Materia Medica

48. – Ferrum Phosphoricum. – Phosphate of Iron.

LEADING USES. – Ferrum phos. is valuable in the debility of children with failing appetite, and when from being sprightly, buoyant, and gay, they become dull, languid, and listless, refusing to joint in out-door amusements that were previously much enjoyed. There is some pain in the forehead or stomach, a tendency to Constipation, and slightly furred tongue, but no evidence of worms, or any apparent disease. Although the flesh remains firm, there is loss of weight and strength. In this detail (abridged) there is drawn a picture of symptoms infallibly to be met by the Phosphate of iron (Dr. Cooper). Phosphate of Iron not only improves the strength, but helps to increase the bodily development in a manner that no other remedy does, and if the bowels are confined, it brings them into proper order. This preparation of iron is valuable in diurnal Enuresis depending on irritation of the neck of the bladder, which is relieved when the pressure of the urine is taken off by recumbency.

49. – Gelseminum Sempervirens – Yellow Jessamine – Woodbine.

“This is one of the most beautiful climbing plants of the Southern States (America), ascending lofty trees and forming festoons from one tree to another, and, in its flowering season in the early spring, scenting the atmosphere wit its delicious odour. On account of its gorgeous yellow flowers, and the rich perfume which they impart, as well as the deep shade it affords, it is extensively cultivated in the gardens of the South as an ornamental vine” (Hale). We make a tincture from the root.

GENERAL USES. – Affection of the nervous and muscular systems. Its action seems to come between that of Aconite and Belladonna; and in some respects it is very similar to Chloroform. It is useful in acute pain in the muscles, as from long-continued exertion; the head-symptoms arising from heart-disease; cerebro-spinal Meningitis; Scarlatina Simplex, especially in children, with great restlessness, tendency to remittency, and when Aconite and Belladonna fail to bring out the eruption fully and bright; simple fevers of women and children when Aconite is not sufficient, or when there is condition of the brain beyond the reach of Aconite, yet not demanding Belladonna; Infantile Remittent Fever, and other Fevers having a remittent character, the evening exacerbations passing off without perspiration, and without dyspeptic symptoms; Measles in the early stage, with chilliness, thin, watery discharge from the nose, Hoarseness, etc.; tendency to Convulsions in children about the time of the eruption in Fevers; feverish conditions with great restlessness, and it is of the very greatest value in Influenza, especially when the catarrh and headache are prominent symptoms.

NERVOUS SYSTEM.- Nervous rigors with chattering of the teeth, and shivering, without chilliness, from fright, mental emotion, or Hysteria; Neuralgia, with nervous twitchings; feelings of lightness in the body; aches and pains in the back, shoulders, neck, etc., from spinal Congestion or irritation; excessive irritability; causeless nervous excitement of hysteric patients; semi-stupor, languor, and prostration from night-watching, etc.; sleeplessness and mental apathy of drunkards; hysterical insensibility and spasm; Catalepsy; Spasm of the glottis; Spasmodic Croup, when Aconite fails, or the brain is involved; Coma, and Apoplexy from intense passive Congestion; sleeplessness from mental excitement; drowsiness in hot weather, when not arising from deranged stomach or liver. In large doses, Gelsemium so paralyzes the muscular system, that while the patient is fully conscious he lies utterly powerless to open his eyes or his mouth; hence it is very useful in some local Paralyses, and notably in post-diphtheritic paralyses.

HEAD. – Passive, venous Cerebral Congestion, with dull Headache and Vertigo; Hemicrania-dim sight, double vision-and great sensitiveness to all sounds; nervous headache-the pain commencing in the neck and spreading thence over the whole head; sudden Headache, with dizziness, heaviness, dulness and a state of semi- stupor; Sunstroke with similar symptoms; Brain fever, when Aconite fails.

EYES, ETC. – Heaviness of the eyelids; Ptosis, caused by congestion of the brain; weakness of sight form over-exertion, with dimness, dryness, and double vision; heaviness in the head; paralytic Squinting; Amaurosis, from Congestion of the brain, with dilated pupils, or from worms, or from overdoses of Quinine, with black spots before the eyes; “thirst for light.” Roaring in the ears, with sudden deafness.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. – Excessive action of the heart from functional causes, and Palpitation, with heavy throbbing; affections of the head and eyes from heart-disease.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. – Nasal Catarrh. – discharge of watery fluid from the nose, with Hoarseness, Cough, soreness in the throat and chest; Spasm of the glottis, and Spasmodic Croup; spasmodic affections of the throat, as in hysteria; Paralysis of the glottis and other organs of the voice, whether or not after Diphtheria; Aphonia following Catarrh; affections “from relaxation from the return of hot weather after winter;” acute Bronchitis and Pneumonia in the first stage, when there is not the excitement calling for Aconite

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. – “Painful dentition, with sudden loud outcries, pulsating fontanelles, and feverishness”; Sore throat, with pain shooting up to the ears, and Deafness; Cramps and spasmodic conditions of the stomach; Congestion of the stomach- sense of a heavy load, with tension and dull pain; emptiness, “goneness,” or false hunger-a gnawing sensation. Diarrhoea, with bilious, papescent stools, much flatulence, and excess of nervous prostration; Dysentery, with inflammatory symptoms, from passive congestion of the liver, inducing languor, drowsiness, dulness, or depression, Headache, dimness of sight, etc.; Jaundice.

URINARY SYSTEM. – Enuresis in children and old persons, from Paralysis of the sphincter; Spasm of the bladder; Spasm of the ureter from the passage of a Calculus.

GENERATIVE SYSTEM. – Involuntary emissions without erection; flaccidity and coldness of the genitals; Gonorrhoea; Seminal weakness from emotional, or local congestive, causes; some cases of Spermatorrhoea and Spinal exhaustion, from Self-abuse. Congestive Amenorrhoea from cold; neuralgia or spasmodic Dysmenorrhoea; false pains, and after-pains; simple Menorrhagia, without other symptoms; spasmodic Gastrodynia of pregnant women; rigidity of the os uteri;* (*Dr. J.S. Douglas, of Milwaukee, has communicated to the author some striking cases of the relaxing effects of Gelsemium in rigid and unyielding os uteri in labour, as also in uterine Congestion and Puerperal Mania. He has had ten year’s experience in the use of this remedy in such cases, and states that it never disappoints him, especially in its relaxing influence on the os uteri). puerperal Convulsions.

SKIN. – Simple Erythema and Erysipelas, with slight Fever; evanescent eruptions resembling Measles.

50. – Glonoine – Nitro-Glycerine.

This is a preparation of Glycerine and Nitric Acid. Its explosive properties and commercial uses are well known. In the human body it acts as quickly as Prussic Acid.

LEADING USES. – Gloninum mainly affects the brain and cerebral circulation.

The following are the prominent symptoms: Congestive Headache, fulness, tightness, and Vertigo: Sunstroke, with sudden falling down, violent dizziness and distress; effects following sunstroke; congestive Headache at the climacteric period, and in Amenorrhoea from suppression; neuralgia and Puerperal Convulsions, as from fright, Hysteria, etc.; rush of blood with throbbing in the arteries of the neck, quickened pulse, etc. Bursting, throbbing pains, and sensations are a leading indication for its use.

51. – Graphites-Black-lead-Plumbago.

Triturations of this substance are used for the lower potencies.

LEADING USES. – Unhealthy condition of the skin – chronic eruptions, Ulcers, and Erysipelas; cracks, and excoriations; tetter. Constipation, with large and knotty stools, co-existing with a dry, harsh skin; delayed and scanty menses, especially with unhealthy states of the skin, and Constipation; swelling and indurations of the testicles, etc.

52. – Hamamelis Virginica – Witch-hazel.

This is an American plant, and we make a tincture from the bark and leaves.

LEADING USES. – Varicose Veins, Phlebitis, and Haemorrhage.

HEAD. – Headache, fulness, dull pain, and crowding pressure in the forehead and between the eyes, from venous Congestion, especially when leading to Epistaxis; bloodshot eyes from Whooping-cough. We have repeatedly found it of special value in Epistaxis.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. – Varicose veins, not ulcerated (internal and external use); varicose condition of the throat, the veins looking blue, with uneasy sensation in the parts, pain, and hawking up of mucus and blood; Inflammation of the veins, especially if associated with a varicose condition. Distended veins, associated with Arthritis. It has a distinct relation to the coats of the veins.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."