Materia Medica

Bowels-Slimy offensive Diarrhoea, excoriating the anus, especially in children; watery Diarrhoea, from cold, with heat and flatulence, chilliness, headache, foul taste, salivation, debility; bilious diarrhoea, with greens dark- brown, or excoriating evacuations, distention and soreness of the novels; water Diarrhoea, and emaciation; Diarrhoea of infants, with green motions, or like stirred eggs, flatulence etc.; Dysentery with discharge of bloody mucous, tenesmus or involuntary straining, chalky sediment in urine, and preceded by chilliness, colic, distention of abdomen etc., Dysentery with discharge of bloody mucus, tenesmus or involuntary straining, chalky sediment in urine, and preceded by chilliness, colic, distention of abdomen etc. for Dysentery Merc-Cor is most effectual. Inflammation of the caecum, colon, and rectum, with Ulceration; pains in the hip and sacrum from Haemorrhoids (also AEsculus) Dysentery, etc. For Cholera Infinitum, with Frequent white, watery stools, straining, and thirst, nausea etc., Mercurius-Dulcis, 3x. acts best. Constipation, following bilious Diarrhoea the faeces being dark- brown, or green, lumpy, and coffee with mucus or Constipation, with an occasional attack of bilious diarrhoea. Anus-Soreness of the anus, sharp striking pains, with oozing of serious fluid. Ascarides and lumbrici in patients having the characteristic cachexia inditing Mercurius. Peritonitis, with effusion.

URINARY SYSTEM-Nephritis, acute and chronic; Catarrh of the bladder; Albuminuria; Suppression of urine from acute Inflammation or Congestion frequent and painful urination.

GENERATIVE SYSTEM-Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the glands penis; swelling of scrotum, with erection of penis; coldness and shrinking of the genitals; Spermatorrhoea, and Gleet, in Cachetic subjects; Gonorrhoea; Chancre; syphilitic Sores; incipient buboes.

Purulent and corrosive Leucorrhoea, and Prolapsus of the vagina, with heat, pain, and soreness; profuse menstruation and deficient blood coagulability in patients presenting the Mercurial cachexia-general weakness and Wasting, OEdema, coldness paleness; short breath, etc.; Sore breasts in patients of a similar type.

Skin-Chronic sweating, sour for foetid; perspiration on the least exertion; vesicular and pustular eruptions;l cracking of the hands; tubercular and syphilitic erections and ulcers; Impetigo, Rupia and other destructive conditions; nightly itching or fine biting sensations without eruption (from approaching Jaundice).


Merc, Bin-iodatus, Goitre; glandular swellings also when such swelling occur during, or follow, scarlet Fever; chronic bronchitis in the strumous; Polypus of the nose; chronic Catarrh.

Merc-Corrosives-Ophthalmia. Gastritis, enteritis, Dysentery, Liver-disease, peritonitis, urinary affections, Gonorrhoea; Impetigo Capitis; some of f the syphilitic eruptions.

Merc-Cyanatus-The best all-round remedy in diphtheria. This must not be given in the lowest potencies. The best results have been recorded with attentions from 6 to 30.

Mercurius-Sulphuratus Ruber.-Cinnabars-Chronic Gonorrhoea; Gleet Chancre, and enlargement of the inguinal glands.

Mercurius-Sol. and Merc-Vivus are prescribed by many homoeopathic physicians indifferently, as the effects of both are nearly identical throughout. It was the Mercurius-Sol., however, that was proved by Hahnemann.

69.-Nux Vomica-Strychnos Nux Vomica-Vomit-nut.

This is the fruit of a tree of considerable size, indigenous to the Indian Archipelago, Southern India, Ceylon, etc. We use the seeds, from which, pulverized, we prepare an intensely bitter tincture or trituration, which, like other bitters, excites an increased secretion of saliva.

LEADING USES-Spasmodic affections of the nervous system; Dyspepsia with Constipation Intermittent fever, with predominance of dyspeptic symptoms, crampy pains, etc. It is pre-eminently suited to all affections of the nervous and digestive systems due to depression consequent on over-stimulation, as in immoderate straining of the nervous system by haste and worry of business, excessive study, anxiety, etc., or by the use of alcoholic drinks, coffee and other stimulants, Hence its adaptation to the ailments of the city man of business, the sedentary, the studious, and the intemperate.

Special Characteristics-Persons of spare habits, firm fibre, energetic and irritable disposition, dark complexion, who suffer from Constipation, or uneven action of the bowels, and wake up early in the morning with Headache, and crowding of ideas, falling again into a heavy, unrefreshing sleep, are generally most benefited by Nux Vomica. The symptoms generally occur, or are worse, very early in the morning-two or three o’clock -and are aggravated by good or mental exertion.

NERVOUS SYSTEM-Tetanus, without loss of consciousness tetanus, without loss of consciousness; tetanic Spasms, alternating with relaxation and Asphyxia; Spasms, pain, and weariness, with sensation in the joints as if bruised; trembling of the limbs as in drunkards; Epilepsy, the attacks being preceded by dizziness, and creeping itching sensations in. the face, as from insects, which are followed by violent jerks of the arms, ending in loss of consciousness convulsive movements excited by touch; morbid acuteness of the movements excited by touch; morbid acuteness of the senses; Paralysis of drunkards; early state of delirium Tremens; tendency to Apoplexy; neuralgic affections of he spinal nerves, with tingling, hard aching, sticking pains, aggravated by motion or contact, restless sleep, with frightful drams. Nightmare, mental depression, Hypochondriasis and other nervous diseases, associated with indigestion or Inebriation. According to Dr. Small, in sleeplessness of hypochondriac irritable with mental exercise, Nux Vom. is of great value; it quiets the nervous systems and produces sleep.

HEAD-Congestive Headache, worse after eating, with throbbing giddiness, flushed face, aching as if the head would split and stupefaction, often with nausea. Vomiting, or constipation, increased coughing or stooping, especially in strong, plethoric persons;l hysteric Hemicrania; Headache following intoxication; severe Headache beginning with dazzling of the sight; luminous vibrations seen a little distance from the eyes.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM-“Stuffy’ cold in the head; dry, racking, spasmodic Cough, causing soreness in the pit of the stomach, and aching of the head as if it would split. Cough associated with gastric or liver derangement; chronic Bronchitis of old persons, with profuse and difficult expectoration; Spasmodic Asthma, the muscles of the chest being rigid during the attack, the patient oppressed with anxiety, and complaints of soreness or aching under the breast bone, the paroxysm ending in copious vomiting of phlegm shocks and Palpitation of the heart during Asthma; Spasms of the heart.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM- Toothache, associated with indigestion or pregnancy spasmodic Hiccough and difficulty of swallowing Dyspepsia, the fore half of the tongue being comparatively clean, and the back apt coated with a deep fur; sour, foul, or bitter taste in the mouth; Flatulence; Heartburn; rising of a sour and bitter fluid; Water -brash (see also Lycopodium and Bryonia); “eructation of good soon after it is swallowed, without retching or straining, the food tasting much it did when swallowed;” Cardialgia; oppression of the stomach after eating, without depression of the spirits; ill-humour; sense of weight or pressure in the stomach,. with soreness and sensitiveness; acute Indigestion, from indigestible food, or after intoxication, with pain, retching and vomiting,; chronic indigestion, with crampy pain, or Spasms of the stomach or bowels, Flatulence, and Constipation; gnawing and sinking at the stomach; pain after the least food; aching in the epigastrium and hypochondrium; spasmodic vomiting and retching; morning vomiting of pregnancy; spasmodic and flatulent colic (see also Coloc and Iris) constipation, the action of the bowels being “: inharmonious and spasmodic, ” the patient having frequent ineffectual urging; spasmodic dysenteric attacks Hernia of women and children; Diarrhoea of infants when artificial food disagrees with them; Haemorrhoids with little tendency to haemorrhage but when the patient shows characteristic constipation and tendency to headache; a few doses of Sulphur at the commencement of treatment and occasionally inter-currently during treatment appear to reinforce the action of Nux Vom; Prolapsus, or Stricture of the anus, with Constipation; chronic Liver complaint, especially in aged persons.

URINARY SYSTEM-Spasms during the passage of urinary calculi;strangury, from chronic irritation of the lower portion of h spine; Incontinence of urine the lower portion of the spine; In continent of urine from paralysis of the sphincters.

GENERATIVE SYSTEM-Irritability of the male sexual organs, with emissions; spasmodic pains in the spermatic cord, with retraction of the testes. Spasmodic menstrual Colic, with premature, scanty discharge, cerebral congestion, and chilliness, dyspepsia, and other conditions as above; continual dribbling of the menses; Prolapsus of the uterus and vagina; Metritis; Leucorrhoea; Morning-sickness.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."