage of Small-pox, when the head was severely affected with intense pain, and in a state threatening Coma.”) ill health of children and others, of which the causes is obscure, especially where associated with alternate Constipation and foetid Diarrhoea.

Sulphur is very valuable (1) in commencing the treatment of many chronic diseases; (2) as an intercurrent remedy, of the joints, chronic Hydrocephalus, glandular enlargements, chronic Gout and Rheumatism, Phthisis, etc.; (3) when the organism fails to respond to the action of the remedies which are homoeopathic to the condition; a dose or two of Sulphur will often arouse the dormant energies, and render the system susceptible to the medicines indicated; and (4) after acute disease in any organ. “When the part is left gorged with venous blood, and the arterial blood has not recovered its due balance, Sulphur completes the cure.” In all deep-seated chronic maladies it is of essential service either as the main remedy, or as an adjunct to others. It is best given for the these purposes in single doses at considerable intervals. If given too continuously it ceases to do good and may delay recovery.

NERVOUS SYSTEM.- Neuralgic shooting pains, chronic Headache, trembling, weakness, rigidity of the joints etc.-arising from repelled cutaneous disease; hot flushes down the spinal column; Nightmare with Palpitation, in cachectic persons, etc.

HEAD.- Chronic Headache, with Congestion-aching fulness, and Vertigo. The Harrogate waters, if drunk injudiciously, are said to be capable of bringing on Apoplexy; hence the homoeopathicity of Sulphur to some cases of chronic congestive Headaches. The plethora characteristic of Sulphur is essentially a venous plethora. Chronic Hydrocephalus.

EYES.- Tubercular Ophthalmia, with superficial Corneitis, the pinkish zone well marked around the edge of the cornea, and photophobia (Mercurius, Spigelia)- Angell, Scurfiness of the eyelids; Stye; chronic sore eyelids, with itching and smarting, in unhealthy persons.

EARS.- Sores behind and about the ears, with itching; partial deafness with roaring noises, and sweating or moisture and frequent itching in the ears.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."