Materia Medica

STRYCHNIA-Strychnine-the chief alkaloid of Strychnos Nux Vomica- is largely used by allopaths, but much less by homoeopaths, since it has not so wide and varied a curative range as Nux Vomica, its influence been, it is believed chiefly limited tot he cord, and scarcely reaching the brain. Our use of its is almost strictly confined to the more violent spasmodic and tetanic affections. Phosphate of Strychnine is valuable in rheumatic affections of the aged, with stiff and weak muscles, and tendency to painful Cramps.

70.-Opium -Papaver Somniferum-Poppy

The Poppy, and preparations from it have been used for medical purposes from the remote antiquity. The Opium we use is obtained from Turkey and Egypt. Opium smoking and eating, when once the habit is formed, soon becomes an all -absorbing passion. The late Dr. Bayes said that when he resided on the borders of Lincolnshire, he saw a great deal of the opium eating and laudanum-drinking which was carried on there.

“The chemists in those districts sell immense quantities of Opium, in its crude state, every market day, rolled into little sticks, in pennyworths and two-pennyworths. I have seen fen- ferments who were in the habit of buying Laudanum by the half – pint or even more, every visit to their market-town. The habit is first commenced to allay the feeling of extreme slowness of spirits and bodily depression which affects the ague-stricken where Intermittent fever is fully developed.” A Cachetic state of the body, and derangement of most of its functions, is generally noticed in those who habitually use the drug, “and in them the slightest scratch often degenerates into a foul and ill- conditioned Ulcer.”

Besides its prejudicial use by adults, we would strongly condemn its employment, in the form of Paregoric and Laudanum, as a means of quieting young children, in worm it produces most injurious, and very often fatal, results; its use in such instances is, more introduced Aconite, Belladonna, Charm., Coffea, etc., as safe and potent means of removing, not stifling, the conditions which give rise to infantile troubles.

LEADING USES-Heaviness with Headache, and great sleeplessness after meals in apoplectic patients; chronic Constipation or to rapidity of the bowels.

NERVOUS SYSTEMS-Apoplexy, with slow, full pulse, stertorous- breathing; certain cases of Delirium tremens; Convulsions of children from fright; “acute Fevers characterized by a sopor bordering upon stupor, and by absence of any complaint; snoring with the mouth open open, half-jerking of the limbs, and burning heat of the perspiring body:” (Hahnemann); Types, with partial Suppression of urine, and sleepiness; unconquerable drowsiness, followed by Sleeplessness, Headache, Headache, listlessness, chilliness, etc.; stupefying, unrefreshing sleep, breathing; Coma, Coma, with get difficulty in arousing the patient (when slight, Belladonna is useful); Headache with heaviness, throbbing of the arteries, redness of the face, sleepiness after meals, with contraction of the pupils, especially in persons predisposed to Apoplexy, or who drink alcoholic liquors largely.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM- Dyspepsia of drunkards, whose digestive organs seem to have lost all tone; obstinate Constipation, from utter torpidity and inaction of the intestines, and “when little or no inconvenience is felt from the want of action;” Lead-colic and Constipation: incarcerated Hernia.

URINARY SYSTEM-Paralytic retention of urine, especially in young children and aged persons.

SKIN-Sudden retrocession of acute eruptions, accompanied by brain-symptom’s characteristic of the drug.

SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS-Torpidity or inactivity stamps the whole system, with mental and physical; medicines indicated seem to be inert till Opium has aroused the dormant energies.


Phosphorus is an irritant poison, as it effects on persons employed in lucifer match manufactories sufficiently prove; it often causes Necrosis of the lower sufficiently prove; or often cause Necrosis of the lower jaw; Gum boils; falling out of the teeth; shrinking of the gums, so that the diseased jaw is seen. When the inflammation extends, the result is not unfrequently fatal.

LEADING USES.-Organic disease of the liver; inflammation of the lungs; Jaundice in Yellow and other fevers, with black vomit; Fatty degeneration of the heart, liver, muscles, etc.; adynamic fevers, with prostration, hiccough, cold extremities, clammy sweats in the face and emaciation; typhoid conditions in various diseases, with parched and cracked, or blackish glazed tongue; consequence of sexual excesses; Marasmus; disease of bone; Hectic fever.

SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS.-A pale, sickly, sallow, or bloated appearance of the face, prostration of the nervous system, pains in the joints, tendency to lung disease, quite lowness of spirits, and gradual wasting.

NERVOUS SYSTEM.-Neuralgia; even severe and otherwise intractable cases are generally benefited by it. Functional Paralysis and Epilepsy, from debilitating causes, sexual excesses, want, etc; progressive Spinal Paralysis, the brain being undisturbed; Hemiplegia in aged persons, with creepings in the paralysed parts; thick urine; weakness of children who are late in walking; Marasmus, trembling, general debility, and depression of spirits.

HEAD, EYES, EARS, ETC.-Hemicrania, with swelling, inflammation, and intense painfulness of the affected part; chronic conjunctivitis; Amaurosis, with lancinating pains through the eye-balls, and deep-seated pains in the orbits; Deafness in tuberculous females and children, with humming, whizzing noises in the ears, dryness, and occasional oozing of greenish mucus; chronic Catarrh; with inflammation of the nose, and foetid discharge of greenish mucus.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM-Cough, with general irritation in the chest; hacking, wasting Cough, with expectoration of rusty -coloured or greenish, and sometimes, foetid sputa; Cough and chest- troubles, with similar symptoms occurring in, or following Enteric, Typhous, and other fevers;sense of heat or sharp pain during inspiration; Chronic Cough, with tough reddish brown expectoration; chronic Bronchitis, with much constitutional disturbance, soreness of the air-passages frothy and bloody or purulent expectoration, emaciation Septic temperature,. etc.; Lobar Pneumonia, or Pneumonia of Enteric fever, the cough causing soreness, expectoration of mucus and blood; Broncho-Pneumonia (Ant-Tart); Pleuro-Pneumonia (Bry); Phthisis Pulmonalis, in the early state, also during the course of the disease; it reliefs Congestion, quiets the Cough, moderates Diarrhoea, etc.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM-Decay of teeth in the lower jaw; especially when the caries extend to, or arise from, the jaw itself, with inflammation of the gums; tendency to gumboils; irregularity of teething in the lower jaw-especially in tubercular children with chronic Diarrhoea, tendency to Mesenteric disease; Cardialgia, with frequent Vomiting, sense of heat in the stomach; Diarrhoea with straining hunger, with emaciation, white-coated tongue etc.: desire for cold stinks, which are frequently vomited some time alter; impaired digestion from sexual excesses, with great weakness; Gastro-enteris and disease of the stomach, ulceration, etc., involving emaciation of he patient; chronic Diarrhoea, watery or colliquative, in nervous patients and children; milk Diarrhoea of Phthisis disease of the live in which the functions of the organs are suspended; Cirrhosis, obstructive jaundice, acute Atrophy of the liver, (* It is now well known that a condition of fatty atrophy or degeneration of the liver is produced by poisoning by Phosphorus. “It is most remarkable that in a very short space of time, a few hours or days,” writes Dr. Habershon, “not only is Jaundice produced, but the livercells become loaded with oil-globules.” This remarkable action from Phosphorus poisoning so well known to our allopathic brethren, is happily equaled by its curative effects in fatty degeneration of the liver and jaundice, now so well attested by the homoeopathic profession) etc.; malignant Jaundice, burning distress in the stomach, black vomit; acute fatty degeneration of tear liver.(*It is now well known that a condition of fatty atrophy or generation of the liver is produced by poisoning by Phosphorus. “It is most remarkable that in a very short space of time, a few hours or days, writs Dr. Habershon, “not only is Jaundice produced, but the livercells become loaded with oil-globules.” This remarkable action from Phosphorus poisoning so well known to our allopathic brethren, is happily equaled by its curative effects in fatty degeneration of the liver and jaundice, now so well attested by the homoeopathic profession.) chronic Jaundice.

URINARY SYSTEM-Thick, turbid and scanty urine; in typhoid conditions; high coloured and frothy urine; Bacilluria; Albuminuria; Nephritis.

GENERATIVE SYSTEM-Spermatorrhoea, emissions weakening the patient; erections with too speedy emissions Impotence; Satyriasis. Amenorrhoea or scanty menses with pale, sallow, waxy-looking complexion, and strumous constitution; chronic Inflammation of the breasts, with fistulous opening.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."